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Abstract This document explains briefly the convolution of signals with a system in continuous and

discrete time. In the case of continuous time signals we focus on two examples of signals, to illustrate in detail
as the convolution process occurs. To achieve this objective, has developed a program (platforms MATLAB)
that can graphically display how the entered functions (input signal and associated system) and the final form
of this function after being hit by your system (signal output) .
Index Terms signals, convolution, system, reverse signal, output signal.

III Theoretical approach

In this section we will discuss the theory on the convolution of signals with a system both
discrete time and continuous time. It is called a convolution function, linear and continuously
transforms an input signal into a new output signal.
Convolution helps us determine the effect of the system on the input signal. It can be seen that
the linear time-invariant system is completely characterized by its impulse response. At first
glance, this may seem little use, since impulse functions are not well defined in real
applications. However the momentum shift property tells us that a signal can be decomposed
into an infinite sum (integral) of scaled and shifted impulses. Knowing as a affects a simple
impulse system, and understanding the way a signal is covered by skalds impulses and added, it
sounds reasonable possible scale and add the impulse response to a system in order to determine
which output signal resulted from a particular entry. This is precisely what convolution does convolution determines the system output through knowledge of the input and the impulse
response of the system.
A. Continuous Systems:
In a one-dimensional system, it is said that g ( x ) convolved f ( x ) when

Where x ' is an integration variable.

The result of g ( x ) depends only on the value of f ( x ) at x , but not the position x . It is the
property that is called invariant position and is a necessary condition in the definition of
convolution integrals.
In the case of a continuous, two-dimensional function, as is the case of a monochrome image ,
the convolution of f ( x , y) g ( x , y) is :

g ( x , y) must meet the requirement not to vary the position x and y.

B. Discrete Systems:
In a discrete system , such as scanned images , the convolution of the function f ( x , y) g ( x , y) , where g
( x , y) is a matrix of M rows by N columns , is:

Where x = 0,1,2 , ... , M and y = 0,1,2 , ... , N


In terms of units handled when the convolution of a system is done, it should be noted that the
time be taken in seconds, or fractions thereof, always represented on the horizontal axis of the
graphs. On the other hand, the magnitude of the signal, will be represented on the vertical axis,
and correspond to the value that takes the function at the corresponding time point to.

{1} OPPENHEIM & WILSKY Seales y sistemas, II edicin.

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