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Glossary and explanations to the application forms for DAAD

scholarships for language courses (ISK & HSK)

for intensive course scholarships / Intensivsprachkursstipendien (ISK) and
for summer courses at universities Hochschulsommerkursstipendien (HSK) though you will and
should understand (most of) the form without the glossary.

1. Angaben zur Person

personal information


sex (male = mnnlich: female = weiblich)


city (postal) code


nationality (Nationalitt)

(inkl. Lnder- und Ortsvorwahl)

including national and city codes, eg. +972 - (0)2 - 1234567

Wen sollen wir im Notfall benachrichtigen?

Whom shall we inform in case of emergency?

2. Angaben zum bisherigen Werdegang - information about your academic career to date
Schul- und Hochschulbesuch;

Schools (3rd level only) and universities you have studied at


degree courses

(Studiennachweis bitte beifgen

please attach some evidence )

(Ignore this because you have to attach your university transcripts & grades in English)
Hauptfach / Nebenfach

Major (subject/degree course) / Minor (subject/degree course)

Voraussichtliches Ende des Studiums

When do you expect/intend to finish your degree/PhD?

Abgelegte Prfungen

~ degrees held, just fill in the dates when you finished a degree

please attach certificates - to be ignored!

(Nachweis bitte beifgen

Grade transcripts are sufficient!

(Dont get confused, all documents you need to attach to the application form are listed at 5. Beizufgende
Anlagen at the end of page 3)

duration of your studies, how many semesters/academic years


university or any comparable institution of higher education


degree course

Hauptfach / Nebenfach

major / minor

Vorausichtliches Ende des Studiums

When do you expect to finish your degree?

Examen / Originalbezeichnung

degree /original title, e.g. M.A. in Philosophy, B.Sc. in Chemistry

Datum der Prfung

date of your degree

Ergebnis / Note

result / mark, grade

3. Frderungen

Derzeitige weitere Bewerbungen auf

- Are you currently also applying for other


Information about your knowledge of German

and previous funding/scholarships



for which period in time, give start and end

Art des Stipendiums / Programmname

type of scholarship / name of program)

Derzeitige weitere Bewerbungen auf

Stipendien bei anderen Organisationen

Are you also applying for scholarships to other

organizations than the DAAD

Frhere DAAD-Stipendien

Have you ever had a DAAD-scholarship before

Frhere sonstige Stipendien

or any other scholarship?

4. Angaben zu Deutschkenntnissen;
You dont have to add a language certificate, but you can if you have one that is not older than 6 months
Dt. (= Deutsch) Stunden pro Woche

you can give an average or write sth like 2-6 hrs/week

sehr gut = B2/C1 ;

gut = B1-B2

ausreichend (sufficient) = A1/ A2

5. Angaben zum gewnschten Sprachkurs - Give your three preferences the from respective course list

choice of a language course

gewnschter Kursort

favourite place

ggf. gewnschter Kurs

name of the course

gewnschte Kurslaufzeit

the time from when to when the course runs

(some ISK do not have a name, though)

6. Beizufgende Anlagen

- documents you need to include in your application

a. Berwerbungsformular (vollstndig ausgefllt)

- application form fully filled in

b. Lebenslauf, ab G III (=B1) auf Deutsch

- CV (table) , form level B1 in German

c. Ausfhrliche Begrndung

- detailed description why you apply

d. Empfehlungsschreiben eines Fachprofessors

- one reference (=recommendation) letter by

a senior academic/professor, cf FAQ

e. beglaubigte Kopien der Examenszeugnisse

- certified copies of your degree BUT, here in Israel

you do not need to submit diplomas, if you have!,
and of the grade transcripts in English (translation)
You only need to include the grade transcripts in

und der Studiennachweise

f. No need to attach a language certificate, there will be a mandatory computerized language test at Hebrew
University, Mount Scopus, on the 11th or 12th January for ALL applicants whose applications are formally
complete. The test is called OnDaF. You find a sample test on
So, you dont have to add an additional language certificate, but you can if you have one that is not older
than 6 months.

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