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30 Day

Money Mindset
Quotes & Affirmations

30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

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Ann Rusnak - A R Success
Marketplace Strategies Inc.
16205 Chatfield Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44111
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2012 A R Success - - 30 Day Money Mindset Program


30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

Table of Contents
POSITIVE MONEY MINDSET QUOTES...................................................... 5
POSITIVE MONEY MINDSET AFFIRMATIONS ........................................13
CREATE A WEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS IN 30 DAYS ................................14
MONEY RESOURCE ROLODEX................................................................16

2012 A R Success - - 30 Day Money Mindset Program


30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

A Word About This Collection of Quotes &

You will discover quotes and affirmations sprinkled through out the 30
Day Money Mindset program.
Wouldn't it be nice to find all those quotes and affirmations in one
location so you can easily read them?
Here they are I've also included the financial quotes from the 365 Self
Empowering Message ebook found in the Treasure Chest of Success
Reading these quotes and affirmations regularly can assist in removing
negative money beliefs.
Once you remove negative beliefs about money and yourself, you see
your true self worth, your true inner ME your Magical Essence
you'll not only experience success More Easily
you'll also experience a Money Explosion in your life.
To the Life Your Meant to Live,

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30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

Positive Money Mindset Quotes

"Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think."
~Ayn Rand
"The road to financial success and prosperity starts in your own mind."
~ Dr. Robert Anthony- The Secret to Deliberate Creation
"I have come to believe that the way each of us thinks and
feels about money, is the key factor in determining how much
we ultimately have."
~ Suze Orman, The Courage to be Rich
"Develop our inner powers to meet our outer needs"
~ Catherine Ponder - The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
"Money will come when you are doing the right thing."
~Mike Philips
"Before we can change our life to a more positive experience, we must
challenge anything that is not working in our lives."
~ Dr. Robert Anthony
"The power of imagination is one of the greatest forces in the
~ Dr. Robert Anthony
"Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart. Who looks
outside, dreams. Who looks inside awakens"
~ Carl Jung
"Learn to trust that you'll be taken care of, doors will open, the
means will be provided, the way is clear and you are safe and
guided on the way."
~Tom Pauley - I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams
"90% of people give up when they are 10% of achieving their goals"
"The best way to predict your future is to create it."
"You'll be in a relationship with money until the day you die. You'd
better make it a really good relationship"
~ Morgana Rae - Financial Alchemy
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"We live in an abundant universe. It can never run out or what

you desire and there is more than enough for everybody"
~ Dr. Robert Anthony
"If you want greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to
receive it."
~ Catherine Podner
"Money is attracted to people who are strong and powerful,
respectful of it and open to receiving it."
~ Suze Orman
"Gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which
the blessing come."
~Wallace Wattles - The Science of Getting Rich
"Poverty is a form of hell caused by man's blindness to God's
Unlimited Good for him"
~ Catherine Podner
"Money behaves and responds just like a person - nurture it, treat it well
and it will grow and flourish; treat it carelessly, or with disrespect, and it
will dwindle away to nothing"
~ Suze Orman
"You must walk to the beat of a different drummer. The same
beat that the wealthy hear. If the beat sounds normal,
evacuate the dance floor immediately! The goal is to not be
normal, because as my radio listeners know, normal is broke."
~ Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover
"Life is a field of unlimited possibilities."
~ Deepak Chopra
"Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods, but from a
contented mind."
~ Unknown
"There is no reason for feeling guilty about loving yourself. You cannot
love others or radiate love outward until you love yourself and feel it
~ Cathrine Podner
"The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting
~Catherine Podner

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is

limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces
the entire world."
~ Albert Einstein
"Live as richly as possible on what your already have"
~ Bob Proctor
"Whatever we are waiting for peace of mind, contentment, grace, the
inner awareness of simple abundance it will surely come to us, but
only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart."
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach
"I have weathered many different storms and I know who I am
and my friends know who I really am."
~Delta Goodrem
"The most important task you have every day is stay in a place of feeling
good...the most powerful state of being is simply feeling good"
~Dr. Robert Anthony
"Income rarely exceed personal development"
~ Jim Rohn - Motivational Speaker
"Money is a fantastic tool that lets us know there is a problem. You can
live a very long time without love, your romantic partner, body issues,
illness etc. You cannot live without money almost anytime at all. Very
soon you need it for food, shelter, medical care and clothing."
~ Morgana Rae
"Money will have a greater influence on you life than almost
any other commodity you can think of. Money is important to
any person living in a civilized society."
~Bob Proctor
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or
drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important
than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds
of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?
~Matthew 6:25-27
"You can't fulfill your purpose if you can't pay your rent"
~Morgana Rae

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"All the money you can spend is waiting for you on the other side of
~Tom Pauley
"People love to give me money because I add value to their
~ Morgana Rae
"No one is free who is not a master of himself"
~William Shakespeare
"God's gift to you is more talent and ability than you could
possible use in you lifetime. Your gift to God is to develop as
much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime"
~ Steve Bow
"We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we
~Jim Rohn
"The things that you want are always a step beyond where you
are right now."
~David Neagle
" Unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you've got."
~ Jim Rohn
"If you want wealth and happiness Learn to work harder on
yourself than you do your job."
~ Jim Rohn
"Out in the universe is someone who is knocking on the walls, struggling,
screaming, needing something and you have it your skull. You have it in
what you can do for people and there is actually a lot of these people
who are waiting for you to give them solutions."
~Bob "The Teacher" Jenkins - Simplify Your Success
"Success is not something to be pursued. It is something to be
attracted. "Work hard on your job, you'll earn a living. Work
hard on yourself, you'll earn a fortune"
~Jim Rohn

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"The majority of people are ready to throw their aim and purpose
overboard and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune.
Persistence is an essential factor in the procedure of transmuting desire
into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is the power of
Will power and desire when properly combined make an irresistible pair.
It insures the attainment of their objectives."
~Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
"Don't Quit"
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bitRest if you must, but do not quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hitIt's when things go wrong that you must not quit.
~Author Unknown

Self Empowering Money Quotes

"At least eighty percent of millionaires are self-made. That is they started
with nothing but ambition and energy the same way most of us start."
~ Brian Tracy
"Succeeding in America is easy! That's why everyone wants to
come here. People haven't plotted and schemed for the last 50
years saying. "If I could just get to Poland everything would be
~ Jim Rohn
"If a person gets his attitude towards money straight, it will straighten
out almost every other area in their life."
~Billy Graham

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"In America we have the greatest chance for opportunity than

anyone else in the past six and a half thousand years. Never in
recorded history have so many different gifts been brought
from all over the world and deposited in one country."
~ Jim Rohn
"God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill
the destiny He has laid out for us."
~Joel Osteen
"So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever
asked what is the root of all money?"
~Ayn Rand
"It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's
good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't
lost the things that money can't buy."
~ George Lorimer
"Don't tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you
spend your money and I'll tell you what they are."
~James W. Frick
"A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from
worry about the what-ifs of life."
~Suze Orman
"The philosophy of the rich versus the poor is this: The rich
invest their money and spend what's left; the poor spend their
money and invest what's left."
~Jim Rohn
"A penny saved is a penny earned."
~Benjamin Franklin
"Money never starts an idea. It is always the idea that starts
the money."
~Owen Laughlin
"Successful people save in prosperous times so they have a financial
cushion in times of recession"
~ Brian Tracy
"If you want to reap financial blessings, you have to sow
~Joel Osteen

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"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a
~Jim Rohn
"It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty.
It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt."
~Joel Osteen
"I'm not against people having new cars. I'm against them having you.
We spend a tremendous amount impressing somebody at the stoplight
who we'll never meet. It makes you broke and keeps you broke"
~Dave Ramsey
"Those who start with too little money are more likely to
succeed than those who start with too much. Energy and
imagination are the springboards to wealth creation."
~ Brian Tracy
"Money is usually attracted, not pursued."
~Jim Rohn
"In all realms of life it takes courage to stretch your limits,
express your power, and fulfill your potential.. it's no different
in the financial realm" ~Suze Orman
"We don't have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough;
we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much"
~Ronald Reagan
"It's good to have money and the things that money can buy,
but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure
that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy."
~George Horace Lorimer
"Wealth is the ability to fully experience life."
~Henry David Thoreau
"Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time."
~Margaret Bonnano
"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
~Benjamin Franklin
"Wealth is not a matter of intelligence it's a matter of
~Jim Rohn

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"When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are
always blessed in abundance."
~ Joel Osteen
"The average millionaire can't tell you who got thrown off the
island last night. "
~Dave Ramsey
"To become financially independent you must turn part of your income
into capital; turn capital into enterprise; turn enterprise into profit; turn
profit into investment; and investment into financial independence."
~Jim Rohn

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30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

Positive Money Mindset Affirmations

"I am having an exceptional day today!"

"I am feeling relaxed."
"I enjoy my life."
"I am in perfect health."
"I am at peace with my mind."
"I am choosing to be happy today."
I choose wealth now
I am Grateful for Everything I Have
I choose to give myself permission to enjoy money
My Life Looks Brilliant and Shines With Abundance
I Choose to Have a Healthy Relationship With Money
I Live In An Abundant Universe And There Is More Than
Enough For Me
I Choose To Be Open To Receive Unlimited Abundance
I Decide To Take Good Care Of My Money
I Choose To Accept Money Flowing Into My Life Right Now
I Decide To Accept Responsibility For My Financial Success
I Choose To Express My Unique Creativity
People Love To Give Me Money Because I Add Value To Their
I Allow Myself To Have More Than I Ever Dreamed Possible
God Is The Source Of My Abundant Supply
I Choose To Release My Unwillingness To Be Wealthy
My mind is a sponge that attracts positive thoughts.
I fill my mind with powerful thoughts.
Opportunities for financial growth continue to come my way.
I am passionate about my goals.
I trust my ability to make the right decisions.
I focus my thoughts on positive living.
I easily attract wealth.
I embrace new opportunities with an open mind.
Miracles happen daily in my life.
Being grateful for where I am forges the path to where I want to
I accept new opportunities and embrace the life experiences that
come along with them.
Exciting opportunities abundantly appear in my life.
I am investing in the right set of tools to help me become a

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I am relinquishing control over the uncontrollable.

I live each day on purpose.
My pot of gold awaits me at the end of the rainbow.
My determination sets me apart from the rest.
Faith fuels my endeavors.
I am living the life I want to live.
I celebrate my ability to take risks and dare to take a different
I make positive choices for the best of my body, mind and soul.

Create a Wealth Consciousness in 30 Days

The problem with negative or limiting beliefs about money is that they
will cause you to subconsciously sabotage yourself along the way in your
quest to earn more money.
On one hand you will want to earn money but on the other hand your
subconscious belief that Money is the root of all evil. will contradict
that initial idea and it will hold you from attaining more money.
I was doing exactly that attracted money and at the same time pushing
it away. What a vicious circle. Just like the Pushmi-Pullya animal from
Dr. Doolittle going nowhere.
People of wealth never feel uncomfortable when the subject of money is
brought up. You should realize that people dont feel comfortable about
money because they have it; they have it because they feel comfortable
about it.
One of the reasons that wealthy people have money is they developed a
healthy and loving relationship with themselves first. They nurtured and
developed a wealth consciousness.
If you wish to attract money to yourself, you must begin to foster a
wealth consciousness a money mindset.

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The Limiting Money Belief Appraisal

is a preview gift of one of tools in the 30 Day Money Mindset Program.

The 30 Day Money Mindset Program

Have you ever felt like you simply can't work hard
enough to bring in the level of money you need?

Imagine 30 days from now, your inner money blockages


Imagine what your life would be like when you open the natural
flow of abundance you deserve.

You're only 30 days away from the true secret to an awesome

relationship with money so it never wants to leave you again.
Start the 30 Day Money Mindset Program NOW!

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Money Resource Rolodex

All the resources featured in the 30 Day Money Mindset Program I own
and use. These are the one that worked best for me. There is no
guarantee you will experience the same results. I give a brief overview of
each item.
Note: The 30 Day Money Mindset Program will work without using any
of these items. But if you need an extra boost

Subconscious Changing Systems

These are the programs that finally solve the unknown conflict between
my conscious and subconscious on money beliefs and desires.

Financial Alchemy Workbook & Audio

Morgana Rae's Twelve Months of Magic and
Manifestation Printed Workbook & New Money
Relationship Audio


the least expensive option - I use this workbook

everyday to build and maintain my money

The Secret of Deliberate Creation

I was introduced to Dr. Robert Anthony's RAPID
MANIFESTATION about decade ago. It was
through this program I discover how conflict
happens in the mind, creating affirmations that
My self esteem and self confidence really grew with
his information. I still read his books and listen to
him to this day.
I discovered in July 2011 that RAPID MANIFESTATION is no longer
available. The program has been updated and replaced by a new
dynamic program The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
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I love this program much better. And fall asleep to the audios at least
once a week.
If you follow the program according to the quick start instructions, you
will manifest the price of program. Guaranteed!... yep, I recovered my
investment plus much more.
Very affordable program.

Deliberate Creation Instant Self

When I purchased the Deliberate Creation
Program, I was offered the opportunity to
purchase the self hypnosis upgrade at a
Wow this is awesome. This goes deep
down into your subconscious where you can
program your changes quicker.
Lesson two listed hypnosis as one of three ways to reprogram your
subconscious. The self hypnosis program is available separately.
Listen to the free 45 minute audio lot of good information.

Financial Alchemy University

Morgana's home study combined with live
group coaching calls. The best of both
Morgana uses personas to represent your
money as Money Monster (negative money beliefs) and Money Honey
for new money beliefs. The personas get through the "gatekeeper" of you
Getting on a live call with Morgana is what finally got through the last
remnants of my childhood programming. Well worth the investment.

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Getting Out of Debt & Taking Care of

Your Money
Once I got the stuff from the boxes organized (Lesson 3), I needed to
take care of it. I walk over to my financial book shelf and started staring
at all the "get of debt" books, systems and programs on the shelf.
Nothing called to me I did try them in the past and they only worked
for a while when things were "perfect."
I was guided to this guy from a magazine article. (I shared this story in
Ohh La La I Like Him, Lesson 8)

Total Money Makeover

If you need the "how to" in budgeting, getting out
of debt, investing etc. Excellent book on getting
control over your finances.
His "simple" 7 steps approach is a wonderful
formula for getting out of debt to building wealth.
When I saw the results, I gave the Total Money Makeover kits to my two
daughters for Christmas gifts. The eldest living a lifestyle of debt. The
youngest just graduated from college with a student loan. The eldest said
I can't do this I'm in debt (duh). The youngest went WOW! (of course
she already was ahead of her mother when it came to money). The
youngest went on to live by the principles in the this book she even told
her other college friends with student loans to get this book.
Financial Peace University
This is not mentioned in this program. I hope you don't mind me
mentioning it. When my husband & I were just about to complete step 2
in Total Money Makeover (which is get out of debt), we enrolled in
Dave's 14 week Financial Peace University. This course helped us even
further when it came to insurance, investments and putting together a
healthy financial plan.
It's lifetime so you can attend as often as you like. You can learn more
about classes in your area by visiting his site.
Dave's materials are created to deal with life's ups and downs and for
the everyday person who don't possess an army of financial planners
and advisors.
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30 Day Money Mindset Program - Action Power Book

Books That Are Falling Apart

These are the books I read over and over again. They are falling apart,
marked with highlighter, filled post it tags and handwritten notes.
Every year I commit to reading this books at least twice if not more.
Because I am at a different level in my growth each time I read them, I
always pick up something.
I am Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams
Thomas L. Pauley and Penelope J. Pauley outlines
a step-by-step process for achieving what you
want, in simple terms and language to create
wealth in your life. Along with spiritual, social, and
personal happiness. (my favorite goal
achievement book)

The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Dr. Murphy combines time-honored spiritual
wisdom with cutting-edge scientific research to
explain the influence of the subconscious mind on
everything you do. And he presents simple,
practical, and proven-effective exercises that can
turn your mind into a powerful tool for improving
your everyday life.

Think and Grow Rich: The Original 1937

This book remains the biggest seller for 70 years
running, and is consider to be one of Napoleon
Hill's best works. This book provides insight as to
how personal beliefs can greatly influence
personal success in one's life and focuses on
strategies that could be implemented to help even the average person
achieve final freedom and life long personal achievement.

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The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Written in 1962, this book was recommend by our pastor
almost 2 decades ago. It was my first introduction on the
concept of God wanting us to be prosperous. Much
different message from what I grew up with. It started
the journey to changing my mindset about what it means
to be prosperous.
I consider this to be a must read if you have any doubt that your creator
wants you prosperous.
Filled with stories, practical advice and wonderful affirmations like:
"I stir up the gifts of God within me and around me and I am blessed on
every hand with happiness, success and true achievement".

The Science of Getting Rich

This 19oo's book language maybe a little outdated,
however, Wattles message is as relevant today as it
was then. Wattles clarifies the steps that it takes to
change your mindset about wealth. It is a nononsense guide that takes you from being
entrenched in wrong thinking, to exercises and
examples that are concise and clear enough to implement immediately.
You do receive a free edition of this book in the program. I'm
mentioning this particular printed edition because it contain two other
great book, which I do have, The Science of Being Great and Being Well

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Useful Software
Freemind - Free Mind Mapping Software and
training video
Excellent program to organize projects, thoughts

Think Right Now for Window

This incredible visual software program will re-pattern your

subconscious thoughts from deep inside yourself, while working on your
computer. (for windows only)

The items in the rolodex are what worked the best for me. You may come
across something that works better you your personality, your learning
Please feel free to share your finds in the community. WARNING: no
blatant advertising or spamming will be accepted it will be deleted.
You must share how the item/program benefited you.
The Power Peeps Community.

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