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1. The presentation of the exchange

In the afternoon at the market of Bung Karnos graveyard. A bag seller
offered my sisters friend many kinds of beautiful bags. She was interested and
wanted to bargain it.

: Tas mbak, sae-sae.


: (belok, sambil Tanya) Berapa pak?


: Lapan lima mbak.


: Mahal banget! Rong polo pak ya?


: Dereng angsal mbak kulake.


: Mosok gak oleh pak-pak?


: Saman tambahi mbak.


: Tambah sepolo wes


: Tasek mboten pareng mbak


: Pase pun! Pinten?


: Swidak gangsal mbak


: Gak boleh kurang ya pak! Kok expensive si?


: Pun mboten saget mbak. Lek sampeyan jadi beli, brati kwi rejekiku,
lek gak, nggeh mboten nopo-nopo.


: Nggeh sampun pak. Mari (berjalan sambil meninggalkan toko


2. Analysis of the components

a. Setting
The exchange is taken at the market of Bung Karnos graveyard.
b. Participant

: A bag seller; male, for about thirty-three of age, from Blitar.


: Buyer; female, my sisters friend, twenty one of age, from Lampung.

c. Ends
The end of the dialogue is to get a dial of the bag bargain between the bag
seller and my sisters friend as a buyer.

Anita Andriana Risky / IVB

d. Act sequence
The word used in the dialog is not in standard Javanese language and also
not in standard Indonesian language.
The content of the speech is about a bargain of bags between a bag seller
and my sisters friend.
e. Key
The relationship between the seller and the buyer were unfriendly, because
they were not unfamiliar each other and had different word choice.
The tones depended on the situation of the market. If there were crowded,
they spook in high voice and also in the contrary situation. He bargain didnt
get a dial, because the seller gave a high price for the bag and the buyer
bargain it far from the sellers standard price.
f. Instrumentalities
The exchange included in oral speech. It was taken from a dialog between
a bag seller and a buyer in the market of Bung Karnos graveyard. It
happened on Sunday afternoon, 16 December 2007 for about 12.10 pm.
g. Norms of interaction and interpretation
The interaction between both speakers is in normal interaction, because the
seller offered bags to the buyer in friendly speech. The social living of the
seller and the buyer were in the small town. So, the life style and the
language were still in original of the villagers attitude and language.
h. Genre
The exchange was in the form of dialogue
3. The comments
The exchange uses varieties of languages. They are codemixing from
Indonesian, English and Javanese language. The speaker mixes one language
with another. The mixing of the language in the dialog above didnt make the
listener felt difficult to understand. Because both of the speaker and the listener
are understand each other. The code-mixing used in the dialog was only on the
words. It means that actually the mixing words used by the speaker have the same
function in the Javanese words. For example, the words mahal, boleh kurang,
expensive, jadi beli and mari was mixed in the Javanese sentence. In Javanese,
they mean larang, oleh sudo or pareng kirang, larang, sido tuku and pareng. Here,
Anita Andriana Risky / IVB

the speaker takes some words from Indonesian and English then integrate it into
Javanese dialog.
There was also code-switching in the dialog. The code-switching showed in
the opening of the dialog. The speaker used Javanese language but the listener
answered it by Indonesian language. It shows that the listener know what is the
speaker said and meant.
The language varieties sometimes found in the dialog above is nonstandard
Indonesian language. The speaker used nonstandard Indonesian words like lapan
and banget. In standard Indonesian words is delapan and sakali. Because the
speaker lives in java and the listener also has lived in java for enough long time,
so the words are influenced by Javanese culture and also the language it self. In
the dialog also found some equivalent words. For example, the word expensive
has equivalent meaning with mahal in Indonesian while in Javanese means
Most of words used in the dialog are informal Javanese language,
because the social status of both the speaker and the listener are nearly same.
So, a good words choice is informal Javanese words. It has function to make a
good relationship between the speaker and the listener.

Anita Andriana Risky


Anita Andriana Risky / IVB

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