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anal retentive
Extravagant with
fellow feeling
guilty pleasure



Common scold

Admire Vs respect

New words:
faddy: being too choosy with food, being fastidious about food,
House-proud:UK: being too worried about your house being cleaned and making it to look so
anal retentive: Someone who is obsessed with things being organised and tidy,sometimes unreasonably.
Fusspot:fussbudget: complaining about trivial and petty things.
pedantic: Way too formal even to the details
Purist : someone who follows and believes in traditional ways in a subject,like dogmatic.
stickler: A person who follows and think a particular of behaviour is very important and make people follow it too. Ex : a stickler for details/accuracy/grammar.
usage of
To be extravagant with something: someone who uses too much of something or money.
extravagant: Of thoughts,ideas etc: unreasonably lofty
she is quite extravagant with water when we are facing water supply shortage.
felicitous: (of words or speech) very aptly chosen, very suitable.
fellow feeling?
guilty pleasure:"usage"
Everybody has guilty pleasure.
fast food is my guilty pleasure.
misdemeanour: an action which is slightly bad or breaks the rule.
(demeanour: demeanour comes from an archaic word "behaviour".)
usage of misguided.
Martinet: someone who wants that rules should always be followed passionately,even when it is unreasonable.
Arcadian: learn usage
Byzantine: can be used just as Gordian to convey complexity of something.
encumber by/with : to make it cumbersome for someone to do something.
Placid: call a body of water placid if it has a smooth surface and it does not have waves in it.same can be said about a calm person,who is habitually calm.
Trepid: something that is timid.(Try not to use this word as it has gone out of style.
Derivative:(of ideas or style) Something that is derived form something rather than being Original.
Kiln: A large oven where bricks are backed.
Scouts are those who encourage practical skills and helpful attitude.
Discover something: to understand the meaning of discover one has to understand the relation of 'surprise" to this word.when you discover something
you are surprised about that something exist.when you deliberately try to discover something you seek new info on something.
Encounter:( in the sense of experience ) to meet with difficulties
she encountered no of difficulties in the first weekend.
Engagement with :
cognition: hindi sooch or samajh
cognitive ability: sochnay aur samajhne ki takat.
slump:sudden fall in prices,no,or value of something.
Assume a drooping posture.Eg:when you slide down in your chair then we call it slump:A struggling baseball player could be called to be in a slump.
slump also mean a down turn in performance,economy.
corridor is the open area like in a hotel where all the rooms open into.
Origin of the word "Satisfied"
it comes from a Latin word that means "to do enough"
Now dissatisfied means " dis ie not and satisfied means enough done " = not done enough.
pleasure: to be satisfied and happy about something
ex: it gives me great pleasure to do something.
She takes pleasure in doing something.
she had pleasure (of doing) something.
he requested the pleasure of your company.

please:(verb) to give pleasure to somebody.

I am pleased to do this or that..
I would be pleased to do that this.
It pleases somebody to do something: To give someone pleasure and make them happy in doing something.
it pleases him to put down people in public.

Fireworks: to show that there are people who would get angry if something did not happen.
There will be fireworks if I don't get home on time
composure means to keep your calm under can keep,maintain,lose your is your ability to stay calm.
unsettle: to disturb the composure of(verb).Disturb: contains two root words that means to completely destroy the order of something.
irritate someone means to unsettle the nerves or body of someone.
Ex: You can irritate your body by getting a skin rash.
you can irritate someone by speaking loudly on the phone which is considered as unsettling someone nerves.
read the word grumpy,grouchy,irritable.
A person who likes to talk about how important they are:Someone blowing his own trumpet all the time is a blowhard.

A system is a group of things that connect and form some kind of coherent whole. All the individual buses and the separate routes they take through your city are together called
a bus system.
Any time various separate things act together in some organized way, you can call the entire group of interconnected things a system. Your veins, arteries, and heart together
make up your body's circulatory system, and the group of planets which rotate around the sun are called a solar system. The Greek word systema, or "organized whole," is where
system originates.
bus system,railway system,transport system,circulatory system.
A process is a procedure, something you do in order to achieve a certain result. Some people try to carefully follow all the steps in a process. Other people just wing it.
You hear this word being used a lot to describe work. "I am in the process of drafting a memo, even if I kill myself with late nights in the process." The related word procession
describes people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly way a wedding opens with the bridal procession.
nomination process,selection process.
A procedure is a tried and true process or method used to accomplish a particular task. Using sharp metal picks, dentists scrape the plaque from their patients teeth. While
effective, its a procedure most people despise.
The word procedure is often used in the fields of medicine and law, sometimes in combination with other words, as in "surgical procedure" or "legal procedure." A "Parliamentary
procedure" is the set of rules that you follow at a meeting of a club or some other organization (not necessarily a House of Parliament). Procedure is also related to the word
procedural, which is sometimes used a term for a genre of television drama in which the plot revolves around a technical procedure, like the solving of a police case.

Something that reflects comes back to you. If you look in a mirror, you will see your reflected image. If you reflect on your past experiences, you look at them once again
Reflect also means to give evidence of the character or quality of something. Most parents want their children to reflect their own strengths by emulating their behavior. A set of
telling statistics could reflect the buying trends in an economic cycle. Reflecting can mean seeing something original in another form or image.

Learn the usage of "latest" as an adverb.

According to the,If it is used as an adverb then it becomes the superlative of late.and In meaning,it is similar to at the latest.
What is the latest you want this file at.
In the same way learn the usage of the superlative 'soonest',earliest, and newest.
You can ask questions in this form: what is the latest/earliest/soonest etc you want/ do something, but while answering you have to use the following
You can cancel your reservation by 3 o'clock at the latest/earliest/
However , with only soonest you can follow another structure which is : ex: Monday is the soonest I can deliver the goods.

The verb worry is an anxious word; it means to be concerned or nervous. If you sent your carrier pigeon out in the morning to deliver a message, you
might worry if it hadn't returned by the afternoon.
When you worry, you feel uneasy the way you might worry that you've got spinach in your teeth when you're at a job interview. When it's an animal
doing the worrying, it takes on a different meaning: a dog will worry a bone or gnaw on it and play with it, for hours. The word worry comes from the
Old English 'Wyrgan' which originally meant "strangle," and changed over the years to mean first "harass," and then "cause anxiety to."
Hence when you say you are worried about something that means you feel being chocked or strangulated.

Unease is physical discomfort(as in mild sickness or depression).

Anxiety is the vague, uneasy feeling you get when you're dreading something. Anxiety can also be a permanent state of nervousness that some
people with mental illnesses experience, a kind of milder version of panic.
When a scary or unpleasant event is looming, like getting a family portrait taken the year you have braces, you might feel some anxiety. You might
also feel anxiety about passing chemistry, especially if youve skipped a lot of classes. Someone who suffers from a mild or severe mental illness
might feel anxiety all the time. Deep breathing, playing relaxing music, and medication have all been known to help reduce anxiety.

Concern is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it's something that you find particularly important. If you love pizza, getting the crust just so is a major
concern during your pizza party.It's absence would make you upset or any harm done to that thing would upset you.
Concern can also be something or someone that makes you upset or anxious, like your concern over the quality of the pizza crust. It can be a feeling
of sympathy, like when your mom expresses concern over your obsession with pizza crust. As a verb, concern means to be relevant to something.
Your main goal today may concern studying for your math test. Concern can also describe worry. When you stay out past curfew, your mom will be
If you have to pass a test to graduate, the test is important. It is vital, necessary, crucial.It is of great significance.
The President is the most important person in the country. Children are important to parents, and parents are certainly important to their children.
Different people think different things are important: a new movie might be important to you because you care about it a lot, even if it's not important in
the same way as food and water. People often say "Good study habits are important" or "Communication is important." Important things matter.
Imports are the products shipped into our country from other places. We import Japanese autos and export our pop music to Tokyo. Import also
means to signify something. Is it of import to our economic security to have so many Japanese imports on our roads?
The origins of the word import are literally "to bring into port." The ratio of imports to exports is a big indicator of the health of a nation's economy. The
word import can also refer to attitudes or behaviors that come as part of the culture of a place. "New York media is dominated by British journalists
who have imported the snarky style of gossip reporting famous in London."
To mean "of significance" we use "of import"

Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone. If you respect your teacher, you admire her and treat her well.
People respect others who are impressive for any reason, such as being in authority like a teacher or cop or being older like a grandparent.
You show respect by being polite and kind. For a lot of people, taking your hat off is a show of respect. When people are insulted or treated badly, they
feel they haven't been treated with respect. You can respect things as well as people. Saying the Pledge of Allegiance shows respect to your country.

When you give someone a good, long look, you regard them. It can also mean "to believe," as in "I regard her as my best friend."
Regard often means respect and admiration, as in "I have the greatest regard for my grandmother." Sometimes it's a greeting: you can send someone
your regards, which means to tell them you said hello and wish them well. There's a famous song called, "Give My Regards to Broadway." On the other
hand, you can use it as a sign-off on a letter. Instead of "Sincerely" or "Yours Truly," you can close with "Regards.

Consider is a verb that simply means to think about, look at, or judge. Consider, for a moment, the perks of house sitting for your pool-owning neighbors
before you immediately refuse their request.
Coming to us from the Latin word 'Considerare', meaning to look at closely" or "observe, consider is a very common word that describes something
you likely do multiple times a day: You probably consider what to wear in the morning, weigh your options for lunch, take into account the weather when
deciding to grab your umbrella. Your life is full of consideration and you didn't even know it!
If everyone at the city council meeting tends to disregard anything that's said by the eccentric gentleman with the parrot on his shoulder, it means that no
one pays any attention to him.
To disregard something is to ignore it, or to deliberately pay it no attention. Sometimes the word is used to mean "neglect," implying that something
important is not being taken care of. Disregard can also be a noun; you could complain that your family has a complete disregard for your privacy when
they gather outside your bedroom door to eavesdrop on your telephone conversations.
"May I have your attention please?" When you ask that question, you are asking people to focus their mental powers on you. Whether they do or not
depends on your next words. You'll have their full attention if you say, "Here's $100."
The noun attention can also refer to an interest in something or someone. You probably pay attention in school when your teachers bring up topics in
which you are personally interested. You can also shower attention on those you love or indulge. The word also refers to "standing at attention," as in the
military by standing up straight, arms down at the sides, and feet together.

Focus is something that camera lenses and sleepy students are always being asked to do. For cameras, it means finding a point where the subject is
clear or "in focus." For students, it means paying attention, or to keep something in perspective.
Focus is all about finding a center of a parabolic curve, of a lens, of a meditative state. In Latin, focus meant 'domestic hearth,' which just goes to show
that not much has changed since kitchens remain the focus of the modern home. Focus can be used as a verb, as in "I need to focus on my work, so I
can play video games later;" and as a noun, as in "What is the focus of this essay? I can't tell, since the writer seems to be all over the place."

If you discover something, you find it unexpectedly, like when you discover your favorite childhood stuffed animal in a box of old junk.
When you discover something, it can be by surprise or the result of a search. You might discover the fact that your dad used to travel with the circus as a
trapeze artist or discover a band none of your friends ever heard of. Scientists often discover new substances, stars, or organisms. The Latin
root 'Discooperire', "uncover," combines the prefix dis-, or "opposite of," with 'Cooperire', "to cover up."

If you run into that cute guy (or girl) from the local deli when youre at the grocery store and you stop to chat, youve just had an encounter, which is a
casual meeting, often resulting by chance.
When you encounter the word encounter, context will tell you if its acting as a verb or a noun. The sentence When Spencer and Susanna encounter a
bear on the trail, they stand very still illustrates the verb form. The encounter in the subway left her wishing she had stayed at home shows the noun
form. Whether acting as a verb or a noun, the word carries the connotation of chance meeting." You dont plan an encounter; it just happens.
The verb examine means to study something carefully and in great detail. You can examine a book, a painting, a persons face and so on. Right now, you
are examining the meaning of examine.
Examine means to look at something very closely and usually with the purpose of making a judgment. If you go to see a doctor, the doctor will examine
you to see if you are healthy. Examine can also mean question. When the police examine a witness, they are questioning that witness. Along these
same lines, examine can also be used to mean test. You might examine, or test, your friends knowledge of biology by asking him repeated questions
about that subject.
Would you go over this once? "No, I would have to examine this before I send this through."

When you inspect something, you look at it carefully. When you're buying a used car, you should inspect it inside and out, and if you don't know much
about what goes on under the hood, you should have a mechanic inspect it, too.
Inspect means literally "to look into," and includes the Latin root that you find in lots of other words related to "look" spectacle, respect, and spectator
for instance. If you work in a restaurant, you may see a health department official come to inspect the operation, to make sure everything is clean and
the food is stored and cooked properly and that the restaurant doesn't have any health code violations that might make your diners sick.

If you feel a sense of disquiet, you're worried or anxious about something. Disquiet at the dinner table means that everyone feels upset or on edge.
You can use the word disquiet as a noun or a verb. A feeling of disquiet might fill you as you walk slowly through a truly spooky haunted house. You can
also say that a low, frightening sound coming from the room ahead disquiets you. The word dates from the 1500s, a combination of dis, "lack of" or "not"
in Latin, and quiet, from the Latin root quietus, "calm, at rest, or free from exertion."
Even though the real reason you want the newest phone is that it's incredibly cool looking, you might pretend that what interests you is its convenience,
or how easy and useful it will be.
The noun convenience is a quality of ease or accessibility. Just think of a convenience store, which is arranged to be easy to get in and out of, and sells
things you might need to grab on your way home. Some things are referred to as a convenience if the whole reason for their existence is to make life
easier in some way, like electricity, indoor plumbing, and microwaveable meals.
An inconvenience is an annoying occurrence that makes you go out of your way, like the inconvenience of a detour that takes you off your usual route, or
the inconvenience of the door bell ringing just as you are about to take a dish out of the oven.
The noun inconvenience, pronounced "in-cun-VEE-nyent," comes from the Latin word 'Inconvenientia', from 'In-', meaning not, and 'Convenient-',
meaning agreeing, fitting. That meaning still holds true for inconvenience: something that doesnt fit easily into your life, though it doesn't cause
suffering, either. Use it to describe small irritations, like the inconvenience of an airport delay.

To comfort someone is to give solace or to soothe. You might comfort your brother when his favorite team gets knocked out of the playoffs.
The verb comfort comes from the Latin word 'Comfortare', which means strengthen greatly. To give comfort is to shore up the mood or physical state of
someone else. It might take a long time to comfort your mother after her cat disappears. As a noun, comfort is anything that provides satisfaction or a
relaxed and easy feeling. You might think that the comfort of your new shoes cannot be surpassed.
To soothe is to relieve or to bring comfort. If the pounding in your head is driving you mad, it sounds like you might need an aspirin or two to soothe your
Soothing is meant to make you feel better, both physically and emotionally. Spend too many hours on the beach without sunblock? You'll need some
aloe to soothe that sunburn. Had a bad breakup with a boyfriend? Soothing that broken heart might take something stronger chocolates, a gabfest
with good friends, and sappy movies are usually just what the doctor ordered.

Relieve 'Chutkara-dena'
To relieve is to ease a burden or take over for someone. An aspirin can relieve a headache, and a substitute can relieve the teacher who fell asleep on
her desk after lunch.
Relieve comes from the Latin word relevare meaning "to help" or "make light again." An ice pack might relieve a pain in your elbow, but you can also be
relieved of your duties if you get fired (or taken out to lunch). A thief might even relieve you of your wallet. Like thief, relieve is the rare word that actually
follows the "i" before "e" rule ("i" before "e" except after "c" or when sounded as "a" as in "neighbor" and "weigh"). Aren't you relieved?

The word stress is about pressure, whether it's pressure on a syllable of a word (TRAIN-er versus train-EE), an object (the bridge is designed to handle
the stress of the cars), or a person (I am under a lot of stress).
It says something about our culture, how much we love to use the word stress and keep redefining it to mean new things. The word first appeared in
about 1300, when it meant hardship or a force to which someone is subjected. In the 1890s, we stretched the meaning to include "emphasizing
something" and, in the middle of the 20th century, started to associate it with psychological pressure.

Relax is a verb that describes feeling less stressed out or tense. If you want to relax after a crazy day at school, you might watch TV, take a nap, or do
yoga to help you unwind.
Relax can also refer to behavior that grows less formal or restrained, like a beach wedding where the bride and groom relax the usually formal ceremony
by wearing casual clothing. Relax can also mean to become less tight. When you relax your grip on a pen, your hold loosens up. Relax can also refer to
something that becomes less severe or strict. If your teacher would relax the attendance rules, you wouldn't keep getting in trouble for skipping class!

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French destresce (noun), destrecier (verb), based on Latin distringere stretch apart.
If you are in distress, you are in trouble. You're hurting either physically or mentally.
See the word stress hanging out at the end of distress? There's a good reason for that. The noun distress refers to a state of severe anxiety or strain,
often brought about by failing to study for an exam, harassing grizzly bears, or borrowing your sister's clothes without asking. When used as a verb, to
distress means to cause all that pain, suffering and anxiety in other words, to stress somebody out.
Discomfort is the feeling of irritation, soreness, or pain that, though not severe, is annoying. Every year, people who get a cold or the flu experience a
few days of discomfort.
Choose Your Words
discomfit / discomfort
To discomfit is to embarrass someone. Say it with a Southern accent while sipping sweet tea. Discomfort is a noun meaning uncomfortable, like the
feeling you get when you realize you put salt instead of sugar in Mamas tea.
Continue reading...
The noun discomfort is good for describing situations when you aren't quite in pain, but you don't feel very good. Things that cause discomfort include a
dull toothache, a blister on your foot, and a terrible mattress. Discomfort can also describe embarrassment, like the discomfort you'd feel if you suddenly
realized you were in the wrong classroom.
If it's very hot or very cold in the room, chances are you are going to feel uncomfortable or ill-at-ease.
The word uncomfortable comes from the prefix un- meaning "not" and comfortable meaning "affording comfort." When something is uncomfortable, it
doesn't allow you to relax. A hard chair can be uncomfortable. So can a tense situation in which two people are arguing. Someone can make you feel
uncomfortable by saying something inappropriate.
Ease means to lessen or release, often making something possible in the meantime. When you put someone at their ease, you lessen their discomfort.
When you ease into a chair, you gently release yourself into it.
A life of ease means you do not have to struggle to make money. Your dad might be mad if you pierce your nose, but eventually, with time, his anger
will ease and he will ease up on you. Your older siblings' behavior will ease the way for you to do things that frighten your parents without their

The act of pressing down on something is called making a depression, and when people suffer from psychological depression that is often what it feels
like the world itself is pressing down on them.
Depression can be a persistent mood (rotten), an economic situation (the worst), or just the geography (low). The Great Depression was when poor
policy and economic circumstances combined to create a long period of time everyone struggled to even get food on the table.
The adjective decent means sufficient or acceptable. The local diner you like to frequent may not serve a four-star breakfast, but it probably has decent
Decent is all buttoned up. Descent has all the fun because it gets to climb down a mountain. Dissent is what you do when the glee club wants to get
matching red outfits but you like purple.
Though the concept is a little dated, people of "decent society" are socially correct. They don't break the law, behave rudely, use impolite language, or
wear inappropriate clothing. Decent can also mean "nice": Holding the door for a woman with a stroller is the decent thing to do. Lastly, decent can also
mean "appropriately clothed" (or just "not naked"). If a stranger is knocking on your door, you're probably not going to answer it until

To disapprove is to object to something, or frown on it. Your parents, worried about head injuries, might disapprove of your joining the football team.
You can say that you disapprove of violence in movies and video games, or that you disapprove of censorship of any kind. Almost everyone
disapproves of things like drunk driving or being cruel to animals. In all of these examples, to disapprove is to believe something is wrong or bad.
Originally, in the 15th century, the word meant "disprove," but by the mid-1600s the meaning shifted to "the reverse of approve."
When you take your new love to meet your parents, you hope that they approve of your choice in partners, but when your date starts eating with his
hands at dinner, chances are pretty slim.
Approve was first used like to mean "prove" or "show"think, "The proof is in the pudding." Now, approve means to officially agree. You might need the
principal to sign off on, or approve, any purchase of new materials for the classroom. Congress can also approve a bill or budget in this way. Its
important to remember that, like apple and appropriate, approve is spelled with a double p.

Disapproval is what you express when you share your dislike or opposition. If you fail a class, you might worry both about your grade point average and
also your parents' disapproval.
When you sense disapproval in your teacher's voice after you show her a draft of your research paper, you might want to start over. You might feel
disapproval yourself when you see your friend spend money instead of saving it, or watch your dad feel the dog from his plate at the dinner table.
Disapproval uses the "opposite of" prefix dis- with approval, from its Latin root approbare, "to regard as good."

Approval is a formal agreement. It's probably not a good idea to mail the invitations for your beach party until you've gotten official approval for the
enormous bonfire you're planning to light.
Building designs, budgets, grant applications these all require official approval before they can be put into effect. You can also use the word approval
to talk about less formal permission, like a teacher's approval of your plan to buy pizza for the whole class. Approval also means the belief that
something is good, like your approval of your neighbor's purple house. Until 1800, it was much more common for people to use the word approvance to
mean the same thing.

Something appropriate is correct and fits the situation. A sweater-vest with reindeer on it is appropriate holiday apparel, even if it's totally embarrassing.
The adjective appropriate is used when something is suitable or fitting. It comes from the Latin appropriare, which means "to make something fit, to
make something one's own." Going back even further, appropriate is related to the Latin word proprius, "to belong to a person, thing, or group." Another
appropriate way to use this word is as a verb, meaning to steal or seize something, the way you'd appropriate your sister's sandwich if she left it sitting
near you.

Among many other meanings, a suit is a jacket and pants that match formalwear for men. Suits are well-suited (appropriate) for some jobs and formal
events, like a funeral.
A suit is also short for a lawsuit like when you file a suit against a doctor who removed the wrong kidney. A suit is also an appeal to someone who has
something you want like money or affection. In cards, the suits are hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs. If a hat looks good on you, it suits you. In
fact, you can say of just about anything you like, "That suits me." Like a well-fitting suit, when something suits you, you enjoy it and feel comfortable with
As suitable means appropriate for the purpose, you can imagine that sneakers are more suitable than high heels at a track meet.
While suitable always means appropriate for a certain person or situation, sometimes it is not based on fact but merely a matter of opinion. A bicycle is
not a suitable mode of transportation during a winter storm because the rider is exposed to the elements. However, the clothing that you think is just fine
for school might seem unsuitable to the principal. Unfortunately, he has the final say in that one!

Affection is the positive feeling you may have or express for other people or things. Your grandma may show her affection for you by pinching your
cheek, and you may show your affection for your dog by rubbing her belly.
Not everybody is good at showing affection to their loved ones, like old-school dads or tough guys in action movies. If people don't get enough affection,
they crave it, and will go to great lengths to get it. You might say that affection is what Luke wanted from Darth Vader all along, in Star Wars.
If you hold someone in high esteem or look up to someone, you admire that person. If you ask four-year-olds who they most admire, they are likely to list
their mom, dad, and grandparents or 'Superheroes' and 'Comic book characters'.
The verb admire also means to look at with wonder and pleasure. She stood on the balcony of her hotel for a long time, simply to admire the view of the
ocean and the surf as it crashed against the rocks below. I admire the way she volunteers to help at the school and with other charities because she is
willing to give her time to good causes
Someone you adore gets put on a pedestal. Considering your fear of germs, when you told me that you had shared a toothbrush I knew you must
adore her!
Adore comes from the Latin word 'Adorare', meaning to worship. So when you adore someone, it's more than just a crush. However, like many words
of strong emotion, adore gets used in lighter situations as well. Your aunt tells me you just adore the miniature fruitcakes she sends you every holiday.

To cherish something is to care for it deeply, to treasure it, like the way you cherish the time you spend with a favorite person you don't see often.
The verb cherish is related to words that mean costly and beloved. When people really value something, often because they feel emotionally
connected to it, they cherish it. Many of us cherish our first cars, and later in life, we cherish the memories of those days, driving around with our friends.
Generally, people don't cherish things just because they cost money; they cherish experiences that matter to them.

When you wonder about something, you want to learn more about it. You wonder why the car is making that noise so you ask the mechanic to explain it.
Wonder comes from the Old English word wundor, which means "marvelous thing, the object of astonishment." For example, the Taj Mahal is one of the
great wonders of the world, so beautiful and magical. But wonders are all around us anything that amazes and marvels is a wonder, like high-definition
television, the Internet, your mom's homemade pizza though we tend to forget this because we are used to them.
A mystery is something that baffles our understanding and cannot be explained. The giant slabs of Stonehenge, remain a mystery to this day.
The noun mystery comes from the Greek mysterion, meaning "secret rite or doctrine." A great synonym for secret is enigma. We use this word all the
time to describe stuff we don't understand, from crop circles and UFOs to the origins of the universe and the workings of the human brain. In literature,
drama, and film, a mystery is a story that centers around a crime, usually murder, which finally gets solved at the very end.

Things that amaze fill you with confusion and mystery or they just impress you. Either way, amazing things make an impact.
There are two main meanings to amaze. The first has to do with causing a feeling of puzzlement or awe. An impressive magician amazes people with
tricks. Anything impressive can also amaze. A great basketball player might amaze you with a rim-rattling dunk or by hitting dozens of free throws in a
row. Things that amaze also astound, astonish, and impress. Amazing things are also awesome: in the old of sense "causing awe" and the recent
sense of "really cool."
A compromise is a way of settling differences by everybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 and your friend wants to stay out until
midnight, 11 is a good compromise.
Compromise comes from the Latin 'Compromissum,' which means "mutual promise." It can be a noun or a verb. If you compromise with your lab
partner over how to analyze the experimental data, you find the middle ground between your two ideas. Compromise can also mean to erode or
diminish. If you never repair your brakes, you will compromise the safety of the car. If you cheat, you compromise your integrity. On the other hand
verb compromise could mean expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute
The nuclear secrets of the state were compromised by the spy''
It can also be used as an adjective 'Compromising'.
She has been shot in compromising position and the photographer is blackmailing her.
Maintain means to keep the samekeep steady, keep up, or keep going. Sure, you can ride your bike super fast on a flat surface, but it can be hard to
maintain that speed, or keep the same speed, going up a hill.
When you maintain a strict study schedule, you stick to it. When you maintain your car in good working order, you take good care of it. If you maintain
records of your business activity, it means you make notes of your sales and expenses. If a teacher maintains order in the classroom, she never lets
disruptions get out of hand. If you maintain your family, you keep them in food, shelter and clothing. If you maintain that eating animals is cruel, you
keep that position.

To handle something is to control it, the way an elephant handler might handle an elephant, or the way you would use a handle to lift a suitcase. If
you're panicking, a friend might suggest you "get a handle on yourself."
How to get a handle on the word handle? Start with the thumb. Much like the word thimble is derived from thumb, handle essentially refers to an
object held "in hand," or placed under your control. Handle can also have a more abstract meaning, such as understanding or grasping a concept. You
should be able to handle geometry before you start trig, right? A handle is also slang for a nickname. "What's your handle?" is another way of saying "
What's your name?
get a handle on something
to understand something We need to get a handle on what caused the fire and what can be done to prevent another one.
get a handle on something (informal)
to find a way to understand a situation in order to control it We need to get a better handle on the effects of climate change.

"Let's make a deal," a friend might say to you. That means he wants to make an agreement on something. If you pay for the gas, for example, he'll pay
for the food. What a deal!
Ready to deal with all the meanings of the word deal?! You can deal a deck of cards. You can make a business deal. You can strike a deal. You can
try to deal with an unfortunate situation. You can score a deal in the bargain basement. Deal comes from the Old English dlan, meaning "divide" and "
Use the noun analysis to describe the way you understand something by looking at it in different ways and studying its different parts.
Analysis is a noun that is used in many ways and by many fields. It makes sense, since it is "a method of studying the nature of something or of
determining its essential features and their relations," which means everyone does it at some point. In fact, every time you solve a problem you use
analysis. Analysis is also shorthand for psychoanalysis, used for understanding psychological and mental processes.

Before you try to sell your car, you should ask an expert to assess its valueonce you know what it's worth, it's easier to find a fair price. When you
assess a matter, you make a judgment about it.
The verb assess has the general meaning of determining the importance or value of something. It also has a few specialized uses having to do with
amounts of money, such as fines, fees, and taxes. It can mean to set the value of property for purposes of taxation, or to charge a person or business a
tax or fee. This verb came through French from Latin assidre "to sit as a judge."

When you buy a house someone will need to appraise its value before you can get a mortgage. To appraise something is to figure out its worth in the
marketplace, on the field, or in the world of ideas.
Choose Your Words
appraise / apprise
To appraise is to estimate the value of something, but remove the second a, and you have apprise, which means to tell. If you hire someone to
appraise your house, you might have to apprise your family of the fact that you now owe the bank more than your house is worth.
Continue reading.
To appraise the value of a friendship is difficult, but to appraise the value of your grandfathers pocket watch just go to the pawn shop. The verb
appraise comes from the Late Latin word appretiare, which means value or estimate. You can appraise your chances of marrying royalty, which are
probably slim. You can also appraise the value of a quarterback on your fantasy football team by looking at the statistics for his completed passes.
Canvass Imp word.

A rough calculation or appraisal is an estimate. When you hit another baseball through the kitchen window, your parents will get an estimate of the
repair costs. And you should estimate being grounded for approximately 3 weeks.
An estimate is kind of like a very educated guess. Making an estimate takes good evaluation skills, and usually estimates are pretty close to the actual
outcome. If the garage bill is way higher than the estimate they gave you, for example, you have a right to be angry. But if you forgot to factor in rush
hour traffic when you estimated the drive from Boston to New York, that's your own fault.
To approximate is to calculate the value of something based on informed knowledge. A computer program can approximate the value of a house based
on square footage, number of rooms, year built, and other relevant factors.
As a verb, approximate means "to estimate." Unlike the word guess, approximate implies the use of a logical or mathematical method. You might guess
how tall a friend is based on the first number that comes to mind, but you could approximate his height by using your own height as a comparison. As
an adjective, approximate can mean "near" or "close together." If your friend calls to say hes at a location approximate to your house, shes in your

When you evaluate something, you're making a judgment, one that most likely results from some degree of analysis.
Breaking down the nutritional pros and cons of dessert options is evaluating. Diving into a tub of Ben and Jerry's because you have a craving is not.
The word evaluate was used as a mathematics term before it became part of standard usage. Thus, its wonky connotation of objectivity.
it comes from latin sord means value out of
To judge is to form your own opinion. The critics didn't think much of the movie, but you decided to judge for yourself. Now you can't get your money
A person who judges, especially for a living, is known as a judge. To this day, you believe the judges cheated you out of the gold medal for figure
skating because they didn't like your outfit. If you're wearing handcuffs and a police officer says, Tell it to the judge, that's the one in the black robes,
not the one that holds up scorecards. Hopefully, this judge will like your outfit.
Explore is a verb that means "to travel in or through something that is unknown or unfamiliar." You might explore an island, a European city, or the
rooms of an unfamiliar house.
The Latin root of explore is explorare, meaning "investigate or search out." When you explore a new place, you want to see interesting things and get
to know its people. Whenever you delve into something, or investigate it, you explore it. You can even explore an interest, like when you explore
African art, or explore an idea or tendency in order to understand it you can explore your fear of snakes to try to get over it.
Examine, scrutinise and inspect are activities that I can do with something that is described and presented to me. None of them necessarily involve
any originality on my part.
Explore is much more likely to be an investigation of something that is not known.
Reading the question I have no confusion and can answer easily that explore is the odd one out, so i agree with the key.
the primary meaning of explore is to go into unkown places and find out whats there -explorers such as columbus discovering America etc.
examine/scrutinize/inspect are all about studying something in detail -> looking/thinking hard about something to figure something out or find
something out about it
*I examined/scrutinzed/inspected Indian culture* means something completely different to * I explored Indian culture*
in the first case you are an outside observer, in the second you are taking part in it and discovering things as you go along.
Bottom line is you can explore something that is unknown or unfamiliar, but you can not explore what you know and you have to examine.

To comprehend something is to understand it, like when you have to read a difficult passage more than once in order to comprehend it.
When you comprehend something, you grasp its meaning. Comprehend is a verb that originates from the Latin word comprehendere, which means
catch or seize. When an idea is clear to you and you understand it completely, you comprehend it, like doing extra problems to make sure you
comprehend a difficult algebra rule, or finding it hard to comprehend why someone would paint his house neon yellow.

To understand something is to comprehend or get it. The more we learn, the more we understand.
The goal of most education is to help students understand how the world works: history, math, English, music, science, and art are all complicated
subjects that you need to practice and think about before you can really understand them. Understanding requires knowledge and thought. Another
kind of understanding is like sympathy. For example, you might not approve of stealing, but you could understand why a guy would steal to feed his
When you realize something, you become fully aware of what is happening, like when you realize all the people in your basement who are smiling at
you and starting to sing to you are there because it's your birthday. Surprise!
Realize usually describes the moment your thoughts click, like the moment you close the door behind you, you realize you don't have your keys. You
are locked out! So you knock on your neighbor's door. You realize, here meaning that you are fully aware, that she might not appreciate having to
help you because she's trying to leave for work. You tell her your new goal is to be more organized. She says, until you realize, or reach, that goal,
you better hide an extra key somewhere in your yard.

To visualize something is to be able to see it in your mind. From the twitching in their feet, it seems that sleeping dogs often visualize a fenced-in area
and about 30 squirrels.
Visualizing is a lot like imagining both involve picturing something in your mind. But while imagine has the sense of wondering and exploring, when
you visualize something, your hope is to make it real. Basketball players visualize themselves making a shot to help them sink the basketball in the
hoop. Visualize yourself getting the job as you're going in to be interviewed and your chances for success will increase.
Fancy can be an adjective, noun, or a verb. As an adjective, its the opposite of plain. The noun names something that isnt real. When someone likes
or wants something, the verb can be used: I fancy a cup of tea. Doesnt that sound fancy?
Fancy is an old contraction of the word fantasy. Youll often see this word used in the phrase flights of fancy. This phrase refers to an unrealistic goal
or idea such as, He has flights of fancy about running off to Hollywood and becoming a movie star. Fancy can also be used as an expression of
affection. If you have a crush on someone, for instance, you could say that you took a fancy to him or her.
envision: to picture something
The verb envision means to imagine or picture. Kids often envision themselves doing exciting things when they grow up, like being movie stars,
professional athletes, or astronauts.
The word envision comes from the Latin en-, which means "cause to be," and visionem, meaning "a thing seen." Career paths aren't the only things
that can be envisioned. If you envision a cleaner world, you may volunteer to pick up trash on the beach. If you envision a more peaceful world, you
might make your brother and sister play in separate rooms to stop them from screaming at each other.

To imagine something is to picture it in your head. When we imagine things, we're using our imagination.
The word image is a good clue to the meaning of imagine, a word for picturing or envisioning things. You could imagine you're a king, an astronaut, a
firefighter, or a coyote. You could imagine the earth getting hit by an asteroid. If you can think of it, you can imagine it. Sometimes, imagining means
believing or guessing. For example, your teacher could say, "Did you really imagine there would be no homework?"
Exercise is physical activity, like an exercise class, or the act of practicing anything like people who exercise caution while crossing the street.
If your dad tells you to exercise restraint in dealing with your brother who just broke your computer, he hasn't suggested that you tie your brother up
here exercise means "use" or "practice." This might remind you of the writing exercises your teacher gave you: practice in forming letters. In many
kinds of exercise, the results come from doing something over and over just ask anyone who exercises, or works out.
The Act of using : Exercise
Exercise little care/forethought/diligence etc.

Practice can be a noun or a verb, but either way it's about how things are done on a regular basis. You can practice shotput every day because your
town has a practice of supporting track-and-field events.
One can practice the tuba for hours on end, repeating the same song over and over, serving to both get better at the tuba and to convince the
neighbors they should move to Florida. You could learn the common practice of offering a guest a beverage when they arrive at your party(That
means you do this on a regular basis i.e why we have called it a practice , if you care to be polite. One can also practice a profession or a religion, as
in I practice Buddhism and I have a booming international law practice.

pertinent,rational & logical. confrontational,visual,graphic,animated,flamboyant,modify ,improve,alter,transform,evolve,tweak
garnish model blueprint,fascinate,experience, interesting,confused,have a nodding aquaintance with someone, or be on nodding terms with

Experience :
experience means 'To go through'. You might have gone through a regrous training to be lawyer. so you have an experience to be a lawyer.
You might have been to a date and you mom may ask you about your experience with that girl.
Apprehend: (Vs comprehend)
To apprehend is to capture or arrest, as when the police try to apprehend criminals and bring them to justice. You also apprehend a concept when
you understand it, grasping or capturing its meaning.
The verb apprehend has remained much the same since the original Latin, both in form and meaning. It comes from apprehendere "to grasp or
seize." The word came to refer to learning "grasping or seizing with the mind" but then came to mean "seize in the name of the law" or "arrest"
around the 1540s, a meaning that remains to this day. The word can also be used to suggest an anxious feeling about something about to happen.

When you take a good look at something, noticing facts or taking measurements, you are engaging in observation, something a little more intense than
just a quick glance. When you share an observation, you communicate an insight.
The Latin verb observre, "to attend to," is the foundation for our word observation, which requires that you pay attention. If a hospital holds you
overnight for observation, they want to keep an eye on your condition. If you have a lot of funny or interesting observations on a topic, maybe you
should write a book. Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell once said, "If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much more
than you can by talk."

Adj: observational. : observational research,study.

Anything that sparks your interest or makes you wonder has the ability to fascinate. If you catch someone's interest, and then hold it, you fascinate
them. Be careful.
The word fascinate actually comes from Latin and French words meaning "witchcraft," and although these days fascinate is used under much tamer
circumstances, there is some sense in the word that the person's appeal is not quite normal: there might be a spell-like quality to his or her charms.
Thus, the word is often used to describe a new love. On the other hand, you might find the study of exotic beetles fascinating. To each his own.
awe: Admire + fear
Awe is a feeling of fear that is mixed with respect and wonder. You might gaze at the Grand Canyon with awe, marveling at its beauty and fearing its
Awe dates back to Middle English, and was borrowed from Old Norse, a Scandinavian language. In Middle English the word referred to intense fear.
The related English word awful originally meant "full of or causing intense fear." And awesome, which originally meant "inspiring awe" now is used
generally as a synonym for excellent.
To be awestruck is to be full of complete wonder, amazement, or dread for something. Swimming with a humpback whale or being near a tornado
would leave most people awestruck. When you're awestruck, you're amazed.
Awestruck literally means to be struck with awe a feeling of profound amazement. You can be awestruck by something surprising, wonderful, or
even scary. Imagine the breathless feeling youd get swimming next to a whale! Thats awestruck. This is a very powerful feeling that would never
apply to everyday things. Being awestruck leaves you stunned. You can't quite believe what you're seeing or hearing.
An attitude is somewhere between a belief, a stance, a mood, and a pose. If you've got an attitude about something, it can be hard to change it
because you think you're right.
You'll often hear Happy Hour referred to as "Attitude Adjustment Hour," because cheap drinks are one of the best ways to change your attitude. If
you're in a bad mood, cocktails can make it better (or worse). An attitude is a way of thinking that you can express just by standing a certain way. For
example, putting your hands on your hips and rolling your eyes expresses one kind of attitude, while kneeling with your palms together expresses a
very different one.

Conduct is about how you behave"conduct unbecoming"and also about carrying something through"the survey was conducted in May and
Conduct's two senses are connected. Your conduct or your own behavior is the way you conduct or lead yourself. Think of your brain as a little man in
tails and white tie, holding up a baton to conduct the various parts of you the way he would a symphony orchestra. The other sense of management
The way you act or conduct yourself is how you behave. Teachers and parents often tell kids Behave!
If you follow rules and get along with others, you behave well, while if you are nasty and rude, you behave badly. Behave can suggest acting in a
polite manner, as when you tell a child (or an adult) to behave in public. We usually behave differently in different situations like when no one is
watching. If you tell someone "practice what you preach" you are pointing out that the way they behave doesn't quite match up to their words.
(late Middle English (in senses (3) and (4)): via Old French from Latin institutio(n-), from the verb instituere, from in- in, towards + statuere set up.
Sense (1) dates from the early 18th cent)
Universities, banks, and hospitals are all institutions. Until you arrived at the bank, you'd forgotten that financial institutions were closed for the holiday.
Thank goodness for the ATM!
The noun institution also refers to a long held custom or practice in society. Even if your parents divorced when you were young, you might strongly
believe in the institution of marriage. Or you might believe that once you enter the institution of marriage, your next stop will probably be a mental
institution. Institution can also describe the act of putting something in place. The institution of new traffic rules green means stop and red means go
caused a bit of confusion.
Something institutional is what you'd expect from a big entity like a college or corporation, such as the institutional cinder-block dorm room walls or the
institutional policy of giving employees 10 sick days per year.
Accent the third syllable in institutional: "in-stih-TOO-shun-ul." The word institutional can be used to describe something related to an organization or a
corporation, like institutional reform or institutional policies. Something that's institutional is often thought of as bland or boring, like the institutional food
served to hospital patients. Institutional things often share, for better or worse, a certain sameness.

1 the fact of being sent to live in an institution such as a prison or hospital for a period of time She came from a background of abuse, poverty and
teenage institutionalization.
2 the act of making something become part of an organized system, society or culture, so that it is considered normal the institutionalization of film
The institutionalization of corruption paralaysed the system
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015
A surprise can be an unexpected or astonishing event, such as an ambush or a really great grade on a test you didn't study for. Something that you
don't see coming.
Surprise can be a verb meaning to astonish or startle someone, a noun for the unexpected thing, or for the feeling produced by that surprise. It comes
from the Latin word for "seize," and originally meant an unexpected military attack. When the novelist Charles Lever wrote in 1841 of "three cavalry
regiments, their noiseless gestures and perfect stillness bespeaking at once that they were intended for a surprise party," he meant a surprise attack,
not a birthday party.
astonish(surprise + be impressed)
Things that might astonish you: the discovery of life on another planet, a death-defying performance, and the number of dinosaurs a six-year old child
can name. To astonish is to amaze and astound.
Remember that astonish means more than surprised. It carries with it a feeling of being truly impressed. Astonish derives from the Latin
tonare 'thunder.' When you are astonished, you're thunderstruck. If you plan to astonish someone, you might say before hand, "Wait until you see this.
It's going to knock your socks off."

Something astonishing is astounding, staggering, stupefying, amazing, or incredible. It's not something you see every day.
This is a pretty strong word. A dog shaking hands is not astonishing, but a dog calling 911 for its owner definitely is. Astonishing things are amazing;
they blow your mind. When people first walked on the moon, that was astonishing. Miracles are astonishing. If you say, "Holy cow! I can't believe what
I'm seeing," you're probably seeing something astonishing.

Astound means to amaze. Savants, or those with extreme brain abnormalities, can astound people by their ability to play Beethoven sonatas on the
piano after having heard them only once.
Astound has its roots in the verb astonish, originally meaning to stun, and the idea of surprise remains wrapped up in the word. Things like over-the-top
fireworks, believable magicians, and the miracle of life tend to astound. But if you lick all your favorite cookies to keep anyone else from taking them
your rudeness could astound as well.
A mystery is something that baffles our understanding and cannot be explained. The giant slabs of Stonehenge, remain a mystery to this day.
The noun mystery comes from the Greek mysterion, meaning "secret rite or doctrine." A great synonym for secret is enigma. We use this word all the
time to describe stuff we don't understand, from crop circles and UFOs to the origins of the universe and the workings of the human brain. In literature,
drama, and film, a mystery is a story that centers around a crime, usually murder, which finally gets solved at the very end.

To baffle is to confuse. If you are completely puzzled as to what baffle means, you might say that this word baffles you.
Baffle means "confuse," but it can also mean "amaze." A magician might baffle you with an impressive magic trick. Additionally, this verb can mean "to
spoil, thwart, or defeat by means of confusion." In a debate, you might baffle the opposition by introducing new information that your opponents are not
familiar with. Baffle can also be used like stump. If you are stumped by a question on a test, then youve been baffled by that question.
To bewilder is to amaze, baffle, dumbfound, flummox, perplex, or stupefy. When you bewilder people, you confuse them.
Bewilder is a fun-sounding word for confusion-causing. A complicated math problem will bewilder many students. A magician's tricks should bewilder the
audience. Mystery stories should be a little bewildering, at least until the end. Sometimes, being bewildered has a more emotional element. If someone
you know died in a freak accident, that would bewilder you in a very sad way.

If you confuse two things, you are not correctly identifying them. If you confuse heartburn with a heart attack, you might end up at the emergency room
instead of in the antacid aisle of the drugstore.
To confuse can also mean to bewilder. If you tell a teacher that she's confusing you, you probably mean that she's being more complex than you can
handle. A lot of people get confused by the differences among "their," "they're," and "there." To confuse the situation even further, there's "theirs" and "
If you are confused about something, you can't think clearly. If your new friend keeps impossibly showing up in different outfits, you'll be confused until
you discover she has an identical twin.
Confuse is a modern verb, the old form being confound which means "to bring to ruin or disorder." When you are confused, what's ruined is your sense
of the order of things. If you return to a city where you used to live, and a dog grooming store has replaced your apartment and a dump has replaced the
park, you'll feel emotionally confused. If you think that Tom is Harry and Harry is Tom, you've confused them in your mind.
addlebrained, addlepated, muddleheaded, puddingheaded stupid and confused addled, befuddled, muddled, muzzy, woolly, woolly-headed, wooly,
confused and vague; used especially of thinking
befogged, befuddled
stupefied by alcoholic drink
mentally disordered
dazed, stunned, stupefied, stupid
in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock
stupefied or dizzied by something overpowering
as if in a trance
punch-drunk, silly, slaphappy
dazed from or as if from repeated blows
confused or disoriented as if intoxicated through taking a drug
full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment

To disturb is to bother.To derail from the course of action or break the continueity of something. If you hang a "Do not disturb" sign on the outside of
your hotel room door, you want to be left alone.
Disturb comes from the Latin prefix dis-, meaning "completely" and turbare, meaning "to disorder." To disturb is, in a sense, to completely disorder.
When you disturb something, you interfere with its normal function. Along those lines, it's also a word used to describe the interruption of sleep or
relaxation. Your alarm disturbs you from sleep every morning. When something disturbs you, it can also cause you emotional anxiety. A horror movie
might disturb you with its goriness.

The word bother has many shades of meaning, but most of them involve trouble of some sort. You might wonder why you should bother to follow a
recipe, until you taste what you've made without one.
As a verb, bother can mean that you take the trouble to do something. Its often presented as a negative: you might not bother to lock the house, or
you may wonder why you should bother reading the instructions that came with your phone. Bother can also mean that youre bugging someone or
causing a minor inconvenience. The word can also have a sense of deeper worry, especially when something is bothering you, like a nagging sense of

A bug is an insect. You might refuse to go camping because of your intense dislike for bugs. Bug can also be a verb meaning "annoy." Most likely, bugs
bug you.
There are bugs you can see, like bees, and bugs that are much smaller, like viruses and bacteria. If you get one of these microscopic bugs, it means
you're sick. You can also say, casually, "I've caught the model train bug I'm hooked!" A microphone that's hidden in someone's home or telephone is
also a bug, named after its small size. To bug someone means either to spy on them, or simply to bother them relentlessly.

The verb annoy means to bother or irritate. Your habit of constantly talking about your cats might annoy your friends more than you realize.
When you annoy someone, you really rub them the wrong way. Often, the things that annoy people the most are those that are repeated again and
again, like your habit of snorting every time you laugh or the screeching sound that your dishwasher makes day after day. Although the word annoy
comes from the Latin phrase esse in odio, "it is hateful to me," its meaning now is less "hateful" and more "bothersome."
When you ask for something over and over AND over again, you are nagging. If you nag your parents long enough, they'll either give in and get you a
puppy, or simply refuse any pets at all not even a goldfish.
When you nag someone, you complain and pester them. Your teacher might nag you about a late assignment, or you might nag your friend to give you
back the sweater he borrowed. A thought or worry can also nag you, simply by staying in your thoughts. The word nag meant "gnaw" before the 1820s,
from a Scandinavian root.
common scold: noun; Someone( esp a woman ) who keeps on continuously annoys you by constantly finding fault.

To excite is to stimulate, animate, or energize. The return of your favorite TV show might excite you, and winning millions of dollars in the lottery will
definitely excite you.
While a new book by a beloved author excites one person, and an extra scoop of ice cream excites another, it might take something like a free trip to
Hawaii to excite you. In quantum mechanics, the word excite takes on a more scientific meaning: to raise something, like an atom or an electron, to a
higher level of energy. The Latin root of excite is excitare, "rouse, call out, or summon forth."
If you're excited you're enthusiastic and animated, like a kid in a candy store. Or a kid on Christmas morning. Or a kid on the last day of school.
Meaning more than just "wildly happy," excited describes all sorts of excessive emotions (and not always the good ones). If you're excited you might be
agitated, nervous, anxious, or worked up about something. Skip a little further out on the excited spectrum and you're verging on a loss of control:
You're delirious, frantic, mad, or unrestrained. Less like a kid in a candy store than a kid on his tenth cup of espresso.

If the economy is starting to stall, the president can't just sit there. He has to stimulateturn it on, bring it to life, perk it up. You can stimulate practically
anything: a person, a conversation, a mind, or even the growth of a plant.
Stimulate is often used to describe a physical or sexual sensation, but don't get bogged down in that kind of thinking. Often, a government will try to
stimulate economic activity by creating a stimulus package. Or, say, for example, that I'm trying to sell my new song CD. In order to stimulate interest, I
need to send out a sample song to all my friends. Unless, of course, my songs are no good.

respect and admire are often used together, but they are by no means the same!
You would have respect for a person in authority- like a policeman, a military officer with a rank above your own, or a teacher, but you may not like
that person so you might not admire them. In fact, in these instances (and others), the respect is for the position (officer, teacher, etc) and not
necessarily for the person at all.
It's hard for me to imagine a situation where one might admire someone without also respecting them, at least on some level.r
intelligent, careful and showing good judgement, especially in business or politics
If you're a canny investor, you know how to spend money to make money that is, you're prudent, farsighted, and capable of protecting your own
interests, particularly in matters of finance or business.
In contemporary usage, canny is a synonym for shrewd. Both words mean smart or sharp-witted, but they also suggest that someone is smart in a
self-serving and possibly even tricky way. Canny is also related to the word cunning another adjective meaning wise, but with negative
connotations. Uncanny is not the opposite of canny it means weird or unsettling.

Esteem is all about respect and admiration. If you have high self-esteem, it means you like yourself. When you say, "My esteemed colleagues," you
are saying you have nothing but the highest respect for them.
Esteem derives from the same Latin word that gives us estimate, and back in the day, esteem, like estimate meant "to assess, or judge the value of
something." That sense lingers today. When you say you hold someone in high esteem, it means you give them a high value. Unless you're a
politician, in which case, when you say, "I hold my opponent in high esteem," you are most likely to follow that statement with a big "But...."
If something is uncanny, it is so mysterious, strange, or unfamiliar that it seems supernatural. If you hear strange music echoing through your attic, you
might refer to it as positively uncanny.
You can also use uncanny to refer to something that is so remarkable that it is beyond what is natural: as in "uncanny abilities." This adjective was
formed in English from the prefix un- "not" and canny "fortunate, safe." The current meaning of English canny is "careful and clever, especially in
handling money.
strange and difficult to explain
I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched.
It was uncanny really, almost as if she knew what I was thinking.
He has an uncanny knack of being able to see immediately where the problem lies.
She bore a quite uncanny resemblance to my Auntie Elsie.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015
The noun pride describes a feeling of happiness that comes from achieving something. When you do a good job or finish a difficult task, you feel pride.
Pride can also have a negative meaning and refer to exceedingly high self-regard.
If you know someone with the negative kind of pride, you might notice that his pride makes it hard for people to like him. Pride can also refer to the
standards you have for yourself your dignity. For example, you might have too much pride to ask for help when you need it. Pride also acts as a
verb meaning "be proud of." You might pride yourself on being punctual, or pride yourself on always having a daring, trendsetting haircut.

The noun confidence means "a feeling of trust and firm belief in yourself or others." A person who walks into a room, smiling at everyone and not
nervous at all about the speech she's about to give? That's confidence.
Confidence comes from the Middle French word of the same spelling, which means "firmly trusting, bold." You can have confidence in yourself,
another person, your country, even your rain boots what you put your confidence in will not let you down. Confidence can also mean "in secret," like
when your neighbor tells you in confidence that he and his family are thinking of moving away he doesn't want others to know.

pride Vs proud
Proud is an adjective and proud is noun .

Pride and honour : 'Maan' and 'Maryada'

When you are proud, you are feeling pride, or satisfaction with yourself. The word proud can also mean too much of this feelingsometimes saying
someone is proud is the same as saying they're arrogant.
It's also possible to feel proud of someone else. If your best friend gets the lead in the school play, you may find yourself feeling as happy for him as if
you'd got the lead yourself. When you graduate from college, your "proud parents" will want to be there to watch. The maxim "Pride comes before a
fall" plays on the fact that when you are proud of what you have, you are also at risk: having something means you have something to lose.
Definitions of proud
feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride
proud parents
proud of his accomplishments
a proud moment
proud to serve his country
a proud name
proud princes
having or showing an exaggerated opinion of your importance, ability, etc
arrogant, chesty, self-important
having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
pleased and proud
big, swelled, vainglorious
feeling self-importance
bigheaded, persnickety, snooty, snot-nosed, snotty, stuck-up, too big for one's breeches, uppish
(used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant
big, boastful, braggart, bragging, braggy, cock-a-hoop, crowing, self-aggrandising, self-aggrandizing
exhibiting self-importance
dignified, self-respectful, self-respecting
having or showing self-esteem
disdainful, haughty, imperious, lordly, overbearing, prideful, sniffy, supercilious, swaggering
having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy
conceited, egotistic, egotistical, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain
characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
proud of your house or its furnishings or upkeep
excessively proud
pleased, proud of
feeling pleasurable satisfaction over something by which you measures your self-worth
proud or arrogant because of your wealth (especially in the absence of other distinction)
trying to maintain dignity and self respect despite shabbines

Honor has many uses, all of them good. If you are called a man of honor, you are respected. If someone honors you, they recognize and award you
for your achievements.
The term honor has always been a word used to describe men and women of high moral worth or great achievement. It can be used as either a
noun or verb, and in many different settings. People graduate from college with honor, meaning they have outstanding grades. A woman of honor is
pure and decent. Soldiers are buried with full military honors, which means they are given gun salutes and trumpet calls and the nation's fullest
When you feel good about yourself is pride
When others feel good about you, that's honor.
Honor also means one's standing in a social group.

Orientation: Imp word.,It could also be thought as someone's perception or the way someone looks at something.
political,sexual,religious orientation.
Bigot: self-righteous, belief enforcer.

If a number of people consider themselves one group based on location, work, religion, nationality, or even activity, they can be called a community. If
you like to play online games, you are active in the gamer community.
The original meaning of Latin communitatem "a sense of fellowship" shifted to mean "a specific group of people with a common interest" during the
Middle Ages. The modern English word community has both of these meanings available. Street festivals or school fairs can help to develop a sense
of community in schools or neighborhoods. If you start a campaign to clean up the community, you want to make the area you live in more attractive.

Communal and community both come from Latin communis "common, of the community"if a pool is communal, it can be used by the members of
the community that owns it.
A communal well in a town without plumbing is a great idea. Until it runs dry, everyone can take responsibility for caring for their water source. A
communal drinking cup is not such a great ideaaccompanied as it is by possible infection.

The noun society refers to people living in social order. Unless you are a reclusive person, you are a part of society in some way or another.
Society can also refer to fashionable elite, the "beau monde" or "smart set." An organization or club formed around a common interest is sometimes
also called a society. To add to its mystique, this type of society might create special rules, greetings, or handshakes. Certain national societies that
may have branches in your community include the Elks Lodge or the National Association of Professional Women.
Community Vs culture Vs society

A community sounds like they're closer, know each other better and would help each other.
Society seems broader including more people... like including good or bad guys and all sort of people you don't know.
Culture is the kind of expectation, ways in which most of the people of that particular culture usually do things or treat each other. It's usually said that
it's past down from generations, but I don't really think so, cause like my hometown's culture of the younger generation might be influenced by
Japanese or US culture as well...
A community is a group of people who lets say, all live in the same area, or all who belong to the same group. A community is another name for a
social group. Society is made up of different social groups and culture is everything that we have in common, i.e, the way we dress, the way we talk,
what we eat, how we act etc.
dignity : Self respecting and or someone who is worthy of respect.
If someone has dignity, it means they are worthy of respect. If you really want the lead role in a play and you try to bribe the director to give it to you,
she might say, Have you no dignity?
Someone with dignity carries herself well. If you lose an election, and you say nasty things about your opponent and try to undermine her, you are
acting without dignity. But if you graciously congratulate her and accept the results, then you are behaving in a dignified manner. We also talk about
human dignity, which is an idea of what separates humans from animals. Human Rights activists believe that everyone has the right to live with

Dignified means self-respecting and worthy. If you want to have a dignified memorial service, skip the karaoke machine and instead softly play the
favorite music of the person you're remembering.
Something that has dignity is honorable and worthy, so something that is dignified acts in an honorable, worthy way, showing great self-respect and
respect for others. If someone handles a terrible public embarrassment gracefully and without breaking down, we might compliment her dignified
manner. You might be too dignified to engage in screaming at the wrestling match, or too dignified to beg for a job even in hard times.
If you trust someone then you believe that theyre honest and reliable. If you loan your car to someone, you had better trust them to bring it back to
you, and in good shape.
Trust takes many forms. You could trust in something abstract, like the idea that things happen for a reason. If you are nave, people might take
advantage of your trust. A trust can also be a fund or an alliance meant to take care of something. A trust fund gives money to some lucky trustee so
that he doesnt need to worry about employment. A wildlife trust saves land from development so animals can live there.

The noun confidence means "a feeling of trust and firm belief in yourself or others." A person who walks into a room, smiling at everyone and not
nervous at all about the speech she's about to give? That's confidence.
Confidence comes from the Middle French word of the same spelling, which means "firmly trusting, bold." You can have confidence in yourself,
another person, your country, even your rain boots what you put your confidence in will not let you down. Confidence can also mean "in secret,"
like when your neighbor tells you in confidence that he and his family are thinking of moving away he doesn't want others to know.

Find Confidence man,confidence trick,confidence game

When you have faith, you trust or believe in something very strongly. Some people have faith in a higher being, others put their faith behind the Red
This noun comes from the Old French word feid, meaning faith, belief, trust, confidence, pledge. It's often used when describing religion or the
supernatural: people have faith in God, or actually refer to the religion they practice as their faith. Some choose to have the same amount of faith in a
good friend or a well written recipe anything that will come through for them in a time of need.
To commit is to fully dedicate yourself to something. To commit yourself to being the coolest kid on the beach means spending hours at the mall trying
on trunks and flip-flops.
Commit can also mean "perform an act" often the kind that can get you in trouble. Just ask anyone who's committed theft, or arson, or vandalism. If
you are committing another person, that means you are sending that person to an institution. Someone may be committed to prison, or to a psychiatric
hospital for treatment.

When you want to keep all your options open, stay noncommittal. This means you say "maybe" and "I'll see if I can do that," rather than making
promises to do specific things.
Its pretty easy to figure out the meaning of noncommittal just by picking apart the word. The non- prefix means not. And you see the word commit in
noncommittal. So you know that the word is going to have something to do with not commit. You might also recognize the suffix -al, which is a tip-off
that this word is an adjective that means "not being willing to commit."

If you're committed to something, you're pledged or obligated to do it. If youve already jumped out of the plane, youre committed to your skydive
theres no turning back!
When you're committed to a partner as you are in a marriage or a domestic partnership, it means that you're associated with them exclusively and not
with anyone else. Often during wedding ceremonies or vow renewals, you will hear the parties recite a phrase confirming that they are committed to
each other, such as "I take have and to love and to cherish, from this day forward, until death do us part."

Conventional is an adjective for things that are normal, ordinary, and following the accepted way. Ho-hum.
This word describes what is typical and ordinary and that which follows accepted standards of behavior or taste. This is a word that's current definition
is still very similar to its Latin root, conventionalis, which is "pertaining to an agreement." One way this word is used is with respect to conventional
weapons, as in those "not using, making, or involving nuclear weapons or energy; nonnuclear."

Orthodox practices or beliefs are generally accepted as true or correct. If you are an orthodox vegetarian, you never, ever eat meatnot like those
people who have chicken once in awhile, or evengasp!bacon.
When capitalized, Orthodox is the name of the Eastern Church, originally distinguished by its doctrinal differences from the other divisions of the
Christian Church. Orthodox is also the name of the branch of Judaism that strictly follows traditional beliefs and customs, derived from orthodox in the
earlier meaning of "strictly observant."

A widely accepted belief or theory is an orthodoxy. You could call the scientific theory of gravity an orthodoxy, since it's generally considered to be an
established fact.
The word orthodoxy comes from the Greek root words orthos, which means right, true or straight, and doxa, opinion. So orthodoxy describes the one
true opinion. The noun orthodoxy, pronounced "OR-thuh-dock-see," is most commonly used to talk about religious beliefs. When you conform to the
orthodoxy of a particular religion, you follow its accepted doctrines, like a Christian's belief in an all-powerful God.

Traditional can describe anything that follows tradition, or a usual way of doing things. Traditional Mexican food includes tortillas and beans. A bag of
corn chips with chili and fake cheese sauce, on the other hand, is not traditional.
A tradition can be personal or national, and the adjective traditional has tons of uses. Traditional football might require a brown pigskin ball or a white
soccer ball, depending on where you live. Your traditional national costume could be a sari, while your friend's is a kimono. And that walking taco? It's
traditional carnival food for some.

Difference between traditional,conventional and orthodox.

The terms have different emphases, but you will find no "formal definition" for them. "Traditional" suggests a preference for older liturgical and
devotional styles; a similar word, "Traditionalist," has a somewhat different emphasis and is used to label those intent on restoring the old Latin Mass.
One can be "traditional" without being "Traditionalist" in that sense. "Orthodox" means "having the right opinion," and everyone should strive to be that;
it's a handy word when used in contradistinction to "heterodox, " which means "having a different opinion (from the official teaching). " "Conservative" is
a political term injected into religion, and I recommend against using it if some other word will convey your point.
A ritual is a ceremony or action performed in a customary way. Your family might have a Saturday night ritual of eating a big spaghetti dinner and then
taking a long walk to the ice cream shop.
As an adjective, ritual means "conforming to religious rites," which are the sacred, customary ways of celebrating a religion or culture. Different
communities have different ritual practices, like meditation in Buddhism, or baptism in Christianity. We also call the ceremony itself a ritual. Although it
comes from religious ceremonies, ritual can also be used for any time-honored tradition, like the Superbowl, or Mardi Gras, or Sunday morning pancake

A rite is a ceremony or event that leads to a new phase of life, like high school graduation or a bat mitzvah.
Rites are rituals. Religions in particular have many rites, which include celebrations and sacraments such as baptism or confession. But people also use
this word for any kind of event that signifies moving through a stage of life. For a football player, getting your first touchdown is a "rite of passage." Even
a job interview could be considered a rite it's a traditional ritual, something everyone has to go through before landing a first job.

A convention is a meeting, usually of a particular group. Political parties, teachers, plumbers, gardeners, toymakers and computer designers all hold
In fact, lots of cities have built Convention Centers in hopes of attracting convention-goers. The best-known conventions happen every four years when
the Democrats and Republicans meet to nominate presidential candidates. A convention can also be used to describe the normal or accepted way of
doing things. It's the convention, for example, for your employer to give you a three-day weekend around the Fourth of July, even if it falls on a weekend.
Difference between convention tradition rite and ritual.
Joe Paul emailed me the other day, asking what the difference is between customs, traditions, rituals, and ceremonies. It's a good question. We tend to
confuse these various terms and sometimes use them interchangeably. Basically, there's a lot of similarity between traditions and customs. The
difference has to do with how long they've persisted. Customs are probably the most common and short-lived practice. One of the origins of the term "
custom" has to do with "habit". So, you can think of custom as any frequent or common repetition of a social convention. For example, I have a custom of
singing a certain song almost every morning as I begin my day (some of you have heard that song).

Customs become traditions when they are passed on to succeeding generations. The word "tradition" comes from "traditus", which means "to deliver", so
a tradition is a custom that is delivered and accepted by subsequent generations. My custom of singing my song hasn't been passed on to my daughter,
so I don't think I could call it a tradition (yet).
The words "ritual" and "ceremony" go a little deeper, and are sometimes used interchangeably, even by anthropologists. However, if you look at the origin
of the words, there is a significant difference between them. The word "ritual" is related to rites (a formal solemn act observance, or procedure in
accordance with prescribed rule or custom).
The word "ceremony" comes from from "caeremonia" which means "sacredness". Unlike ritual, ceremony includes the sacred -- it's a total experience,
involving our bodies, minds, emotions, and our spirits. Intention is also very important in ceremony, just as it is in business. When intention is lostwhich
can sometimes happen the ceremony can feel empty and becomes a meaningless ritual. I'm sure we've all felt that in various events that we've

Occasion means something specialthat happens seldom or is notable when it does. On occasion, we sit down together as a family, but not every
day, and never for dinner. When Great Aunt Mabel visits, however, we rise to the occasion and stage a large family meal.
Occasion can also mean a designated time or reason something happens, or it can be an event in itself. I'm giving you your grandmother's ring on the
occasion of your graduation from high school. I haven't had occasion to look at it since she died. It's valuable, so only wear it on special occasions.

An event is something that happens, or might happen. In the event that you get stuck in traffic, the wedding will continue. It is too important an event to
wait even for someone as important as you.
When something is eventful, many things happen during it. In a detective story, a protagonist can protect himself by mailing an envelope to the police to
be opened "in the event of his death." In the novel White Noise, Don DeLillo describes an Airborne Toxic Event, both predicting and mocking the
disasters of our time.
The word amused means "pleasantly occupied" or "entertained. If you love dogs, youll be amused just watching puppies frolic in the park all day. If you
love everything, youre easily amused.
Choose Your Words
amuse / bemuse
People often use the word bemuse when they mean amuse, but to amuse is to entertain, and to bemuse is to confuse. In Alice in Wonderland, the
White Rabbit amuses Alice as he frolics, but then the Cheshire Cat bemuses her when he tells her to go two directions at once.
Continue reading...
Amuse comes from the Middle French word amuser, meaning "to divert the attention, beguile, delude." If on a boring rainy afternoon, you amused
everyone, you entertained everyone, probably making them laugh. If you were ever told, "I'm not amused," however, this goes beyond not finding
something funny that person might be angry and offended at something you said or did.

When you like someone, you might say, "She is an absolute delight." You mean you think she's great: a delight is a source of joy, and to delight is to
cause pleasure. Babies are particularly good at expressing delight in new things.
Delight is often associated with an initial impressionone says, "She continues to delight us," to suggest that the first impression continues. The word
delight derives from the Latin delectare "to charm," which also gives us delectable, and the same lighthearted sense of pure, uncomplicated pleasure.

Old English gld (originally in the sense bright, shining), of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse glathr bright, joyous and German glatt smooth,
also to Latin glaber smooth, hairless
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015
1 [not before noun] pleased; happy I passed the test! Im so glad (for you).
She was glad when the meeting was over.
glad about something He doesn't need the pills any more. I'm glad about that.
glad to know, hear, see I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.
glad (that) Im glad (that) youre feeling better.
He was glad he'd come.
Im so glad (that) youre safe!
glad to do something I'm glad to meet you. I've heard a lot about you.
I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!
He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him (= when he left).
2 grateful for something glad of something She was very glad of her warm coat in the biting wind.
I'd be glad of your help.
glad if I'd be glad if you could help me.
3 glad to do something very willing to do something I'd be glad to lend you the money.
If you'd like me to help you, I'd be only too glad to.
4 [only before noun] (old-fashioned) bringing joy; full of joy glad news/tidings
They greeted each other with glad cries.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015

The Olympics often inspire people to take up a sport, but they can also inspire patriotism. Inspire means to excite, encourage, or breathe life into.
Inspire comes from the Latin word that means to inflame or to blow in to. When you inspire something, it is as if you are blowing air over a low flame to
make it grow. A film can be inspired by a true story. Studying for your test will inspire confidence in you. Successful people often have a role model
who inspired them to greatness. Who inspires you?
Middle English enspire, from Old French inspirer, from Latin inspirare breathe or blow into from in- into + spirare breathe. The word was originally
used of a divine or supernatural being, in the sense impart a truth or idea to someone.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015
Inspired is an adjective that describes something of excellent quality. If your singing in a choral concert is particularly inspired, people can hear your
voice hitting all the right notes beautifully.
If something is so extraordinary that it's worthy of being described as inspired, you might think that the gods had something to do with its creation. In
fact, inspired originally meant "directly inspired by God or gods." It comes from the Latin in-"in" and spirare "to breathe." Maybe such supernatural
power did breathe life into something truly excellent. Or maybe the humans just worked very hard and had a great idea.
an inspired choice/guess (= one that is right but based on feelings rather than knowledge)
OPPOSITE uninspired
2 -inspired used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs to form adjectives that show how something has been influenced politically-inspired killings
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 9th edition Oxford University Press, 2015

To give someone the incentive to act in a certain way is to motivate that person. If you give your dad a food-processor for his birthday, you might
motivate him to help out with the cooking.
The verb motivate means to prompt or incite. By giving speeches on college campuses across the country, John F. Kennedy motivated a lot of young
people to join the Peace Corps in the early 1960s. People are not always motivated in positive ways, however. When a crime is described as racially
motivated, it means the perpetrators picked their victim because of the color of his skin.
Someone who is motivated has a cause to do something. If you have a habit of eating cheesecake for breakfast, an image of clogged arteries taped to
your fridge might make you a motivated dieter.
Youll find motive hidden inside motivatedand from detective movies you know every crime has a motive, or a reason it was committed.
Racially-motivated crimes can spark riots. A killer might be motivated by jealousy, anger and greed. Being motivated doesn't always lead to crime,
though. If youre one of those rare birds that sticks to New Years resolutions, people probably ask, How do you stay motivated?! They mean, How
you avoid giving up like the rest of us?
When you encourage someone, you give him or her the courage or confidence to do something, like when you encourage your little brother to play
harder by yelling his name from the sidelines of the soccer field.
The word encourage comes from the Old French word encoragier, meaning "make strong, hearten." When you encourage the tomato plants in your
garden, you water them to promote their growth and health. Encourage can also mean to inspire with hope, like when you encourage your friends to try
out for the school play by complimenting their singing and acting talents.

When you help someone by offering positive words of support and approval, that's encouragement. It must have been the words of encouragement you
gave in the airport lounge that helped your friend board the plane.
Within the word encouragement we see the word "courage," which means the ability to face danger and deal with it. To encourage, then, is to help
develop that ability in someone, while the "ment" at the end makes that development into a noun, the act of giving courage or support to another. You
needed a little encouragement to try horse riding again, after your injuries healed.
Difference between motivation and inspiration.
I believe that motivation generally comes from external sources. Its a reward-based force that compels you to do something. It gets you out of bed in the morning; it makes you want to continue to
improve your craft; it turns ideas into actions.
But inspiration is different because it comes from an internal source. Its what comes before motivation, and usually after an honest look inside yourself. When a photographer sees something
visually fresh and new, they may take an inward look and tell themselves, I can do that, or I can do that even better.
While motivation is usually short term and task-oriented, inspiration is long-term and goal-oriented. The need to make a difference, or the desire to feel that your work is part of a greater good are
inspired feelings.
The most difficult part of your career isnt learning how to operate a camera or a strobe, or how learning to run a viable business, or even figuring out how to market yourself. The most difficult
lesson in your career is something you generally cant learn in school and thats how to stay motivated and inspired throughout the duration of your career (and life.)
People who are inspired will not only motivate themselves, they will motivate others as well. Everyone loves the company of people who are inspired because just being around them makes
everything seem possible. People (you, your customers, other photographers) love the feeling of being inspired and optimistic.
I believe every person has the capability to inspire others. People who do this with regularity tend to have more clients, more business, and more fun in their jobs.
Because inspiration is a life-long series of internal examinations, I thought I would ask a few very inspired, motivated, and experienced photographers to share their thoughts on this topic. These
are people who have been inspiring me for years, and figured that theyd have some great things to say.

Attachment is a sticky word: an email attachment fastens a file to an email, while someone who has an attachment to email loves email. Attachment
brings things together.
Attachment is a word that's equal parts mechanical and emotional. Many gadgets such as cameras and tractors have attachments that allow them
to get more done, like a tractor attachment for plowing snow. People have attachments to bands, political movements, sports teams, hobbies, and each
other. It's important for babies to develop attachments to their parents this means they're bonding with their parents. Attachment is a lot like duct tape
it fastens people and things together.

Use the verb attach when you need to join things together, like a stamp that you attach to a letter.
When you attach something, you join it or tie it to something else. The word can be used to show physically joining things, like a printer that you attach to
your computer, or to show a strong personal connection. For example, you can attach yourself to a political cause or to a group of friends.
Connect means to join together. When a puzzle piece fits into another, they connect. You might fly to Chicago and then connect to a flight to LA. When
you meet someone and feel comfortable with them right away, you connect.
The uses of connect continue. A receptionist connects you to the person you want to speak to on the phone. When you are assembling something, you
are often told to connect tab A to slot B. When you punch someone, your fist connects with their face. You might not connect a movie with a historical
event until your teacher points it out.

The word connection is good for talking about the way things relate to each other. Your special connection to your cousin might have something to do
with your mutual love for science fiction and barbecue.
A connection can be physical, like the leash that provides the connection between you and your German shepherd, or emotional, like the connection
you feel with your best friend. Any kind of direct relation is a connection as well, such as the connection a detective makes between a footprint at a crime
scene and a suspect's favorite pair of shoes. The root is the Latin connexionem, "a binding or joining together."
As a verb, associate can mean to make a connection between things or concepts. You might associate the smell of lemons with summer memories of
selling lemonade. Or, with polishing your furniture with Lemon Pledge.
As a noun, in employment, an associate is someone who is in a junior position. You might hear about associates at law firms, hoping to make partner
one day. However, some companies also use associate to mean any employee, regardless of rank or seniority. The noun associate can also mean a
friend or someone you keep company with. And, as a verb, associate can also mean to keep company with like when you were associating with
activists at the protest march.

A privilege is a special advantage not enjoyed by everyone. If you're very snooty, you probably don't allow just anyone the privilege of being your friend.
Privilege comes from Latin privilegium, meaning a law for just one person, and means a benefit enjoyed by an individual or group beyond what's
available to others. Someone wealthy come from privilege. Someone with a library card has borrowing privileges. Privilege can also be used as a verb. If
you are on a committee giving away scholarships, you'll have to decide whether to privilege students from poor backgrounds or the students with high
test scores.
When you're privileged, you enjoy some special right or advantage that most people don't have. You could be privileged to live in a lighthouse and have
a spectacular view of the bay.
People can be privileged in many different ways, but it always means that they're getting some unusual deal that others probably envy. You can be
privileged because you have plenty of money and get to travel the world, or you can be privileged to know interesting people who inspire you. Another
meaning of privileged is private or exclusive, as in privileged information that's only available to a few people.

Relish isn't just a hotdog topping. The verb relish means to enjoy something immensely. You may relish eating the relish on your hotdog, or you may
relish taking an afternoon nap.
The word relish has been around since the 16th century and comes to us from the French, who are pretty good at indulging and savoring. When at a
dinner party, win points with your host by sighing happily after each bite to show just how much you relish the meal. Relish is also a kind of spicy or
savory condiment, the stuff you slather on hotdogs or hamburgers. So if you're fickle when it comes to pickles, you might ask them to hold the relish.
Exclusive means with limited access. The only way you might get reservations at one of the most exclusive restaurants in Los Angeles is to become
friends with the maitre d', or become famous.
By its nature, something that is exclusive leaves people out, or excludes them. You would think this was a bad thing, since excluding people is not very
nice, but by being exclusive, things like clubs, restaurants, and resorts become all the more desirable. Exclusive can also mean sole or only: The
company became the exclusive soda vendor at the new stadium. The local newspaper got an exclusive interview and broke the news.

In horror movies, you'll see a lot of blood splattering on walls. Ick. To splatter is to splash liquid. A splatter is also the spot the liquid makes.
When you spill some liquid on the ground, the sound it makes is splat. Splash a lot of it, and you have a splatter drops of the liquid across a large
area. If you are frying meat in a hot pan, the grease will splatter across the stove and counter near it. In the figurative use, gossip about a celebrity's
mishaps is often splattered throughout a gossip magazine like spilled milk on a floor.

A splash is a tiny amount of a liquid. You might, for example, prefer your coffee with just a splash of cream.
A splash can be wet, like a splash of lemonade in your tea, or it can be bright, like a splash of yellow across the oil painting you're working on. You can
also use splash as a verb, as when you splash your sunbathing brother with swimming pool water. Splash first appeared in the early 1800's as a
variation on the word plash, which had the same meanings and is most likely imitative in other words, it sounds like its meaning.

Difference between splash,splatter and spatter.

With "splash," a person or object is acting on the liquid to cause it to splash. Kids splashing in the pool are using their hands to make the water fly
around in tiny droplets.
It would sound right to say...
A rock splashes into a lake.
I dropped my spoon and it splashed into my soup.
Don't splash me.
Spatter (noun) is the collection of tiny droplets that land on a person or object after a splash. To spatter (verb) is to coat something with tiny droplets. In
the example you gave,
"He was spattered/splashed with blood"
If you say "He was spattered with blood," it gives the impression that the blood landed on him in many tiny droplets, without specifying how, or implying
any agent who did the action.
If you say "He was splashed with blood," it gives the impression that someone acted to squirt blood at him and it landed on his clothes, without
specifying how the stain looked (It's ambiguous--it could have spattered, or it could have made a large stain, for instance.)
Then you have
splatter, which is also like splash and spatter, but it implies that the liquid substance flew into the air on its own.
Oil splatters from a hot pan--all by itself. (And a spatter pattern is made on the nearby stovetop, or your shirt, if you're standing too close.)
Blood splatters from a wound. (It is not being pushed out with someone's hand, it just goes out.)
A pumpkin or a melon splatters on the ground when dropped from a great height. (The juicy insides just fly out in all directions on their own.)
In your example with the saucepan, all three would work, but with different implications.
- Please take care with the saucepan; you splashed me. (Implies a certain amount of intentionality, or at least carelessness, because the person had to
be acting on the liquid in the pan, dumping it out or tilting it or something.)
- Please take care with the saucepan; oil is splattering out. (Implies that you shouldn't stand too close or you might get spattered.)
- Please take care with the saucepan; someone might get spattered if you are careless. (Implies that there is a danger of the contents of the saucepan
staining someone's clothes.)
So I would say that the three words are similar, but not interchangeable.
Hope this helps!
Use the adjective notorious to describe people, places, or things that are famous for a bad reason.
A good synonym for notorious is infamous; both words mean "well-known, and not in a good way." A celebrity convicted of a series of crimes might be
referred to as notorious, as might a book that has been banned in several countries. The word originally meant just "famous" and could carry either
positive or negative connotations. Only in recent centuries did the negative uses start to outweigh the positive ones. In general, you'd rather be famous
than notorious, unless you're looking to build a bad reputation.

Notoriety is fame you get from doing something bad or being part of a misfortune or scandal. Just remember: Notoriety's not al-righty. Charles Manson
earned notoriety for his grisly crimes.
In our celebrity culture, it's hard not to think that seizing your 15 minutes of fame is worth the shame of earning it through stupidity, scandal, or evil.
(See: people's motives for going on reality television.) The rest of us can comfort ourselves with in our boringness that most people who become
notorious fade from the public mind quickly.
infamy(The day that will live in infamy for someone)
Infamy means being famous for something bad or negative. You may be hoping for fame when you get an enormous tattoo of your favorite pop star on
your back, but there's a chance you'll end up with infamy instead.
The noun infamy is most often used to talk about famously evil or terrible people or historical events. The day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor,
just before the start of World War II, was described by President Roosevelt as "a day that will live in infamy." Infamy contains the root word "fame," but
rather than meaning "the opposite of famous," its meaning is something closer to "fame gone bad."

Someone who is infamous has a very bad reputation. If you become a Hollywood star and find yourself on the pages of gossip magazines for your
affairs and addictions, you will have succeeded in becoming infamous.
Infamous is from Latin infamis, for negative fame. If you're bad but unknown, then you're not infamous it's reserved for those wicked and well-known
people that capture our collective imagination. It is a strong and resonant term. Some synonyms are notorious, disgraceful, and odious. The stress is on
the first syllable.

Displeased Vs Disquiet
Disquiet is a feeling of worry and unease. Here, quiet is used in the sense 'Uncalm state of mind". For example: A public disquiet about the new housing
policy or in verb , She was disquieted by his lack of interest in studies. However, displeased shows an annoyance, something that make you unsettled
by making you uncomfortable.For example: She was displeased with her research.

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