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Building the Carbon Temple

While the Cosmic Bloodstream is an ongoing feature of the Electric Bridge, a parallel focus can
now be placed on the form that is being built and sustained through this fluid, electrical medium.
As is commonly known, the basis of all organic life is carbon, and one of the secrets behind
carbon's ability to form long polymer chains and construct organic forms is an inherent magnetic
power. Until recently scientific theory deemed it impossible to magnetise carbon at room
temperature due to the arrangement of its electrons; the magnetic club was an exclusive one with
just a few prestigious members: iron, cobalt, nickel and a few rare alloys. But now, as a result of
sophisticated light research, carbon has been officially recognised as part of this group and science
and technology are working to bring the two worlds of magnetism and carbon together something
the high priests of alchemy have long been doing.1
Magnetism is an ordering phenomenon to scientist and occultist alike, the latter using it to
transfigure the structure of form into a more suitable housing for spirit. Magnetic carbon has a
central role to play in this process, carbon being the hidden and long searched for key to the
Philosopher's Stone. The relationship between the inner and outer man revolves around the alchemy
of carbon and the current research into working electronically and magnetically with carbon has
huge implications for the future; it will help humanity transcend the physical plane through new
conceptions of time and space and, in the words: .
There are seven fundamental types of electric power that the creative, spiritualised human being
can draw upon and seven corresponding types of matter; and the ensuing building work lies at the
heart of a future electric temple where "temples not made with hands" will be constructed. The
present discoveries anent carbon and their application in nanotechnology is an exterior symbol of
this future spiritual art and science. When humanity as a whole has progressed to a more spiritual
state of consciousness, the electrical manipulation of carbon will be widely practised through
natural capacities that lie dormant in every individual. Humanity will then start to work consciously
as one to transform the earth, and later, the entire solar system, into a living temple. It will be a
temple of transfigured carbon with humanity as the diamond-souled kingdom living and expressing
itself through it.
The key to initiating this great temple enterprise lies in an understanding of ..
This is not merely an enigmatic, mystical vision, but an intensely practical one, as an
understanding of carbon's foundational role in the electric bridge will reveal: ..
The discovery of carbon's magnetic properties and its responsiveness to electrical manipulation
is one of these secrets, but there are many more that lie on the border of revelation.

2. Secrets of the Carbon World

Carbon is the fourth most abundant element in the universe and, due to its ability to form long
polymer chains; it is the fundamental building block of organic life. Carbon's secrets revolve around
its atomic number 6 and the hexagonal building force that underpins Nature's processes. .
This etheric building force impresses itself on substance in manifold ways in the natural world,
such as the beautiful symmetry of the snowflake and the structure of quartz, the second most
abundant mineral in the earths continental crust. The great pollinator of the flower kingdom the
bee reveals himself as an agent of love at his own level as he builds the honeycomb a little
hexagonal structure built out of the transformed nectar from the heart of the flower. Carbon can be
made particularly responsive to this six-fold force in the ethers as science is now discovering
through its work with carbon nanotubes.
Carbon nanotubes are based on the hexagonal structure of graphite and have the highest strength
to weight ratio of any known material, with remarkable electronic properties and many other unique
characteristics. Drawing inspiration from the behaviour of proteins in making biological structures,
science is imitating life and engineering structures on the smallest possible scales. Drawing
inspiration from the behaviour of certain proteins that spontaneously self-assemble into complicated
structures, researchers are using molecules and individual atoms as building blocks and

endeavouring to achieve a "specific geometric pattern of the atoms that these proteins are composed
of on the surface of the nanotube." Researcher, Gevorg Grigoryan,goes on to say, "If you know the
underlying atomic lattice, it means that you know how to further build around it, how to attach
things to it. It's like scaffolding for future building."2
Now that the magnetic properties of carbon have been discovered an added dimension has
appeared that will affect future research and experimentation. In the words of Hendrik Ohldag, of
the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory: "With carbon, we know how to make things very
small. On the other hand we know a lot about how to process and store information using
magnetism. This opens up the door for future studies that will lead to improved magnetism in
carbon that could one day mean that we will be able to combine the magnetic' and the carbon'
All of this work with carbon is evoking the great life that manifests itself through this element
with undreamt of consequences for the future. Even now, the electromagnetic waves that permeate
the ethers through communication networks are having a tremendous effect on the mineral essence
of the planet accelerating its evolution and making it more adaptable to future human use. As
carbon is rendered magnetic at room temperature and enters the field of electronics on a vast scale
this can only intensify. We are witnessing the spiritual electrification of the entire world with
corresponding changes in the human organism. .
This word veils the secret of the future evolution of the human organism. It involves a new
understanding of the relationship between carbon and oxygen in the physical body eventually
leading to the transformation of humanity into the diamond souled kingdom. To understand this
alchemy of carbon in the human organism, carbon as a symbol of "living matter" has to be explored.
Four basic elements:
Instead of the four classical elements of alchemy: earth, air, water and fire, we can use in a
symbolic manner, the more modern chemical elements and ponder their deeper significance. Thus,
the lower principles of man are represented by four basic elements that also form the main physical
constituents of the physical body. These are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen.
Carbon forms the backbone biology for all of life on Earth, bonding with other elements,
particularly Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen to form complex molecules. In The Cosmic
Bloodstream we saw that Hydrogen and Oxygen are direct precipitations of the universal aether and
they facilitate the desire to manifest on the physical plane. These four elements are prevalent
throughout the universe, with carbon, the symbol of organic life, tantalisingly present, the substance
formed and moulded over the etheric vehicle by the action of prana.
The Birth of Cosmic Desire? The "eagle" nebula, is what many astronomers
refer to as a "star factory" or "stellar nursery", a region where many stars are
formed. It is a mixture of gas and dust made of mainly Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Carbon, and Silicon gases. The Carbon and Silicon gases are what give the
object its central "dark dust column" appearance, while the Hydrogen gas gives
it the red coloring and the Oxygen gas gives it the slight tint of blue.
Hydrogen: The lightest of all gases, burns in oxygen giving off the most intense heat of any
substance in combustion, and forms Water, the most stable of compounds. It is related to the
principle of animal desire, which burns fiercely during life in matter resulting in satiety.
Oxygen: The supporter of Hydrogens combustion it is the life giving gas and related to the
human principle of prana, the active power behind all vital phenomena. These two precipitations are
supported by the work of:
Nitrogen: An inert gas; the vehicle with which Oxygen is mixed to adapt the latter for animal
respiration. It is related to the etheric vehicle the inert subtle body on which the physical body is
Carbon: "The fuel par excellence"; the basis of all organic substances. It is related to the gross
matter of the body, the substance formed and moulded over the etheric vehicle by the action of

Carbon forms compounds with Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, to provide on the physical
plane, a body that reflects the vehicle of desire on the astral plane. Inversely, as a human being
transcends the emotional nature and purifies the astral vehicle, the relationship between carbon and
oxygen in the physical body is similarly transformed. Astral man becomes Spiritual man, no longer
a product of uncontrolled emotional combustion. On the physical plane, this is reflected by a
reduced need for oxygen in the respiration process of the physical organism, and a transformation of
its carbon content. This will be addressed in Part 3.
-----------------------------------1. ..
2. Penn Researchers Help Nanoscale Engineers Choose Self-Assembling Proteins,
Penn News
3. Carbon joins the Magnetic Club

2. The Purified Breath and Carbon Transformation

At present, the human breathing cycle has a less than benign (, ) effect on the
environment, taking oxygen out of the atmosphere and returning poisonous carbonic
acid( ). On the heat of the outbreath, the materialistic consciousness and
separative desires of the human being manifest, fortunately redeemed by the psychic purity of the
vegetable kingdom through the power of photosynthesis.
In addition to the pollution generated by our breathing, the carbon emissions produced by
human enterprise in general reveal toxicity within the collective consciousness. Significantly,
humanity is now working towards the curtailing of carbon emissions, which symbolises a move
towards controlling the desire nature. For the esotericist, the breath itself must be redeemed, its
composition reflecting the condition of the psychic nature.
During respiration, Man unconsciously breathes in the psychic component of the surrounding
atmosphere and breathes his inner psychic condition back out. At the point where the tide of the inbreath turns to become the outbreath, an alchemical reaction takes place between the outer and inner
environments and the resulting combination permeates the exhaled breath. Those who understand
this cycle work purposefully and rhythmically with the breathing process. The secret cannot be
discovered through specific exercises however, which can over-oxygenate and therefore overstimulate the lower force centres; it is revealed instead through the profoundly more difficult
process of self-forgetfulness, harmlessness and right speech. These attributes open up an intuitive
understanding of the Law of Cycles that automatically imposes harmony and rhythm on the life
expression, including the breathing cycle.
Interestingly, in the 1950s, the Ukrainian doctor, Konstantin Buteyko, postulated that many
chronic medical conditions of our age from asthma to lupus and Crohns disease are the result of
taking in too much oxygen during the breathing process. This leads to a deficiency of carbon
dioxide in the body which medical science has long known plays an important role in releasing
oxygen from the blood cells and tissue. The Buteyko breathing technique extends the lower
interlude of the breathing cycle to address this problem with promising results.1
Esotericists who have achieved the necessary level of dispassion can work in the lower interlude
of the breathing cycle the pause after exhalation for an incredible length of time. This is because
the amount of oxygen used by the body is in proportion to the power of the desire nature and the
more spiritualised the practitioner, the longer he can live in his own air. The magical worker aspires
to become as passionless and psychically pure as the plant kingdom and, like the plant, begins to
alchemise carbon in the inner laboratory of his own body which is why carbon is an integral part of
the philosophers stone. As the practice of dispassion proceeds, a purified alchemical force, literally
pervaded with love, is breathed out, carrying the magical work forward.

"Students of occultism who have demonstrated their devotion and their mental poise, and who
(to use the ancient formula of the schools of meditation) have kept the five commandments and the
five rules, and have achieved right poise, can begin to use the interludes between the two aspects of
physical breathing for intense activity and the use of the power of will to produce magical effects.
The consciousness, focussed in the brain and having participated in the work of contemplation can
now proceed to the work of materialising the plan upon the physical plane by the focussed energy of
the will, used in the silence by the conscious man. As can be seen, these breathing interludes are
also two in number, after inhalation and after exhalation and the more experienced the disciple, the
longer will be the interlude and the greater the opportunity therefore for focussed magical work
and for the utterance of those words of power which will make divine purpose to be."2
The breath literally and symbolically fans the spiritual fire of white magic on the physical plane.
It forms an integral part of a great science of the initiates which might be termed esoteric dynamism
the psychology of fiery motion. Through the in-breath, the initiate takes the outer psychic
environment in and raises it towards the Spiritual Ego, while on the out-breath, energy from this
level of being is poured out into the world as the will-to-love. The kundalini fire is involved in this
transmutation process, the force of the base chakra rising and fusing with that of the head centre to
produce, what the TB terms, "the individual electric fire"; together they circulate throughout the
ventricles of the brain the place of magical work. Here the white magician combines the fires of
spirit and matter to build thoughtforms of love to fire the world with the spirit of relationship and
directs them towards specific ends through the electric charge of the will nature.
This process of transmutation and planetary geometrising to which the TB refers forms the
esoteric science behind his directive to: Let the will-to-love fire the entire world with the spirit of
relationship. And working in this way is a step, no matter how small, towards revealing the secret of
the more occult work he alludes to. For now, the focus of the aspirant to the mysteries must be on
understanding the role that Love plays in transmutation and planetary geometrising and working
with it practically in meditation.
Love is the great Spiral Architect the builder of electromagnetic relationships between two
basic forms of dynamic motion in the universe the forward drive of the first aspect of Divinity
the Will and the rotary motion of the third aspect Active Intelligence. Love is a spiralling,
elevating aspect of Divinity that brings the two together in right relationship to one another
spinning and weaving the rotating atoms of substance into forms through which the essence of love
may be expressed. On the human scale, when the will-to-love is evoked and pours into the human
frame, it raises the whole organism into a state of dynamic tension and imposes the rhythm of right
relationships on all parts of the body. The human being is then in a position to work as a creative
spiral architect, directing love into the world to elevate and direct subjective relationships into new
forms of expression.
Service of this kind wisely hastens rather than hurries the time when, in the words "the inner fire
of the mental plane and the fire latent in the lower vehicles merge with the sacred fire of the Triad
[and] the work is completed, and the man stands adept". He then gives a vision of the future of the
human race explaining that "Macrocosmic evolution proceeds in like manner to the microcosmic.
The internal fires of the terrestrial globe, deep in the heart of our earth sphere, will merge with the
sacred fire of the sun at the end of the greater cycle, and the solar system will then have reached its
apotheosis. Little by little as the aeons slip away and the lesser cycles run their course, fire will
permeate the ethers and will be daily more recognisable and controlled till eventually cosmic and
terrestrial fire will be at-one (the bodies of all material forms adapting themselves to the changing
The required changes are already occurring in the forerunners of the race who are practising
dispassion and, as a consequence, initiating the transfiguration of the human vehicle through the
alchemy of carbon. It may be a very long process but this is the direction of human evolution as far
as the bodies of manifestation are concerned on all the planes. The human species will ultimately
become hermaphrodite and, transcending the process of sexual reproduction, will build bodies of
expression through an act of will according to Steiner bodies of transfigured carbon akin to a

soft diamond, the blood that circulates within as pure and passionless as the sap of the plant as
symbolised by the rosy cross of the Rosicrucian.
In the future, humanity will become the diamond-souled kingdom working as one to fuse
spiritual and mundane fire and raise planetary kundalini. As this occurs, the whole of planetary life
will shift onto etheric levels and a state unimaginable to us at present. The pure, cold fire of love
that shines from Venus whose evolution is someway ahead of ours, indicates the way, as does the
sulphurous, fiery atmosphere that envelops its physical body indicate that the liberation of spirit
from matter has taken place.
While this is a vision for a distant future, the work of those who are learning the esoteric science
of energy direction is spearheading the way towards this grand consummation. The immediate step
forward is the practice of raja meditation to evoke the will to love. This automatically engages the
central jewel of electric fire in the centres that stand behind the organs of the human body. Safely
and surely they bring about the conditions and spiritual atmosphere in which the initiate works,
where .. 3
The inner as well as the outer nature of man is electric, and the bridge between the two involves
the newly discovered magnetic properties of carbon as earlier referred to, which form part of the
philosophers stone. Added to this is the fact that modern science is not only discovering the electric
and magnetic properties of carbon but also of water, (to be explored in the next posting) which
makes up more than 80% of the physical bodies of vertebrates, and plays a crucial role in the
evolution of life on the physical plane of our planet Earth. The scientific discoveries now being
made as to how to work electronically and magnetically with carbon and water will facilitate the
passage and use of electrical energy in the world, helping humanity to transcend the physical plane
and identify more with one another in terms of energy and force.
At this point, the work of electric temple and the building of the carbon temple will proceed in
earnest. Transcending identification with any vehicle of consciousness on any plane, the divine
human being will know himself simply as a divine emanation the antahkarana itself the various
bodies like electric knots threaded along the antahkarana that can be activated at will when he
chooses to focus at a specific level of consciousness in the Divine manifestation. When the whole of
mankind can do this, man will then truly be a divine ray a strand of loving energy within the
stream of love divine a point of sacrificial fire, focused within the fiery will of God a little fiery
breath riding in rhythmic harmony with the Great Breath.
The Angel Nebula
1. The C.A.M. report: Buteyko therapy for asthma:
2. Breathing exercise could help asthma reveals University of Nottingham study

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