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(a) "Act" means the

Bombay Electricity
Duty Act, 1958;

[28th September 1962]

(b) "authority" means

the authority

In exercise of the powers conferred
by sub-sections (1) and (2) of
section 12 of the Bombay Electricity
Duty Act, 1958 (Bom. XL of 1958),

specified by the State

Government under
paragraph II in the
Schedule to the Act;

the Government of Maharashtra

(c) "billing month"

hereby makes the following rules,

means a month in

the same having been previously

respect of which a bill

of charges is

published as required by subsection (1) of the said section 12,

prepared by a
licensee under his

namely :Toc

tariffs for the supply

of energy to his
consumers. Where


more than half the

1. Short title and

number of days of


such month fall in

any calendar month,

(1) These rules may be

called the Bombay Electricity

such month shall be

named after that

Duty Rules, 1962.

calendar month, and

(2) They shall come into

where equal number

force on and from the 1st

of days of such

day of October, 1962.

month fall in two


2. Definitions.--

calendar months,
such months shall be
named after the first

In these rules, unless the

context requires otherwise.--

of the two calendar


Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

(d) "Electrical

(g) "Part" means a

Inspector" means an

Part in the Schedule

Electrical Inspector

to the Act:

appointed by the
State Government
under section 36 of
the Indian Electricity
Act, 1910 having
jurisdiction over the
concerned area;
(e) "Form" means a
form appended to
these rules;

[(ee) "Industries

(h) "quarter" means a

period of three
months ending on the
31 st March, 30th
June, 30th
September and 31st
December of every
(i) "succeeding
calendar month" with
reference to any


billing month named

means the head of

by a licensee, means

the Directorate of

the next month

Industries appointed

named according to

by the State of

the British calendar;

Maharashtra and
includes an officer of
the Directorate of
Industries at head
office not below the
rank of the Joint
Director of
(f) "Inspector" means
an Inspector
appointed by the

(j) words and

expressions not
defined in these rules
shall have the
respectively assigned
to them in the Act.

State Government
under section 6 of the

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


3. Provision as respects

calendar month, the whole

payment of electricity duty by

of the duty payable in


respect of the energy

(1) Every licensee who

supplies energy to any
consumer may prepare his

consumed by such class of

consumers during the billing

bill of charges according to

(3) In all cases not falling

his billing month, but shall

under sub-rule (2) the duty

include the electricity duty

payable in respect of energy

leviable under the Act as a

consumed by the consumers

separate item in the bill of

during each billing month

charges for the energy

may be paid by the licensee

supplied by him to the

by three instalments as

consumer and shall recover

hereinafter provided -

the same from the consumer

along with his own charges
for the supply of such
energy. The duty leviable in
accordance with the different
parts shall be indicated by
the licensee separately in
the bill.

(i) the first instalment

of a sum equal to
l/24th of the total
duly collected and
paid to the State
Government during
the preceding
financial year in

(2) Where in respect of any

respect of energy

billing month, the licensee

consumed by the

ordinarily completes the

aforesaid class of

reading of meters of all his

consumers during

consumers of any class,

that year shall be

within a period of seven days

paid on or before the

from the date on which he

15th day of the

commences such reading, he

succeeding calendar

shall, in respect of such


billing month, pay to State

Government on or before the
last date of the succeeding

(ii) the second

instalment equal to
the sum mentioned in

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

clause (i) shall be

Maharashtra State

paid on or before the

Electricity Board, and

last day of the

the Central

succeeding calendar

Government shall, in


consultation with the

Electrical Engineer to

(iii) the last

Government, adopt

instalment comprising

either the procedure

the remaining

prescribed in sub-rule

amount, if any. of

(2) or in sub-rule (3)

duty payable in

as may be convenient

respect of the billing

to him for reading the

month shall be paid

meters and payment

within ten days from

of the duty, and shall

the last day of the

not change over to

succeeding calendar

the alternative

month : Provided

procedure without

that, where the

giving three months'

amount paid by the

notice in writing to

first instalment

the Electrical

together with the

Engineer to

amount payable by

Government in

the second instalment


under clause (ii)

exceeds the total

(5) The Central Government

amount of duty

shall adopt the procedure

payable in respect of

prescribed in sub-rule (2)

any billing month, the


amount to be paid by
the second instalment
shall be reduced to
the extent of such

(6) The licensee shall credit

the amount of duty in such
Government Treasury as
may be specified in respect
of him by the Electrical

(4) Every licensee,

Engineer to Government,

other than the

under the head "XIII-Other

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Taxes and Duties-Receipts

shall cause any extension or

under Electricity Duty", and

replacement to be made in

a copy of the treasury

his generating set without

challan by which the duty is

making a fresh application

paid shall be forwarded by

under sub-rule (1) and

him to the Electrical

obtaining a fresh registration

Engineer to Government and

number under that sub-rule.

another copy to the

(3) Every person to whom a

Electrical Inspector.

registration number is

4. Provisions as respects

assigned under sub-rule (1)


payment of duty by persons

(i) shall pay the

who generate energy for their

electricity duty

own use.--

payable in respect of

(1) Every person other than

a licensee who intends to
generate, or intends to
continue generation of
energy exclusively for his
own use after the
commencement of these
rules shall make an
application for registration in
Form 'A'. Such application
shall, where the use is for an
industrial undertaking, be
made to the Electrical
Engineer to Government and
in any other case, to the
Electrical Inspector.
(2) No person to whom a
registration number is
assigned under sub-rule (1)

a calendar month
within ten days after
the expirv of that
month by crediting
the amount of duty
under the head "XIII
- Other Taxes and
Duties -Receipts
under Electricity
Duty" in such
Government Treasury
as may be specified
in that behalf by the
Electrical Engineer to
Government, or as
the case may be by
the Electrical
(ii) shall forward a
copy of the treasury

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

challan to the

(i) shall pay the

Electrical Engineer to

electricity duty

Government, or as

payable on the

the case may be to

energy consumed by

Electrical Inspector

such persons in any

indicating therein the

calendar month by

registration number

crediting the amount

assigned to him

of duty under the

under sub-rule (1);

head "XIII-Other


Taxes and DutiesReceipts under

(iii) shall submit a

Electricity Duty" into

quarterly return in

the Government

Form B' to the

Electrical Engineer to
Government and to
the Electrical

Treasury of the
district in which the
energy is consumed
or with the prior

Inspector on or
before the 15fh day
of the month next
following the quarter
to which the return

approval of the
Electrical Engineer to
Government, in any
other Government
Treasury, within
fifteen days of the

5. Provision as respects

expiry of the calendar

month aforesaid: and

payment of duty by persons

(ii) shall submit a

who generate energy and

quarterly return in

supply the same to other

Form 'C to the

persons free of charge.--

Electrical Engineer to

Every person other than a

licensee who generates
energy and supplies the
same to other persons free
of charge.--

Government and to
the Electrical
Inspector before 1[the
25th day of the
month succeeding the
month) next following

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

the quarter to which

any electrical contractor

the return relates.

licensed under rule 45 of the


Indian Electricity Rules,

1956, the electricity duty

6. Provision as respects

payable in respect of energy

payment of duty for temporary

so obtained shall be

supply of energy made by any

recovered by such contractor

person, not being a licensee.--

and paid into the

(1) Every consumer

intending to receive
temporary supply of energy
from any person, not being a
licensee, shall, where
consumption of such energy
would fall under Part E, give
an advance notice of his
intention to receive such
supply of energy to the
Mamlatdar, Tahsildar or the
Mahalkari or Naib-Tahsildar
within whose jurisdiction the
energy shall be consumed.
Everv such notice shall be in
Form 'D'.
(2) The electricity duty
leviable in respect of
consumption of energy
referred to in sub-rule (1)
shall, save as provided in
sub-rule (3). be recovered
by the Inspector.

GovernmentTreasury of the
district in which the energy
is consumed within ten days
after the stoppage of the
supply, under the head
"XIII-Other Taxes and
Duties-Receipts under
Electricity Duty". The
contractor shall also forward
a copy of the treasury
challan to the Electrical
Engineer to Government and
send an intimation of
payment to the Revenue
Officer referred to in subrule (1).
(4) The Revenue Officer
concerned shall be
responsible for keeping a
watch on the recovery of the
electricity duty by the
Inspector and the electrical
contractor under this rule.

(3) Where such temporary

supply of energy is obtained

7. Payment of duty by cheque.--

by any consumer through,

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(1) Notwithstanding

licensee with the

anything in the foregoing

Government Treasury into

provisions, any licensee may,

which he is required to pay

with the prior permission of

electricity duty under these

the Electrical Engineer to

rules shall, tor the purpose

Government, but subject to

of these rides, be deemed to

the provisions of the Note to

be the date on which the

rule 100(a) of the Bombay

licensee has paid the

Treasury Rules. 1960, make

electricity duty :

payment of the electricity

duty by cheque in lieu of
payment of cash into a
Government Treasury :

Provided that, if on
account of any
default on the part of
the licensee, the

Provided that, no

amount paid by him

licensee who has

by the cheque so

been permitted to

deposited is not

make payment by

transferred to the

cheque under this

credit of the State

sub-rule shall at any

Government, the date

time thereafter make

on which the said

alteration in the mode

amount is actually

of payment unless he

transferred to the

has given three

credit of the State

months' notice in

Government shall, for

writing to the

the purpose of these

Electrical Engineer in

rules, be deemed to

advance of such

be the date on which


the licensee has paid

[(2) Where any licensee has

the electricity duty.]

been permitted under sub-


rule (1) to make payments


by cheque, the date on


which the cheque has been

actually deposited by the

8. Maintenance of Registers.--

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

(1) Every licensee shall

assigned by

maintain the following


registers, namely :-

municipality to

(A) a register of

such premises.

premises to which

(iii) the names

energy is supplied or

of the

on which energy is

consumers on

consumed, containing

such premises.

the following
particulars, that is to
say :-

(iv) parts
under which
the duty is

(i) the

leviable on the

description of


the land or, as

of energy

the case may

made on such

be. the


building or any
structure or
any part of the
building or
structure on
of energy
liable to duty
under the Act
is made,

(v) if the
premises is a
factory as
defined in the
Factories Act.
1948 or an
as defined in
the Bombay
Shops and

(ii) where such

s Act, 1948,

premises is


situated within


the municipal

number of

limits, the

such factory

number and

or, as the ease


may be.

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


and the

if any.



n of the

under the

point of

relevant Act.


(vi) where on


any premises,


energy is

r the

consumed for

load is

the purposes


mentioned in

ly given

Part D, the




stating -

than or

(a) the

than 12




in each



for the

(vii) where






supply of

(b) the
is given
Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

energy is
made to
premises used
for residential
or commercial
purpose, or
where flat
rates are
charged by
the licensee,
the particulars

regarding the

private gain, or for


social functions,

supply given

giving particulars of-

to each

(i) the names of



(B) a register of sales

(ii) the

containing particulars


as respects the


monthly sales of


energy made for

(iii) the

different purposes to


each consumer and

where the load

the Parts under which


duty is leviable on the


consumption of
energy so supplied :

(iv) the dates


Provided that,


it shall not be

nt and

necessary to

stoppage of

maintain a

supply of

register of

energy. and

sales where
the supply of

(v) the

energy falls

amount of

under Part F;

duty collected;

(C) a register of

(E) a register of

amounts found

consumers who have

irrecoverable, with

been assigned

particulars thereof;

registration numbers

(D) a register of
temporary supply of
energy for exhibitions
or entertainments, for

under rule 16
specifying the date on
which each such
consumer has begun
to manufacture or

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

produce articles for

Government and to the

the first time and the

Electrical Inspector,-

date up to which the

exemption or
concession obtained
by him under rule 16
shall be available to

(a) a quarterly return

in Form 'C before

[the 25th day of the

month succeeding the

month next following]
to which the return

(F) a register of

relates: and

consumers who have

been granted
certificates under rule

(b) a statement in
Form 'E' 4(before the
15th day of every
month succeeding the

(2) Where the licensee

month to which it

supplies energy in areas

relates, showing the

falling within the jurisdiction

adjustment carried

of more than one

out in the account of

municipality or areas falling

that month] on

within the limits of more

account of -

than one revenue district, he

shall maintain separate
registers for the areas falling
within the jurisdiction of

(i) rectification
of metering

each municipality and for the

(ii) past

non-municipal areas falling


within the limits of each

recovered by

revenue district.

process of law

9. Submission of returns and


or otherwise;
(iii) any
n of the

Every licensee shall submit

purpose or the

to the Electrical Engineer to

made earlier;

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


kept and made available for


inspection by the

wrongly given


and withdrawn

(a) in the case of a

licensee licensed

(v) any other

under the Indian

reason, which

Electricity Act, 1910

may be

(not being the

specified by

Maharashtra State

the licensee;

Electricity Board), in


his local office in each

by a list of

compact area served,


by him. or. where


such compact area is

to which a

for his administrative

concession or

convenience sub-

exemption in

divided into blocks, in

respect of

the respective block

electricity duty


has ceased to
be available by
or under the
Act starting

(b) in the case of the

Maharashtra State
Electricity Board, in
each of its sub-

with that

divisional or divisional


offices, whichever is

10. Places where books of

more convenient to
the Board :

account and registers shall be

Provided that,



All books of account and

registers required to be
maintained by the licensee
under these rules shall be

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Board shall
keep the


him. or a Revenue Officer

Engineer to

not below the rank of a


Mahalkari or Naib-Tahsildar,

and the

or any officer of the


Directorate of Industries not


below the rank of an

informed in

Industries Inspector, or any

advance of the

officer appointed under the

places where

Factories Act. 1948 not

the books of

below the rank of a Factories

account and

Inspector, shall be qualified

registers will

to be appointed as an

be kept and

Inspector under section 6 of

made available

the Act.

for inspection:


(c) in any other case,

at such place or

12. Consumption to be metered

places as the licensee


may. with the

previous approval of
the Electrical

(1) 5[Subject to the

provisions of rule 14. where
the consumption of energy is

Engineer to

liable for electricity duty


under different Parts or rates


or both,] the consumption


shall be recorded by means


of an accurate meter :
Provided that, where

11. Qualification of

a person generating


energy for his own

Any Electrical Inspector

use does not. for

appointed under the Indian

good and sufficient

Electricity Act, 1910, or any

reasons and with the

person appointed to assist

prior approval of the

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Electrical Engineer to

data as may be

Government, instal

available to him or

any meter, the units

secured by him from

of energy consumed

other sources.

by him shall be
calculated on the
basis of the

[connected load] and

the normal working

hours of the
undertaking or
business for which
such generation is
made :

(2) If the Inspector has any

doubt about the accuracy of
a meter used for the purpose
of computation of duty by
any person other than a
licensee, he shall, if he
himself is not the Electrical
Inspector, refer the matter
to the Electrical Inspector.
The Electrical Inspector shall

Provided further that,

thereupon have the accuracy

where a person, not

of the meter tested in

being a licensee, who

accordance with the

generates energy for

provisions of section 26 of

his own use or

the Indian Electricity Act,

supplies a part of the


energy generated by
him to any other
person free of charge
does not instal a
meter or maintain
and furnish proper
evidence of
consumption, the
units of energy
consumed by him or
by that other person
may be calculated by
the Inspector on the
basis of such other

(3) Allowance for fast and

slow meters and incorrect
reading arising therefrom
shall be made by a licensee
to whom the Indian
Electricity Act, 1910. is
applicable to the extent
permissible under the Indian
Electricity Rules, 1956. only.
In the case of any one else
liable to pay electricity duty,
no such allowance shall be
permissible for the purpose
of payment of duty, except

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

when prior permission in

the units of energy

that behalf is given by the

consumed during the

State Government.

said period shall, as

far as possible, be


determined on the
basis of average daily

13. Reading of meters.--

consumption) of

(1) Every licensee shall

energy recorded

cause the meter of every

during the month

consumer to be read as far


as possible on the same date

preceding the day on

in each month and to have

which the meter is

the units of energy

read as aforesaid.]

consumed and chargeable to


duty in each month

recorded. The period


between two such

[* * *]

[(2)] Any person other

than a licensee who

consecutive readings shall be

generates energy for his own

reckoned as one month for

use and who is liable to pay

the purpose of computation

electricity duty on the basis

of electricity duty and

of energy consumed by him

submission of quarterly

shall cause his meter or

returns under these rules :

meters to be read on the last

day of every calendar month

[* * *]

[ 9[Provided that, j

and the electricity duty

leviable shall be paid on the

for the purposes of

basis of the monthly

calculation of duty

consumption so recorded.

payable in respect of


the period
commencing on the
first day of January,
1966, and ending on


[14. Provision for separate

meters or sub-meters.--

the day on which the

Where the electricity duty in

meter is read for the

respect of energy consumed

first time thereafter,

by a consumer or by a

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

person generating energy for
his own use is leviable under
different Parts or rates or
both, the consumer or as the

15. Right of licensee to enter
premises of a consumer.--

case may be. such person,

Every consumer shall allow a

shall cause to be installed

licensee or any person

different meters or sub-

authorised by him in writing

meters to indicate the

in this behalf for the

consumption falling under

purposes of reading or

each such Part or rate, or

testing the reading of a

both :

meter or sub-meter, to enter

between sunrise and sunset,

Provided that, where

any premises in which the

the consumer for

meter or the sub-meter is.

good and sufficient

or is believed to be installed.

reason, has failed to

provide different
meters or sub-


meters, at any time


to indicate the
consumption falling

16. Procedure for getting

under each such Part

exemption or concession under

or rate, or both, the


consumption may be
arrived at by the

(a)(vii) or (b) of section

licensee on the basis


of average daily
energy consumption
allocable to the
different parts, subparts or rates or
both, pro rata or on
an equitable basis as
is feasible in the

(1) Any consumer

desiring to get
exemption under
clause (a)(vii) of subsection (2) of section
3 of the Act. or to
avail of the
concessional rates
under clause (b) of
that sub-section may

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

apply in that behalf in

rule 8. maintains a

Form 'F' to the

register of consumers


to whom registration

Commissioner. 13[* *

numbers are assigned

*] and shall forward a

under sub-rule (2)

copy thereof to the

shall forward a copy

licensee, if any, from

of such register to the

whom he obtains


supply of energy.

Commissioner as


[Every such

soon as possible after

application shall be

it is prepared by him

made within a period

and keep the

of three years from


the date on which the


consumer or the

informed about any

undertaking begins to

additions or alteration

manufacture or

made in the register

produce articles for

from lime to time.

the first time.)

(2) On receipt of an
application under
sub-rule (1). the

17. Procedure for getting
concession under clause (c) in
Part G.--

Commissioner shall,

(1) Any consumer desiring to

after such inquiry as

avail of the concessional

he deems fit. assign a

rates of duty under

registration number

subclause (i) or sub-clause

to the applicant, and

(ii) of clause (c) in Part G

intimate the

may apply in that behalf in

registration number

Form 'G' to the State

assigned, to the

Government, through his

Electrical Inspector.

licensee, if any.

(3) Every licensee,

(2) On receipt of an

who in pursuance of

application under sub-rule

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

(1), the State Government

(c) in Part G.

shall make such inquiries

the component

and call for such further

parts of an

information as it may think


fit and if it is satisfied that


the applicant satisfies the

working under

conditions laid down in sub-

the same

clause (i) or sub-clause (ii)

licence or

of clause (c) in Part G. it


may direct that the applicant


shall be entitled to the

secured under

concessional rates of duty

the Industries

under sub-clause (i) or , as


the case may be, sub-clause


(ii) of the aforesaid clause


(c). Upon such direction, the

Act, 1951

Industries Commissioner

shall, though

shall grant a certificate to

situated at

the applicant certifying that


the applicant shall be

places, be

entitled to the concessional

treated as a

rates of duty aforesaid.


(3) No consumer who has

not been granted a
certificate under sub-rule (2)
shall be entitled to the
concessional rates of duty
under clause (c) in Part G.

18. Discontinuance of
concessions.-Every consumer to whom a
certificate is granted under
rule 17 shall submit to the

For the

Industries Commissioner

purpose of

within three months of the


close of the financial year of

rates of duty

his undertaking a report

under clause

giving the details of any new

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

business or line of

documentary), as in its

production undertaken by

opinion is necessary or

him along with such working

required for the purposes of

data as will be sufficient to

recording its decision.

satisfy the State

(2) Any person aggrieved by

Government that the

the decision of the authority

consumer continues to

under paragraph II in the

qualify for the said

Schedule to the Act or any

concession. The State

Government shall, in every
case where it considers that
either because of such new
business or line of

licensee having any interest

in such decision shall, on
payment of a copying fee at
the rate of twenty-five naye
paise per typed page and on

production undertaken or

an application made in that

otherwise, the consumer

behalf to the authority, be

cannot qualify for such

concession, pass orders for
the discontinuance of the

entitled to have a copy of

the decision of the authority.

concession with effect from a

date not earlier than six
months from the close of the
said financial year.

20. Appeals against decisions of
authority.-(1) Where an appeal against
the decision of the authority

19. Dispute regarding

under paragraph II in the

applicability of any Part.--

Schedule to the Act is made

(1) The authority to which

any question has been
referred for decision under
paragraph II in the Schedule
to the Act may require any
person concerned or likely to
be concerned with such
question to produce before it

to the State Government,

the State Government may.
after giving the appellant an
opportunity of being heard
and calling for such further
information or evidence as it
may deem necessary pass
such orders as it deems fit.

such information (oral or

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

(2) Every such appeal shall

(2) Where any consumer

be addressed to the

who is liable to pay the

Secretary to the Government

electricity duty directly to

of Maharashtra in the

the State Government fails

Industries and Labour

to pay the same within the

Department, Sachivalaya

time prescribed in that

Annexe, Bombay-32.

behalf, the Electrical

Inspector shall send a


written notice to the last


21. Recovery of arrears of

electricity duty.--

known address of the

consumer requiring him to
pay the dues together with
the interest accruable

(1) Where any licensee or

thereon within thirty days of

other person fails to pay any

the notice and upon the

electricity duty recovered by

consumer's failure to pay the

him from his consumers to

said dues within such period,

the State Government within

the Electrical Inspector may

the period specified in rule 3

report to the State

or 5, the Electrical Inspector

Government for the recovery

may, after giving clear thirty

of the dues as an arrear of

days' notice in writing to the

land revenue.

seniormost officer of the


licensee residing at the place

where books of account and
registers of the licensee are
kept in pursuance of rule 8
or to such person as the
case may be, to pay the
clues together with the
interest accruable thereon,
report to the State

22. Repeal.-On the commencement of

these rules, the Bombay
Electricity Duty Rules, 1958.
shall stand repealed, except
as respects things done or
omitted to be done.

Government for the recovery

of the dues as an arrear of
land revenue.


Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


1 Inserted by G. N. of 17.2.1986.
2. Substituted by G. N. of 10.4.1963.
3. Substituted by G. N. of 15.1
4. Substituted by G. N. of 104.1963.
5. Substituted by G. N. of 4.11.1980.
6. Substituted by G. N. of 22.7.1974.
7. Deleted by G. N. of 4.11.1980.
8. Added by G. N. of 18.1.1966.
9. Substituted by G. N. of 4.1 1.1980.
10. Deleted, ibid.
11. Renumbered, ibid.
12. Substituted by G. N. of 4.11.1984.
13. Deleted by G. N. of 17.12.1986.
14. Added by G. N. of 15.11.1977.

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may not include subsequent amendments. For

authoritative text, please contact the relevant state
department concerned or refer to the latest
government publication or the gazette notification.

Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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