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Nama: Hanifah Nur Azizah

NIM : 13/348290/TK/40870
Stress vs Strain

Physics is a science that studies matter and its actions through time and space. Together
with natural philosophy and natural science, it analyzes nature to provide an understanding of
how the world and the universe behave.
It is closely related to other sciences such as mathematics, ontology, chemistry, geology,
cosmology, and astronomy. It involves the study of the different forces such as stress that can be
applied to an object which can cause it to change and the resulting deformation that the object
goes through which is called the strain.
Stress is a force that can cause a change in a physical body. It is the tension that is
produced that can cause a body to deform. It is the quantitative measurement of the amount of
force that is held within an object. Stress can be measured and is dependent on the applied force
within an area. It is the resistance or internal response of an object to an external pressure. Stress
can occur even without strain, but strain cannot exist without stress.
The word stress comes from the Middle English word destresse which means
distress. It in turn comes from the Old French word estrece meaning oppression or
narrowness from the Latin word strictus which means to draw tight.
Strain is the change in shape or form of an object when stress is applied. Under applied
forces, a physical body is deformed or altered. This is called strain. It only occurs when stress is
present, and it is a concept that has no unit of measure. It is synonymous with the term
deformation which is what happens when stress is applied. Most objects respond to stress or
pressure by changing their forms according to how the pressure or stress is applied to them.
An example is when stretching a steel wire. Stress is applied when stretching it so that it
becomes longer than it originally was, and the change in length that it undergoes is the strain.
Stress may also be applied through bending or shearing.

1. Stress is defined as a force that can cause a change in an object or a physical body while
strain is the change in the form or shape of the object or physical body on which stress is
2. Stress can occur without strain, but strain cannot occur with the absence of stress.
3. Stress can be measured and has a unit of measure while strain does not have any unit and,
therefore, cannot be measured.
4. Strain is an objects response to stress while stress is the force that can cause strain in an
5. Stress comes from the Latin word strictus which means to draw tight while strain
comes from the Latin word stringere which means to bind tightly.

Yield Strength untuk beberapa bahan

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