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ALI AFNAN`s Combined Instructions

Level 1 and Level 2 (Page 7 +)

Distance Attunement
Usui Reiki Level-1

Reiki is the Japanese phrase for "Universal life energy". The Usui
Reiki Healing is a hands-on healing practice where Reiki is
channelled through the practitioner's hands for self-treatment or
for treatment of others.
(This Manual is not to be shared with any one without my Permission)

My way of Giving Level 1 Usui Reiki

Wit h At t unem ent / I nit iat ion/ o , I also give t he Physical sym bol of Cho- Ko- Rei ,
so t hat you can access m ore power. The sym bol Cho- ko- Rei connect s
us t o t he Universal Healing Energies and also does grounding of t he
pract it ioner . I n absence of grounding , if you are healing anot her person you
will feel like losing your own power or will st art feeling his sym pt om s.
Ch o- k o- Re i m e a ns , I pla ce t h e pow e r of t h e Un iver se he r e .
Sym bol is m ade like t his below

How to become Reiki Practitioner & Healer

First Step (To be Done only Once)
How to call the Attunement/ Co (Without Attunement/Co Reiki does not Work)
Before closing your eyes and while sitting straight or lying straight or sitting on chair with feet
touching ground, say the lines Below.

I ask my Higher Self to Attune me to Usui Reiki level 1 By Ali Afnan with Thanks
Or in Hindi as below

After saying above lines, stay in this position for 30 minutes and then

Thank the Universe for this Gift

Open your Eyes you are Attuned, and now you can practice Reiki as detailed below.

Second Step
How to Use Usui Reiki level to heal yourself and others.

Sa y t he se Line s fir st

I am grateful to myself

I am grateful to Reiki

I am grateful to My Parents and Guru /

1) If you are healing yourself, then place your left hand on your body and with the
right hand index finger make the Cho-ko-Rei symbol anywhere on the body/air and say
"Cho-ko-rei" 3 times and now place your right hand too on your body and Reiki energies start
healing you. Hold this Position for 30 minutes or at least minimum time is 15 minutes).

2) If you want to heal someone else, place your left hand on the left shoulder of the person and
with the right hand index finger make the Cho-ko-Rei symbol on his back and say "Cho-Ko-Rei"
3 times and place the right hand too on his right shoulder and Reiki energies will start healing the
person . Hold this Position for 30 minutes or at least minimum time is 15 minutes).

After this process drink water and make the patient also drink water .

Frequently Asked Question Answered here:

Reiki is an Intelligent Energy but to use Usui Reiki you need Attunement/Initiation/Diksha .
For Initiation/ Attunement/Diksha a Teacher sends out the Energies into Space and these Energies are
just waiting for you to call them.
How to Call in the Attunement??? Its is like if you want to call a person, you say Ajay come here papa is
calling , so in the same Way to call in Reiki Attunement/Initiation you need to call the Energies which
I have sent in the space by thinking in MIND Specific sets of words which are as below
I ask my Higher self (Spirit) to Attune me to Usui Reiki level 1 by Ali Afnan with Thanks.
Close your eyes and sit for 30 minutes and then in mind think you have ended the Attunement and
then Thank the Universe and open your Eyes.
Is it so hard?? Not at all my dear. Its a very simple process so you don't have to take any tension or
worries, while you say the Attunement calling words. Then its up to my energies and Universal
energies and your Spirit to Attune you. You Body is just a Passive Participant nothing can come
between you and the Attunement process as soon as you say the Words to call in the Attunement.
Even If you sleep after 10 minutes of calling in Attunement you still get Attuned.
If for some Emergency you need to open your eyes after 10 or 15 minutes and need to reply to someone
on important issue, Attunement will still go on and complete itself in 30 minutes.
You say the Attunement Calling words and start dancing, still the Energies will keep coming and you
will be attuned fully and perfectly after 30 minutes. But the thing is that, As Light is a Universal Energy
we have to give it respect. Thats why we sit in a proper manner in Full Lotus half Lotus or on a chair
and feet touching ground. We close our eyes and Say the Attunement calling words and sit quietly for
30 minutes. The more you give respect to energy the more it will Help you.
Regular Practice of self healing enhances your energies in all respect so keep healing.

Congratulation for Joining the Reiki Community .Keep healing

Flawless Love,

Multiple Grand Grand Reiki Master/Teacher
After this fir st level ...upgr a de y our self to U sui Reiki 2nd level w her e y ou w ill r eceive
2 m or e sy m bols. 1st M enta l/ Em otiona l sy m bol a nd 2 nd the D ista nce sy m bol tha t
br idges a ny Ga p a nd give us pow er to hea l fr om dista nce a nd tr a nscend tim e. See y ou
soon then , on flight of 2nd Level ....

Reiki was founded by a Japanese Spiritual person Mikao Usui in Japan. It consists of 2 words
Rei-means Universal, Ki-means Energy, So Reiki`s means Universal Energy. In Chinese it is Called
Chi, in Sanskrit and Hindi it is known as Prana, in scientific language it is known as Orgone energy
and in Urdu and Sufism it is known as Allah's Light. Reiki can be used for healing and many other
purposes by Humans.
First thing we have to know is that there are 4 levels of being at which the disease occurs or some
foreign virus or energy or a Negative thought Form or Magic resides in and from there it attacks
the physical body.
Those 4 levels of being are in the Aura which is in scientific terms Electro-Magnetic Field of a
person which is surrounding him in Round Egg shape. The 4 levels of being are.




3. Emotional



Every illness and other problems in our life is because one of those 4 levels of being affected by
outside energies or by our own negative thoughts.


Makes Immunity strong .

Heal anxiety problems of yours and others.

No medication needed so No side effects too.

Spirit will be energized making you more spiritual.

Ends financial problems, Business related Problems.

Keeps you energetic and also enhances self confidence.

Happier and Healthier, Free from Depression life , every day.

Heal Schizophrenic patients and patients of Cancer even in the last stage.

You will handle Stress effectively & it is possible that stress will even leave you.

You become more intelligent and efficient at using your mind for problem solving.

You can Protect yourself from Negative energies and Magical spells directed at you.

Heals all Psychological ,Mental ,Emotional & Physical Problems & helps in speedy recovery.

Heals at Spiritual level i.e.Effects of Magic and Jealousy and negative thoughts that
disrupt your spiritual layer of the Aura .U can take those energies out of your Aura to clear

Makes you, Counter Magic, Evil eye, Counter Jealousy and more control over your
thoughts and actions and last but not the least causes your Third eye activation.

USE of Reiki

The best use of Reiki is that all the known diseases and illnesses in the world can be treated for
yourself and for others .

Improves your relationships i.e. between children and parents, brother and sister, son and
father, uncle and nephew and so on.

Creates Abundance of happiness and money in your life & Helps you advance spiritually too

Help you to conceive a Baby even if Medical Science is Unable to help you though
medical reports of husband and wife are normal .Reiki will help you have a baby.

One Become healthy and happy, as u will have a check on your energies and energies around
yourself and make them positive and cleanse your own Aura.

Sense the energies of a certain place like your room or your house or some relatives house
and clear

the space around

.Positive energies


make everyone


Heals Every physical problems of health or other body defects which were at birth .

Heal every Emotional Problems, Mental problems, Spiritual problems with no side effects.

Reiki makes Memory better and make Memory holding Neural pathways Stronger.

Reiki helps you Know why your son/daughter & your wife have a certain problem.
For Example ,Your son is always in bad mood and your daughter is most of the time feeling
depressed and your wife is not speaking with you. You will be able to know Problem is at
which level(Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual) and u can resolve it at that level.

Clear most of your closed ones problems without having them to use medication.

Improve Relations between Husband & Wife leading to Ideal Married life

Intuitive powers will increase and your Sixth sense will be enhanced.

Get better at studies ,and get good Marks in Exams or tests

Gets you better Job or get`s you selected in a job interview.

Improve Love Life, Marry your Lover or Soul mate.

Help in all problems relating to Love.

Attract a Perfect Partner for yourself.

Develop sense of energy awareness.

Better Sex life between couples.

Make your child more Intelligent.

Enhance your Psychic Powers.

Heal Human, animal and plant.

Better Sensing abilities.

Able to see Auras.

ALI AFNAN`s Instruction Manual

Distance Attunement
Usui Reiki Level-2
(Call this Attunenemt after 5 days of Level 1 Attunement)

Reiki is the Japanese phrase for "Universal life energy". The Usui
Reiki Healing is a hands-on healing practice where Reiki is
channelled through the practitioner's hands for self-treatment or
for treatment of others.
(This Manual is not to be shared with any one without my Permission)

My way of Giving Level 2 Usui Reiki

With Attunement/Initiation/ o , I also give 2 symbols to students

Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen, and Say-Hai-Ki .
1st symbol Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen is a Distance symbol that bridges any gap
and give us power to heal from distance and transcend time.
2nd symbol Say-Hai-Ki is a Mental/Emotional symbol for Healing .
Symbol is made like this below

How to become 2nd LevelReiki Practitioner & Healer

First Step (To be Done only Once)
How to call the 2nd Level Attunement/ Co (Without Attunement Reiki does not Work)
Before closing your eyes and while sitting straight or lying straight or sitting on chair with feet
touching ground, say the lines Below.

I ask my Higher Self to Attune me to Usui Reiki level 2 By Ali Afnan with Thanks
Or in Hindi as below

After saying above lines, stay in this position for 30 minutes and then

Thank the Universe for this Gift

Open your Eyes you are Attuned, and now you can practice Level-2 Reiki as detailed below.

Second Step
How to Use Usui Reiki level 2 symbols to heal yourself and others.

Sa y t he se Line s fir st

I am grateful to myself

I am grateful to Reiki

I am grateful to My Parents and Guru /

If you are healing yourself, then place your left hand on your body and with the
right hand index fingers do the steps below:
Draw in AIR cho ko rei(Symbol Given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times.
Draw in AIR Hon-sha-ze-sho-nen and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR cho ko rei(Symbol Given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR Say-Hay-ki and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR cho-ko-rei (Symbol given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times
(Hold this Position for 30 minutes and if you cant then at least minimum time is 15 minutes)

If you are healing others at distance, then with right hand index finger do the steps below
While saying that I am sending this Distance Reiki to NAME at PLACE while imagining
His/Her face or if Photo is Available then symbols can be drawn on it by Index finger.
Draw in AIR cho ko rei(Symbol Given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times.
Draw in AIR Hon-sha-ze-sho-nen and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR cho ko rei(Symbol Given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR Say-Hay-ki and say its name 3 times
Draw in AIR cho-ko-rei (Symbol given at Level-1) and say its name 3 times
(Hold this Position for 30 minutes and if you cant then at least minimum time is 15 minutes)
In case of Level 2 inperson Healing , place your left hand on the left shoulder of the person and

with the right hand index finger draw the above sequence of symbols on his back and after
that place the right hand too on his right shoulder and Reiki energies will start healing the person .
Hold this Position for 30 minutes or at least minimum time is 15 minutes).

After this process drink water and ask the patient also drink water .

Distance Reiki can be given to a Thought/situation in which Reiki healer

Writes a thought in mind/paper and give it 2nd level Reiki .

Congratulation for Joining the Usui Reiki Community of 2nd Level

....Keep healing...

Flawless Love,

Multiple Grand Grand Reiki Master/Teacher
After this Second level ...upgr a de y our self to U sui Reiki M a st er Level w her e y ou w ill
r eceive 1 M a st er sy m bol w hich holds a ll the other Sy m bols for giving them M or e Pow er

another Ambitious Event in Jan 2014

5 Element Activation and Combining
In this event Reiki Masters will become Super Humans by fully activating 5 elements/tatva
they are made of . You already know that all Humans are made up of Five Elements Fire, Air,
Water, Earth and Light ,but in us few of 5 elements are Inactive resulting in powerless LIFE.
In this Dream Project all 5 elements within you will be Activated and Combined through this
Powerful Transmission and that will make you unbelievably strong ,powerful and will completely
change you. This Powerful Transmission will skyrocket your spiritual energies, healing energies
and your Psychic abilities and will finally make you the Super-Humans you are meant to be .

just a few Lines about ME

1) Am a Multiple Grand Grand Master/Teacher of 1500 systems of Natural healing and Reiki and
Founder of over 100 systems of Natural healing and Reiki .
2) Am a Spiritual healer , Reiki Healer , Faith healer , Prayer worker , a Light worker working with
the Highest healing frequencies of Light , Tuning Fork Master/Teacher .
3) Am a Past life regression Therapist , Master Teacher of Hypnosis, Master Practitioner of NLP
(Neuro Linguistic Programming).
4) Am a Colour Therapist , Magnetic Therapy Therapist , Quantum Mechanics therapist ,
Message Therapist , EFT, TFT therapist .
5) Am a Gemstone Therapist , Sound Therapist. speech therapist , acupressure therapist , chakra
Balancing and energizing Therapist , Hydrotherapy Therapist , Emotional Trauma Relief Therapist
, Practitioner of Law of Abundance , the Founder of Spirit Charging Therapy , Spiritual Counsellor .
6) Am an Astrologist , Numerologist , Numerology Teacher , Tarot Card Reader and Teacher ,
I-Ching Reader ,Teacher of I-Ching , Runes Reader ,Teacher of Runes Reading , Psychologist ,
Phd in Metaphysics , Teacher of Metaphysics.
Am Working Towards a better future for Mankind and Raising the Spiritual Frequency of every
Human Being for a better future


as a TEAM`s member
IF you want to grow really fast in Spirituality/Healing and you choose the service path,
join ALI AFNAN TEAM in Daily Event Promotions in different FB groups through various pre
approved posts , Leaflet distribution at your city(optional), sending MAIL ID`s of Friends/Media
personnel to us(optional) ,visit to Colleges/Institutions/Corporates and submitting them
Preapproved Letters(Optional).
Its a promise that you will be masters level in just few days time and subsequently you will be
given bouquets of Attunement of Level 4 Reikis (Abundance and Prosperity,AMARA, Atlantis
Healing , 7 Facet Seichim , Colors of Angels , Chenrezig , Karuna , Seichim ,Kundalini ) ,
also of Level-5 (IMARA Reiki ) which is More powerful than previous Levels and for some
Exceptional Cases LEVEL-6 is also assured.<3 Just keep up your commitment of the Service you
offered to us and get ready for your POWERFUL LIFE.
To Join TEAM ,contact Ali Afnan`s Energy Secretariat at Mail ID




Ali Afnan


August 5, 1980






Doctor of Metaphysical Science, Msc.D. at University Of Metaphysics


Multiple Grand Grand Master/Teacher of 1500 systems of Reiki and

Founder of more than 100 systems of Reiki.

Ali Afnans Students


Active Mail ID
Skype ID
FB Account Name
FB Account Link

FB Group Link

FB Page Link

Ali Afnans Website

Alternae ID "Angel Loria

Ali Afnans Energy Secretariat Mail ID

Official Promotion Page


Ali Afnan, Father name=Khalid Iqbal ID number=35202-5103775-3

Address= 291-B, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan.

Paypal Id

Bank Transfer

Najmul Sabba Khan, Bank Name: Berliner Sparkasse,

City: Berlin, Account no.: 1440167215
IBAN: DE02100500001140167215, BIC: BELADEBEXXX

Western Union Money Transfer

Ali Afnan , Father name=Khalid Iqbal ID number=35202-5103775-3

Address= 291-B, Johar Town, Lahore, Pakistan

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