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1. Professional APCs??
2. Clock face chromatin distribution seen in?
3. CD stand for ?
4. Universal recipient ??
5. Majority of circulating lymphocytes are??
6. Vit K def---- dec synthesis of???
7. Dec ESR? Causes
8. Clopidogrel and tiopidine blocks?
9. Basophils stippling seen in?
10. Oval cells are seen in?
11. In asplenia what bodies are found?
12. Iron def anemia manifests to which syndrome?
13. HBH genes --- deletion of how many genes?
14. Beta thalassemia is due to which type of mutation ?
15. Lead inhibits??
16. Treatment of lead poisoning in kids??
17. Inc homocysteine but normal methylmalonic acid and
hypersegmented neutros ??
18. Finding in intravascular hemolysis?
19. Pancytopenia ? Feature?
20. Cause of aplastic anemia ?
21. Hemolytic anemia following oxidative stress ?
22. PNH impaired synthesis of which gene?
23. Sickle cell anemia point mutation of which amino acid?
24. Osteomyelitis in sickle cell anemia?? Agent?
25, erythroblastosis fetalis is due to which immunoglobulin?
26. Common cause of macroangiopathic anemia is ??
27. CLL is associated with which autoimmune hemolytic
28. Treatment of sickle cell anemia?
29. Tea colored urine is seen in which condition?
30. Glanzman thrombosthenia Defect in?

31. Hemophilia defect in which coagulation pathway?

32. TTP --- deficiency of?
33. Causes of DIC?
34. Most common cause of inherited hypercoagubility?
35. Inc risk of thrombotic skin necrosis with hemorrhage
following administration of warfarin ? What is the deficiency
36. In DIC what blood component should we give?
35. Cryoprecipitate contain???
36. Hodgkin lymphoma has which characteristic cells ?
37. Inc WBC count with left shift and inc leukocyte alkaline
phosphatase? What is this reaction?
38. Which Hodgkin lymphoma has excellent prognosis?
39. Starry sky appearance scene on which lymphoma?
40. Most malignant gammopathy???
41. t(11;14) associated with which lymphoma ?
41. Waldenstrms macroglobulinemia is associated with with
which IG?
42. CLL differs from SLL in having ??
43. Philadelphia chromosome is seen in?
44. Vitamin is given as treatment of which malignancy?
45. Name the chromosome translocation which is responsive
to vitamin A ?
46. Birbeck granules seen in ?
47. Teardrop cell seen in?
48. In polycythemia Vera which type of mutation seen ?
49. Inappropriate absolute polycythemia is associated with
which disease?
50. Patient on heparin what we have to follow?
52. Warfarin toxicity is corrected by?
53. Methotrexate toxicity is reversible by which drug?
54. Drug used for childhood tumors ?
55. Hemorrhagic cystitis is caused by?
56. Drug used in breast cancer and is an endometrial
antagonist ??

57. Name the drug used in treatment of cml?

58. Name the drug used is glioblastoma multiforme ?
59. Side effects of cisplatin and Carboplatin??
60. Paclitaxel hyper stabilize polymerized microtubles in
which phase ?
61. Thrombolytic toxicity is treated with ?
62. A patient on warfarin what will be his follow up?
63. Histocytosis expresses which CD?
64. Burkitt lymphoma is due to activation of which activation
?? And mention it's translocation?
65. Most common gammopathy?
66. Burkitt lymphoma is endemic form in Africa have which
67. Most common adult NHL?
68. Reed stern Berg cells are which CD+???
69. Constitutional signs and symptoms? Hodgkin/ non
Hodgkin lymphoma
70. Defect in platelet plug formation ---- increase what
71. Treatment of hereditary Spehrocytosis ?
72. Name the tapeworm causing b12 deficiency ?
73. Chipmunk facies are seen in ??
74. Cooleys anemia???
75. Heinz bodies seen in?
76. Helmet cells seen in?
77. Delta granules of platelets secrete?
78. Factor VIII is produced by?
79. Multiple myeloma is a neoplasm of whic cell ?
80. Mast cell stabilizer ?
81. APC cells perform their function via?
82. Universal donor?
83. B blood group person what have on Rbc surface and
what in plasma?
84. Master of iron regulatory hormone ?
85. Most common cause of anemia in malignancy?

86. Alcohol is toxic to which organelle ?

87. Form of glutamate for synthesis for folic acid is absorbed
in jejunum ??
88. Thymidylate synthase irreversible inhibited by ???
89. Most common cause of vit B 12 def?
90. Most common cause of macrocytosis??
91. Car scratch disease ? Agent
92. Smudge cells are seen in ?
93. Blood antibodies are natural antibodies synthesize in ---after birth?
94. Burr cells seen in??
95. Sickle cell disease is protective against which disease?
96. Job syndrome is associated with inc of which IG?
97. Dec LAP score is seen in which blood malignancy ?
98. Numerous auer rod cells are seen in ?
99. Painless lymphadenopathy occur almost in all leukemia
100. Hereditary spherocytosis is which type of Mendelian
101. Most sensitive blood cells to radiation exposure are?
102. Gum infiltration is seen in which leukemia?
103. Protozoa causing eosinophilia ???
104. Free vit B12 binds to R binder which is synthesized in
105. Only leukemia with thromocytosis?
106. Most common cause of pyridoxine def?
107. Marker for folate or vit b12 def?
108. Aplastic crisis is due to which agent?
109. Heterophile antibodies are which Ig antibodies ?
110. Cns and testicle involvement ? Which malignancy ?
111. Common causes of death in multiple myeloma?
112. Most common cause of qualitative platelet defect?
113. Most sensitive screen for DIC?
114. Most common pathogen transmitted by transfusion ??
115. If factor IX is not available , what is next best choice ?

116. DIC is stimulated by ?

117. Intrinsic and extrinsic pathways converge at ??
118. Bence jones proteins are derivatives from ?
119. Splenic infarction commonly occurs in ?
120. AIHA is which type of hypersensitivity reaction?
121. Iron is stored in the form of ?
122. Best indicator of iron stores is?
123. HB binds with ---- In blood?
124. t(11;22) translocation???
125. Cell surface marks of macrophage ?

1. Dendritic cell
2. Plasma cells
3. Cluster of differentiation
4. AB
5. T cells
6. 2,7,9,10 protein c and s
7. Causes? Polycythemia , sickle cell anemia , CCF,
8. ADP Receptor
9. Thalassemia, iron def, lead poisoning , ACD
10. Megaloblastic anemia
11. Howell jolly bodies
12. Plummer Vinson syndrome
13. 3 gene deletion
14. Point mutation
15. Ferrochelatase + ALA dehydratase
16. Succimer
17. Megaloblastic due to folate deficiency
18. Dec haptoglobin, inc LDH, hemoglobinuria
19. Severe anemia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia
20. Failure or destruction of myeloid stem
21. G6PD def

22. mutant PIGA gene

23. L Glutamic aid with valine
24. Salmonella paratyphi
25, IgG
26. Prosthetic heart valves
27. Cold agglutinin (IGM)
28. Hydroxy urea and BMT
29. Porphyria cutanea tarda
30. GP IIb/IIIa
31. Intrinsic pathway
32. ADAMTS 13
33. Sepsis, trauma, obstetric complication, malignancy
34. Factor V ladien disease
35. Protein c and s
36. FFP
35. Factor VIII and factor XIII
36. Reed-Sternberg cells
37. Leukemoid reaction
38. Lymphocyte predominant
39. Burkitts lymphoma
40. Multiple myeloma
41. Mantle cell lymphoma
41. IGM
42. ? inc peripheral blood lymphocytesis
43. CML
44. AML
45. t(15:17)
46. Histiocytosis X
47. Myelofibrosia
48. JAK2 mutation
49. RCC , wilms tumor
50. APTT
52. vit k and FFP
53. leucovorin
54. Dactynomycin

55. Cyclophosphamide
56. Raloxifene
57. Imatinib mesylate
58. Nitrosourase
59. Nephrotoxicity and acoustic nerve damage
61. Aminocaproic acid
63. CD1
64. t(8;14) c myc activation
65. Monoclonal gammopathy of undermined significance
66. Jaw lesion
67. Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
68. CD15+ And CD 30+
69. Hodgkin lymphoma
70. Bleeding time
71. Splenectomy
72. Diphylobothrium latum
73. Beta thalassemia major
74. Thalassemia major
75. G6PD
76. DIC,TTP HUS, traumatic hemolysis
77. Serotonin, ADP, Ca (SAC)
78. endothelial cell
79. Plasma cell
80. Coromonyl sodium
81. MHC II
82. O
83. Antigen on Rbc surface and A antibody in serum
84. Hepcidin
85. ? ACD
86. Mitochondria
87. Monoglutamate
88. 5 florouracil
89. Pernicious anemia

90. Alcohol access

91. -- Bartonela henslae
92. CLL
93. Payer patches
94. CRF ( dec EPO)
95. Plasmodium falciparum
96. IgE
97. CML
98. Acute premyeolitic leukoemia ----M3
99. Hairy cell leukemia .
100. Autosomal dominant
101. Lymphocyte
102. Acute monocytic leukemia
103. Dientamoeba fragilis
104. Salivary glands
105. CML
106. INH
107. Hypersegmented neutrophils
108. Parvo virus
109. IGM
110. ALL
111. Sepsis and renal failure
112. Aspirin
113. D dimer
114. CMV
115. FFP
116. Thromboplastin
117. Activator X
118. Gamma globulins
119. CML
120. Type 2
121. ferritin
122. Serum ferritin
123. Haptoglobin

124. Ewing sarcoma

125. CD14


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