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Possible 2016 Exam Questions (DISCLAIMER: They may not be right!

Responsibility for the Planet
d) Explain Christian beliefs about the origins of humanity
e) Christians have a duty to look after animals. Discuss

War, Peace and Human Rights

a) What is meant by the term holy war?
b) Name two conditions of a holy war
d) Describe Christian attitudes towards violence
e) Peace is always the preferential option Discuss

Religion and Human Relationships

a) What is meant by the term annulment?
a) What is meant by the term Civil Partnership?
c) Describe Christian views on re-marriage
d) Explain Christian beliefs about Civil Partnerships
e) Civil partnerships are not needed. Discuss
d) Explain Christian beliefs on Contraception

Poverty and Wealth

a) What is meant by the term moral occupation?
a) What is meant by the term tithing?
c) Name three causes of disease
c) Give three Christian responses to disease
d) Explain Christian teaching about charity
e) The job a Christian has, should reflect their beliefs Discuss

Prejudice and Equality

a) What is meant by the term discrimination?

a) What is meant by the term evangelism?
b) Give two examples of missionary work
d) Explain the role of women in Christian society
e) Everyone should be treated equally. Discuss

Religion and Medical Ethics

a) What is meant by the term cloning?
a) What is meant by the term fertility treatment?
b) Name two examples of fertility treatment
c) Describe Christian attitudes towards suicide
e) Cloning should not be allowed. Discuss
e) Christians should not undertake fertility treatment Discuss

Core Beliefs
a) What is the Nicene Creed?
a) What is meant by the term purgatory?
a) What is the Trinity?
b) What are the two great commandments given by Jesus?
d) Explain what the Nicene Creed teaches about the trinity
d) Explain how Christians follow the Ten Commandments
e) The Nicene Creed is no longer important to Christians

Special Days and Pilgrimage

a) What is a pilgrimage?
a) What is Eastertide?
a) What day do Catholics remember on 15th August?
a) What day do Catholics remember on 25th March?

b) Name two Saints Days

b) Name two Holy Days of Obligation
c) Name three places a Christian may go on pilgrimage
d) Explain how going on a pilgrimage may benefit a Christian
d) Explain why Sunday is important to Christians
e) Christians should not waste time going on pilgrimages Discuss

Sacred Writings:
a) What is the Old Testament?
a) What is the Apocrypha?
b) Name two types of literature in the New Testament
b) List two ways the Bible might be used in Public Worship
d) Explain why the Apocrypha is used by Catholics today
d) Explain why the Gospels are important to Christians
e) The Gospels are the most important part of the Bible Discuss
e) The New Testament is the most important part of the Bible Discuss
e) The Apocrypha has no place in the Bible Discuss

Religion in the Faith, Community and Family

a) What does the Bible say in Luke 3:11?
a) What does the Bible say in James 2:14-17?
c) What are the three evangelical counsels?
c) State three things which happen at a marriage service
d) Explain the work of one religious community e.g. Franciscans
d) Explain what happens at a Catholic funeral
e) Religious communities are no longer needed. Discuss

Places and Forms of Worship

a) What is the Rosary?

a) What is meant by the term laity?
a) What is meant by the term clergy?
b) State two things which happen during Anointing of the Sick
b) Name two sacraments of commitment
b) Name two sacraments of healing
b) State two responsibilities which the clergy have
c) State three things which happen during Benediction
c) State three things which happen during reconciliation
d) Explain why private worship is important to Christians
d) Explain the importance of Mass for Christians
d) Explain why reconciliation is important to Christians
d) Explain what happens during ordination.

Divisions and Interpretations

a) What does Catholic mean?
b) Give two examples of when churches might worship together
c) State three activities of the World Council of Churches
c) Name three ecumenical communities
c) Describe why Christians may go to Iona
c) Name three differences between Roman Catholic and Protestant Christianity
d) Explain why going to Corrymeela might affect the faith of a Roman Catholic

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