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Q4 Literacy PLC
Date: March 10, 2016
Author: Nicole Baumgart/Jason Mitchell
Title: Q4 Literacy PLC
PD Title:

What is the Most Significant Impact I can Make

Time Frame:
with My Students?
Teachers will participate in the last PLC of the year by studying the level or
rigor expected from students during Unit 4. They will reflect on students
growth and progress by analyzing student work samples from Unit 3. They will
identify strengths and gaps and develop an action plan for helping students to
master Literacy standards. They will also spend time discussing on task
behavior vs. active engagement and collaborate to help students become
actively engaged throughout Unit 4. Teachers will spend time norming on the
EOCA and consider what steps they can take to insure students are able to
transfer the literacy skills they have learned.

Q4 Literacy PLC

TUHDS Freshman Literacy teachers


Jason Mitchell, Literacy Instructional Coach

Union High School District

# of

Room E107

Stage 1: Desired Results

What goals, professional development standards, and desired understandings will shape this event?

Focus Area: Engagement Alignment Rigor Other:

shed Goal(s)

Participants will be able to independently use their learning to

s will feel a
success about
they have
shed thus far
ents. They will
ling energized
ed about the
y will be doing
ut the end of

- Self- analyze whether or not students are on/off task vs. actively engaged during the
predominance of the lesson plan. They will be able to make adjustments to incorporate m
active engagement into their lessons.

s will analyze
progress from
ction plan for

s will be able
or effective
n of unit 4
and synthesis
s will be able
nalyze whether
udents are onactively
They will
e specific
s that can be
ncrease active
ment throughout
rity of lesson

s will analyze
of rigor
g lessons
f students and
trategies to

- foster a growth mindset with students as they progress towards reaching an independen
growth goal.
- evaluate student performance on EOCA in a manner aligned to district norming

- self-analyze the rigor level of student work expected so that the majority of the class pe
student work expected is at the intermediate/ analyzing, or applying level.
- effectively lead students through the writing process
- Consider feedback strategies that will lead to student mastery of standards
Enduring Understandings
Participants will understand that

Essential Questions
Participants will keep considering

Active engagement is different than on- task

behavior. When students are actively
engaged they are learning and growing

What does active engagement in Literac


Students must have a clear understanding of

their progress towards specific learning goals
Providing effective feedback can help
students master rigorous content.

How can I focus my instruction so that st

walk away with transferable literacy skill

How can I increase student investment in

classroom and help students understand
literacy skills transfer into other areas of

Fostering a growth mindset with my students

will help them to achieve the goals they set
for themselves and preserver through
challenging situation.
Acquisition of Knowledge & Skill / Development of Mindset

eedback and
ents towards
g rigorous

the CTA
nd make links
n evaluating
based on
ubric and
e methods for
efficiently and

Participants will know

The difference
between on-task and
active engagement
The level of rigor
expected in student
Important elements of
CTA speech and EOCA

Participants will be able to
- accurately self-evaluate active
engagement levels in classrooms
- determine strategies to help
increase the amount of active
engagement in classes
- successfully teach in a way that
puts the brunt of the academic load
on students in a way that produces
- evaluate a student presentation in
alignment with district rubric

Participants will de
the mindset that

Students are
of producing
at a high lev
rigor and we
hold them to
As the instru
leader I must
that students
actively enga
throughout t
All students a
capable or re
an individual
The instructi
decisions for
remainder of
year have th
potential to s
students up
future high s

Stage 2: Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show the participants understand the content?

Evaluation Criteria
-Teachers will orally present ways that the
MUA, EUA and EOCA connect to 9-10
performance standards
- Teachers will list 3 concrete ways they can
provide effective feedback in exit slip
(strategies should align to best practices
outlined in effective feedback article)
- In following coaching conversation
teachers will have an accurate read on the
amount of active engagement seen in a

Students will show their learning by

- Connect the learning task demanded in the M
10 grade performance standards
- Determine concrete strategies that can be us
to students as they are completing the MUA a
- On task vs. Active engagement: Participants
their own definition. They will also create a g
determining what active engagement will loo
specifically in Unit 4- they will also list concre
this possible.
- EOCA Evaluation norming
- Exit Slip

given lesson

- Teachers will be normed within one point

on literacy performance assessment rubric
- Group discussion
- Blackboard assignments
- Kahoot Review Game
SELF-ASSESSMENT & REFLECTION: How will participants reflect upon their progress, set goals, and e
of their work.?
- During discussion of effective strategies for providing rigor teachers may independently reflect on
have/not already done this in their classroom
- Self-assessment of level of active engagement in classrooms
- Exit Ticket: How can I focus my instruction so that students walk away with transferable literac
list concrete strategies

Stage 3: Learning Plan

What sequence of content and learning activities will guide participants toward reaching the goals of
this event?
Consider and identify/label the WHERETO design elements.

Introduction (Omitted Warm-up Due to Time Will add in

somewhere in the day if time allows)
Activity Time: 20 minutes
1. Ensure all participants have signed in
Welcome participants and start the Warm-up Activity - Watch the video on Mindset
or Challenge at the Heart of Deeper Learning and answer the following questions in
Blackboard Discussion:

-How are students supported to step up to challenges with courage?

-This school gets every single graduate into college. What do you notice in the culture of the school that
you feel may contribute to that?
-Where do you see students going deeper in their learning?

-How can a growth mindset be taught?

-How does embracing struggle fit with a growth mindset?
-How can a growth mindset build confidence?

In preparation for the final presentation that the teachers students will be giving for
their final exam, we will model an activity to help prepare them for their speech.
After discussing with their partner, a few teachers will be asked to come to the front of
the room and share what their partner has said. The teachers will be evaluated by their
peers on their presentation techniques.
2. Frame the day: Review norms, daily outcomes, and agenda
3. Revisit Norms

Introduction 8:00-8:30 am
Activity Time: 30 minutes
I want to take the opportunity to remind you of all the great things that we have
accomplished this year with our students. Teachers will be split into 4 groups which will
be randomly selected from Bb: Approximately 2-3 teachers in each group.
You and your partners will have the next two minutes to brainstorm all the things that
students have accomplished in each unit (you can think major projects, learning
experiences, etc.)
(2 minutes)
Each group will share their list and if someone else has the same thing they will cross it
off of their list, the group which has the longest list at the end will win a prize (game of
Facilitator will add anything that was missed:
- Introduced them to their first year of high school
- Got students up and speaking in front of the class for the very first time
- Taught students how to work collaboratively and in groups
- Introduced 21st century skills
- Engaged students in formal and informal debates based on research and evidence
- Engaged students in creating their first professional documents including resumes,
cover letters, practice job interviews etc.
- Introduced digital citizenship
- Enhanced their writing through writers workshops, and OERs, and letters to the editors
- Started them on a research paper, connected them with their media specialist, using
EBSCO HOST and beginning their very first research paper of their high school career.
In addition many of you have gone above and beyond by incorporating technology into
your lessons using prezi, schoology, emaze, Bb posting. You have arranged to have state
senators, college representatives, and city officials speak to your classes. Some of you

have collaborated with the freshman English teachers to incorporate common language
in writing pieces. You have done peer observations.
We have accomplished a great deal with our students this year and the finish line is in
Remind participants of boat analogy- remind them that we are about to set our students
free on the out on the water, ask teachers to think about the following question:
As we engage in the final projects and learning tasks this year the main thing you can
think about as we leave this PLC is:
How can I focus my instruction so that students walk away with transferable literacy skills?
*Teachers will answer this question under the assignment section in Unit 4 PLC. Once they
have been given a few minutes to answer we will do a stand up and share activity where all
students will stand and one by one they will be called on to share out. Once they have
shared they are able to sit down. This is a strategy that can be used to help with student

In todays PLC we will think very concretely about this thought and come back to it. By
the time you leave today you should have a very concrete picture and idea of what this
will look like for you as we complete unit 4.

Student Work Analysis Protocol: 8:30-9:30

Activity Time: 60 minutes

Teachers will individually analyze progress of their students, noticing progress and gaps
They will meet as a site to reflect on progress and gaps
Set end of the year goals as a site and by individual teacher
Project Zero Protocol
Fill in information on Wall Poster
Did you meet our SMART goal? Q3 SMART Goal: 85% of students to score a 3 or higher on
the evidence portion of the letter to the editor from the rubric criteria.
7. Decide who is going to share information with the class.
8. Share your schools outcome with the group.
9. Each group will share trends.

Socratic Seminar Model on Engagement in the Classroom: 9:3010:30

Activity Time: 60 minutes Teac

- Teachers will do a close read on an article on student engagement

versus compliance, .
They will take notes, gather information and find quotes to support
their ideas and come up with questions to ask the group. (15 minutes)
- The teachers will then move into a circle to discuss the information and
apply the socratic process. (25 minutes)
- The teachers will fill out the rhetorical precis template after they have
moved out of the socratic seminar as a closure activity:
- Once the socratic process has been modeled we will debrief this
process and discuss ways to incorporate a socratic seminar into Unit 4.
(20 minutes)

Unit 4 Implementation of Blackboard: 10:30-10:50

Activity Time: 20 minutes
Teachers will export a shell of Unit 4 and import it into their Blackboard
classes. Each teacher will be shown how to utilize the components of
this Unit within Blackboard and review each lesson within this shell.
Teachers will be able to personalize this shell and make additions to fit
their classroom focus.
-The teachers will be shown how to utilize the peer editing portion in
Blackboard with regards to their research paper as well as be

encouraged to have the students fill out a rhetorical precis template in

addition to peer editing to ensure all areas are covered in the essay.

Unit 4 Review: 10:50 11:50

Activity Time: 60 minutes
Unit Overview
(3 minutes)
Lets ground ourselves in this final unit- we can think about this unit in 3 chunks:
#1 Research Process- identifying and issue researching a solution and utilizing
effective research practices
#2 Writing: Writing an effective research proposal paper
#3 Call to Action Speech: Writing and presenting a clear and persuasive CTA speech
*Teachers will be placed into three different groups through Bb to discuss and analyze a
chunk of the following lessons. They will share their information on a Wiki page in Bb.
4.1 What is Civic Discourse, and what does it have to do with me?
Students will be able to define Civic Discourse and identify their communities and the issues
affecting their communities. Students will be able to place this unit within the framework of the
curriculum as a whole using the concentric circles as a guide for thought.
Strategy: Quick Write, Peer Conversations, Graphic Organizer, Think First, Modeling
Materials: My Communities and Issues Map
<<Ask teachers to complete a community map>> Follow directions on page 5-6
4.2 Preparing for the Proposal

Students will understand what a proposal is and the elements of an effective proposal. Students
will analyze an issue to determine if it has the necessary qualities to be a strong foundation for
their proposal. Students will determine what they know about their issue prior to research.
Students will collaborate with their peers.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Graphic Organizer, Rubric Check, Quick Write
Materials: Proposal Blueprint, Project Guidelines and Rubric, Viable Issues

4.3 Think First and Question Strategy

Students will be able to use a graphic organizer to brainstorm what they know and to anticipate
what they will need to research. Students will be able to generate a set of research questions
from this activity that they can use to guide their research process.
Strategy: Graphic Organizer, Think First, Think Aloud, Peer Conversations
Materials: Proposal Think First GO

4.4 The Research Tool Chest

The students will be able to generate the questions that will guide their research, and in
preparation for the research itself, students will learn to discern which sources are valid and
useful, to record the pertinent information about these sources for their Works Cited, and to plan
their daily research using a Daily Research Graphic Organizer.
Strategy: Think First, Graphic Organizer, Modeling, Think Aloud, Peer Conversations, Quick Write
Materials: Internet Source Evaluation Guidelines, Evaluating Sources: How Reliable?
4.5 Just Getting the Facts
In a 4 day lesson students will cycle through the research process students will learn to plan their
research by generating research questions that breaks the research up into smaller, more meaningful tasks.
Students will be able to find valid sources, gather pertinent information from these sources, and document their
research journey. Students will be able to present their findings to their peers, analyze their findings for
missing information or areas of ambiguity. Students will be able to generate new research questions based on
their days efforts. Students will be able to offer their peers valuable insight and feedback in their collaborative

Strategy: Peer Conversations, Quick Write, Modeling, Independent Work, Scholarly Research
Materials: Daily Research Plan- Computer Access
4.6 Getting Ready to Write

Students will be able to identify plagiarism and understand the importance of giving credit for
information that they cull during their research process. Students will also be able to analyze
their research and place the information that they collected into the appropriate parts of the
Proposal Think First. They will be reminded of their lessons in voice and distance, and using these
skills, the students will be able to present this information in an objective manner and with the
appropriate voice.
Strategy: Quick Write, Peer Conversations, Think First, Model Study, Graphic Organizer
Materials: MLA Parenthetical Documentation, Incorporating Quotations, Proposal Organizer and
Sample Organizer
4.7 Getting Hooked

Students will be able to discern the most effective introductory sentences for their proposals.
Students will also begin their composition of their proposal, creating an introductory paragraph
that entices their readers and a background section that objectively outlines the issue that they
are addressing.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Model Study, Read Aloud, Pen-in-Hand Writing, Reflective
Materials: A Case for Compost Model Study, Proposal-Think Aloud

4.8 The Solution

Students will be able to create strong transitions between the sections of their proposal.
Students will also be able to compose the Solution section of their paper, being sure to include a
strong thesis statement, support, explanation, and detail. Students will collaborate to evaluate
the coherence of their proposals and be able to offer constructive thoughts for revision.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Think Aloud, Quick Write, Model Study, Pen-in-Hand Writing,
Collaborative Editing and Revising, Graphic Organizer
Materials: What-How-Why GO, Peer Feedback
4.9 Acknowledging the Opposition

The students will be able to compose an opposition section of their proposal. This section will
require them to acknowledge competing arguments and address those concerns with their own
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Model Study, Quick Write, Pen-in-Hand Writing
4.10 A Call to Action and Conclusion

Students will have the opportunity to read a sample call to action speech and analyze the
components. With this activity, students will be able to compose a conclusion that includes
these same components. Students will revisit their writing in a cyclical process to edit and revise,
focusing specifically on varying sentence structure skills.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Quick Write, Model Study, Pen-in-Hand Writing, Reflective
Materials: Window Panes, Call to Action Mentor Samples
4.11 Revisions

Students will revisit their writing in a cyclical process to edit and revise, focusing specifically on
sentence structure and combining skills as well as word choice. Students will be able to
collaborate to revise their Proposal papers and edit for style, organization, content, and
grammatical correctness.
Students will be able to communicate their ideas in a constructive manner. Teachers will have
the opportunity to conference with students one-on-one. In this conference, students will voice

their concerns, point out an area of their paper that they are proud of and an area for which they
would like some teacher advice. Students will also be able to complete their turn-in draft of
their proposal.
Strategy: Quick Write, Self-Reflection, Peer Conversations, Cyclical writing, Collaborative Editing
and Revising
Materials: Collaborative Revision Form, Collaborative Revision Guidelines, Proposal
Conferencing Form
4.12 Summoning Flexible Writers and Effective Communicators

Students will be able to identify the skills necessary to be a flexible writer and effective
communicator in order to use those skills to create and present a Call to Action speech.
Strategy: Reflective Summarizing, List-Group-Label, Graphic Organizer, Peer Conversations,
Think Aloud, Model Study, Quick Write
Materials: Call to Action Speech Project Description
4.13 Creating a CTA Speech

Students will be able to identify the key components of a call to action speech as well as what
elements or techniques make it effective. Students will be able to think first and identify the key
ideas to include in their call to action speech.
Strategy: PIM, Peer Conversations, Graphic Organizer, Quick Write, Think First, Think Aloud,
Reflective Summarizing
Materials: Call to Action Speech Requirements, Call to Action Speech Think First
4.14 Planning a CTA Speech
A 5 day lesson Students will be able to think first and identify the key ideas to include in their call
to action speech. Students will be able to organize the
body paragraphs of their speech, as well as select and use a prop to introduce speech, grab
attention, engage, and pique the interest of their audience. Students will be able to describe the
qualities of a well-written call-to-action speech and then begin to move their ideas from outline
to paragraph format. Students will be able to emphasize key ideas and points in their call to
action speech using strategies that focus on sound and rhyme (alliteration, assonance, rhyme,
cacophony, and onomatopoeia.) Students will be able to emphasize key ideas and points in their
call to action speech using strategies discussed in prior lessons as they continue to revise their
speech as well as give and receive feedback from peers.

Strategy: Peer Conversations, Quick Write, Think First, Think Aloud, Reflective Summarizing
Quick Write, Peer Conversations, Think Aloud, Think First, Pen-in-Hand Writing, Model Study
Modified Data Set,
Materials: Call to Action Outline, Call to Action Outline Sample, Organization-Couples or
Singles?, An Emotional, Visual, and Artistic Appeal-Using Props as Openers, Using a Prop Model
Study Qualities of Speeches Going from Wow to Whoa, Selected Handout for a Selected Minilesson CTA Speech Rubric
4.15 Presenting to Others

Students will be able to present their information and findings to others, informing their audience
and calling them to take action. Students will be able to provide focused and targeted feedback
to their peers.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Quick Write, Reflective Summarizing, Presentations
Materials: CTA Speech Evaluation Form and Rubric
4.16 Reflecting as Flexible Writers and Effective Communicators

Students will be able to present their information and findings to others, informing their audience
and calling them to take action. Students will be able to provide focused and targeted feedback
to their peers.
Strategy: Peer Conversations, Quick Write, Presentations, Reflective Summarizing, Pen-in-Hand
Materials: CTA Speech Note Form, Metacognitive Student

<< All Students Stand Up Engagement Strategy: Have all teachers stand and one at a
time call on them to share out and once they have shared allow the teacher to sit in their
chair. They need to share before they can sit down.>>

7 Habits Presentation from Book Reading 11:50-12:00

Activity Time: 10 minutes
Teachers responsible for the last two portions of our book reading will share
their findings and important elements of their assigned reading with the rest
of the group and discuss how these ideas can be utilized in the classroom.
LUNCH: 12:00-1:00
Open this section with an example of a teacher who has full student
engagement in his classroom:
Semester 2 Final Exam: 1:00 - 1:30
Activity Time: 30 minutes
We will now spend some time discussing the CTA Speech and EOCA:
Now that we have spent some time reflecting on how to keep our students
actively engaged in the rigorous research paper. We are going to take a look
at the last couple weeks of instruction. In these last few weeks students will
participate in two speeches.

Review Key Elements of CTA Speech(5 minutes)

Teachers will review assignment and rubric- any questions will be answered.
Thinking about how students will have the opportunity to do speeches back
to back this is a key opportunity for us to be thinking about how we can lead
our students to make those final improvements before the EOCA Speech.
Review Key Elements of EOCA SpeechThis assessment is very similar to the one that students took in August and
December. It is an opportunity for us to look at how much they have grown
in the Literacy skills over the entire year. What we will once again familiarize
ourselves with the assignment. Next, we will discuss have an opportunity
look at the rubric and do some norming, finally we will have a few minutes
to plan for how we will give the assessment and help students reflect on
their scores before they leave for the summer
Take one minutes to read over this assignment, when you are ready
discuss your understanding of this assignment
(1 minutes)
Facilitator will answer questions and explain the assignment and
share the idea of utilizing no words in the powerpoint in their final
presentation. (Example
(3 minutes)
We are also going to take some time to norm ourselves on the
rubric. Please access the Literacy Rubric and review the criteria.
(3 minutes)
As a group we will watch 2 student samples and norm on the rubric

Video # 1: Teachers will watch the video, independently rate the student
and discuss results with group
After watching the first video, the teachers will be divided into 4 different
corners of the room equally and asked to share their ranking and the
rationale for their score. (4 Corners Strategy)
Video # 2: Teachers will watch the video, independently rate the student
and discuss results with group
After watching the first video, the teachers will be divided into 4 different
corners of the room equally and asked to share their ranking and the
rationale for their score. (4 Corners Strategy)
*Once the second groups have shared ask each group for their
rankings and rationale- discuss differences and discrepancies.

Send a Problem - Create questions with regards to challenges

that may occur during Unit 4. Each group will send their questions
to another person or group to answer. The questions will rotate to
each group and each group will give a different solution. When
answers are returned to the original group that group shares out
the solution they liked the best.
What are the opportunities to help students improve in the targeted
areas, given the goals of the course as defined by the rubric?

As a group we will collectively brainstorm what active engagement will/not look like in
Unit 4 and determine specific strategies to increase

First Turn/Last Turn Engagement Strategy 1:30-2:00

Activity Time: 30 minutes
Teachers will get into groups according Bb under the First Turn/Last Turn

Instruct teachers to open the following article- frame that a large portion of
this unit relies on students developing a solution to a community issue
Instruct participants to read and watch the videos:
Ask participants to write down important quotes that stand out to them
throughout the article and videos. The teachers will then start with the first
person in the group and that person will share a quote that stood out to
him/her. They will only state the quote and not any ideas about the quote.
Everyone else will take turns responding to the quote and when everyone in
the group has responded the person who shared the quote originally will get
to respond. This will be continued until all participants have shared a quote.

Give One/Get One Engagement Activity: 2:00 - 2:30

Activity Time: 30 minutes

Teachers will be placed into four different groups through Bb. They will
investigate one of the following websites that will assist in Unit 4 with the
community issues and solutions:
The teachers will write down one community serve opportunity that they
believe their students or they themselves would like to be involved with in the
The teachers will then find a partner and share this idea with another person;
once they have shared this idea they will give the person their idea and find a
new partner to share the information with. This process is continued until all
ideas have been shared or as long as time allows.

Reviewing Key Elements of the PLC: 2:30-2:50

Activity Time: 20 minutes

Review All Engagement Strategies throughout the PLC:

All Stand Up Each person in class stands up and once they
answer a question they can sit down.
Numbers Game Have a student pick a number and count out
that number in class. The student where that number stops is
the one who answers the question.
Corners Send students to 4 corners of the room and have
them discuss a question within that group can also make
them pair up within that group.
Give One Get One Students pair up and teach a new concept
that they have learned with another student. (Great to use
with vocabulary or mini jigsaw)
Send a Problem - Create questions and send questions to
another person or group to answer. When answers are
returned to the original group that group shares out the
solution they liked the best.
The teachers will take part in a review game of Kahoot to
emphasize key elements and strategies discussed throughout the
(10 minutes)
Closing: 2:50-3:00
Activity Time: 10 minutes
The teachers will be shown a video: while they are
completing their exit ticket that deals with the impact that they
have on the lives of students.
Exit Ticket through Blackboard
(5 minutes)
Answer the following questions in Blackboard under the assignment portion:
1. How can I focus my instruction so that students walk away with
transferable literacy skills?
2. What engagement strategies will you utilize in Unit 4?

3. What is your biggest take away from today?

4. Were there any concerns about Unit 4 that were not answered today that
you need more assistance with?
Thank participants for a great year and their hard work this year, ask them
to complete the remainder of their exit ticket and time card


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