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<b>We don't need no education

We don't need no thought control

No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone</b>

This is not just because of my newly found love for Floyd. But I truly believe that the
conformity of our education system is really killing the pleasure of learning. Our
Education system is based on the principle of conformity where every child is
considered the same. No, we arent. Me and my sisters are the exact opposites of
each other, thats when we were raised in same house by same parents. All of us
are different and these diversified talents provides basis for any successful society.
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up"
said Picasso once. The purpose of an education system is to take a kid, let him
discover his natural talents and make sure that he lives a purposeful and happy life.
On the contrary what our education system does is stops him from doing what he
enjoys the most and try to fill in stuff which is boring.
I have a cousin is in 4th standard, chotu. Recently he was asked to write an essay
on "The three most important words: Please, Thank you and sorry". Chotu forgot
what exactly was the topic but remembered it had something to do with 'The three
most important words'. From the fear of getting scolded by his parents, next day he
presented an essay on "The three most important words: I LOVE YOU" .The thing
with children is that they are not afraid to take a chance. Even if they don't know it,
they will go for it . This habit of trying without the fear of making an ass of himself
drives all creativity. This is what the education system robes from children.
In a normal classroom paradigm the teacher delivers a lecture, and the students
pretends to listen ; however attentive and orderly they may be. The bell rings and a
troop of tired looking boys followed by perhaps a larger number of meek eyed girls,
file into the classroom, sits down, remove the expression from their faces, open
their notebooks in the a broad arm chair, and receive knowledge. This is not
learning, this is slavery. There is no joy in it, there is just torture. Hitler might have
been proud of such institutions because these are the real concentration camps.
The academic culture of schools today tend to push aside any sort of activity that
involves the heart, the body, the senses and a good portion of our actual brain. The
schools are divided in two stratas. The first strata consist of students who are good
at maths and second of those who arent. It is fairly obvious that the students from
the second strata outnumbers the first one by huge difference. The students good in
mathematics are considered intelligent, hardworking while all the others are
considered fools with no sense of responsibility or talent. A large percentage of

students are told everyday in class that they are not good at anything. They live
their entire life believing the same. If they could teach music and creative writing as
they teach maths in classes every day, today our country could at least enjoy some
good music and could have many more terrific writers.
We are living in a revolutionary world which is changing continuously. The fast
computers are being used to create even faster computers. Imagine someone who
joined as a typist 20 years from now is today jobless. New jobs are being created
which require creativity and ability to cope with change. Our present education
system just dont work on flexibility. It works on demand focused, established from a
century ago. THE DEMAND IS CHANGING. We could not predict this future. No one
can. All we can do is help our children to find their true talents and help them shine
through it. Like Steve Jobs said in his Stanford Speech You have to find something
that actually brings you happiness, stick to it, & when you will look back from the
future it will all make sense.

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