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Tg,ave is the average flue-gas temperature, expressed in kelvin (degrees Rankine), in the radiant section;
Ttm is the tube metal temperature, expressed in kelvin (degrees Rankine), at the point under
Ttm,ave is the average tube metal temperature, expressed in kelvin (degrees Rankine), in the radiant
The convective heat-flux density in most parts of a radiant section is usually small compared with the
radiant heat-flux density. In the shock section, however, the convective heat-flux density can be
significant; it should therefore be added to the radiant heat-flux density when the maximum heat-flux
density in the shock section is estimated

B.4 Maximum tube metal temperature

B.4 temperatura del metal del tubo mximo
In addition to the heat-transfer coefficient and the maximum heat-flux density, the temperature profile of
the fluid in the coil is necessary for calculating the maximum tube metal temperature in the radiant
section of the heater. This profile, which is often calculated by the heater supplier, defines the variation of
the bulk fluid temperature through the heater coil. For operation at or near design, the design profile can
be used. For operation significantly different from design, a bulk temperature profile shall be developed
(Adems del coeficiente de transferencia de calor y la mxima densidad de calor de flujo, el perfil de
temperatura del fluido en la bobina es necesaria para el clculo de la temperatura mxima del metal del
tubo en la seccin radiante del calentador. Este perfil, que a menudo se calcula por el proveedor
calentador, define la variacin de la temperatura del fluido mayor a travs de el serpentn del calentador.
Para el funcionamiento en o cerca de diseo, el perfil de diseo se puede utilizar. Para un funcionamiento
significativamente diferentes de diseo, se desarroll un perfil de temperatura mayor)
Once the bulk fluid temperature is known at any point in the coil, the maximum tube metal temperature,
Tmax, expressed in degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit), can be calculated from Equations (B.8) to (B.12

Una vez que la temperatura global del fluido se conoce en cualquier punto del serpentin, la
temperatura del metal del tubo mxima, Tmax, expresada en grados Celsius (Fahrenheit), puede
ser calculada a partir de las ecuaciones (B.8) a (B.12
Tmax = Tbf + Tf f + Tf + Ttw (B.8)

Tbf is the bulk fluid temperature, expressed in degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit);
Tf is the temperature difference across any internal fouling, expressed in degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit);
Tf f is the temperature difference across the fluid film, expressed in degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit);
Ttw is the temperature difference across the tube wall, expressed in degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit).

TBF es la temperatura del fluido a granel, expresada en grados Celsius (centgrados);
Tf es la diferencia de temperatura a travs de cualquier ensuciamiento interno, expresado en
grados Celsius (centgrados);
Tf f es la diferencia de temperatura a travs de la pelcula de fluido, expresada en grados
Celsius (centgrados);

Ttw es la diferencia de temperatura a travs de la pared del tubo, expresada en grados Celsius

Kf f is the fluid-film heat-transfer coefficient, expressed in W/(m2K) [Btu/(hft2F)];
qR,max is the maximum radiant heat-flux density, expressed in W/(m2K) [Btu/(hft2F)], for the outside
Do is the outside diameter, expressed in metres (feet), of the tube;
Di is the inside diameter, expressed in metres (feet), of the tube.

Kf f es el coeficiente de transferencia de calor del fluido de pelcula, expresada en W / (m2K)
[Btu / (hft2 F)];
qr, max es la mxima densidad de flujo de calor radiante, expresada en W / (m2K) [Btu / (hft2
F)], para la superficie exterior;
D0. es el dimetro exterior, expresado en metros (pies), del tubo;
Di es el dimetro interior, expresada en metros (pies), del tubo.

f. is the coke and/or scale thickness, expressed in metres (feet);
Rf. is the fouling factor inside the tube due to the presence of any internal fouling, coke or scale, expressed
in m2K/W (hft2 F/Btu).

f. es el coque y / o la escala de espesor, expresado en metros (pies);
Rf. es el factor de ensuciamiento en el interior del tubo debido a la presencia de cualquier

ensuciamiento interno, coque o escala, expresado en m2K / W (hft2 F / Btu).



is the thermal conductivity, expressed in W/(mK) [Btu/(hftF)], of the tube metal

tm es la conductividad trmica, expresada en W / (m K) [Btu / (hft F)], del metal del tubo

The effect of internal fouling on the tube metal temperature can be calculated if a fouling factor rather
than coke thickness has been provided on the fired heater data sheets (see API 560/ISO 13705). The
fouling factor, Rf, may also be expressed as a function of coke or scale thickness and thermal conductivity,
as given in Equation (B.12), if only coke or scale thickness is provided:

El efecto de ensuciamiento interno sobre la temperatura del metal del tubo se puede calcular si
un factor de ensuciamiento en lugar de espesor de coque se ha proporcionado en las hojas de
calentador a fuego (vase API 560 / ISO 13705). El factor de ensuciamiento, Rf, tambin se
puede expresar como una funcin de coque o espesor de la incrustacin y la conductividad
trmica, como se da en la ecuacin (B.12), si slo se suministra coque o espesor de la

f is the coke and/or scale thickness, expressed in metres (feet).
f is the thermal conductivity of coke or scale, expressed in W/(m2K) [Btu/hftF];

f es el coque y / o espesor de la incrustacin, expresada en metros (pies).

f es la conductividad trmica del coque o escala, expresada en W / (m2K) [Btu / hft F];

1 curve
2 curve
3 curve
4 curve




double row against a wall, triangular spacing

double row with equal radiation from both sides and two diameters between rows, equilateral spacing
single row against a wall
single row with equal radiation from both sides

1 Curva 1 para una doble fila contra una pared, el espacio triangular
2 Curva 2 para una doble fila con la misma radiacin de los dos lados y dos dimetros entre filas,
el espaciamiento equiltero
3 curva 3 para una sola fila contra una pared
4 curva 4 para una nica fila con la misma radiacin de ambos lados
Figure B.1 Ratio of maximum local to average heat flux

Figura B.1 - Relacin de mximo local al flujo de calor promedio

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