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1) Introduction

The continuing evolution of human beings and their accelerated and

unstoppable consumerism today, have generated several problems, some of
which are pollution and over-exploitation of many natural resources, such as
water have been seriously affected.
However, and despite the massive awareness that this is done in people
about their consumption and especially about contamination, currently it
continues to pollute the water, to that extent that today more than ever,
large amounts of so-called "wastewater" produced; that excessive amount
of bacteria, organic matter, viruses and other contaminants are not suitable
to be reused and much less for human consumption, without being
previously treated.
For these reasons, and given the importance of trying to preserve this
important resource is water, the fundamental objective of this study is to
investigate the "wastewater" to determine how toxic, hazardous and
harmful can be for health human and environmental; for this, important
theoretical and analytical aspects such as the characteristics thereof, its
main physical and chemical components will be covered, and especially as
easily identify them not to misuse them, because if they arrived to consume
or use for other biotic end the consequences would be really serious and
2) Summary
Before you start analyzing basic concepts about the origin and the different
types of existing wastewater, it is necessary to make a brief introduction
about the definition of "sewage" as understandable that these are not a
common type of water or existing today.
We can ensure that sewage waters are those that contain a lot of toxic,
harmful or harmful to humans substances such as chemical, biological
substances, among others. It should be noted that these same waters have
been used or manipulated for personal convenience by human beings
regardless of their origin is characteristic as domestic, industrial, livestock,
agricultural or recreational.
Domestic wastewater are those originating from the various activities of the
human being as washing dishes, cleaning, food, personal hygiene, etc.
Industrial wastewater are characterized by liquid waste from industrial
production processes, which may have agricultural or animal origin.
Agricultural wastewater are found in agricultural settlements, livestock and
farms. The storm wastewater come from organic and inorganic wastes are
washed by water from rains and flows freely through the streets.
3) Keywords. 1) Cleaner production policies (PML)
2) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
3) Best Available Technologies (BTA)

4) Eubacterium: They are known as true bacteria, and are microscopic

organisms that are prokaryotic cells.
5) Archaeabacteria: They are a group of primitive bacteria with different
characteristics to other prokaryotes, include methanogenic bacteria,
halophytes and extreme thermophilic.
6) Runoff: rain water is flowing on the surface of the land.
7)Infiltration : is when water from rivers, lakes enters the ground, helping to
reduce soil erosion and nurturing plants.
8 ) Stormwater: Refers to periods of rain that has a specific region.
9) Hydrography is responsible for the study of the waters, seas, rivers, water
resources are owned by the nature and are vital to humans; It further relates
to the flow, fluvial sedimentation of inland waters.
4) RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATION. (Sany tine la parte en espaol )
After conducting research, we can say several situations we did not know
were evident, but thanks to the cooperative and investigative work came to
discover; so the results obtained are the next :
1. Sewage are very harmful and toxic to both human health and for the
animal, vegetable and general environmental, this organic composition,
toxic, and chemistry that have this type of water.
2. According to what the OEFA indicates there are three major groups:
industrial wastewater, domestic and municipal that according to their
activity vary in their level of contamination. It is noted that this is not the
only classification, since there are also other types of waters such as those
studied in the development of this research
Following the results of the research is necessary to begin to raise
awareness and above all to act in a socially responsible way with the
environment, this in order to eradicate the extent of our ability damage that
we are causing to our mother nature; because if we continue as we have
been so far the consequences will be dire, mainly because water is a vital
liquid and if we continue wasting or polluting as before we did, this is going
to dwindle and thus in the future not too distant life as we know it will
disappear from the face of the earth.
That is why, it is necessary to disclose this information, we make it universal
knowledge, that every human being contribute their bit to avoid polluting
the vital liquid and so little by little be creating a better world where the
waters polluted, filled with toxic seas, rivers with garbage and filled with
waste lagoons are a myth and a bitter memory of a past that will surely


the development of this work was made possible by the colaborcion of all
members of the group, which put their best effort, time, patience,
dedication and above all persistence.
At first we thought we could not finish this project, but we were
optimistic and above all very responsible to do the job in the best way
possible, which we obtained the best results.
thank you in a very special way to engineer "Julio Barzola" who is the
teacher of the subject "Introduction to environmental management".
Our distinguished professor has raised awareness about the harm we are
causing to the environment, makes us reconsider our actions and it is
now time to take certain corrective measures and not wait when it's too
Finally we thank God for giving us the great opportunity to study at this
distinguished university "ESPOL"; By Grant us wisdom, patience to all
members of this group, for allowing us to perform and finish this work
with great harmony and seriousness
6) Agradecimiento en espaol
El desarrollo de este trabajo se hizo posible gracias a la colaborcion de
todos los integrantes del grupo, los cuales pusieron su mayor esfuerzo,
tiempo, paciencia, dedicacion y sobre todo persistencia.
Al principio pensamos que no podriamos culminar este proyecto, pero
fuimos optimistas y sobre todo muy responsables para realizar el trabajo
de la mejor manera posible, con lo cual obtuvimos los mejores
Agradecemos de una forma muy especial al ingeniero "Julio Barzola",
quien es el profesor de la materia "introduccion a la gestion ambiental".
Nuestro distinguido profesor nos ha concientizado acerca del dao que
estamos ocasionando al medio ambiente, nos hace reconsiderar nuestras
acciones y que ahora es momento para tomar ciertos correctivos y no
esperar para cuando sea demasiado tarde.
Finalmente agradecemos a Dios, por habernos dado la gran oportunidad
de poder estudiar en esta distinguida universidad "ESPOL"; Por otorganos
la sabiduria, paciencia a todos los integrantes de este grupo, por
habernos permitido realizar y terminar este trabajo con mucha armonia y

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