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Insomnia how can affect your life?

Insomnia how can affect your life?

Lyanne Alvarez Gonzalez
University of Puerto Rico, Carolina campus

The insomnia you can touch to any person. The insomnia is a disorder in which a person
can not sleep or staying asleep. It is worth mentioning that the recommended hours of sleep is six
to eight hours daily if we slept less than what is recommended can present some of the symptoms
by the lack of rest. There are many reasons for which can be suffering from this condition, can be
through some psychological condition, physical or by the style of life that we bear. Insomnia is a
common disorder, with individual and societal consequences. Advances have been made in the
understanding of insomnia and its treatment options. However, cognitive behavioral therapy and
Food and Drug Administration-approved pharmacologic therapies have limitations, the former
primarily involving access and the latter involving potential side effects. Further research is
needed to optimize management strategies. (Deak MC1, Winkelman JW 2012)

Insomnia how can affect your life?

The symptoms are easy to detect, because the own patient note the difficulties to
conciliate the sleep or to wake up early. It makes it difficult for us to the focus and maintain the
concentration. We feel without lack you energy, without motivation, irritability, sleepy
throughout the day. You can suffer from headache, tension, fatigue, stress to depression.

Always associate the hour of sleep in the evening as there is no sunlight and they can rest
better because there are many person who cannot sleep by the day as the light bothers you. Some
causes are: the elderly person sleeps several very long naps at bedtime can not be done or makes
it difficult. Situations that may affect the sleep is the loss of a person to whom we love dies,
when a person is going to be married you may cause tension and stress is already a very
important day in your life to that everything comes out perfect and may not be able to rest the
day before the event or not be able to sleep. Also the young students in the period of final
examinations or for a major review can that the concern for a good rating and pass the exam is a
situation in which there may be general much tension and damages that the student can not sleep.
People that are going through a divorce can it hard for you to stay asleep too. Styles of life as
people who have rotating shifts in employment for example: when a person works shifts of
nights, it changes the time of rest. Also the people who constantly travels are affected since the
area of time are different and in what are docked takes to conciliate the dream. It is dangerous to
the not sleep because it increases the risk of having accident at work and of transit. Some drugs
or substances that can alter the sleep are antidepressants, decongestants, steroids, hormones,

Insomnia how can affect your life?

antihypertensive, caffeine and the use of drugs. Secondary Causes: vascular disorder as coronary
insufficiency, cardiac arrhythmias. Lung disorders chronic obstructive disease, asthma. Conduct
disorder food anorexia, endocrine disorders dissemination thyroid. Neurological disorders such
as headaches, Parkinson, injury in le thalamus and dementia, depression.

The diagnosis can be episodic, persistent, or recurrent.

The episodic symptoms last at one month but less than three months, the persistent
symptoms last three months or longer and the two or more episode within the space of one
year. (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder, fifth edition, American
Psychiatric Association)
Doctors can give you a questionnaire asking for your sleeping patterns, personal health
and medical history. They can order a blood test to discard any other medical condition and
sleeping study.

There are several types of treatment for insomnia. There is a need to avoid taking drugs
without medical prescription. Each case must be individualized, assessing the benefits of
treatment, if it really is indicated.

Insomnia how can affect your life?

There are also a number of therapies such as relaxation training, or progressive muscle
relaxation, teaches the person to systematically tense and relax muscles in different areas of
the body. This helps to calm the body and induce sleep. Other relaxation techniques that help
many people sleep involvebreathing exercises, mindfulness, meditation techniques,
andguided imagery. Many people listen to audio recordings to guide them in learning these
techniques. They can work to help you fall asleep and also return to sleep in the middle of the
night. And you can find over the counter products that also can help. But the better way to
get help is visiting a doctor. Stimulus controlhelps to build an association between the
bedroom and sleep by limiting the type of activities allowed in the bedroom. An example of
stimulus control is going to bed only when you are sleepy, and getting out of bed if you've
been awake for 20 minutes or more. This helps to break an unhealthy association between the
bedroom and wakefulness. Sleep restriction involves a strict schedule of bedtimes and wake
times and limits time in bed to only when a person is sleeping. Cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT)includes behavioral changes (such as keeping a regular bedtime and wake up time,
getting out of bed after being awake for 20 minutes or so, and eliminating afternoon naps)
but it adds a cognitive or "thinking" component. CBT works to challenge unhealthy beliefs
and fears around sleep and teach rational, positive thinking. There is a good amount of
research supporting the use of CBT for insomnia. For example, in one study, patients with
insomnia attended one CBT session via the internet per week for 6 weeks. After the
treatment, these people had improved sleep quality. Major classes of prescription insomnia

Insomnia how can affect your life?

medications include benzodiazepine hypnotics, non-benzodiazepine hypnotics, and

melatonin receptor agonists. (National Sleep Foundation)

There are some recommendations that we suggest as: go to bed at the same time every
day. Limit the naps during the day, avoid caffeine 6 hours before go to sleep, avoid excessive
alcohol beverage 4 hours before you go to sleep, avoid electronic devices 30 minutes before
going to sleep, avoid eating a heavy meal before going to sleep.

In conclusion anyone can suffer from insomnia at any age. We must be alert to the
symptoms and always consult a health professional. Thanks to this research and I could
recognize the symptoms of this disorder and helped me to learn more deeply about the suffering
of insomnia. Having more knowledge I can encourage people to look for professional help.
Never prescript yourself you may suffer another condition and that can cost you a lot of trouble.
There are a few solution like doing some therapy or taking a sleeping pills. In the worst scenarios
can cost you a neurocognitive damage. Otherwise you can have an accident o causes one you can
put your live in danger and others people to.

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