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Biochemical markers of acute ischemia


M. Rukshin1, N. Jessani2, M. Medina2, V. Rukshin2
1. Holmdel High School, Holmdel, NJ, USA
2. Raritan Bay Medical Center, Old Bridge, NJ, USA
Background: The role of the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in stroke
diagnosis has not been thoroughly evaluated. The NLR has been recognized
as a marker of inflammation. Since a stroke causes local inflammation, the
NLR should be influenced. However, since this inflammation is the result of
aseptic damage of the relatively small affected area of the brain, an NLR that
is excessively divergent from the average value decreases the likelihood of a
stroke's presence. The NLR can be calculated using a routine blood test.
Objective: This study determined the diagnostic value of the NLR in stroke
recognition. Methods: Data of all incoming patients with suspected stroke
from Raritan Bay Medical Center over the period of 3 years (2010-2013)
was collected. The significance of age, sex, smoking, presence of diabetes,
abnormal renal function, and dyslipidemia was ruled out using the t-test and
chi-squared test. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) for different
NLR values was compared by constructing ROC space, ROC inverse charts,
and ROC contingency tables.
Results: The study revealed the inverse correlation between the NLR and
stroke presence. An NLR above 4.0 decreases the likelihood of the presence
of a stroke, while an NLR lower than 4.0 makes the diagnosis of a stroke
more probable in patients with stroke-like symptoms.
Conclusion: The NLR has diagnostic value in stroke recognition. It can be
used as a tool in ruling out the presence of a stroke.




Biochemical markers of acute ischemia

Nilai Diagnostik NRL Pada Stroke

Peran rasio neutrofil-limfosit (NLR) dalam mendiagnosis stroke belum dievaluasi secara
menyeluruh. NLR telah dikenal sebagai penanda inflamasi. Pada stroke terjadi inflamasi
lokal, maka NLR pada stroke terpengaruh. Meskipun, proses inflamasi dikarenakan
akibat dari kerusakan aseptik area otak yang relatif kecil, NLR yang berbeda secara
berlebihan dari nilai rata-rata menurunkan kemungkinan terjadinya stroke. NLR dapat
dihitung dari pemeriksaan darah rutin.
Tujuan Penelitian:
Menentukan nilai diagnostik NRL pada stroke
Data diambil dari penderita tersangka stroke yang masuk RS Raritan Bay selama 3 tahun
( 2010-2013). Signifikansi usia, jenis kelamin, merokok, adanya diabetes, fungsi ginjal
abnormal, dan dislipidemia diolah dengan menggunakan t-test dan uji chi-kuadrat. The
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) untuk perbedaan nilai-nilai NLR dibandingkan
dengan membangun ruang ROC, grafik ROC terbalik, dan tabel kontingensi ROC
Studi ini mengungkapkan korelasi terbalik antara NLR dan terjadinya stroke. NLR di atas
4.0 menurunkan kemungkinan adanya stroke, sedangkan NLR lebih rendah dari 4,0
diagnosis stroke lebih mungkin pada pasien dengan gejala stroke.
NLR memiliki nilai diagnostik dalam mendiagnosis stroke. NRL dapat digunakan sebagai
alat untuk mengetahui apakah terjadi stroke.

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