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Intro Key Terms Chapter Two

Introduction to Speech Communication

Key Terms Homework
Chapter Two
The Self, Perception, and Communication
1. Androgynous combining both masculine and feminine traits.
2. Attribution - the process of attaching meaning.
3. Empathy the ability to project oneself into another persons point of view, so as to experience the
others thoughts and feelings.
4. Face the socially approves identity that a communicator tries to present.
5. Facework verbal and nonverbal behavior designed to create and maintain a communicators face and
the face of others.
6. Gender socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a society considers
appropriate for men and/or women.
7. Identity management strategies used by communicators to influence the way others view them.
8. Interpretation the perceptual process of attaching meaning to stimuli that have previously been
selected and organized.
9. Narrative the stories people create and use to make sense of their personal worlds.
10. Organization the perceptual process of organizing stimuli into patterns.
11. Perceived self the person we believe ourselves to be in moments of candor. It may be identical to or
different from the presenting and ideal selves.
12. Perception checking - a three-part method for verifying the accuracy of interpretations, including a
description of the sense data, two possible interpretations, and a request for confirmation of the
13. Personality the set of enduring characteristics that define a persons temperament, thought processes,
and social behavior.
14. Presenting self the image a person presents to others. Its may be identical to or different from the
perceived and ideal selves.
15. Reflected appraisal the influence of others on ones self-concept.
16. Selection the perceptual act of attending to some stimuli in the environment and ignoring others.

17. Self-concept the relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds of himself or herself.
18. Self-esteem the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth.
19. Self-fulfilling prophecy a prediction or expectation of an event that makes the outcome more likely to
occur than would otherwise have been the case.
20. Self-serving bias the tendency to interpret and explain information in a way that casts the perceiver in
the most favorable manner.
21. Sex a biological category such as a male, female, or intersexed.
22. Signification other a person whose opinions is important enough to affect ones self-concept strongly.
23. Stereotyping the perceptual process of applying exaggerated beliefs associated with a categorizing
24. Sympathy - compassion for anothers situation.

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