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Laila Taylor

ITEC Portfolio

Standard 1: Visionary Leadership

1.1 Shared Vision
Candidates facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision for
the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership.
1. Briefly describe the artifact and the context in which it was created. What was/were
your individual contribution(s)?
The Shared Vision and Rationale was completed after a close look at the school
improvement plan for my school, county vision statement and after surveying several
faculty members over the goals for our school in technology. I chose this vision
statement because I felt it encompasses every aspect of learning, training, and research
based resources needed to fulfill the successful use of technology in the classroom. ITSE
(2008) has studied several states who have successfully integrated and found that, they
illuminate the need for the correct implementation of technology into teaching and
learning. Merely purchasing computers and practice software is not enough. Alignment of
the software to curricular standards, effective school leadership, and professional
development are equally as important (p.10). This was an individual class project,
however, I collaborated with the academic coach and teachers from different grade levels
at my school to gather information on the SIP and survey data.

2. Explain how this artifact demonstrates mastery of the standard/element under which it
is placed.
Standard 1.1 expects the candidate to assist and implement a shared vision for technology
uses in the school dealing with teaching, learning and leadership. This artifact meets this
standard through collaboration with faculty and staff at Hahira Middle School. The first
steps that were taken developing a shared vision in regards with technology for the school
was to take a close a close look at the current school improvement plan with the help of
the Academic Coach at my school. Based on the observations from the plan it was
noticed that although the vision statement for the county system states the importance of
technology the reality in my school was that there were very few teachers who had any
knowledge of ISTE standards. Based on these observations and after collaborating with

Laila Taylor

ITEC Portfolio

the academic coach I created a brief survey for teachers to answer in a google form to see
if there was a correlation between number of years teaching and technology used in the
classroom on a daily basis. Based on the data observed from the forms a small
committee of teachers that I organized met to create an updated shared vision for Hahira
Middle School. The data also showed that there was a direct correlation between teachers
who had taught less than 5 years being more flexible and confidant when incorporating
technology into their lessons, while teachers who generally taught more than 10 years
were less likely to add the technology. The new vision addresses these findings in terms
of the goals that need to be established for teachers as well as accountability associated
with the technology goals in the lessons. This artifact also addresses how leadership can
help provide adequate training and accountability for teachers to meet the goals and
vision of the school. Digital Equity for students is addressed in the artifact along with
goals to make sure that all students are engaged in technology rich lessons.
3. What did you learn from completing this artifact? What would you do differently to
improve the quality of the artifact or the process involved in creating the artifact?
Before completing this artifact I had not critically looked at our school improvement plan
or the vision statement for the county and school. I learned how important it is to involve
stakeholders in the process of developing a Shared Vision for the school. The more
involvement stakeholders have the level importance and support increases dramatically.
When developing this artifact I observed the digital divide among teachers who have
more experience with incorporating technology in their classrooms and those who do not,
through the forms I was able to create a safe environment to express teacher weakness.
This provided some interesting data and helped the committee create some obtainable
goals in terms of professional learning options for teachers. One of the weaknesses in the
Vision paper is I only had about 30% of the faculty willing to participate in the google
form. In the future I would have gained more support from the administration and
hopefully asked the teachers to participate in the survey during professional development
time as to increase participation, which would have given me more data to observe.

Laila Taylor

ITEC Portfolio

4. How did the work that went into creating the artifact impact school improvement,
faculty development, or student learning? How can the impact be assessed?
Based on the findings, although limited, there was several professional learning
opportunities that teachers were encouraged to attend. The professional learning topics
that were offered were as follows; Designing web quest, using kahoot as review games,
Data and Google Sheets, and Blogging in the Classroom. All of the professional learning
classes were student directed and centered in creating engaging student centered lessons
using technology. The impact can be assessed by looking the number of teachers that are
now using some of these Web 2.0 tools in their classrooms, which helps meet the Shared
Vision that was developed in this artifact.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). ISTE Policy Brief:
Technology and Student Achievement- The Indelible Link. Retrieved from:

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