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ORGANS (Owners Manual for the Human Body, p. 41)

1. Sit in Baby Pose. Sitting on the heels, forehead is on the

ground in front of you, arms are pointing behind you resting

at your sides. Lift up your neck and do Breath of Fire. 3
minutes. (Start with 2 minutes.)
2. From Baby Pose. Lean back until you are lying on your back

(but still with your heels underneath your buttocks) and do

Breath of Fire. 3 minutes. (Start with 1 minutes.)
3. Chair Pose. Feet flat on the ground, bend over trying to keep
the back parallel to the ground and grasp your feet from the
outside, reaching inside between your knees to do so. In this
position, stick your tongue way out and do Breath of Fire
through the mouth. 1 to 3 minutes.
You can extend this set into a full class, by increasing the time for
each exercise to 3 minutes and then add a five minute relaxation
and repeat the sequence twice more, making a total of three
4. Sit in Easy Pose. Hands in Venus lock behind your back.

Inhale through the mouth as you bend forward into Yoga

Mudra, bringing your forehead to the ground in front of you
as your arms lift to the sky. Exhale through the nose sitting
back up into Easy Pose. Continue for 3 minutes. This will
create the balance of energy.
5. For the final 5 minute relaxation: Sit in Easy Pose. Arms at

shoulder height, parallel to the ground, palms down, right

arm resting on the left while you breathe very, very slowly;
silently, mentally chanting, Haree, Haree, Haree about 84
times on the inhalation and silently chanting: Har, Har, Har
about 84 times on the exhalation. The inhale and exhale
are about 12 seconds each.
Comments: Haree calls upon the creative energy and Har is
joining the God within and without.
Yogi Bhajan said about this kriya: Make this set a part of your life
for 11 minutes every day so youll never have problems with your
inner organs or your glands. Glands are the guardians of your

He also said: If you cannot maintain these exercises comfortably

for a total of 11 minutes, something in you is dying.
Do the best you can, for as long as you can, working your way up
to 3 minutes for each exercise.
You know you need this set when your weight has increased for no
apparent reasons, you have acquired fat in the area underneath
your navel, your liver is not working well, and/or your metabolism
is not functioning well. This entire set will make your mind fresh,
youll have grit. It takes away fear and youll experience
yourself, youll feel yourself. Mind will heal itself. Body will heal
(Kundalini Yoga, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, pp. 84-85)
1. Patting Air. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and a light Neck

Lock. Stretch the right arm forward with the palm facing down. The
left elbow is bent and the upper arm is close to the side of the body.
The left palm is flat, facing forward with fingers straight (as though
taking an oath). Move the right arm as though patting the air. Go up
about 30 degrees above horizontal and back down to parallel to the
floor. Keep the arm straight, move from the shoulder and pat at a
speed of about 30 times per minute. Close you eyes, inhale through
the nose and exhale through the mouth. Breathe slowly, heavily and
deeply. Continue for 3-6 minutes.
2. Switch Sides. Change hands and repeat the fist exercise in this
kriya for 2-3 minutes.
3. Shoulder Roll. Relax and roll your shoulders. Continue loosening

the shoulders for 1-2 minutes.

4. Balance. Bend both elbows, keeping the upper arms close to the

ribs. The wrists are bent and the palms face upward. The fingers
point away from the body at a diagonal. The eyes focus on the tip of
the nose in a steady, soft gaze. Inhale through the nose and exhale
through the mouth as fast and powerfully as you can. Hold your
arms and shoulders in perfect balance. There will be tremendous
pressure on the chest. Continue for 3-5 minutes.

5. Clap the Ground. Rhythmically hit the ground in front of you with

both hands at the same time, keeping the spine fairly straight. As
you hit the ground, chant Har (the Creative aspect of God) using

only the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth as you roll the r
sound. Use the power of the navel point as you chant and hit
powerfully. Go for 3-6 minutes. Then inhale and hold the breath
15 to 20 seconds while you tense all your muscles and press the
hands against the ground with the entire weight of the body. Exhale
explosively through the mouth. Repeat this sequence 2 more times.
6. Stretch and Move. Take 2 minutes to recover from the powerful

effects of this kriya. Do no meditate or be silent at this time. Stretch,

take a walk around and talk to ground yourself.

Comments: This is a powerfully transforming kriya that gives you the

health and internal energy to live from your angelic nature. Humans who
practice Exercise #1 regularly have become angels in their own right.
There may be some pain during Exercise #1 as it realigns patterns of the
body. Allow the deep breathing to help you through that phase. Exercise
#4 works on eliminating chronic illness. In Exercise #5, the motion is one
that baboons instinctively know the secret of and do it often to build inner
strength. (When practicing Exercise #5 with others, everyone should hit
the floor with one rhythm.)
(K.R.I. Level One Teacher Training Manual, pp. 208-210 and The
Aquarian Teacher, p. 385)
1. Sit in Easy Pose. Rest the left hand in Gyan Mudra (touch the pad

of the thumb with the pad of the index finger). Rest the left arm
straight on the left knee. Raise the right hand in front of and to
the right of the face with the palm flat facing to the left. The
fingers of the hand are together and point straight up. Press the
side of the thumb on the right nostril to gently close it. Begin
long, deep, complete yogic breaths through the left nostril. Inhale
and exhale only through the left nostril. Continue for 3 minutes.
Then inhale and hold comfortably for 10-30 seconds.
2. Sit in Easy Pose. Rest the right hand in Gyan Mudra (touch the

pad of the thumb with the pad of the index finger). Rest the right
arm straight on the right knee. Raise the left hand in front of and
to the left of the face with the palm flat facing to the right. The
fingers of the hand are together and point straight up. Press the
side of the thumb on the left nostril to gently close it. Begin long,
slow, deep, complete yogic breaths through the right nostril.

Continue for 3 minutes. Then inhale and hold comfortably for 1030 seconds.
3. Sit in Easy Pose. Keep the spine relaxed and straight. Make Gyan

Mudra with the left hand. Rest the left hand over the left knee.
Close the eyelids. Press the eyes up gently and focus at the brow
point; at the top of the nose where the eyebrows meet. Raise the
right hand in front of and to the right of the face. The palm is flat
and faces to the left. Press just hard enough to close the nostril.
Keep the rest of the fingers straight up. Inhale deeply through the
left nostril. When the breath is full, bend the right hand into a U
as you extend the little fingertip over to press on the left nostril.
Close the left nostril and let the right nostril open by relaxing the
thumb pressure. Exhale smoothly and completely through the
right nostril. When the breath is completely exhaled, begin the
cycle again with the inhale through the left nostril. Continue for 3
minutes with long, deep, regular breaths. Inhale at the end and
hold the breath 10-30 seconds.

4. Repeat Exercise #3 except use the left hand to direct the inhale

through the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.
5. Sit in Easy Pose with both hands in Gyan Mudra. Close the eyelids

and focus at the brow point. Begin Breath of Fire. Keep the breath
powerful, regular and conscious. Continue for 7 minutes. Then
inhale and hold the breath for 10-60 seconds. Mentally watch the
energy circulate through the entire body. Relax the breath and
concentrate on the natural flow of the breath as life force for 3
minutes. Notice how your mind and emotions have changed.
6. In the same posture, meditate. Inhale deeply and chant the Bij

Mantra, Sat Nam. Continue the chant for 3-15 minutes.

Comments: This set gives you a quick lift in energy, increased clarity
and a sense of balance. If you do the minimum times for each exercise
it only takes 22-25 minutes to completely reset yourself. It is an
excellent set for beginners. You learn the relationship of the breath and
you observe the differences in emotion and thinking that each type of
breathing creates.
Even though breathing is the most natural and essential thing we
do, consciousbreathing can be quite a challenge. When you alter the
breath you begin to oppose and release the habitual patterns of
emotion and attention that are coded in the habits of your body and

mind. As those patterns begin to alter you may drift in concentration or

interest. If you continue and command the breath, then you will gain a
new sense of ease and control where you can direct your mind.
This kriya is excellent to practice as preparation for a more strenuous
Kundalini Yoga set. It can be practiced in beginning and advanced
stages. As a beginner, use the times listed above. For intermediate
level practice, do exercises #1-#4 for five minutes each. For an
advanced practice increase the times of #1-#4 to a full 10 minutes

Emergency Treatment for Emotional Freakout

Source: Survival Kit.
Posture #1: Stretch Pose (sets the navel point). Lie flat. Keep the lower back on the floor. Raise
the head, legs and arms 6 inches off the ground. Hands may be flat and hovering over the
thighs.) Look at the toe and begin Breath of Fire. 3 minutes.
Posture #2: Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
Posture #3: Repeat Stretch Pose.
Posture #4: Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
Posture #5: Repeat Stretch Pose.
Posture #6: Relax on the back for 5 minutes.
Posture #7: 40-50 sit-ups with rhythmic breathing.
Posture #8: Walk around with hands and feet on the floor for 3 minutes.
Posture #9: Relax on the back.
Comments: This is a set of exercises to do one after the other.


(Yoga for Runners and Skiers, Nirvair Singh Khalsa, out-of-print
1. Leg Lifts 90 Degrees. Lie flat on your back, arms by the side,
palms down. Pull Root Lock (Mulbandh) to tilt your pelvis and
bring your lower back in contact with the ground. Use the Root
Lock to anchor the lower back to the ground during the entire

Inhale as you lift the left leg up 90 degrees. Keep the knee straight and
the toes pointed towards the ceiling. Exhale and lower the leg down.
Use powerful, deep breathing, concentrating on the navel center.
Alternate legs with a deep, powerful breath, concentrate at the navel
point (3 minutes).
2. Cross Crawl. Lie flat on your back. Inhale as you bring the right

knee up to the chest and at the same time bring the left arm back
overhead on the ground in a backstroke motion. Exhale and
return the arm and leg to the ground flat. Then switch arms and
legs. Use the opposite arm and leg. Keep your navel engaged so
that your lower back stays rooted to the floor. Alternate with half
breaths for 3 minutes.

3. Triangle Pose. Rock yourself up. Stand up. Come into triangle

position. Have the hands on the ground shoulder width apart, feet
together and heels flat if possible. Hold the position for 2 minutes
with long, slow, deep breathing.
4. Stretch Pose. Lie flat. Apply root lock and neck lock. Raise your

head and heels six inches off the floor. Point the hands toward
your toes and begin Breath of Fire. The eyes are looking at the big
toes. Keep yourself rooted so that the small of your back is
pressed against the floor. If your back lifts off the floor, keep your
breath going, but come down, re-establish your root line and
come back up into the posture. To do Stretch Pose correctly, youll
have to be in neck lock. The chest must be lifted to support the
head. If you collapse the chest to get your head off the ground, it
pressures your lower back to sway and lift off the floor. 60
seconds. (Keeping one or both heels resting lightly on the floor is
an acceptable variation. Use this is your abdominals or lower
back are weak.)
(Centers the navel center. Strengthens the entire nervous system.)
5. Leg Thrusts. Lie flat on the back. Arms are by the side with the

palms down. Apply root lock. Bring both knees up to the chest.
Inhale as you stretch the right leg out straight with the right heel
6 to 18 inches off the ground. Point the toes away from the body.
Exhale, switch legs. Continue with powerful half breaths for 90
seconds. Keep Neck Lock and Root Lock gently pulled.

Concentrate the breath at the navel point.

6. Bow Pose. Lie on your stomach. 90 seconds. Apply root lock to
rotate your pelvis. Roll the tops of the thighs toward each other to
protect the sacrum. This will help you to keep the feet touching.
Press strongly through the root line into the ground. Pull the
shoulder blades down the back to leverage the lifting of the
chest. Use the legs to pull against the arms to raise the body up
into the position.
(From Divine Alignment, by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa: Bow Pose is
hard for many people, but it is important to get beyond the bending
where you are already bending syndrome and open new territory in
flexibility. If you really want to lengthen your spine out, particularly
through the important pelvic muscles, you really have to keep the feet
and knees close together and use the legs to pull against the arms. You
may not come up as high, but it opens up the spine in a far more
useful way.)
7. Baby Pose. Push yourself up into baby pose. Sit on the heels with

the forehead on the ground, arms by the hips, palms facing up. If
it is more comfortable for you, put a blanket between your
buttocks and your heels. You can also rest your forehead on top of
your forearms. Allow the shoulders to relax with a normal breath
for 60 seconds.

8. Camel Pose. Breath of Fire for 60 seconds. From Divine

Alignment, by Guru Prem Singh Khalsa: Sit on your heels. Use
the root line to push the tops of your feet into the floor. Rise up
on your knees, pressing through the root line into the floor to give
you leverage to arch your chest. The chest must be arched up as
high as it can go before you lean over into Camel Pose. The
image is down into the ground and up into the heavens. Press
into the floor: the toes and tops of the feet must press fairly hard
to lift the chest up. Keep pushing the chest up in opposition to the
press of the lower body against the floor. The legs must be
vertical from knees to hips when you are up in Camel Pose. Once
your chest is arched as much as you can, pull your chin in to
connect your neck to the upper spine. Exhale, hold the root lock
and keep the chest lifted as you reach back for your heels. Allow
your head to go back as far as it can without disconnecting it
from your arch or compressing your neck.

You can use several methods to support your Camel Pose. You can
reach back and grab your heels leaving the tops of your feet flat on the
floor. This is the classic position. You can lift your heels up so that you
are balanced on your knees and toes, raising your heels up and
shortening the distance. Or, you can support your backbend by placing
your hands on your hips. Only do the camel position you can achieve
with your locks in place. Do not release your root line while you are in
Camel Pose. (You can practice Camel Pose against a wall to get the feel
of the correct position. Kneel facing a blank wall with your knees
touching the wall. Have your knees about two fists distance apart.
Come into Camel Pose, pushing through your root line from navel to
knees. At the same time, keep your hips pressing up against the wall,
creating a perpendicular line from hips to knees.)
Come out of Camel Pose by sitting down through the position as you
lift the head up.
9. Baby Pose. Push yourself up into baby pose. Sit on the heels with

the forehead on the ground, arms by the hips, palms facing up. If
it is more comfortable for you, put a blanket between your
buttocks and your heels. You can also rest your forehead on top of
your forearms. Allow the shoulders to relax with a normal breath
for 60 seconds.
10. Easy Pose. Apply root lock and neck lock. Hands in Gyan Mudra.

Open the eyes slightly and gaze at the tip of the nose, keeping
both sides of the nose in equal view. Long, slow, deep breathing
for 5 minutes.
11. Deep Relaxation. Come out of position and rest on your back.

Have the arms by the sides, palms facing up with the legs
uncrossed. Allow the breath to return to normal. Have the knees
up for comfort, if needed.
Comments: This series of exercises will center, strengthen and
balance the energy of the navel point. Strong navel energy gives you
boundless energy and the ability to transform yourself.
(The Kundalini Yoga Manual, Yogi Bhajan, Spring 1970; also found in
theK.R.I. Level One Teacher Training Manual, Chapter 14; Kundalini

Yoga, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, pp. 92-93)

1. Criss-Cross. Lie on your back and lift your legs to 12 inches. Begin

criss-crossing your legs left over right, then right over left. Spread
the legs wide. After 5 minutes, inhale and apply Mulbandh. Rest
for 2 minutes. Then repeat the cycle. Keep the legs straight
2. Push-Pull. Lift both legs 2 feet off the ground. Begin a bicycling

motion, keeping the legs parallel to the ground. Continue for 5

minutes. Rest for 2 minutes. Then repeat the cycle.

3. Easy Pose. Lift the arms straight above the head. The fingers are

interlocked over the back of the hands, with the palms facing the
sky. Do Breath of Fire for 5 minutes.
4. Easy Pose. Clasp opposite shoulders with the thumbs forward.

The arms are crossed behind the head. Do Breath of Fire for 5
minutes. Then inhale, exhale, inhale, hold and circulate the
energy. Exhale and applyMulbandh, inhale and exhale.
Apply Mulbandh three times.

5. Corpse Pose. Relax completely. Separate the mental body from

the physical and move it around for about 5 minutes. Then bring
it back.
6. Chant any divine mantra.
Comments: This is a Kriya that is good when you want to work very
hard. Saturday, the day of Saturn, the Task Master, is an excellent day
to practice it. The Kriya moves the Kundalini energy from the lower
three chakras in Exercises 1 and 2 through the Heart Center in Exercise
3 and through the Throat Chakra to the Higher Centers in Exercise 4.
Mental projection and meditation are automatic afterwards.
The hardest part of the series is the beginning. If you attempt the full
time of the exercises on your first trial you may have a sore stomach
and weak legs unless you are in excellent shape. Do what you can and
do it gracefully, breathing consciously throughout. The sexual and
digestive energies require a little work to balance.
As you do Exercise 3 feel all the worries of the day drop away. Feel like
you are rising above the clouds and that your entire body is filled with
the light energy of breath. In Exercise 4, feel that light energy lift to

your head and project your mind into an expansive peacefulness. The
hard work brings deep relaxation and the experience that you have the
latent power to cleanse and vitalize yourself mentally and physically.
(Kundalini Yoga Manual, Student Manual of Instruction as Taught by
Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga, Edited by Rama Kirn Singh, pp.
1. Sit in Easy Pose. Begin breathing long and deep through the

nostrils. Focus on the life-giving flow of breath for 3 minutes.

Then inhale, hold the breath a few seconds and relax the breath.
2. Frog Pose. Begin in a standing position. Squat down. The balls of
the feet are on the ground, touching each other. The hands are on
the ground between the knees, the spine is straight and the
knees are spread wide apart. Press the chin in and down without
extending the neck far forward. Put the chin firmly into the cavity
at the top of the breastbone where the collar bones meet.
Inhale deeply as you rise up. Raise the buttocks high by straightening
the legs. Stay up on the toes with the hands still on the ground and the
head on the torso and down. Exhale completely as you come down to
the original squatting position.
Repeat Exercise 2 ten times and on the tenth, stay down and take
three deep breaths. On the third breath exhale completely and hold
the breath out as you apply Mulbandh (Root Lock). Feel the energy rise
along the spine. Hold the breath out 10-20 seconds, but do not strain.
Now repeat Exercise 2 twenty-six times, and, on the last time, stay
down and take three deep breaths. On the third, hold the breath out
and again applyMulbandh (Root Lock).
Frog Pose stretches the entire spine. It is good for overall circulation. It
strengthens the quads and energizes the sex nerve (on the inside of
the thigh) and the life (sciatic) nerve. Use the standing knee/toe raises
if you have problems with your knees.
3. Double Leg Front Stretch. Stretch both legs out in front of you

straight. Reach out with the arms and catch the thigh, shin, ankle
or foot. Keep the chin at a right angle to the chest. Stretch

forward, leading with your chest and then down. Relax forward as
you bend to hold the toes. Hold this position for 3 minutes.
Be careful with this exercise so that you do not over stretch the lower
back or hamstrings. Double Leg Front Stretch stretches the life nerve.
It is also good for the lower back, stretches the hamstrings and relaxes
the quads. It is part of the liver series. It is one of several positions that
place pressure on the lobes of the liver for cleansing and
The body is a temple of human expression and evolvement. We are
often told by the media and friends that it wears out, has many
illnesses and is extremely fragile. But that is not true. The body is
sensitive and self-repairing. As Yogi Bhajan puts it:
This beautiful body cannot be eaten by anything except your own
ego. God doesnt kill you.
There is no death except your own ego and your own negativity.
That reduces the voltage of your life force so your circumvent field
becomes weak and death creeps into your body.
This body is beautiful.
It was made by a very special imagination of the Creator.
Our own habits of possession, constriction, anger, tension and
attachment set up energy patterns within the body that disrupt the
normal flow of vital energy. This opens the door to disease, both
physical and mental. After all, we are creators also and have some
ability to create the environments we want to live in. We create our
bodies with each thought and activity as well as with each meal. So we
need to clean the body and readjust the flow of energy periodically
since we are all products of our habits and since few of us are without
This kriya, which is a slight variation of the standard Frog Pose, is very
powerful. You must keep the chin locked in. It readjusts the sex energy
and the balance of the prana and apana. It is good for digestion and
brings circulation to the head. If done with powerful breaths it will

make you sweat quickly.

People search for the experience of God, the experience of freedom,
energy and consciousness. If we would only purify ourselves, then God
would be known to us and come to live in us. That Infinite energy is the
Giver in every situation. We recognize it by cleaning, caring and
utilizing what we have already been given.
(Yoga for People from Whacky Families, pp. 34-35)
1. Lie Down on Your Back. Quickly raise and lower your

buttocks, creating an invigorating massage. Move quickly. 2


This exercise is to open up the pelvic area. It stimulates the juncture

of the two sciatic nerves of the legs. This stimulation is needed for
the pituitary to function properly.
2. Remain lying flat on your back. Arms straight along the

thighs. Heels and toes together. Press the toes forward and
then lift the heels 6 inches off the ground. Begin long, deep
breathing. Keep the head relaxed down on the ground and
continue for 3 minutes.

It is said when done properly, your whole body will salute you, you
can digest anything and all toxins will come out.
3. Lying on your back. Lift the legs up to 90 degrees. Do Breath

of Fire for 1 minute.

This totally renews vigor and clears toxins.
4. Remain lying on your back. Keep your body relaxed. Raise

your head off the floor, chin into chest. Breathe long and
deeply for 3 minutes.

This posture is good for eliminating headaches.

5. Lie on your right side. Create a pillow with your right arm.

Rest your head on your arm and raise your leg. Raise your left
leg as high as you can and breathe long and deeply for 3

6. Relax on your stomach. Turn your head to rest on your right

cheek, hands by your sides, palms facing up for 3 minutes.

Good for the colon, eliminates toxins.
7. Remain on your stomach. Reach back and grab the ankles.

Pull them toward your buttocks, keeping your chin on the

ground. Hold for 2 minutes with normal breathing.

8. Still on your stomach. Bring the heels together so they are

touching. Keep the arms relaxed by the sides, arch up and

raise the head and the chest off the ground as much as
possible. Stick the tongue out all the way and breathe rapidly
through the mouth for 2-3 minutes.
9. Corpse Pose. To finish, gently roll over and lie back on your

back into Corpse Pose. Put yourself into a deep relaxation for
several minutes.

Comments: This set will take about 25 minutes to complete. You

will come out fresh, as from a deep sleep.
Anti-Stress Diet Additions
Add to your breakfast:
2 tablespoons wheat germ (over cereal, fruit or yogurt); blanched
Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks:
1-2 bananas OR
handful each of raisins and sunflower seeds mixed together.
For lunch or dinner add 1 big serving of 1 of these once per day:
Steamed broccoli; fresh (in a salad) or steamed spinach.
Before bed:
1 glass of milk with honey.


(A Womans Book of Yoga, pp. 176-178).
1. Miracle Bend. Assume a standing position. Place your knees and

heels together with your feet flat on the floor and angled out to
45-degrees for balance. Raise your arms straight over your head
with your palms facing forward (you can hook your thumbs
together to help hold up your arms). Keep your legs straight but
avoid locking your knee joints. Stretch up and back 20 degrees.
Your head, spine, and arms should form an unbroken curve, with
your arms remaining in line with your ears. You may shake in this
posture, but do your best to keep up and stretch. Hold this stretch
gently with long, deep breathing for 2 minutes.

Called the miracle bend, this exercise is said to bend the negativity
out of the human being (Yogi Bhajan). It will adjust your navel point,
balancing your energy and turning anger into calmness.
2. Pumping the Navel Point. From the above position, bend forward

very slowly, keeping your arms straight and close to your ears.
Let your torso and your arms hang to the floor. Inhale and
suspend your breath in, pumping your belly in and out. Then
exhale, hold the breath out, and pump your belly in and out
again. Continue the sequence of holding the breath in and out
and pumping your belly for 2 minutes. To end, relax your breath
and slowly stand up and relax.
Together with the preceding exercise, this exercise works to alleviate
feelings of insecurity.
3. Hip Rotation. Return to a standing position. Spread your legs

apart so your feet are as far apart as you can comfortably hold
them without losing your balance. Bend your elbows and hold
your upper arms by your side with your forearms parallel to the
floor. Begin to rotate your hips in large circles, as large as you
can, at a moderate pace. The direction can be either clockwise or
counterclockwise. Continue rotating your hips in this way for 2
minutes. Relax.
This exercise works on the lower back and hips. It can awaken in you a
fearless spirit! This is a common exercise in the military and is done
before battle, to loosen up.

4. Arm Rotation. Place your legs and feet in the same position as in

the previous exercise. Hold your arms straight out from your
body. Begin a backward rotation of your arms, with one arm
rotating clockwise and the other rotating counterclockwise. As
you rotate your arms, keep them at least 30 degrees away from
your body. Rotate your arms at one rotation per second. While
you rotate your arms in this way, bend forward halfway toward
the floor, then straighten up and bend backward halfway to your
maximum stretch. Each cycle of bending forward, straightening,
bending back and straightening takes 15 seconds. Continue this
exercise for 1 minutes. To end the exercise, stand straight up
and relax..

This exercise may seem like a brain-teaser! Rotating your arms in

different directions takes concentration and coordination. This exercise
creates stamina and clear thinking and can help prevent an early
5. Relax. Relax on your back with your spine in alignment and your

arms relaxed by your side with your palms facing upward. You
must relax for 10 minutes after this exercise set to receive its full
effect and benefit.


PROSPERITY(Kundalini Yoga, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, pp. 130-131)
1. Energize. Sit in Easy Pose. Bring the arms out to the sides and

raise them until they form a V shape. The fingers are pressing
against the mounds of the palms with the thumbs pointing up.
Begin Breath of Fire for 3 minutes. Inhale and hold the breath.
Quickly begin to make fists of the hands, first with the thumbs
inside the fists, then outside. Alternate rapidly as you hold the
breath for 15 seconds. Then, with the hands in the original
position, slowly bring the thumbs together overhead. Time your
movement so that the thumbs meet when you can no longer hold
the breath. Slowly lower the arms in an arc around you as you
exhale deeply. Sit for 1 minute, breathing slowly.

This exercise is revitalizing. It enhances charisma and makes you

2. Creativity. Still sitting in Easy Pose, make hands into fists and

bring them to the sides of the body at chest level with the elbows
pressed back. Extend your chest out. Take 5 deep breaths, then
inhale deeply and hold the breath. With the breath held, begin
punching the arms alternately. Get mad! When you cannot hold
the breath any longer, exhale. Inhale and repeat the powerful
punching motion with the held breath. Exhale. Inhale and repeat
1 more time for a total of 3 times. Then sit, eyes closed and
breathe as slowly as you can for 2 minutes. Stretch and relax.
This exercise activates the fire in you to spark creativity.
3. Prosperity. Sit in Easy Pose. Keep the spine straight. Look at the

center of your chin through your closed eyes or look at the tip of
your nose through partially closed eyes. Inhale deeply and hold,
suspending the breath while you mentally recite, I am bountiful,
I am blissful, I am beautiful. Exhale all the breath out, then,
suspend the breath out as you mentally say, Excel, excel,
fearless. Practice this for 3 minutes at a time. Feel free to
practice 3, 4, or more times a day for 3 minutes each time.
This combination of breathing technique and powerful affirmation
opens the mental and vibrational doors to prosperity.
Comments: These are simple, quick-acting exercises that can make a
difference in just three minutes of practice each. They can be practiced
together or individually. This kriya is also a good way to take breaks
during the day from your usual routine to remind yourself of your
higher consciousness.
KRIYA Set to Awaken Your Ten Bodies
(Yoga for Prosperity, pp. 38-41, Siri Kirpal Kaur Khalsa and The
Aquarian Teacher, pp. 337-338)
1. Stretch Pose: Lying on the back with the arms by the sides, point

the toes and raise the head and legs 6 inches off the ground.
Bring the arms up so that the fingers point toward the toes. Focus
the eyes at the tips of the toes. Begin Breath of Fire. Continue for
1-3 minutes.
2. Lie on the back. Bring the knees to the chest with the arms

wrapped around the knees. Bring the nose between the knees or
as close as possible. Hold this position with Breath of Fire.

Continue for 1-3 minutes.

3. Sit in Easy Pose (or sit between the heels in Celibate Pose). Raise

the arms up to a 60 degree angle with the fingertips touching the

mounds just below the fingers. The thumbs point up, and the rest
of the fingers are parallel to the ground. Close the eyes, focus at
the brow point and do Breath of Fire. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
4. Sit with the legs spread wide on the ground. Inhale with the arms
overhead and bringing the hands down to alternate toes (or
whatever you can reach) starting with the left side. Continue for
1-3 minutes.
5. With the legs still spread wide on the ground, hold onto the toes
(or whatever you can reach). Inhale and bow straight down to the
ground or as far as you can go. Exhale and sit back up. Continue
for 1-3 minutes.
6. Spinal Flexes. Sit in Easy Pose. Grab the shins with the hands.

Inhale and flex the spine forward, rocking forward on the

buttocks. Exhale and flex the spine backwards, rolling backwards
on the buttocks. Keep the head fairly level and the arms as
straight and relaxed as you can. Continue for 1-3 minutes.

7. Sit on the heels with the hands flat on the thighs. Inhale and flex

the spine forward. Exhale and flex the spine back. Focus at the
brow point. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
8. Sit on the heels. Grasp the shoulders with the fingers in the front

and the thumbs in the back. Inhale and twist to the right. Keep
the arms parallel to the ground. Continue 1-3 minutes.

9. Sit on the heels. Place the hands on the shoulders as in the

previous exercise. Inhale and raise the elbows up so that the

backs of the wrists touch behind the neck. Exhale and return to
the starting position. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
10. Sit on the heels. Interlace the fingers in Venus Lock. Inhale and

raise the arms over the head. Exhale and bring the hands down
to the lap. Keep the arms fairly straight. Continue for 1-3 minutes.
11. Sit in Easy Pose with the hands on the knees. Inhale and shrug

the left shoulder up. Exhale and raise the right shoulder while
lowering the left shoulder. Continue for 1 minute. Reverse the
direction, inhaling and raising the right shoulder, then exhaling

while raising the left shoulder and lowering the right shoulder.
Continue for 1 minute.
12. Sit in Easy Pose with the hands on the knees. Inhale and shrug

both shoulders up. Exhale and lower them. Continue for 1 minute.

13. Sit in Easy Pose with the hands on the knees. Inhale and turn the

head to the left. Exhale and turn the head to the right. Continue
for 1 minute. Reverse the direction, inhaling and turning the head
to the right, exhaling and turning the head to the left. Continue
for 1 minute.

Frog Pose. Squat down with the buttocks on or near the
heels, with the heels touching each other off the ground. The
fingertips are on the ground between the knees. The head is up.
Inhale powerfully, straighten the legs and raise the buttocks,
leaving the fingertips on the ground and allowing the head to
come down, leaving the heels if possible off the ground. Exhale
powerfully and return to the position. Continue for 26-54
Relax completely on the back in Corpse Pose for 5 minutes
or more.
Laya Yoga Meditation. Sitting cross-legged with the hands in
Gyan Mudra, change Ek Ong Kaar-a, Sat-a-Naam-a, Siri Waa-a,
Hay Guroo. Apply Root Lock by pulling in on the navel and up on
the anal sphincter muscle and sex organ as you chant the final
a sounds. Spin the chant mentally in three and a half circles
starting at the base of the spine and going up to the top of the
head. Continue for 11-31 minutes.

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