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Gravity is another special effect that comes into the game next to the Black Hole, Solar
Storm and Creation. Thanks to the Gravity special effect, players will be able to cancel
the effect that space tiles, placed under planets, have on the game. Gravity also introduces a new markers pool, Gravity markers can also be exchanged for resources.

B. Use 3 Gravity markers (in a 2 or 3 players game) in order to remove one

chosen space tile from underneath a planet. In a 4 player game variant use 2
Gravity markers for to achieve the same effect
A space tile that was removed this way must be discarded and is no longer in the current

One of the players placed a space tile under a planet, the effect on that space tile says
that all planets in this orbit have -2 creation points. Unfortunately there are as many
as 2 of my planets in this orbit. I decide to use my 3 Gravity markers (we are playing a
3 players game) in order to remove the unwanted space tile and its effect.

1 Gravity tile
20 black Gravity markers
1 box for storing the Gravity markers


2-3 players side

4 players side


A. Gravity markers can only be used in your turn.

B. Gravity markers can be used in any sequence and combination. So in your turn, if
you had 5 markers, you could: use 3 markers to remove a space tile from underneath
a planet and use the remaining 2 to exchange 2 resources for any other 2 resources.

A. After setting up the game, place the Gravity effect tile next to the other special
effect tiles Black Hole, Solar Storm, Creation.
B. Place the black Gravity markers on the Gravity tile. The number of the markers depends on the number of the players. For a 2 player setup you should have 10 markers on
the Gravity tile, for a 3 player setup you should have 15 and for the 4 player setup you
should have 20 gravity markers on the Gravity tile.


Each time when a player places a new planet tile in the planetary system, he or she must
take 1 Gravity marker from the pool.
A player may use his or hers Gravity markers in any moment of his or hers turn.
The Gravity markers can be used to achieve the following effects:
A. Use 1 Gravity marker to exchange any of your current resources for any
other resource.

I have 2 Energy markers and 1 Gravity marker. In order to fulfill one of my hidden goals
I need to create additional life on one of the planets. The cost of creating life on this
planet is 1 Energy and 1 Gas. So all I need is 1 Gas marker.
I decide to combine 1 Energy marker with 1 Gravity marker and in the process gain 1
Gas marker.
I put the Energy marker back to the cosmic dust cloud (resource pool) and I put the
Gravity marker back to the Gravity effect tile. Now I can take the 1 Gas marker from its
pool and I have all that I need to create life on my desired planet.



The Stars Expansion introduces expanded game rules through the new conditions represented by the Stars cores. The cores need to be placed inside the main Star of the
planetary system. Once the core is placed into the Star ring it enables players to use one
of the new passive abilities.


You can move your life marker to a planet that already has your life markers(s) (up
until the moment when there already are 3 life markers).
You can move your life marker to a planet where a different player has his or hers life

The additional action described above can only be performed after a planet tile is
placed on the table and before the second phase of the players turn.
This additional action is optional, a player is not forced to use it.

4 Stars Cores
B. Dynamic Star
It fosters rapid development of life and species in a planetary system during the first part of the game, the biggest
turn point happens in later game when all that remains
to be manipulated are the space tiles of the cosmic arena.


After setting up the basic version of the game, insert a chosen type of core into the Star
ring. Thanks to the various cores you can decide how will each game run. The options
range from dynamic exploration to management of life on the planets.


Rules description:
Each a player, in the first phase of the game, adds a new planet tile to the planetary
system, he or she takes one extra resource (solar, gas, water) the type depends on on
which side of the Star this new planet was placed.
This action should be carried out immediately after placing the planet tile.
This means that a player will receive 4 resources in his or hers first phase of the turn:
1 solar energy from the Star

A. Chaotic Star

2 resources from the planets (from the Space Dust)

It is perfect for realizing a large amount of goals and switching your tactics often, all in one game. Its activity peaks
during dynamic and widespread development of life on
many planets at once. Such life can be therefore directed
in its evolution in order to maximize the space tiles goals

1 additional resource marker depending on which side of the Star the planet tile was

Rules description:
Each time a player, in the first phase of the game, adds a new planet to the system, he
or she may move 1 life marker from one planet to another. Certain rules apply to this
You may move only one life marker (a species cannot be moved).
You may move a life marker only between planets with the same amount of conditions that need to be met in order for life to exist (for example from a planet that has the
life creation cost of 1 water and 1 solar to a planet with the cost of 1 gas and 1 water).
You cannot move a life marker to a planet that already has your 3 life markers (you
cannot use this action to create a species).

C. Scarlet Dwarf
It is a Star that warps the space around itself rapidly, offering players more and more options and opportunities for
forging the fate of their planetary system.
Rules description:
Each a player, in the first phase of the game, adds a new
planet tile to the planetary system, he or she may take one
additional action such as discarding one space tile and drawing a new one. Following
rules apply:
A player may exchange only 1 space tile using this feature.
The exchange can happen only after a planet tile was placed and a new space tile was
taken from underneath it.
The discarded space tile must be placed with all the other space tiles (into the box).
Once a player has taken a new space tile the decision cannot be undone and a player
must accept what fate has brought him or her.


A player can only use this rule to exchange the tiles that he or she possesses in
hand (space tiles with fulfilled goals and space tiles installed under planets cannot be

The additional action described above can only be performed after a planet tile is
placed on the table and before the second phase of the players turn.
This additional action is optional, a player is not forced to use it.

D. The Blue Giant

This star bestows the gift of resources on a given system
but as usually there is a catch, or to be exact a cost. Gaining the resources will either require often changes in
strategy or sacrifice. This star encourages players to try
different techniques of developing life in order to fulfill
as many goals as possible. It also allows for rapid changes
in strategy and for correcting the course of development.
Rules description:
Each time a player adds a new planet to the system, in the first phase of the games turn,
this player may carry out one of the following actions:
Return 1 life marker to the players pool from a chosen planet in return the player
takes as many resources (any kind) as is the cost of creating life on the earlier chosen
planet (for example: if the cost of creating life on a given planet is 2, than the player
would choose any 2 resources and collect them). An action can only be performed once
per a players turn.
A player discards one chosen space tile from his or hers hand and takes 3 chosen
resources of any kind. The discarded tile should be placed in the box. An action can only
be performed once per a players turn.

The additional action described above can only be performed after a planet tile is
placed on the table and before the second phase of the players turn.
This additional action is optional, a player is not forced to use it.



The Deep Space expansion consists of 16 new space tiles. Before you begin your game
you should shuffle the expansion tiles with the basic version tiles.


A planet is protected from space tile effects that would otherwise influence it in any

The space tiles from this expansion include 2 immediate effects. When one of these
effects is played a player must chooses which one will take place. The choice must be
made in the moment of placing a tile.
A player may use only one of the two effect that are visible on a space tile. Once a
decision was made it cannot be undone.
Some of the immediate effects have 2 special effect icons. This means that if you
activate a given effect you should take both of the special effect markers visible on the

Move 1 life marker from this planet (be it yours or your opponents) to any other planet
with the same life creation cost.

The remaining rules for using space tiles remain unchanged.


Draw 1 random space tile from the box and add it to your pool.

Choose one -2 or -3 marker that is placed next to any planet and remove it from the
game. Only 1 marker can be removed in this way from a chosen planet.

Choose any 1 planet from the bag instead of drawing 2 random ones. This space tile can
be played only during the initiation of a players turn in the birth of a planet phase.

Choose one +water or +gas or +energy marker that is placed next to any 1 planet and remove it form the game. Only 1 marker can be removed in this way from a chosen planet.
Take one space tile into your pool from underneath any chosen planet. Place this tile
under the planets instead.

Remove 1 chosen space tile from underneath a planet and place it in the box.

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