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Reflection: Type Focus Self Assessment Results

Fiona Obstaculo
Planning 10
July 1, 2016
Which results about your personality, interests, and values surprised you?
Which results reaffirmed what you already knew?
Were there any jobs that were a match for you across all areas?
Did any of the jobs seem interesting or surprising to you?
Which aspects of the Typefocus tool did you find most useful?

Upon the completion of the three self assessments taken on Type Focus, I have come to
realize various aspects of myself that I was not aware of before. Surprisingly, I was more driven
and a tough leader than I though I was, according to my diagnosis as an ENTJ. Likewise, I am an
extrovert (willing to lead and collaborate with others in an outgoing fashion,) intuitive
(possessing the ability to grasp an understanding of the situation at hand,) thinker (able to think
quickly, which is useful in circumstances when problems need to be efficiently solved,) and
judger (is decisive in determining what move to make is the most beneficial.) Before the
following, I had knowledge of my outgoing, extrovert self, as I do speak and work with various
individuals, and my ability to understand quickly how to complete tasks and what is happening.
Although I did know some personality traits I had, prior to completing the personality quiz, I did
not know how capable I was to pursue larger careers with great leadership responsibility the need
for fast thinkers. As for interests, I already assumed I was associated with the interests, social and
artistic. If you knew me well, you know I am a very social person, and love working
with people, especially children. In addition, in the fine arts area, I enjoy expressing my creative

Reflection: Type Focus Self Assessment Results

side through visual art and theatre, so obviously I was interested in communicating with others,
building relationships when teaching children, and creativity. What I did not expect was my
apparent interest in being investigative. Thinking the latter over, I realize I do like to explore the
solutions to problems, in solving them through great thought and investigating. As for my work
values, I did expect to have recognition and relationships as a result, with my desire to strive to
reach better places, and need to work with others on the job. The last work value I did not think
of ending up with was support, specifically from a supportive management, which I vaguely can
define. Even though I sort of understand the meaning of support, I now envision myself valuing
the support given by a management behind my career. Overall, despite not foreseeing the some
of the results found at the conclusion of each quiz, I am certain that all of the results I obtained
will lead into reflect within my future career.

In accordance with the results I have gotten after finishing the self assessments, I was
given several career paths that may be of my interest. The jobs that matched myself across all
areas were of higher expertise, and held great leadership roles, such as a university teaching
professor, marine biologist, and architectural engineer. These occupations consisted of my
interests and work value results, in alignment with my personality, as an ENTJ. As I looked
through the list of jobs which coincided with my quiz results, I found a couple intriguing,
although I had not thought of them before. Examples of the latter were film producer, art
director, and chef. I really enjoy the arts, and each job involves various ways of expressing
creativity, while maintaining an organized and responsible position. Thus, many occupations
both thought and not though of are found that match my personality, interests, and work values.

I have found various aspects of the Type Focus Tool very useful. First of all, I found the
self-assessments themselves useful, as they were simple to complete, and produced accurate
results quickly. Those quiz results helped me determine many other job options which interested
me, besides teaching elementary school children. Secondly, the individual quiz results were very
crucial finding career choices. They were laid out in a simple fashion, which was self

Reflection: Type Focus Self Assessment Results

explanatory and easy to comprehend. Lastly, the tool which calculated the occupations best
suited for you with the results from all aspects showed me an array of different jobs I had not
imagined compatible for myself before. Honestly, the Type Focus tool overall aided in finding
several jobs I could potentially study for in the near future.

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