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Address 663 AzaYonabaru,Yonabaru-cho

Kenneth Franklin Shinzato

1 . I was indicted at the Naha District

Court on June 9, 2016 for

abandonment of a body, and for homicide and rape resulting in murder on

June 30, 2016. I have heard that my case will be tried at the Naha District
Court by 6 jurors chosen within Okinawa and 3 judges.
2 . My casehas been continually presented in every newspaper published in
Okinawa and also aired on TV and the radio. I was informed that the police
released a statement that [I had prepared a knife to kill and a suitcase to
transport the body with the intent to kill. I was looking for someone to rape
and found the victim of this case, hit her from behind with a long, hard object,
raped and stabbed her with

a knife and disposed of the body] as my

confession. Additionally, information that the victim's blood was found in my

car, remnants of stab wounds were found on the victim's bones, and that the
long, hard object was found was reportedly released.
3 . I was physically and mentally at my weakest point due to my 2 suicide
attempts; regardless, the police did not take my situation into consideration
and arrested me knowing this fact, and it was very upsetting for me. That is
why I kept my silence during the interrogation. I did not have the intention
of killing the victim. Furthermore, I did not rape her. I will state the details
of the case in court.
4 . The Okinawa

prefectural and municipal

governments, assemblies,

women's organization, and political parties have protested and done large
demonstrations against my case, so when the trial starts, the Okinawan
people will surround the court, attend the hearings, and place pressure on
the jurors. After my arrest, I heard many people shouting outside the Uruma
Police Office shouting my name using a loudspeaker. I did not know what
they were saying, but can hear them yelling out my name. The jailor told me

that these people are yelling for me to stop keeping my silence and tell the
truth to the police.
I believe that the jurors not only have concluded me as guilty through the
polices'one-sided story, but also will not believe what I say despite it being
the truth. They believe that the case is cold-blooded and heinous and will
decide to give me the death sentence. I cannot rely on the Naha District
Court to give me a fair trial. Please let me be tried through a different court
outside of Okinawa.

J u l y2

, 2s16

l{tt-Kenneth Franklin Shinzato

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