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The idea of citizenship normally refers, inter alia, to a status which arises with

membership of a polity and confers on citizens a set of reciprocal responsibilities

and rights
there is a consensus over the need for active ecological citizenship because of the recognition that the
transition to a sustainable society requires more than institutional restructuring; it also needs a
transformation in the beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of individuals. (Carter, 2007, p.65)

In other words, ecological citizenship is an essential prerequisite of a sustainable society.

The idea of citizenship normally refers, inter alia, to a status which arises with
membership of a polity and confers on citizens a set of reciprocal responsibilities
and rights
ecological citizenship is still under construction

growing environmental conscience around the world and that there is a global
consensus as regards environmental protection but there will only be progress in
the resolution of these problems if states cooperate to achieve sustainable

El reto de la ciudadana ante la crisis ecolgica es en estos momentos fundamental

porque, por un lado, es el eje de una cultura sostenible y de una conciencia
medioambiental, y, por otro, porque es la base de un cambio de hbitos y prcticas,
Por un lado, una mayor participacin poltica de la ciudadana y, por otro, una
actitud de los ciudadanos que subordine sus intereses particulares a los bienes

la ciudadana ecolgica participa de una arquitectura conceptual similar a la de

otros conceptos de ciudadana. No obstante, representa un punto de ruptura
significativo en, al menos, tres aspectos fundamentales: se trata de una nocin
basada no tanto en derechos, como en obligaciones; en el mbito de su ejercicio es
tan importante la esfera de lo privado, como la de lo pblico; y se dirige a un sujeto
que va ms all del Estado-nacin, siendo por ello una suerte de ciudadana global
o cosmopolita. Enseguida volveremos sobre estas seas de identidad de la
ciudadana ecolgica.
podemos sostener que tenemos obligaciones tanto hacia la naturaleza como hacia
la sociedad.10 Esta concepcin de la ciudadana tiene su fundamento en una
concepcin de la naturaleza como sujeto de derechos, de donde deben de
deducirse una serie de criterios que regulen la responsabili-dad colectiva de los

seres humanos frente a ella y garanticen su cumplimento ms all de las

obligaciones pblicas.
ecologism holds that a sustainable and fulfilling existence presupposes radical changes in our
relationship with the non-human natural world, and in our mode of social and political life. (pp.2-3)
Unlike the rights and responsibilities which exist under contemporary citizenship, this obligation is
non-reciprocal and asymmetrical because the ecological footprints of some members of some
countries have a damaging impact on the life chances of some members of other countries (Dobson,
2004, p.12).
Citizenship and the private realm: Contemporary citizenship is exclusively associated with the
public sphere; ecological citizenship, however, is all about everyday living wherein we each create
our ecological footprint. Therefore the activity we carry out in the private realm is important
because it is a site of citizenship activity (p.22).

In fact, the evidence is that state fails regularly where ecological matters are concerned, because it is
concerned above all else with maintaining economic growth the source of its legitimacy. So
wherever a move towards sustainability might impact upon growth, sustainability loses out. Climate
change policy is the number one example of this failure at the moment.
It seems clear, then, that ecological citizenship must be constructed and nurtured outside of state
institutions, at a grassroots level by groups looking to live sustainably. What Dobsons conception of
citizenship indicates, however, is that it is not enough for us in the wealthy nations to live lightly
upon the earth: there is a greater responsibility than that. We must join together to demand
ecological justice for all.

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