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Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016






Key Area: Effectiveness of leadership and management

A: Observing Lessons: teaching fosters
mathematical understanding of new concepts and
methods and develops depth of understanding and
Long term plan in each year group is used to ensure
Class teachers
readiness for the next stage of learning,
coverage and makes links to other areas of the
& NR
B: Discussions with pupils: ensures pupils acquire
mathematical knowledge appropriate to their age
KIRFs reintroduced to staff and used consistently across
and starting points and enables rapid recall which
school to promote learning of instant recall facts.
is applied fluently and accurately,
NR learning
Maths areas rich in reasoning activities and using
C: Classroom Environment: resources and
walks and
approaches enable pupils in the class to
Book scrutinies regularly completed (termly) with focus
understand and master the mathematics they are
with Class
on appropriate activities for ability and age and progress.
Individual feedback given.
D: Book and planning scrutiny: enables pupils to
School council
Appropriate CPD offered to staff, responding to
solve a variety of mathematical problems and
learning walks
individual needs. (DP Year 6 courses)
enables pupils to apply their knowledge and skills
Bar Modelling Twilight and method adapted across year
in other subjects, where appropriate.
groups 1 to 6
E: Further develop staffs mathematical
F: Report to Governors
Term 1 Updates: Monitoring and Evaluating
F: Current maths policy reviewed and submitted to governors. Waiting for governors to approve.
E: Bar modelling training provided for all staff and follow up staff meeting for teachers to review bar modelling 18.11.15
F: Reported to governors in Autumn 1: re: new curriculum and maths at Fagley

Term 2 Updates:
E: S. Rutherford (Y3), S. Greif (Y4), C. Kells (Y4) and E. Parfitt begun Y3/Y4 subject knowledge training hosted by White Rose Maths Hub.
C: School council learning walk taken place: focus on maths area in each classroom.


Sept 15



Autumn Term

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

D: Maths book scrutiny in the triad and planning discussions.

E: Early years staff attended maths twilight.
Term 3 Updates:
E: Early years staff attend EYFS maths provision training with Rachel Jacobs.
E: All teachers and EYFS staff attend maths and the outdoors training by R. Jacobs-Gap task to be fed back in summer 2 staff meeting.
A/ B: Carried out lesson observations in all year groups (except Reception due to teacher having sick leave) and fed back to all teachers.
Leaders communicate spelling action with staff
and governors.

English leaders


SG to check SPaG assessment with VR.

Leader to draft spelling resources and guidance for staff.
Leader to share resources and guidance with SLT
Leader to share above with staff at staff meeting and
generate end of term (spring, summer) or half term
(autumn 1 and 2) assessments with staff through guidance
during this time.
SLT to determine how this is passed on to support /
absent staff
Leader to inform governors of spelling action through
Spelling Policy.
Spelling Policy revisited at staff meetings to remind staff
of expectations and good practice


Autumn 2
Jan 16
Jan 16
Wed 13th January 16
Wed 13th January 16
Feb 16
Spring 2 onwards

Term 1 Updates:
15.12.15 SPaG assessment ordered by VR but not arrived to date. VR advises this therefore cannot be assessed until SPRING 1.
Meeting with CMurray 16.12.15 to inform and discuss continuity from phonics system.
SG discussed with CP January prior to staff mtg date.
Date changed to 27.1, completed.
No teaching staff absent from mtg. Further mtg scheduled Spring 2. Discuss then.
SG to pass on Spelling Strategy after Spring 2 mtg and generate a Spelling Policy (Summer term)
Term 2 Updates:
Rising Stars SPaG assessment now in place. Class teachers have carried out two (half-termly, Spring 1 and 2) assessments and will report data to VR.
Assessments have begun from Aut1 test so that they increase in difficulty gradually.
Fagley Spelling Strategy initial stages (Phase 6 Phonics; Stage 1; Stage 2) complete and shared with staff. SG to complete Stages 3, 4, 5 and 6 and share with
staff and governors prior to end of academic year for full implementation from Sep 16.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Initial resources shared Term 1. SG to pass on resources from (b) to SLT prior to sharing with staff.
Spring 2 mtg cancelled. Summer 1 staff meeting used to share further timescale.
Further meeting Summer 1 address then.
SG met with governors Spring 2 and summarised progress with spelling improvements. Shared action plan. Spelling Policy to follow (Summer term)
Share policy after Summer 2.

Leaders to gathering evidence about the quality of

teaching, learning and assessment in the school.
Leaders to scrutinise pupils work, talk to pupils
about their work, gauging both their
understanding and their engagement in learning,
and obtain pupils perceptions of the typical quality
of teaching in a range of subjects.


1) To perform termly lesson observations.


2) To collect data


3) To scrutinise pupils work.

Maths / English

4) To perform pupil interviews.

Leaders to evaluate evidence relating to the

achievement of specific groups of pupils and
individuals, including disadvantaged pupils, the
most able pupils, disabled pupils and those with
special educational needs.


1) To collect data from termly assessments


2) To track the progress of the specific groups.



>Disadvantaged pupils
> The most able
> Disabled pupils
> SEN pupils
3) To identify pupils to receive intervention support.

Leader to scrutinise the schools records and

documentation relating, for example, to pupils
academic and vocational achievement and the
welfare and safety of pupils in alternative


Leaders to perform joint observations of teaching

and learning carried out with the headteacher


1) To scrutinise the school records for achievement, welfare

and safety.
2) To update the provision records

1) To perform joint observations and give feedback to staff


Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

and/or senior staff.


on their strengths and weaknesses of teaching, learning and

2) To use professional development and performance
management to improve the quality of teaching.

Leaders to gather performance information on

progress, attainment, attendance and exclusion to
overall consistency in performance, trends of
improvement or decline, and differences
between groups
the accuracy of the schools assessment of
pupils progress and attainment
the robustness and accuracy of the schools
self-evaluation or equivalent, particularly
about pupils outcomes, teaching, learning and
assessment and pupils personal development,
behaviour and welfare.
To evaluate the curriculum, ensuring breadth and
balance and its impact on pupils outcomes and
their personal, development, behaviour and
How effectively leaders use additional funding,
including the pupil premium, and measure its
impact on outcomes for pupils.
Improve staff practice and teaching, learning and
assessment through rigorous performance
management and appropriate professional

1) To collect performance information on Progress /

Attainment Attendance/ exclusion for all year groups
2) To carry out monitoring of assessment data.
3) To identify and challenge under achievement.


1) To monitor the Long term planning from year groups.

Maths / English

2) Staff to use a creative curriculum approach to learning to

help develop pupils outcomes.


1) To use the data to track pupil premium children.

Teaching staff

1) Staff to improve their teaching, learning and assessment

through the lesson study approach to focus on AFL


2) Staff to have performance management meetings when

targets are set.
3) Staff having opportunities to have appropriate

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

professional development.
Term 1 Updates:
1) Autumn term updates
Data collected using the new assessment criteria. Teachers are looking at children who are working below, at or above ARE
Scrutinised pupils work during the SEN book review and during a staff meeting with a focus on ARE expectations and the assessment of different subjects
2) Autumn term updates data has been collected. We have tracked the progress of the groups (the most able, disadvantaged and SEN pupils)
Data has been tracked on the trackers for each year group and targets have been set for each year group.
Intervention have been carried out following pupil progress meetings and the data outcomes.
Autumn 1 data results have been analysed looking at the different groups for each year and across the school. This data has been shared with the governors.
3) Autumn term : the school records have been scrutinised and provision records have been updated within the SEN files. (intervention records are clear)
5) Observations have been carried out during the LA school review.
Feedback was given by the HT and the DHT.
Assessment data has been updated for all year groups.
Performance management carried out with all teachers by the HT and achievement targets have been set.
7) Autumn term all pupil premium children have been tracked within the year groups. This data is available within the trackers and the data analysis reports.
The data has been shared with the governors during the school improvement committee.
Other information was also shared with the governors from the Raise online data.
8) Autumn term : AFL staff meeting with a focus on marking, feedback and making improvements.
Maths hub training and support to improve the teaching and learning of maths across year 3 / 4 (lesson study approach)
Term 2 Updates:
1) Data has been collected for the Spring term. Scrutinised work during a maths staff meeting to ensure that children are working within the new expectations.
2) The progress of the individual groups has been tracked and the data analysis had been completed for each year group.
We have also looked at the difference between girls and boys.
The data has been shared with governors and staff with a focus given to each year group for next half term.
3) Provision records have been updated and shared with staff.
4) Raise online data was shared with the other leaders within school. This data identified and challenged any under achievement.
5) LTP and MTP have been collected and teachers are following the new curriculum. They have a better understanding of the end of year expectations for their
year group
6) all pupil premium children have been tracked within year groups. The data of Pupil premium children is included within the data analysis report for spring 1.
The results of the data has been shared with the governors and teachers.
7) The maths hub has continued this half term with maths observations with Parkland and Holybrook. Looking for assessment and challenge opportunities within

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Term 3 Updates:
1. HT / DHT lesson observations
2. Scrutinised Year 2 writing books.
3. Staff meeting with teacher monitoring their own feedback to ensure that children are giving examples / models to follow
4. Pupil progress meetings have taken place with a focus on the progress trackers. Groups have been identified for intervention.
5. HT / DH carried out observations of all teaching across the school. Feedback has been given to members of staff.
6. Support has been given to those who have been identified.
7. Performance information including progress and attendance has been shared with staff during pupil progress meetings. Focus children for underachievement
have been identified and interventions are in place.
8. LTP and MTP has been collected. During a staff meeting we look at the curriculum and highlighted the outcomes with the summer term. (Olympics topic)
9. Continued to track the progress of pupil premium children.
10. Lesson observations have taken place to identify any needs. Professional development training - outdoor maths provision.
Key area: Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
A: Observing Lessons: Mathematics necessary to
function as an economically active member of
British society are promoted through teaching and
B: Discussions with pupils: Teachers embed
mathematics exceptionally well across the
curriculum, where appropriate.

NR and AL

NR and WA

Promote school bank and train some of the children in

Year 6 to complete paperwork each week.
Appropriate cross-curricular links in planning and books
(seen during book scrutinies)
Staff use NCETM reasoning activities and other
resources to promote fluency of knowledge and skills and
reasoning and problem solving.
Outdoor maths resources developed

Autumn Term



Term 1 Updates Monitoring and Evaluating

Term 2 Updates Monitoring and Evaluating
Outdoor area being developed.
Nicky, Abi, Sarah, Lynne, Nicola & Keira attended maths and early years twilight.
Term 3 Updates:
All teachers and EYFS staff attend maths and the outdoors training by R. Jacobs-Gap task to be fed back in summer 2 staff meeting.
A/ B: Carried out lesson observations in all year groups (except Reception due to teacher having sick leave) and fed back to all teachers.
NR supporting N. Carter in planning/ delivering challenging lessons for all pupils, including teaching Year 5 so N. Carter can observe age appropriate teaching.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

All children beyond Phase 5 phonics tracking have
three weekly spelling lessons of 20 minutes or one
1 hour lesson.


teacher; KB
b. Class
c. Class
d. Class
e. Class
teacher and
f. SG
g. Class
teacher and
h. Class
teacher; KB


Whole class teaching when non-phonics children are a

majority (LKS2); small group teaching where non-phonics
children are a minority (KS1).
b. Class teachers initially teach and then regularly revisit
Phase 6 spelling content within these sessions.
c. Class teachers cease to teach from Support for Spelling
document following Phase 6 content: this document does
not cover the content of the new national curriculum.
d. Teachers ensure that children beyond Phase 5 phonics
are not expected to learn some spellings, but can
identify and apply spelling patterns. This may initially be
applied wrongly, e.g. runned.
e. Class teachers use the year-on-year spelling content
linked to grammar (in the Fagley Primary spelling policy)
to teach content to classs needs. Teachers regularly
revise and revisit content from previous year groups,
including from Year 1 to assess and maintain childrens
competence and exposure.
f. Children graded at 15/20 (75%) or above at end of term
assessment are working at ARE; children 0-14/20 are
below ARE and children 19-20/20 are expert spellers.
Children are not above ARE as children are taught in
depth at year group objectives only.
g. Class teacher (from daily teaching and termly test) and
SG (from termly test review) flag any children
overlooking Phase 5 spelling patterns intervention put in
h. Children participating in other interventions during
weekly spelling lesson (e.g. C Blythe) are not children well
below ARE for spelling. Where this is unavoidable, class

Jan 2016 onwards

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

teachers reiterate spelling patterns throughout week.

Children are regularly exposed to printed text to
consolidate their visual memory of spellings (the
ability to apply phonics skills and know if it looks


Class staff;
b. Class staff
c. Class

Class staff ensure children copy spellings


a. Class staff
b. Class staff;

Spring 1

Ongoing share in Wed

13th January staff


Class staff adopt colour scheme (grammar) for

display of words to allow children to practise
writing these (correctly) when applying them to
their own writing.

to allocate
slot; class
teachers to
b. SG. HE to
order; can a
TA label?
c. SG to send.
teachers to
adopt /
adapt to

Check that children have access to and choice of a broad

range of colour-banded books.
b. Children have Reading Records that travel to and from
home with them. These are completed with suitable and
engaging challenges and regularly checked (signed) by
class staff to encourage this behaviour. Guided Reading
sessions are text-based the majority of the time.
Audio/visual narratives to be based in English sessions.
a. Develop expectation to copy the title (if displayed clearly
and consistently so the children know where to find it)
b. Display key words (that children will regularly use within a
topic) prominently so they can be read from childrens
seats apply above expectation
c. HFWs, common/familiar words to be regarded as positive
learning behaviour skills.


SG to discuss impact on Speech and Language system with

b. SG does reminder of this system (meeting). TAs attend
or class teachers inform TAs,
c. SG provides range of marker pens (two sets) for each
class in pencil case, labelled e.g. blue pen has NOUN
sticker on it. Class staff to introduce new vocabulary
using appropriate colour.
d. SG provides templates (electronic) and photocopies of
her resources for static display to support above.

a. Autumn 2
b. Wed 13th January
c. Order from Helen
Autumn 2 provide
Wed 13th January
d. Wed 13th January

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Term 1 updates:
QoT 1 and 2 Staff informed of this in mtg 27.1. Ongoing.
QoT 3 Continue to reemphasise. Ongoing.
QoT 4 Spring 2 Grammar meeting will outline this. Changes to current displays communicated in 27.1 so new expectations are not a burden on peoples time.
Term 2 Updates:
QoT 1 and 2
QoT 3
Continue to reemphasise. Ongoing.
QoT 4
Spring 2 meeting cancelled. Summer 1 meeting outline this. SG to monitor and meet with staff to advise so this is implemented consistently from Sep 16.

To improve the good practice for assessment for
learning through a consistent approach to marking,
feedback and improvement of work. Teachers
provide adequate time to pupils to help embed
knowledge, understanding and skills securely.


1) Staff meetings
2) Book scrutiny to ensure children are responding to
feedback (using green pens) AFL
3) Pupil interviews with their work.
4) To use Chris Quigley milestones to help set targets and
show progress.

To develop a new system for assessing pupil

progress in Maths and English to replace current


To monitor pupil progress to identify

underachieving individuals / groups to target



1) To ensure the use of the Chris Quigley milestone for the

assessment of English

On-going throughout
the year

2) To train staff on the new assessment tracking program.

1) Data to be collected and analysed

2) Underperforming children to be identified during pupil


Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

teach to raise standards.


progress meetings and interventions to be performed to help

them achieve ARE.

Teachers to use assessment for learning to

establishing pupils starting points, teacher
assessment and testing to modify teaching so
that pupils achieve their potential by the end
of a year or key stage.


1) Teacher to use assessment for learning strategies through

skilful questioning and assessment.


2) To use Blooms taxonomy to ask questions to ensure higher

order thinking skills are applied.
3) To ensure that work is differentiated accurately
4) Interventions within teaching are applied so that pupils
make good progress.

Term 1 updates:
1) Autumn term : staff meeting to improve assessment, marking, feedback and improving work. Children to develop their own self- assessment using
green pens to make improvements. Teacher ensure that pupils are given time to make improvements to their work.
All classes are using the Chris Quigley milestones to assess work looking for basic, advancing and deep learning skills (assessment stickers are in place)
2) September chris Quigley stickers and mile stones are introduced to staff
Staff have been given information on the ARE for each year group.
3) termly data has been collected for all year group.
Assessment data has been analysed and pupils have been identified as working below, at or above ARE.
Pupil progress meetings have been carried out by the HT and DHT.
4) Autumn term: staff meeting to check that teachers are using blooms questioning to help assessment within the classroom. Teachers are using formal
assessments for maths, writing and SPAG termly.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Term 2 Updates:
1) staff are using the assessment stickers within writing and maths books.
2) The data collection sheets have been updated to give more information about the ratio of girls to boys and pupil premium children.
3) Term termly data has been collected for all year group.
4) Assessment data has been analysed and pupils have been identified as working below, at or above ARE.
5) Children have been placed onto a progress tracking sheet to check they are making progress. Children who have not made sufficient progress
have been identified for focus group work and interventions.
6) Teachers have used TA and formal assessments for Spring 1. Children have been identified for interventions.
Term 3 Updates:
1. Staff meeting looking at the quality of feedback given to children. Staff given time to make improvements.
2. Staff given time to look at the KPIs and the curriculum expectations. To ensure that they are assess within the new curriculum expectations.
3. KS1 and KS2 SATs completed data to be collected during Summer 2
4. KS1 under achievement identified and target teaching is in place.
5. Interventions are taken place following pupil progress meetings.
Key area: Personal development, behaviour and welfare
B: Discussions with pupils: Pupils are confident
with their age appropriate times tables and maths

Celebration assembly maths focus and times tables

challenge every two weeks.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Term 1 Updates Monitoring and Evaluating

Stickers printed and being used in Years 1 to 6
B: Assessment scheme (Rising Stars) purchased and used for Autumn 1 data collection to inform teacher Judgement.
Term 2 Updates: Monitoring and Evaluating
B/C: Half termly data being handed in and collated for various groups. Teachers have their classes information and Vicky/ Keira also have data which
is discussed at pupil progress meetings. Groups include disadvantaged, free school meals, most able and SEN.
Term 3 Updates:
B: maths focus been every alternative assembly and chdn understand use of maths bands for learning times tables.
Children embed knowledge of the more common
spelling patterns in English, helping them to
become clear and confident writers

QoT 1-3

QoT 1-3


1) To use The leader in me / seven habits within school

On going


2) Celebration assembly


3) Focus on learning behaviour with the behaviour policy.

All staff

Term 1 updates:

Term 2 Updates:
To develop pupils attitudes to learning to have a
positive impact on their learning. To help pupils to
develop their self- confidence and self-belief in
their learning so they are proud of their
Term 1 updates:
Celebration assemblies are carried out weekly. These are a perfect opportunity to celebrate pupils attitudes towards their learning.

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Learning behaviour was updated and the behaviour policy was updated.
Term 2 Updates:
Celebrations assemblies and maths celebrations take place which have a focus on learning behaviour.
Term 3 Updates:
Celebration assemblies and maths celebrations have taken place.
Key area: Outcomes for pupils achievement

A: Observing Lessons: Throughout each year

group, pupils make substantial and sustained
B: Discussions with pupils: pupils develop excellent
knowledge, understanding and skills
C: Classroom Environment: The progress of the
most able pupils matches or is improving towards
that of other pupils nationally.

Discuss with
teachers at
next staff

Trialling use of stickers in the book for AFL (basic,

advancing, deep)

Report on maths attainment every half term (instead of

termly) and include data for all groups including
disadvantaged children
Purchase assessment scheme to assist teachers assessing
with no levels. Introduce at staff meeting.

Autumn Term

Half termly

Support and materials used for children introduced to

new concepts and methods and chdn struggling to grasp
concepts and methods.

Term 1 Updates: Monitoring and Evaluating

Stickers printed and being used in Years 1 to 6
B: Assessment scheme (Rising Stars) purchased and used for Autumn 1 data collection to inform teacher
Term 2 Updates:
B/C: Half termly data being handed in and collated for various groups. Teachers have their classes information and Vicky/ Keira also have data which
is discussed at pupil progress meetings. Groups include disadvantaged, free school meals, most able and SEN.
Term 3 Updates:

Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

Children write with greater fluency and
confidence as the most common spelling patterns
are known to them.

Spring 2016+

All staff
Children witness progress in their results from
their Autumn 1 spelling assessment to their final
Summer assessment.
Childrens consistent exposure to and
understanding of the grammar colour scheme
enables them to understand and apply new
spellings in the correct context in their own

a. Staff teach from spelling guidance

b. Staff assess children per term (half term in autumn)
c. Staff feedback to children and arrange suitable
intervention (additional to lessons or within lessons) to
address gaps in knowledge.

As QoT 4
All staff

As QoT 4.

Term 1 updates:
OP1 SG to meet with class teachers re interim spelling assessment from 27.1 and help to interpret results and focus teaching.
OP2 Pending Spring 2 grammar meeting.
Term 2 Updates:
SG to arrange meetings with all KS1/2 teachers regarding this. Summer 1.
Pending postponed grammar meeting Summer 1.
Leaders will take account of current standards
and progress and make a relevant judgement on


To track the progress of pupils to reach the national

standards of 85% at ARE


Fagley School Improvement Plan 2015-2016

academic and other learning outcomes for children

and learners by evaluating the extent to which


End of year data

Year 1 phonics to achieve 74%

progress well from their different starting

points and achieve or exceed standards
expected for their age
attain relevant qualifications so that they can
and do progress to the next stage of their
Term 1 updates:

Data is tracked and targets have been sets so that teachers are aware of the national standards.
Raise online data looks at the different starting points.
Autumn 1 data has been evaluated.
Term 2 Updates:
Raise online has been shared with the leaders within the school.
Spring 1 data shared with governors.
Progress grid have identified different starting points for children and show the expected progress they should make. Phonics screening assessment has taken place
with year 1.
Term 3 Updates:

Progress trackers are in place to help identify the children who have not made sufficient progress from their starting points. This will be evaluated during
summer 2 when the end of year data is collected.

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