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QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING For BE, IETE, AMIE, GATE, CERA, NTPC, BHEL, BEL, HAL, ITI, MTNL, INDIAN AIR LINES, AIR INDIA, UPSC (Engineering and Civil Services), CPWD and Several State and Central Level Services Examinations, Admissions and Recruitment Tests Fundamentals of Utilization Electricity Electromagnetics Power Electronics Circuit Theory and Networks Control Systems Engineering Materials Semiconductor Devices Electrical Machines Digital Techniques Transformers Microprocessors Measuring Systems Communication Systems “Power Systems. Avionics. HARISH C. RAI GALGOTIA a. Sse Galgotia Publications put. Itd. Copyright © 1996, by Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd, All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo- copying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publishers. First Edition-1996 Reprint 2009 ISBN 81-7515-045-9 Published by Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., 5, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110 002 and printed at Earam Offset Printers, Delhi-110053 CONTENTS Chapter 1. F NOTES QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY Chapter 2. | ELECTROMAGNETICS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN ELECTROMAGNETICS, Chapter. CIRCUIT THEORY AND NETWORKS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN CIRCUIT THEORY AND NETWORKS Chapter 4, © ENGINEERING MATERIALS QUESTION BANK IN ENGINEERING MATERIALS ‘Chapter 5. =DC MACHINES (QUESTION BANK IN DC MACHINES Chapter 6. © TRANSFORMERS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN TRANSFORMERS Chapter7. _ ALTERNATOR AND SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES NOTES QUESTION BANK IN ALTERNATOR AND SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES PAGE LB 14-55 55-74 75-134 135-163 164-202 224-243 244-252 253-281 282-285 286-321 Chapter 8. INDUCTION MOTORS NOTES 00885 QUESTION BANK IN THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS 346-382 AND SINGLE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Chapter 9. | MEASURING SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTATION NOTES 383-399 QUESTION BANK IN MEASURING SYSTEMS AND INSTRUMENTA- _ 400-459 HON ‘Chapter 10. POWER SYSTEM - I (GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION) NOTES ag 0 (QUESTION BANK IN POWER SYSTEM-I (GENERATION 493-526 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION) Chapter 11. POWER SYSTEM-II (PROTECTION, STABILITY AND HIGH VOLTAGE NOTES 527-540 UESTION BANK IN POWER SYSTEM-II OTECTION, HIGH VOLTAGE) 541-565 Chapter 12. UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ILLUMINATION NOTES 566-583 (QUESTION BANK IN UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY AND ILLUMINATION 584-609 Chapter 13, CONTROL ENGINEERING NOTES 610-624 (QUESTION BANK IN CONTROL ENGINEERING 625-670 Chapter 14, INDUSTRIAL AND POWER ELECTRONICS NOTES 671-698 QUESTION BANK IN INDUSTRIAL AND POWER ELECTRONICS 659-739 Chapter 15. SEMICONDUCTORS AND DEVICES NOTES 740-764 (QUESTION BANK IN SEMICONDUCTORS AND DEVICES 765-805 ‘Chapter 16. Chapter 17. Chapter 18. Chapter 19. DIGITAL TECHNIQUES AND COMPUTERS NOTES QUESTION BANK IN DIGITAL TECHNIQUES AND COMPUTERS (COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS QUESTION BANK IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AIRCRAFTS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. (AVIONICS - 1D NOTES (QUESTION BANK IN AIRCRAFTS MECHANICAL SYSTEMS (AVIONICS - 1) AIRCRAFT AVIONICS (AVIONICS-I1) QUESTION BANK IN AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 806-827 828-861 862-894 895-969 970-974 975-1009 1010-1076 1077-1098 Copyrighted material CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS | OF ELECTRICITY Copyrighted material CHAPTER 1 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 11 Unit Vectors and Their Conversion Coordinate Systems, The unit vectors for the cartesian system shown in Fig. 1-1(a) are x,y, a and all three vectors are constant. The unit vectors for the cylindrical coordinate system shown in Fig. 1.1(b) are Ap, dg, a where a: is constant ‘The unit vectors for the spherical co-ordinate system shown in Fig. 1.1(c) are Gr, 0, @=const z az xconst 7 seoust yecoust } ty axf ~~ z=const. $= const (b) Fig. Conversion between cartesian and cylindrical: x= reos 6; r=Veey y = rsing; = tan” (y/x) zen zee ay cos@ sing 0 4 | =| sing cos® 0 4 0 o\1 4, cos sing \ 0 4 |=|-sing cosg 0 I | 2] 0 0 QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Conversion between cartesian and spherical: rsin O.cos 4; re (tty ey? rsin @.sin @; © = tan (x +y")'7/2) reos@; — @ = tan! (y/x} dy sinOsing —cas@sing —cos |} do ay sin@cos@ — cos@cos — - sing] [ a a: cos 8 sin ® 0 a dq cos@cos@ cos @sing = = sin@ || dy sing cos 0 a. ae 1.2 The Coulomb's Law. Charges of same polarity repel one another and that of opposite polarity atiract each other. The force ( F) between the two charges q, and q as shown in Fig. 1.2 is (i) directly proportional to the product of the charges q, and 92 : (i inversely proportional to the square of distance d between them; (ii) depends on the nature of medium surrounding the charges. Mathematically 4, [aes sin@sing cos] [ ae a a o_o a | Fig. 12 where € is the permittivity of air and its value is 8-854 10°"? F/m, &, is the relative permittivity of surrounding medium with respect to air and G, is the unit vector pointing in direction of line joining the two charges. 1.3. Electric Field Intensity. The space around the charge which is under stress, and experiences a force on another charge when placed there, is known as electrostatic fieid. This is illustrated in Fig. 1.3 (a), If the force F experienced by a resting positive charge qo placed at a point as shown in Fig. 1.3 (b) at a distance R metres from the charge of q, then the field intensity is defined as: 5, Newton Ee Sim @ o Fig 13 FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY: 3 ‘This field intensity is a vector in the direction of the force. Its value is given by E = —4 i Newton/Coulomb 4nE, eR where i is the unit factor along the distance R and directed away from the charge. 14 Electric Dipole Moment. Itisa vector p whose magnitude is 2aq and direction is from the negative to positive charge When the dipole is placed in a uniform external electric field Fig. 1.4, the two charges experience equal and opposite forces. Fe gE ‘Thus the net force on the dipole is zero but there is a net torque t about an axis at point P at right angles to the plane of the paper. 1=2F (asin®) =2 (gE) (asin @) = 2agE sin 8 =pE sin® Fig E, as shown in ‘Thus torque is the product of magnitude of force and the perpendicular distance between the forces. ‘Ih Vector form, pxE In order to change the orientation of the electric dipole placed in an external field, some amount of work is to be done and this work is stored as potential energy in the system. If the dipole is to be rotated from its reference vertical position ( ie. @= 90° ) to angle @, the potential energy is given by 2 oe u = J 1d0=JpE sin@d0=-pE cos 0 ce 0" or uv 1.5, Flux of an Electric Field, It refers to a hypothetical surface, closed or open and is measured by the numbers of lines of force cut through the surface. An arbitrary closed surface can be divided into a large number of infinitesimal surfaces represented by a vector A'S whose direction is at right angle to the small surface as illustrated in Fig 1.5. Then its flux can be defined as A, =E.AS=E AScos® which means itis the product of AS and component of E parallel to vector 4S or at right angles to the surface. If both vectors point in the same direction, the flux is positive otherwise negative he For the whole surface, of Ea ZT) ; C= The electric field intensity of a point charge is thus directed —— everywhere radically away from the point charge, and on any spherical surface at the point charge. its magnitude is constant. 4 QUESTION BANK IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 16 Electric Field of Many Charges. If there are several point charges q).2. 43... dy located at ifferent points, then by superposition, the force F experienced by a test charge situated at a point, is the vector sum of the forces experienced by the test charge due to the individual charges. = 45, +l a7, Fo GneoR"* anegRl ten kh™ The electric field intensity at point P will be —_n_j, —h_j, “grok? aoe ik, Fig. 16 1.7_ The Gauss’s Law of Electricity. The surface integral of the normal component of electric field intensity E over a closed surface containing point charge as shown in Fig 1.6 is given by bE.d= This can be interpreted as the net flux of electric field emanating from the surface 5 containing a point charge q is equal to go. If this arbitrary surface does not enclose the point charge, the net electric field flux ‘emanating from the surface must be zero, ie. bE. d-0 If there are more than one point charges enclosed, then the above equation can be generated as follows GE. d=b ES +h By. +6 Bs. d+... 3 5 5 5 eUtRte gn charge enclosed by the surface S € ® An important outcome of this law is that excess charge placed on an insulated conductor resides entirely on its outer, surface. 1.8. The Gauss’s Law in Differential Form. Consider a volume distribution with the charge density p. The charge enclosed by arbitrary closed surface S is given by the volume integral of charge density throughout the volume V enclosed by surface, that is { pdv. According to Guass's law v sae $8 .d = 2 J pde 5 fy Ifthe Volume is shrunk to a very small Av, the surface area becomes very small AS =< $ pav Lim § 2-4 ~ Lim A Lim PAY. i avaogs AV avo fosvno dV & Pp FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 5 This equation is Gauss's law in differential form. It states that the divergence of electric field intensity at any pojnt is equal to 1/ep times the volume charge density at that point. This is Maxwell's divergence equation for electric field. 1.9 Electrical Potential. The electric field is a force field so far the charges are concerned, there is work associated with the movement of the charges in an electric field. If a force exerted by the field on the charge is in the direction moved against the direction of the field, and external agent has to supply the energy to overcome the force exerted on the charge by the field. This force is opposite to the direction of movement of the charge. Consider the displacement of test charge q by an infinitesimal distance dl from A to B at an angle with the electric field E at a point E Aas shown in Fig. 1.7. The force exerted on the test charge by the field has magnitude gE and is directed along E. Its component along the line from A to Bis gE cos «If the charge is moved from A to B, « the amount of work done dW by the field is the product of force and A 3 displacement. a dW = gEcosadl = gE.dl where di is the vector from A to B. Fig. 17 ‘The work done Was by the field in moving atest charge q from A to B along agiven path can be obtained by dividing the path into several segments of infinitesimal length dl. The result is a line integral expression given by 2 Wan = qf Ed 4 ‘The test charge has certain potential enetgy associated with itby virtue ofits location inthe electric field. Was as given by the above equation is then the loss of potential energy associated with the movement of the charge from A to B. Dividing Was by q gives the potential energy per unit charge. This quantity denoted by Vas is known as the potential difference between the points A and B. Thus 3 Van = M88 =f Ed q A If Vag is positive, there is a potential energy associated with the movement of the charge from A to B, thatis, the field does the work. If Van is negative, there isa gain in potential energy associated with the moment of the charge from A to B, that is an external agent has to do the work. 1.10 Electric Potential due to a Charge. If point A is taken to be at infinity and potential at infinity is taken to be zero, then the potential V at a point B will be Since field intensity is the variation of potential with the distance, it can also be visualised as potential gradient. If potential for all points of space are known, the components of E and thus E itself can be found by taking the following derivatives. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 1 Therefore electric potential energy U= Va Uh 1 ane or 1.14 Maxwell’s Curl Equations for Static Field. Since the potential difference between two points A and Bis independ- Ent of the path followed from A to B, therefore for two paths ACB and ADB, as shown in Fig. 1.9. fid-[Ea soa or JE.d-E.dzo ace ADB & fEd+fea ABA or $ E.di=0 Fig. 19 ACBDA The integral is taken around a closed path. By superposition, the above result can be generalised for discrete or continuous charges as $E.di=0 This implies that the work involved in moving a test charge around a closed path in a static electric field is equal to zero. In differential form, this can be written 4s: VxE=0 1.15 Electric Field Intensity and Potential, From vector algebra itis seen that ifthe curl of a vector is zero, the vector can be expressed as gradient of a scalar. Since V x E=0, 1t means that static electric field E can be expressed as the gradient of the scalar. InFig. 1.10, since Eis normal to the equipotential surfaces and the direction of the gradient of the scalar function at any point is normal to the surface passing through that point and on which the scalar function is of constant value, this implies that the vector E can be expressed as the gradient of potential ie. V ‘The potential difference between point A and B is 1 > < 0 ae tl =-E,Al.cosO=-E,An way n Fig. 1.10 va (where A 7i is a normal vector at right angles at n point A) g p o > and Ee > a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 1.18 Magnetic Flux Density. F,_and F2 are two non-zero forces for two velocities v1 and v2 in different directions in the magnetic field B. Then Fy x Fy =( qu xB) (qv. xB) or ‘Therefore unit of metre per second __ Newton . metre Coulomb second (metre)? ¥,- (1) xB.H)B F = Newton per Coulomb _ Newton second * Coulomb . metre Now since Newton metre per Coulomb is a Volt, unit of B = Volts-second per square metre, commonly known as Weber per metre” or Wb/m’”. 1.19 Force on a Conductor. Force on current car- ying conductor in magnetic field is given by F=ilxB =Bilsin® ‘The direction of force can be determined by applying Flemming's Left Hand Rule: The thumb, forefinger and middle finger of the left hart are stretched in such a way that they are at right angles to each other mutually. Then the forefinger points towards the direction of the magnetic field, middle finger towards the direction of the flow of current, and the thumb will be in the direction of force acting on the conductor (Fig. 1.12). 1.20 Force on a Current Carrying Wire. The total force experienced by a filamentary wire carrying current / as shown in Fig. 1.13 is given by F=f (1dxB) sire =1f (dix B) we Thumb motion Fore finger, field Middie tinger direction of current Fig. 1.12 Fig. 1.13 a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 1s jad Now,1¥ x B= maximum value of Lim “© =poldl asso AS and Direction of V x B = direction of J so that VxB=poJ 1.28. Magnetic Field due to Current Carrying Conductor. When current flows through aconductor, magnetic field is produced around it. Ifthe direction of current is upwards as shown by a dot in Fig. 1.18, then the direction of lines of force is anti-clockwise, On the other hand, if the current is flowing downwards (shown by across), the direction of force is clockwise. ‘The direction of magnetic field around straight current carrying conductor may be determined by Cork ‘Screw Rule: If the right- handed cork screw held with its axis parallel to the direction of flow of current, is rotated in such a direction that the hand of the screw moves in direction of flow of current, then the direction of rotation of the head will be the direction of magnetic field. 1.29, The Gauss’s Law for Magnetism. According to this law, the flux ¢p due to the magnetic field B through any closed gaussion surface must be zero. That is Oo = 68.8 =0. (a) ) Fig 118 a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 62. 63. 65. ‘One Newton-meter is equal to 67 ‘A. one watt C. one volt-ampere B. one joule-ampere D. one joule ‘The unit of electric energy is A. Watt B. C. kW hr, joule-second D. Volt-Ampere 68 One volt is equal to A. one joule B. gne coulomb per joule» C. one joule per coulomb D. work done in shifting one coulomb The electromotive force is A. the torque produced by a motor B. the force experienced by an electromagnet C. the force with which the current carrying conductors attract or repel each ther D. the voltage produced by a voltage source ‘The cell shown in figure given below is a Positive terminal Carbon electrode Steet cover Paper gasket Expansion chamber 70. Zine can Pasted electrolyt Depolarizing mix Paper insulation n A. zinc-brass cell B. zine-carbon cell C. depolarization cell D. zinc-electrolyte cell 69. a ‘The voltage is supplied by the éel} shown in the above figure is A. approximately 0.5 V B, approximately 1.11 V C. approximately 1.5 V D. approximately 1.74 V The voltage supplied by one cell of a lead acid battery is A. approximately 0.5 V B. approximately 1.11 V C. approximately 1.6V D. approximately 2 V Which of the following statements about the zinc-carbon cell is true? A. The zine container has a potential of 1.5 V against the carbon electrode B. The air in the air space is needed for the oxidation of zinc, C. When current is drawn from the cell the carbon rod is partly consumed. D. The depolarizer mainly contains brown iron ore and carbon powder The function of the depolarizer in a carbon- Zine cell is that A. it converts the produced hydrogen into water B. it prevents the fast chemical action on the zinc container C. it synthesizes the decomposed electrolyte D. its absorbs the oxygen produced in the cell ‘The density of the acid in a lead acid battery gives an indication of ‘A. eventual damages caused to the plates B. the level of the acid. C. the emf, of the battery D. the charge of the battery “Answers : 62. (D), 63. (C), 64. (C), 65. (D), 66. (B), 67.(C), 68. (D), 69. (D), 70. (A), 71. (D) a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. wos no. aL B. Porcelain D. Glass. f ofbreakdown voltage 250 civ Series. The breakdown volt 20 x90 inaton will be Vy aee9 B. 125x¥2V e D. S00V Aimum value of potential gradient in a occurs in conductor B. insulation outer sheath D._None of these. The minimum value of potential gradient in a cable occurs in A. conductor B. C. outer sheath D. None of these. insulation Coulomb's law for the force between electric charges closely resembles with A. Newton’s law of motion B. Law of conservation of energy C. Gauss’s theorem D. Newton's law of gravitation ‘A charged oil drop is stationary between a pair of horizontal parallel plates Ifthe drop caries a charge 3.2 x 10"? coulomb and has a mass 1.6 x 10" kg, then the potential difference between the plates is A. SOV B. 80V c. 100V D. cannot be calculated on the basis of.the in- formation given. A region around a stationary electric charge has ‘A. magnetic field B. electric field 12. 13. 114 11s. 116. C. both magnetic and electric field D. neither magnetic nor electric field. Inside a hollow spherical conductor A. electric field is zero B. electric field i C. electric field changes with the magnitude of the charge given to the conductor D, electric field changes with distance from the centre of the sphere. constant 1 Volvmetre is the same as A. Newton metre —B. C. LJoule/coulomb —D. 1 Newton/metre 1 Meter/coulomb ‘One thousand electrons, each of which carries ‘charge of - 1.6 x 10"? coulomb are removed from an initially neutral pitch ball. The result- ing charge on the pitch ball A. 1.6x 10° Coulomb B. 1.6x 10 Coulomb C. -1.6x 10'% Coulomb D. -1.6x 10 Coulomb If small charged drops are combined to give a bigger drop, the rise in potential will be ‘A. djrectly proportional to the radius of the bigger drop B. directly proportional to the square of the radius of the bigger drop C. inversely proportional to the square of the radius of the bigger drop D. inversely proportional to the radius of the bigger drop. Midway between two equal and similar char- ges, a third equal and similar charge is placed, then this third charge ‘A. remain in stable equilibrium B. be in unstable equilibrium C. not be in equilibrium D. will move out of the field to influence the two charges. ‘Answers : 105. (A), 106. (D), 107. (A), 108. (B), 109. (D), 110. (D), 111. (B), 112. (A), 113. (B), 114. (A), 11S. (A), 116. (A) a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 158. 159. 160, 161 162. 163. 164. C. Metallic plate variable gang condenser D. Matallic paper capacitor. A 0.1 BF capacitor has voltage increasing linearly at the rate of 100 volts each m sec. The current flowing throuigh the capacitor will be A. zero B. 10mA Cc. 100mA DLA A.0.01 IF capacitor has its charge increasing ‘on one plate and decreasing on the other at the rate of 0.03 coulomb/sec. The current flowing through the capacitor will be A. zero B. 10mA Cc. 100mA DIA In a capacitor, the electric charge is stored in A. dielectric B. metal plates C. dielectric as well as metal plates D. neither dielectric nor metal plates. ‘A constant current of 5 mA charges a 10 pF capacitor in I'sec. How much is the voltage across the capacitor? A. SOV B. 250V c. s00V D. 1000 ‘Two plates each with an area 2 square metre are separated by 1 cm with air as dielectric. The value of capacitance will be A. 10yF B. 1200 uF C. 17pR. D. 1770 pF A capacitance is charged to 100 V and has 100 micro coulombs of charge. The value of capacitance will be A. 10pF B. C. 10pF D. 100 WE 100 pF. ‘A mica capacitor and ceramic capacitor have the same physical dimensions. Which has higher value of capacitance? A. Mica capacitor 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. B. Ceramic capacitor C. Both have identical value of capacitance D. Nothing can be concluded on the basis of the information given For the same rating which capacitor is physi- cally smaller? ‘A. Paper capacitor B. Ceramic capacitors C. Both have identical dimensions D. None of these ‘A 10 UF capacitor charged to 10 V has astored energy equal to A. Luc B. 10yC C. 100 pC D. 1000nC Voltage applied across a ceramic dielectric produces an electrostatic field 100 times greater than in air, The dielectric constant e of the ceramic equals A. 100/3 B, 50 C. 100 D. 1/100 A six dot mica capacitor colour coded, white, red, green, brown, red and yellow has the capacitance value of A. 25 pF B. 124pF C. 250 pF D. 925 pF ‘The charge in a 4 UF capacitor charged to 100 V will be A. 4c C. 100nC B. 25uC D. 400uC ‘A capacitance has a value of 100 pico farads. It means ‘A. capacitor can withstand breakdown volt- age of 100 kilovolts, B. capacitor must be tubular in shape with Jength not more than 100 mm Answers : 158. (A), 159. (B), 160. (A), 161. (C), 162. (D), 163. (A), 164. (B), 165. (B), 166. (C), 167. (C), 168. (C), 169. (D). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. (QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 3 induction and then attracted towards the surface marked X is charging body D. the uncharged conductor gets charged by conduction 208. A capacitor has capacity C. when airis present in the two plates. A dielectric of value € is placed between the plates. The new capacity will be A. Che B. eC c ec D. 1/ec 209. In the figure shown the condition for electric field to be zero at point P is A TERT B: EP C. + En? D. Zero. rW* | 212. In the above question, the flux for the surface e e marked Y is q A. -Enr B. -Ex? { C. +E? D. Zero 2 213. In the same question, the flux for the whole Awe ; cylinder is a 5 a A. Env B. E2nrl+2En? 4% c te, C. 2Emrl-2Er? iD. Ze 2 dx " e 214. In the figure shown, a test charge q moves without acceltration from point X to Z on the path shown, The potential difference between pa 210. The work done by an external agent to turn the dipole from the position of 8 = 0° to @ = 180" is A. agE B. 2agE C. (agé v2 D. Zero. 211. Acylinder of radius ris immersed ina uniform, field E, the cylinder axis is parallel to the field as shown in figure below. The flux for the ‘Answers : 208. (B), 209. (C), 210. (B), 211. (B), 212. (C), 213. (D). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY ” 241. 242. 243. 244, 245. 246. 247. C. inside the conductor D. None of these ‘The electric field at a point situated at a dis- tance ‘d’ from straight charged conductor is proportional tod inversely propértional to ‘d’ inversely proportional tod. None of these. pomp ‘One coulomb charge equals the charge on A. 6.42x.10"* electrons B. 6:24 10"* atoms C. 6.24 x 10"? electrons D. None of these. One ampere means the flow of A. one electron each hour B. one coulomb each second C. one coulomb each minute D. None of these. In solids the flow of current is due to A. atoms B. electrons C. electrons and ions D. None of these. In gases the flow of current is due to A. electrons only B. electrons and positive ions C, electrons, positive ions and negative ions D. None of these. A capacitor stores 0.12 coulombs at 5 volts. Its capacitance is A. 06F C. 0.024 F B. 0.12F D. None of these. A0.1 HF capacitor is connected across a2 volt battery. After a long time the current in the circuit will be A. 005A C. 0A B. O2A D. None of these. 248, 249. 251. 252. 253. 254, 255. If a sheet of bakelite is inserted between the plates of an air capacitor, the capacitance wil A. increase B. decrease C. remain unchanged D. None of these A dielectric material must be A. insulated B. good conductor C. resistor D. None of these ‘The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by A. area of plates B. thickness of plates C. distance between plates D. None of these. If three 30 MF capacitors are connected in series, the net capacitance is A. 10pF B. 60uF C. 90uF D. None of these. If four 10 uF capacitors are connected in paral- fel, the net capacitance is A. 2.5 pF. B. 40 uF. C. 20uF D. None of these For making a capacitors, it is better to select a dielectric having. A. high permittivity B. low permittivity C. permittivity same as that of air D. None of these. A capacitor can be represented by a capacitance and a resistance in parallel. For a good capacitor, this parallel resistance is A. very high B. very low C. low D. None of these. An electrolytic capacitor can be used for A. ac. only B. both ac. as well as d.c, C. de. only D. None of these. ‘Answers : 241. (B), 242, (A), 243. (B), 24. (B), 245. (C), 246. (C), 247. (C), 248. (A), 249. (A), 250. (B), 251. (A), 252. (B), 253. (A), 254. (A), 255. (C). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 293. 294. 295. 297. C. amp-turns D. coulombs The unit of Reluctance is A, Weber B. Amp-urn (AT) C. Maxwell D. ATWeber ‘The force acting on aconductor one metre tong ‘car ying a current of 50 amp. at right angles to ‘a magnetic field of 100 mt is ASN B. SON C. SOON D. S000N T1. unit of inductance is A. ohm B, mho C. farad D. henery ‘The law that induces e.m.f. and current always ‘oppose the cause which produces it. is dis- covered by A. Faraday C. Maxwell B. Lena D. Leonard Air gap in the iron core prevents ‘A. eddy current loss B. core separation C. hystersis D. induction effect. ‘The iron core material used at high frequencies in radio circuits is A. ferrite B. material of low permeability C. material of high permeability D. material which reduces inductance as well as losses Laminated silicon cores are used for A. reducing power input B. reducing copper losses C. reducing iron losses D. leakage factor ‘The ratio of total flux to useful flux is called A. peak factor B. depreciation factor 301, 302. 303. 304. 305, 307. 4 C. utilisation factor c D_ leakage factor Asstecl bar needs 2000 AT to magnetise it. The: voltage required for the magnetising coil ot 100 turns and 20 ohms resistance will he A. 400 B. 200V Cc. 100 D. 10 A coil is used for producing a Mux of 0.24 x 10" webers. If the current flowing in the coil is 2 amp and the coil has 200 turns. the total m.m.f required to produce the flux will be A. 200AT B. 400 AT C. OAT D 40aT A magnetic ring has reluctance of 1.675 x 10° AT weber. The flux to be produced by the coil is 800 x 10° webers, then the AT required for the m.m.f, will be A. 1000 AT B C. 1340 AT D. 4 AT 134AT Which of the following material 1s used for making permanent magnet? A. Brass B. Steel C. Soft iron D. Copper The only sure proof of testing the polarity of ‘magnetism is A. attraction and repulsion both B. attraction C. repulsion D. None of these. ‘The electromagnet is made of A. softiron core B, soft iron core with current passing around it C. steel core D. steel core with current passing around it When the switch of a electro magnetic circuit is switched off, the sparking at the switch con: Answers : 292. (C), 293. (D), 294. (A), 295. (D), 296. (B), 297. (B), 298. (A), 299. (C), 300. (D), 301. (A), 302. (B), 303. (C), 304. (B), 308. (C), 306. (8). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 45 331. 332, 333. formed for the counter C will e equal to be A. Hol a = I a= D. Zero, He Accharge qo moving with velocity experiences no force in a region of electric and magnetic fields. If v= (i+}) m/sec B= (i-2k) Wb/m’, the electric field E will B be A. (1+3)+2k) V/m B. (21-2 +k)V/m Cc. (i-j+k) V/m D. None of these The force acting on a charge q moving with velocity in a region of electric field E and magnetic field B is Aq C. q(E+¥xB) B. q(B+¥xE) D. None of these An electric field is parallel but opposed to a magnetic field. Electrons with some initial velocity enter the region of the fields at an angle ct along the direction of the electric field. ‘The electron path will be A. circular B. C. helical D. cycloidal straight 334, 335. A magnetic field B and an electric field E are at right angles to one another as shown in the figure below. The path of the electron, which starts at rest at the origin with be A. circular B, C. helical Dd. cycloidal straight. Rectangular loop of length | is pulled at con- stant speed through a region of uniform mag- netic field of length L. If] < L, the flux through the loop will be of the form A x i 8 { : x t+t-—el x c x D ‘Answers : 330. (D), 331. (B), 332. (C), 333. (C), 334. (B), 335. (B). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. (QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 371. 373. 374. 375, 316. 377. B. Nickel-hydrate and iron-oxide CC. Manganese-dioxide and carbon D. None of these. During discharge of a battery A. the voltage of cell decreases B. the voltage of cell increases C. voltage does not change D. None of these. ‘The watt-hour efficiency is always ‘A. more than ampere hour efficiency B. equal to ampere-hour efficiency C. less than ampere-hour efficiency D. None of these. ‘The electrolyte used in Edision cell is A. Sulphuric acid B. Potassium Hydroxide C.. Nickel Hydrate D. Nitric Acid Internal resistance per cell of Lead Acid cell is always A. less than Edision cell B. more than Edision cell C. equal to Edision cell D. None of these. Average e.m.f. per cell of Lead acid cell is A 12V B. 1.08V © 15Vv D. 22V During charging of a battery, specific gravity of electrolyte A. decreases B. C. does not change D. None of these When the weight of an iron liberated during electrolysis is increased, the quantity of electricity produced A. increases increases B. decreases 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384, 385. C. remains the same D. None of these. ‘The specific gravity of a charged cell is A. 1.25 B. 1.20 ©. 110 D. 10 ‘The specific gravity of electrolyte solutton of a discharged cell is A. 125 B Cc. 1.28 D. 1.20 130 ‘The supply required for charging a Lead acid cell is A. AC CC. Pulsating D.C. B. DC. D. None of these. ‘The method of charging Lead acid cell (Com- mercially) is A. constant current method B. constant voltage method C. constant resistance method D. None of these The colour of plates after discharging of a battery will be A. Red C. Greyish B. Choclate D. Yellowish The colour of +ve plate of abattery after charg- ing will be A. Black C. Choclate B. Greyish D. Yellowish ‘The colour of -ve plate of a battery after charg- ing will be A. Black C. Choclate ‘The condition of the battery cari be determined B. Grey D. Yellow Voltmeter High rate discharger Ammeter Ohmmeter pAOerge ‘Answers : 370. (B), 371. (A), 372. (C), 373. (B), 374. (A), 375. (D), 376. (B), 377. (A), 378. (A), 379. (B), 380, (B), 381. (B), 382. (C), 383. (C), 384, (B), 385. (B). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICITY 33 B. proton current 412. Inallead acid battery CC. sonization current ‘A. the number of positive plates is more than D. polarization current the number of negative plates B. The number of both positi 406. A.45-V source with an internal resistance of 2 pie and negative ‘ohm is connected across a wire wound resistor. ” Maximum power wil be dissipated in the resis. C. the number of negative plates is more than torwhen te R is the number of positive plates. A 2a B. 2otm D._ None of these. C. 45 ohm D. infinitely large, 413. ‘The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms f 407. Cells are connected in series in ofder to . . . ee A. currentrating —-B,Abrating ‘A. increase the current rating ' " C. voltagerating —_D._ None of these. B. increase the voltage rating C. taeseaaa' he Wfe'ot the’ colle 414, When a lead acid battery is in fully charged Dh Naw aldol condition, the colour of its positive plate is None " A. brown B. dark brown 408, ‘The storage battery generally used in electric C. datk grey De Nowe or hese, power stations is Ay Wikeckibeney 415. ‘The best indication about the state of charge on j a lead acid battery is given by B. zinc carbon battery i : : : A. specific gravity of electrolyte C. nickel cadmium battery B. temperature of electrolyte D. None of these. C. output voltage 409. Four 1.5 X cells are connected in parallel. The D. None of these. output voltage is rer 5. BV 416. ‘The output voltage of a charger is C. 0.375 D. None of! A. the same as battery voltage. " he speci B. less than the battery voltage. 410. During charging, the specific gravity of the ; electrolyte of a lead acid battery higher than battery voltage A. decreases B. remains the same None of these C incressee D. None of these. 417. Three resistors have the following ratings. 411, ‘The active materials on the positive and nega- RI = 200 digi 5% tive plates of a fully charged lead acid battery R2= 100 ohm + 5% are R3 = 50 ohm + 5% ‘A. lead sulphate and tead The percentage error when the resistors are B. lead peroxide and lead connected in series, would be C. lead and lead peroxide AL 45% B. £5% D. None of these. C. 453% D. £15% ‘Answers : 405. (D), 406. (B), 407. (B), 408. (A), 409. (A), 410. (C), 411. (B), 412. (C), 413. (B), 414. (B), 415. (A). 416. (C), 417. (B). a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. CHAPTER 2 ELECTRO- MAGNETICS a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. ELECTROMAGNETICS 9 ‘This defect can be avoided by amalgamating the zinc plate by which a thin layer of mercury amalgam deposited over the impure zine does not permit this impurities to come to the surface. Polarisation. During the chemical action in the cell, hydrogen gas is librated and few of the hydrogen bubbles get deposited on the copper plate with the result that it gets gradually covered with hydrogen gas layer. Due to this, the cell is weakened. This phenomenon can be avoided either by corrugating the positive plate or tating of the liquid or of the positive plate so that accumlation of hydrogen on positive plate is avoided. Using a depolarising agent or substituting the hydrogen by some other substance which does not give counter ‘emf are other methods to minimise polarisation. ‘The characteristics of a good cell are high and constant voltage, small internal resistance, constant current and it should be cheap and does not give corrosive fumes. 2.10. Grouping of Cells. Cells can be grouped either in series or in paralle] as shown in Fig. 2.2. In series grouping, the current flowing through the external circuit of n cells connected in series is given by j- ne. Renr where ris the internal resistance of a single cell. In the parallel grouping shown in Fig. 1.2(6), the current in the external circuit is E : R+e n (a) (b) Fig.22 2.11, Secondary Cell (or Storage Cell), The action of secondary cell is essentially the same as that of primary cells except that the secondary cells are charged by supplying electrical energy, the electrical energy is converted into chemical energy and then stored. The charged secondary cells are capable of supplying electrical energy. During discharging, the chemical energy stored is converted into electrical energy. 2.12, The Concept of Capacitance. Consider a conducting sphere of radius R with charge q and no conducting or non- conducting bodies nearby. Its potential will be ot 4 "ine R Another similar sphere with charge ~ q and at large distance from first sphere will have potential of a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. ELECTROMAGNETICS 63 2.16. Capacitors in Series and in Parallel. The equivalent capacitance of capacitors in series is given by Fig.2.7 ‘The equivalent capacitance in a parallel system is given by CECH CHC + smn 2.17. Capacitance of Various Systems. Capacitance of a capacitor depends upon the geometry and medium inside it. Few examples are shown in Fig 2.8: Capacitance of an isolated sphere of radius rin a medium of relative permitivity €, is =4neoerr Farad Capacitance of a spherical sheli with outer sphere earthed as shown in Fig 2.8 (a) is given by =4neoe, Farad b-a Spherical capacitor with inner sphere earthed as shown in Fig 2.8 (6) is given by ab = 4m & & 7 — + 4m eb Farad b-a | cy w i Fig. 28 a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. ELECTROMAGNETICS o 2.25 Magnetic Energy Stored in an Inductance. By applying KVL to the circuit shown in Fig 2.11, a differential equation is obtained which describes the growth of current in this circurt, That is di E=iR+L 7 ‘Multiply each side by i, ety i Bin? Rs ti Since inf + the above equation implies that if a charge dq passes through the em source in time dt, the work done onitis Edg 4 and the rate of doing work is Edg/dt or Ei. In other words, it is the rate at which the emf source delivers energy to the circuit. The second term ?R represents the rate at which energy appears as heat in the resistance R. Fig. 2.11 Energy which is not converted into heat is stored in the magnetic field of the inductor L. Thus, Edi/dris the rate dUp/dt at which energy is stored in the magnetic field. That is ay =, di a a or dUs=Lidi ‘Thus,in an electric circuit, energy is required to maintain the flow of current but in magnetic circuit no ‘energy is required to maintain the magnetic flux. Energy is only required in creating the magnetic flux and ‘energy supplied to create a flux is stored in magnetic field. 2.26 AC Cirenits. In ac circuits the relationship != V/R_ does not hold good. The variations in current and applied voltage set up magnetic and electrostatic effects respectively. The effects must be taken into account in these circuits. With comparatively low voltage, heavy current circuits, magnetic effects may be very large but electrostatic effects are negligible. With high voltage circuits, electrostatic effects are of appreciable magnitude. This may lead to variation in resistance thus defying ! = V/R relationship. Purely Resistive Circuit: When the current flowing through a pure resistance, no back emfis set up and the applied voltage has to overcome the ohmic drop of ik only. The instantaneous current is ja Yasin R ‘The applied voltage and current are in phase with each other. Periodic Time and Frequency: The time taken in seconds by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle is known as periodic time (7) . ‘The number of cycles per second by an alternating quantity is known as frequency. sin ot a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. a You have either reached 2 page thts unevalale fer vowing or reached your ievina tit for his book. QUESTION BANK IN ELECTROMAGNETICS The rate of movement of charge through any conductor is known as A. voltage B D. emf. ‘The force tending to move the electricity is called resistance C. current * A. current B. resistance Cc. emf. D. potential difference The ratio of voltage and current in a closed circuit A. varies: B. remains constant C. increases D. decreases ‘The meter which measures current is known as ‘A. voltmeter B. avometer C. ohm-meter D. ammeter ‘The meter which measures voltage is known as ‘A. avometer B. ampere-meter C. voltmeter D. multimeter ‘The meter which measures resistance is known as A. ohm meter B. multimeter C. voltmeter D. ohm-meter ‘The unit of resistance is A. ohm B. volt C. ampere D. milli-volt 8. For long transmission lines, voltage is measured in A. volts C. kilo-volts With the increase in length of conductor, the value of resistance A. decreases B. increases D. None of these B. micro-volts D. milli-volts C. remains same 14, 15 16. 17. With the increase in cross-sectional arca of the conductor, the value of resistance A. increases B. D. None of these. remains same C. . decreases Specific resistance of a conductor depends ‘upon ‘A. composition of the conductor B. length of the conductor C. atea of cross-section of the conductor D. resistance of the conductor With the increase in temperature, the resistance of copper A. decreases B. increases C. becomes zero ——-D.__remains constant With the increase in temperature, the resistance of carbon A. i C. remains constant Which of the following insulator is most af- fected by heat A. PVC. B. mica C. *paper D. leatheriod With the increase in temperature, the insulating property of insulator A. weakens C. remains same B. become zero increases, D. decreases B. gains D. None of these The specific resistance of mica is A. very high C. very low D. With the rise of temperature, the temperature co-efficient of resistance B. zero low A. increases B. remains constant C. becomes zero D. decreases ‘Answers :1.(¢ 16, (&, 17. (D). 2. (C), 3. (B), 4. (D), 5. (C), 6. (D), 7. (A), 8. (C), 9. (B), 10. (C), 11. (A), 12. (B), 13. (D), 14.(A), 15. (A),

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