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Lesson: Mandatos/ Commands

Number of students in class: 25 students at Intermediate Spanish level Proficiency
Time: 45 minutes maximum, Broken up between several day in a week
-Radio/CD Player/Video player
-Powerpoint presentation
-Worksheet: fill in blanks
Key Standards Used in Lesson:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.9-10.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language
functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning, tense, or style, and to
comprehend more fully when reading or listening.
ACTFL Communication Standard - Interpersonal Communication: Learners interact and
negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions,
feelings, and opinions.
Learning Target for Students:
By the end of class, I will be able to conjugate commands in formal and informal situations, as
evidence by completing the worksheet and participating in the class activities.
Academic Language:
A rich academic vocabulary will be used while discussing the new concepts. The
unfamiliar terms that the students will encounter during the lesson will be addressed at the
beginning of the presentation. Students will be encouraged to use new vocabulary and verbs in

It is important to know how to explain why there are two different types of commands in
Spanish and how to apply them to your daily life. This ensures that the students are qualified to
know when to apply the rules and how to not overuse them. The fun motivational check point
will begin after the students start to work with the material. The students will take turns making
correct conjugations of verbs and providing the correct use of formal/informal commands. For a
student to perform at their best, they must be motivated to learn the new, yet sometimes
confusing concept.
Lesson Sequence:
At first, the students will listen and watch the Rap video to inspire and motivate their
learning. They will then be in a whole group set up for the lesson explanation. Next, they will
transition into small working groups to share and collaborate ideas of commands. The students
will complete their fill in the blank worksheet, where both tenses will be used. The check for
understanding will be seen through the students performances during lecture and when they
complete their paragraph worksheet. Lastly at the end of the lesson, the class will participate in a
coral reading of a text. The students will take turns reading out loud the correct conjugations and
providing a one word justification for why they chose that answer.
Anticipatory set:
The students will watch a video of a homemade, educational rap song that discusses the
use of T Commands. The video is educational and upbeat, which is needed for those early class
periods where participation is lacking. (Start video at 1:10) to get the students excited and
curious about the upcoming lesson.
I will start by introducing the topic of Mandatos by prompting the class to use their
prior knowledge, to answer the introduction questions I will ask. Teacher will ask for student

explanation on Subjunctive. By asking several questions to get the thoughts started: Is it a tense
or a mood? How would we conjugate the verbs? By asking for examples and have students
add on to their responses of their peers. Teacher will explain topic of todays lesson. After will
have student recite the objective/learning target that is displayed on board or computer screen.
Ask for another student to paraphrase what their peer has said.
Differentiation: ELD; When asking questions of students: Allow to draw or write word clusters
down in order to convey thoughts and ideas for sharing purposes. Answers in English are okay,
but will encourage student to look up definitions and translate after to help in future.
Body of Instruction:
The students will listen and participate throughout the Powerpoint presentation. There
will be different sections where the students can participate and make inferences about the new
topic. The students are encouraged to take notes and write down thoughts.
Differentiation: ELD: Throughout the presentation, try to provide pictures, charts, and videos;
that are visually appealing for our different learning styles. Point out connections and provide
helpful tips for remembering ex: acronyms.
IEP: Set clear expectations and provide room for feedback. I will keep attention on students
while facilitating the lesson.
DAY1: Explanation of Uses:
Singular- To be used for parent, teacher, or someone you do not know.
Plural- for multiple people or a group
The formal commands are formed the same way as the present subjunctive:
1. Start with the first person (Yo) form of the present indicative.
2. Then drop the -o ending.
3. Lastly, add the following endings, depending on the subject of the command.



-ar verbs



-er / -ir verbs



** Teacher will explain mindset of thinking about opposite endings regarding verbs.
Go over examples of each verb ending: Hablar (hable, hablen), Comer (coma, coman), Vivir
(viva, vivan)... Teacher will ask for students to practice and think of other examples with a
partner. Then ask for share backs.
Irregular still are irregular in the command form!
Lastly, Students will engage in an activity at the white board, to practice conjugating verbs in the
formal tense.
DAY2:-Car, -Gar, Zar verb endings:
-Explain difference with these particular endings, and how they remain irregular in the command
EX: Tocar (toque, toquen), Pagar (pague, paguen), Cazar (Cace, cacen)
** Teacher express how pronunciation is important. Because if stress is at the end of word, it can
have another meaning, in the past tense.
Shoe/Boot verbs:
Explain how they must keep the change. Conjugate to the Yo form first.
Pensar(piense, piensen), Jugar (juegue, jueguen), Pedir(pida, pidan), Preferir (prefiera, prefieran)
Dar(d/den), Estar (est, estn), Ir (vaya, vayan), Saber (sepa, sepan), Ser (sea, sean)
Lets practice: Example of Worksheet for students to practice all types!

Usted Command












Usted Command







Lastly, teacher will have students fill out the blank table with the partners and ask them to
explain their answers. Ex: say if it is a shoe verb=so you need to change to yo form first and
maintain the irregular change with the addition of the command ending.
DAY3:Informal T Commands:
Teacher will explain how we started with the formal more difficult verb commands and now we
will transition to the T commands, which will seem easier.
** Say how they are Similar to the Imperative form of the verb.
Explanation of Uses:
T: will be used with friends, siblings and people you know really well.
Example: comprar (Compra), Escribir (escribe), Comer (come)
Lastly, students will engage in a Quick Write writing activity to write down all the T
commands that they can think of. Next, the students can raise their hands and compete against
each other to see who came up with the most correct answers.
DAY4:Affirmative and Negative Informal Commands:
The only real changes are when the command is negative like when you are telling someone to
not do something. Using the T form of the Present Subjunctive
Ex: no hablar (no hables), no comer (no comas), no escribir (no escribas)
Lastly, students will play the Command chain Game located at the end of the lesson.
Note: Lessons will be broken up and taught on different days. With the use of technology and
specific supplementary activities for practice.
Elaboration on the content/Check for Understanding Activities:
The students will be separated into small groups based on skill level to work and
complete their fill in the blank worksheet. Groupings should be arranged: (Advanced withIntermediate) (Intermediate with Beginners). There should be approximately 12 groups. Each
student will complete a worksheet while working and discussing the topic with their partner.

IEP: Allow students to ask questions to a partner if confused and to gain confidence in using
their speech impediment. If questions require a deeper answer, have her write them down on a
post it and place them on side of desk. (While circulating class, I will look out for her post it as a
warning sign and gage for understanding)
ELD: Ask for their specific help when choosing volunteers while performing corrections. Allow
student to challenge self and push boundaries of their comfort zone.
Once students have gained an understanding, the class will practice speak and
commanding others with a few practical games and written activities.
-Simon Dice: Students will take turns commanding the class to follow their instructions.
-Comic strip: Students will write what command is being expressed in several photos. See
examples below.

-Galleta Guess: Additionally, students will draw a picture of a command and place it into a
cookie jar. Students will pull a picture out of the jar at random and guess the command, while
using the correct form of conjugation.
-Dilogo: Students will be asked to have a conversation with their partner, but can only use
-Canciones: Popular songs will be played aloud. Having the students practice their listening
skills, the students will try to point out the commands used in the songs.
For the remainder of class time approximately 8-10mins, the students will compete
individually in activities. The students will need to pay attention and follow along. Once the
blank section is reached, the student must accurate place the correct form of the given word and
conjugate it for the song. Differentiation: Based on students performance in game, I can provide
additional scaffolding and support for students who are struggling to master the material.
It is important for the students will need to provide evidence or a justification for the
choice of tense and explanation of their reason(This is an informal command Vs. Formal). This

informal test can serve as assessment and also further check for student understanding. The
worksheet can be read several times, if there are signs of difficulty. This can additionally be used
as a formative assessment, for the teacher to make note on which students have mastered the
material and the ones who are struggling.
1. Copy the command chain game and cut the numbered commands into strips. Cut off the
numbers next to each command.
NOTE: The teacher should have a copy of the list of commands to refer to in case the students
need help.
2. Pass out all of the command strips to the class. (Depending on class size, some students may
receive more than one.)
3. Have the students read their commands silently to themselves and make sure they understand
them. 4. Remind students to pay close attention to what their classmates are doing and saying, so
they are ready when it is their turn.
5. Begin the game by saying, << Empiecen!>>.
NOTE: An added motivator for students is timing them to see which class successfully completes
the command game with the fastest time.

Cuando el/la profesor(a) dice <<Empiecen!>>, descuelga el telfono de la clase.


Cuando alguien descuelga el telfono, saca el telfono, di <<Al>> y culgalo despus.


Cuando alguien dice <<Al>>, canta las primeras tres lneas de una cancin favorita


Cuando alguien canta su cancin favorita, apaga las luces de la clase.


Cuando alguien apaga las luces de la clase, enciende las luces de nuevo.


Cuando alguien enciende las luces, conversa con la persona detrs de ti en espaol.

Cuando alguien conversa con su compaero detrs de s mismo, sintate encima de tu

Cuando alguien se sienta encima de su pupitre, pega el pupitre tuyo y grita <<GOL!>>
en voz alta.

Cuando alguien grita <<GOL!>> en voz alta, corre por el pasillo de los pupitres al
conjugar el verbo
trabajar en el imperfecto.


Cuando alguien corre y conjuga trabajar, lanza un marcador hacia la persona que corre



Cuando alguien lanza un marcador, recoge el marcador y devulvelo al pupitre correcto.


Cuando alguien recoge y devuelve el marcador, levntate y da una vuelta (en un crculo).


Cuando alguien da una vuelta, qutate el zapato izquierdo.


Cuando alguien se quita el zapato izquierdo, scalo y mtelo en la basura.

Cuando alguien saca y mete el zapato en la basura, haz la pregunta: Cul fue la fecha de


Cuando alguien hace la pregunta Cul fue la fecha de ayer?, dile a la clase la fecha de

(Ayer fue el # de mes del ao ____.)


Cuando alguien dice la fecha de ayer, dale cinco (pgale) a un(a) compaero(a) de clase.


Cuando alguien le da cinco (alto) a un(a) compaero(a) de clase, anda enfrente de la clase

pregntale a la clase entera: <<En qu puedo servirles?>>.

Cuando alguien le pregunta a la clase <<En qu puedo servirles?>>, pregntale en voz
MUY alta, <<Qu recomiendas?>>.

Cuando alguien pregunta <<Qu recomiendas?>>, pregntale en voz MUY alta,<<Se
aceptan las tarjetas de crdito?>>.

Cuando alguien pregunta en voz MUY alta, <<Se aceptan las tarjetas de crdito?>>,
Grita, <<por supuesto!>>.


Cuando alguien grita <<Por supuesto!>>, grita <<Es una ganga!>>.

Cuando alguien grita <<Es una ganga!>>, camina a la pizarra y escribe el nombre de tu
mejor amigo(a) all.

Cuando alguien escribe el nombre de su mejor amigo(a) en la pizarra, mete un disco
compacto en el tocadiscos y empuja el botn que empieza a tocar el disco.


Cuando alguien mete el disco compacto en el tocadiscos, levntate y baila como un loco!


Cuando alguien baila como un loco, grita <<Terminamos!>>.

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