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30. Hillary DePiano (Most of the crowd begins to crawl and claw all over each other to get to the keg / game board with the exception of the royalty and advisors who laugh heartily at this. Even LEANDRO and CLARICE cannot help but chuckle. TARTAGLIA is still stoic but has succeeded in freeing himself from his binds by this point. Most of the people are now lying in a drunken pile on top of the keg [or twisted uncomfortably on the game board] and TRUFFALDINO has begun to throw them off one by one. On the bottom of the pile is MORGANA trying to protect herself from the onslaught. TRUFEFALDINO instantly recognizes her and lets out a shout that ‘makes everyone else gasp and step back.) Who let you in here, you old Wi-atch? FATA MORGANA. Fool. Mind your own business. You know you are no match for Fata Morgana. (Chord.) TRUFFALDINO. You don't belong here. You're up to no good I know that much, (FATA MORGANA pushes him. He stands shocked for a minute then he pushes her back. She slaps him. He goes to slap her but she ducks, and when he turns to look at the crowd and lifts his arms in confusion, he hits her accidentally. She stomps on his foot. He hops around in pain. She goes to slap him and TRUFEALDINO ducks and avoids getting slapped. Everyone else on stage, however, reacts as if they were slapped. MORGANA, remembering that she has magic after all, begins to power up for a big zap. Everyone on stage cowers and ducks to avoid the gruesome scene except the NAR- RATOR and TARTAGLIA. As MORGANA gets a running head start, the NARRATOR trips her and she falls forward, bounces off the cowering TRUFEALDINO and flips over revealing her Knickers and striped stockings ala Wizard of Oz. The rest of the crowd looks up only in time to see her on the ground and TRUF- FALDINO looking down at her and begins applauding and hailing him as the hero. The NARRATOR begins fo shush everyone and soon the only sound is that of TARTAGLIA who has been laugh- ing hysterically since she fell over. Everyone in the court begins to celebrate anew with the exception of LEANDRO, BRIGHELLA, and CLARICE who begin to sneak off SMERALDINA goes to help a fuming MORGANA up.) KING. My dear Truffaldino, you have saved my son! You get the prize! (He hands him the large sack of gold. General rejoicing and ap- plause on stage.)

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