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36 Hillary DePiano CLARICE. (To PANTALONE;) What was all that racket? Some of us are trying to make evil plans (They all throw her a glance.) ...1 mean sleep. LEANDRO. What is everyone doing? PANTALONE. Well, the Prince and Truffaldino have just gone to find the oranges, the King has just fainted, I'm fanning him, you want to know what everyone is doing, and (Meaning the audience:) they’re just kind of sitting there watching it all! BRIGHELLA. DAH! Stop that. Can we put the fourth wall back up? You're making my brain hurt! KING. (Recovering, then raving in a tragic manner) Oh, alas is mel Woe! My son! My precious son! My son is as good as dead! We may as well just end the play now! Everyone just go home! Evil has won! (Evil trio celebrates behind his back. When he turns to look at them, they feign sorrow.) The whole court must dress in black. I will end my days in weeping and loneliness. Alas. Alas. PANTALONE. Oh, my King. I will weep with you. We will shed our tears together into one handkerchief—then give that handkerchief to some poet to inspire him. (Exaggerating the bad puns:) What a cruel hand life has dealt the Hearts. All we can hope is that is that the prince's quest is fruitful. KING. Oh, shut up, Pantalone. (The KING exits, followed by PANTALONE and the GUARDS. The Evil Trio applaud themselves and slap hands all around.) BRIGHELLA. Booyah! CLARICE. Hooray for Morgana! The kingdom is as good as ours! LEANDRO. Indeed. Creonta will rip those fools apart before they even get to her castle. Well, we'd better come to some understand- ing about rights and the divisions of powers since we've basically already won. I, of course, will have the bulk of the power... CLARICE. (Very intense, rubbing hands together:) I want to be the gen- eral of the armies and wage wars! I will bathe in the blood of my enemies and taste the sweet... (They look at her with mild concern. She catches herself and says ‘flightily.) Oh, did I say armies? I meant puppies! (They accept this with a slightly suspicious look.)

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