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The War Years Questionnaire

A Tale of Two Counties Franklin County, PA and Augusta County, VA

1. What were the economic characteristics of Franklin and Augusta Counties?
In Augusta County during the war the economy was not doing very well. Farmers did
not produce enough to feed themselves and supply the troops. Instead, many insisted on
growing cash crops like tobacco and cotton. There was also a lack of trade because of a
blockade. The increasing cost of the war also caused taxes to be raised.
The economy in Franklin County was doing much better. All businesses are doing
better, more manufacturing and labor needed. Because of the abundance of money, the
newspaper even urges the people to pay off the debts from increasing the number of troops.
The farmers have successful harvests, and trade is high also because of the railroads.
2. Was there a difference in the wealth between the counties, if so, what? and why?
There was a difference in wealth. Franklin County was much wealthier than Augustus
County. In a diary entry by Heyser, it states that bank business is good and stocks will rise.
Franklin Countys economy was wealthier because they focused on industry and trade which
prospered during the war time.
Augustus Countys economy suffered because of a trade blockage by the union, so it
was difficult for farmers to export cash crops and import necessary goods. Its focus on an
agricultural economy made it difficult to make money during the war time.
3. What were the cultural and social differences and similarities between these two
counties? Use 2 specific examples of differences and similarities for EACH county in your
Many people in Franklin County were part of the Republican political party, as shown
in the multiple Republican newspapers published in the county. As a result there were more
professions in business, medicine, and education. In Augustus County, there were more
people part of the Democratic political party, so the focus for careers was on military and
Because Franklin County was wealthier, the entertainment options were to keep
peoples minds off of the war. A famous Opera Troupe had exhibitions in Franklin Hall and
had an actor who impersonated Black people very well. In Augustus County, entertainment
was used as a means to raise money for the war effort.
In both counties, religious revival occurred mostly by the soldiers who were injured or
felt like they committed many sins for killing people. Finally, both counties placed an
emphasis on education, although Franklin County had a stronger emphasis on education
because they have more schools and spend more money on education.
4. What transportation systems existed in the two counties and how were they used
similarity and differently during the war?
The transportation system in Augustus County was weak. They had very few
railroads, so no means of rapid transportation to move large armies or goods. Instead,
farmers surrendered wagons, and human and animal labor was used to transport people and
In Franklin County, the railroad system was well established and very useful. The
government paid for the development of railroads and trains and freight cars of different
companies were used exchangeably on the the different railroads.
5. How did the war affect women and the family within both counties? Use 2 specific
examples of for EACH county in your answer.

In Franklin County, the war left many women alone at home to survive by
themselves. Infanticide was a problem because women could not take care of their new born
children. Many women also joined the Ladies Aid Society to help wounded soldiers.
In Augustus County, where most families were dependent on farming, the women
had to much of the hard manual labor done by men while also taking care of financial
matters and children. Women also came together and acted as nurses to provide relief for
6. Describe the role that African Americans played during the war either as slaves,
contraband, or soldiers?
In the North, many African Americans served as soldiers in the Union army, although
many did not hold combat positions. Many slaves who escaped from the south, called
contrabands, became spies for the north, providing a big advantage to the Union army. In
the south, most African Americans were not soldiers, but slaves who worked as laborers for
farming and companions to soldiers.
7. Read through the diary entries of Franklin county and Augusta county residents and
analyze if those writers thought that the costs of the Civil war was worth the results to the
nation as a whole. Be specific in your answer MUST include 2 entries from EACH county.
The diary entry writes from Frankline county did not think the costs of the Civil War
was worth it. Brewer, Barnhart, and Stone all believed the burning of Chambersburg was a
disastrous event that could have been spared if it werent for the war. In a letter written by a
soldier named Donely, he expresses the depressed spirits of the soldiers because of the war.
The residents of Augusta county also did not think the costs of the Civil War were
worth the results. Addison Wadell expressed his disapproval of the war and the political
party he was associated with. He even wanted Virginia to join the Union again before the
war ended. Emerson, a woman living in the home front, expresses her disapproval of the war
in her diary through her many accounts of death and bloodshed of men she knew.
8. Based on your readings what do you think the members of Franklin and Augusta county
thought to be the overall goal of the war?
The people of Franklin County wanted to reunite the Confederate with the Union
because the South had no right to leave and was seen as an act of disloyalty. The people of
Augusta County wanted independence from the North, which included political oppression
and abolition of slavery. They believed secession was the only way to keep their rights to
own slaves and keep their states rights.
9. Through your exploration of the newspaper and diary resources discuss the attitudes
about the war from both counties. You MUST include 2 newspaper entries and 2 diary
entries from EACH county in your answer.
A newspaper published in Augusta County on October 1862 expresses the
southerners complete disapproval of the Emancipation Proclamation and their desire to
continue fighting for slavery and states rights. Another newspaper expressed the anger at
the North for letting African Americans enlist in the army because they think the white men
in the Union do not want to fight. The letters of H Stuart convey a pro-war attitude by
advocating for keeping slavery. A letter by Baldwin is also pro-war because he strongly
believes in secession, keeping slavery, and southern states rights.
A newspaper published in Franklin county on May 1861 stated that the succession of
the confederate states and slavery were diseases on the nation that needed to be removed.

Another newspaper agreed with Lincolns Proclamation of Amnesty to help the southerners
rejoin the union if they desired. A letter by Rosenbery shows that many soldiers were
motivated to fight by their faith in God. However, in a letter by North, North expresses the
soldiers unhappiness and depression from the terrible conditions of the war.
10. According to the available website sources what issues were settled by the war? What
new problems were created?
Slavery was successfully abolished in the US. The nation was reunited after the
Confederate joined the Union. States rights were also established. New problems created
included the devastating human costs on both sides, the huge economic and agricultural
losses in the south, and no equality or disappearance of racism in the country.
11. After conducting your research about this two counties on the Eve the Civil War
compare the generalized common elements of the North and the South during this period
with these counties i.e. are they the norm or the exception?
Both counties represent the norm of their respective areas. In the North, industry
flourished, there were more large cities. Agriculture laborers were not as abundant, slavery
died out. Transportation was easier and the economy was doing well. In the South
agriculture was big, particularly cash crops like tobacco and cotton. The majority of the labor
forces worked on farms, and there were very few large cities. Transportation by railroad was
uncommon, and agricultural economy was going down.

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