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1901-introduction of troops to Colombia

1902 invasion of Panama

1903-invasion of Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Syria
1904-invasion of Korea, Morocco and the Dominican Republic
1904-1905-US troops intervene in the Russo-Japanese War
1905 US troops intervene in a revolution in Honduras
1905 introduction of troops to Mexico
1905 introduction of troops to Korea
1906-American invasion of the Philippines, suppression of the national liberatio
1906-1909-American troops enter to Cuba during the election
1907 US troops bring into force the protectorate "dollar diplomacy" in Nicaragua
1907 US troops intervene in a revolution in the Dominican Republic
1907 US troops are involved in a war with Nicaragua Honduras
1908 US troops move into Panama during the election
Nicaragua 1910. US troops enter ports and Corinto Bluifilz
1911-suppressing anti-American uprising in the Philippines
1911-introduction of American troops to China
1912 US troops come to Havana (Cuba)
1912 US troops come to Panama during the election
1912 American assault troops to Honduras
1912-1933-occupation of Nicaragua, a constant struggle with the partisans. Nicar
agua has evolved into a colony monopoly "United Fruit Company," and other US com
1914 US troops come to the Dominican Republic, the fight against insurgents of S
anto Domingo
1914-1918-a series of raids on Mexico
1914-1934-Haiti. After numerous uprisings America introduces its military occupa
tion of the last 19 years
1916-1924-8-year occupation of the Dominican Republic
1917-1933-Cuban military occupation, economic protectorate
1917-1918-participation in the First World War. Initially, America maintains neu
trality and sold for astronomical amounts of weapons, unimaginably rich. proceed
to war only in 1917, that is almost at the end, she lost only 40 thousand peopl

e (for example, the Russians 2,000,000), but after the war, announces itself as
a winner.
1918-1922-intervention in Russia
1918-1920-Panama. After the election, the military introduced to the pacificatio
n of riots
1919-Costa Rica. Uprising against the regime of President Tinoco. The landing of
US troops in order to "defend American interests."
1919-US troops fighting on the side of Italy against Serbs in Dalmatia
1919-US troops come to Honduras during the election
Guatemala 1920. The two-week intervention.
1921-American support for the rebels fighting to overthrow the Guatemalan Presid
ent Carlos Herrero in the interest of "United Fruit Company"
1922 intervention in Turkey
1922-1927-US troops in China during the popular uprising.
1925-Panama. US troops disperse and suppress the general strike
1926-American invasion of Nicaragua
1927-1934- US troops stationed in China
1932-El Salvador. Invasion from the sea.
1936-Spain. The introduction of troops during the Civil War
1937-Nicaragua. With the help of American troops, Somoza comes to power overthro
wing the legitimate government Sacasa. Somoza is a dictator, members of his fami
ly ruled the country for 40 years
1939-introduction of troops to China
1950-1953-war in Korea. The combat operations were involved 350,000 people, 1 th
ousand tanks, over 300 ships.
1961, April-test of the American invasion of Cuba in the Gulf of Pigs to overthr
ow the government of Fidel Castro
1965-1973-the war in Vietnam. The largest share of the US armed forces after Wor
ld War II. Over 500.000 soldiers. Victims - over 1.000.000.
1964-1973-US military operation in Laos. Involving more than 50,000 soldiers.
October 25, 1983-June 1985-US military operation "Sudden Fury" on Grenada
1986 April and after the introduction of economic sanctions, the US began milita
ry action against Libya. Bombed residential areas of Tripoli and Benghazi
1989, December-US military operation called "Just Cause" in Panama to remove the
head of the country, President Noriega, accused of drug trafficking and support

ing terrorism
1991, January 17-February 28-US military operation and its allies, called "Deser
t Storm", in the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation
1991-1995 and 1998-1999-ethnic war in Yugoslavia and NATO aggression against the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1993, January 17-US launched a missile attack on the Iraqi facility where, accor
ding to the statements of Washington, conducted work on nuclear weapons at a dis
tance of 20 kilometers from the center of Baghdad
1998-August 20 attack on "terrorist targets" in Afghanistan and Sudan in respons
e to the terrorist attacks on the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
1999, March 24th-operation "Allied force".
2001, 7 October and Afghanistan. US carry out the operation in Afghanistan as pa
rt of Operation "Enduring Freedom", launched allegedly in response to the terror
ist attack of September 11, 2001
2003, March 20th-war Iraq, the conflict that began with invading US forces and t
heir allies against Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The operation was called "
Iraqi Freedom"
2008 August to armed conflict in Southern Ossetia. USA unsuccessful attempt to s
tart a war with Russia using Georgia
2011 - war in Libya. Contrived and deceptive pretenses created a reason for the
attack on Libya... and more 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.

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