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Sweet African Summer

We are having a busy but event filled summer so far.

Paige's parents came for a visit. We had a blast exploring
Lesotho's scenic Sani Pass & Kruger game reserve
together. School is out but not before we had one last
bible lesson. The holiday club/VBS in Howick then
in KwaHaza went great with attendance growing from 60
to over 90 the last day. The interns are becoming
wonderful teachers and mentors to the community kids.
The Sweetwaters bible study students are learning up a
storm. Come check out our June and July!

World Religions Study

Thomas has been teaching on
the major religions of the
world this month. We just
began looking at ancestor
worship which is the
#1 religion we are up against in
SA. The students have lots of
questions because they see so
many people in the community
mixing Christianity with
animism. It has been
challenging sorting through the
Scriptures. Pray for us to be
discerning but to boldly
proclaim the gospel as we
tackle this topic.

The Parting of the Red Sea

Our last lesson with the grade 6 kids at Sibongumbomvu is pictured here. We acted
out the story of God parting the Red Sea for the children of Israel. The kids liked
getting to walk between the big blue sheets when they parted. Our craft was the
coolest too! Pray God continues to work in these kids hearts so they can come to
know him through the outreach at their school. We know He will answer this prayer
just in the nick of time as always!

Brittnee on House Visits

Brittnee did a great job
sharing her testimony with
the patients of Shiyas last
Thursday. They were really
moved as she recounted
how the Lord had been
faithful her entire life to
provide not only a Savior
for her soul but a healing
touch in her sister's life.
They enjoyed her creative
way to present the creation
story too. What a powerful
way the Lord is using her

Homework Club Bible Study

The interns continue to find inventive ways to share Jesus with the kids and staff at
Ethembeni. The girls have begun a high school bible study on Thursday afternoon
during homework club. The kids pepper them with questions about God's word as
pictured here. They also have hosted several ladies Bible study nights with our staff.
We know the Lord is so delighted in them. He will continue to use them to reach the

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