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Explanation of Materials

Book Choice
Text choices range from grades 5-12 in order to accommodate all reading levels.
Included in each subject area are non-fiction and fictional books in order to provide
a variety of books for students/teachers to use in order to engage/inform the
reader(s). Additionally, each subject has graphic novels included in their book
selections so that a reader that prefers or needs visuals can use graphic novels as a
guide. We also have audio books, books for ELA/ELL, and picture books to better
serve a diverse group of readers. The book selection also includes informational
texts as well as texts that may interest a multicultural group of readers.
Fit Desk Stationary Bike (with tablet and book mount)
The fit desk can be used for readers who have tendency to lose concentration when
sitting at a traditional desk. A tablet, chrome book, or regular book can be used
while they are pedaling on the stationary bike.
Common Core Display Strips, ELA & Literacy - Grade 8
These strips can be used for the entire classroom, but more specifically it helps ELA
with understanding objectives and goals of a particular lesson. These strips align
with the CCSS as well sa the assessments and rubrics that we created.
Android Tablet
Technology will help simplify literacy instructions by allowing student and teachers
to interact when reading. When literacy programs are downloaded, students can be
assessed quickly and efficiently so that teachers can plan accordingly. Also, tablets
allow for hundreds of books to be stored on the device.
50 Graphic Organizers for the Interactive Whiteboard
Interactive white board graphic organizers can be used to help students
comprehend what they are reading. The use of this technology can be used as a
model for the entire class, or individualized instruction. This software also has PDF
files that can be printed and used before, during, and after instruction. The grade
level is 2-5, which will accommodate readers who need additional support at the
secondary level.
Magnetic Paddles (Set of 5)
Magnetic Paddles can be used when assessing small groups or entire class
discussions during Q and A. These can be used as a way to quickly assess a
students comprehension by having them write and share their responses on these
Intensive Reading Web Suite
Merit Software (2016)
This software is used for cooperative-learning to aide productive discussion. This
also provides support in order to develop vocabulary, background knowledge, and
discussion skills. Additionally, the computer-assisted instruction can be monitored
by the instructor as well as having the scores calculated as the student is

interacting with this program. Mostly used for ELL, but also a great source for RTI.
Aligns with the following CCSS:
Acquire vocabulary through context
Draw conclusions based on relevant information
Ascertain author's purpose
Find main idea in a text
Comprehension of non-fiction passages
Smartboard SBM680VIV2
Can annotate, circle, underline to model various strategies in order to understand a
reading. The instructor can also send messages to students who have tablets or
other devices that collaborate with a Smartboard so that there is group interaction.
Books for Teachers- Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by
Page, Panel by Panel
This book can serve as an aide for the teachers in order to demonstrate how to use
graphic novels in the classroom. These essays created by by classroom teachers
demonstrates how to pair graphic novels with classic literature (including both
canonical and YA lit) in ways that enrich students' understanding and engagement.
Scholastic membership
Scholastic membership not only includes printables and lessons to better serve the
literacy community, but it also offer professional development opportunities,
programs, and printables to serve as an aide for educators.
Elmo 1304 Model TT-02Rx 1.3 MP
Serves as a visual aid in the classroom in order to model activities or project
readings/strategies. An Elmo helps provoke student teacher interaction in order to
ensure all students are engaged and on task.
Bean Bag Chair
The bean bag chairs in a reading area create a comfortable environment to read.
This will also promote the idea that reading is soothing and relaxing when given a
comfortable reading environment. Additionally, these bean bag chairs can also
assist with readers who may be uncomfortable in a traditional desk, or that have a
physical disability.
Chromebooks serve as a personal computer for the students to access the internet,
apps provided by the teacher, and more importantly interactive student teacher
programs. Teachers can assess students as they create projects, complete activities
and/or assessments, and receive rapid feedback in order to adjust lesson plans or
reading material to fit the reader(s).
Listening Stations
Listening stations include headphones and mounts for readers that prefer to have
books read to them. This helps struggling readers, and can accommodate any
reader that needs assistance.

Lexile/Grade Levels
Diary of a Part Time Indian
Kaffir Boy
Forgotten Fire
Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution
The Bluest Eye
How It Went Down
A Young People's History of the United States
Ancient Kushites
Aztec, Inca & Maya (DK Eyewitness Books)
Night Eli Wiesel
Graphic Novel- Rosa Parks
Math Curse
The Origin of Species
Silent Spring
The World Without us
The Water Wars
Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the Universe
Gay Rights Movement
Golden Boy
The Olive Tree


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