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Tips for preparing for the TKT

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Four helpful ways of preparing for the TKT are the 4 Rs: Reading, Reference, Record-keeping
and Reflection.

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1 Reading
The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 Online Edition provides core reading for the TKT, but you
can usefully supplement it by reading the books, magazines and websites recommended in the
Discovery activities. Try to use your lessons to investigate the different areas you are reading
about, e.g. listening skills, classroom management, methods of assessment.

Books about language

Both these books have language awareness tasks with helpful keys.
Discover English by Rod Bolitho & Brian Tomlinson, Macmillan 2005
About Language by Scott Thornbury, Cambridge University Press 2001

Books about methodology

These books are some that are recommended in the course. They explain basic ideas about
how language can be learnt and what teaching activities best help this process.
How to Teach English (Second edition) by Jeremy Harmer, Longman 2007
Learning Teaching (Third edition) by Jim Scrivener, Macmillan 2011
A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur, Cambridge University Press 1999
Children Learning English by Jayne Moon, Macmillan 2000

Teachers magazines

Teachers magazines have articles, interviews, book reviews and lesson ideas.
English Teaching Professional
Modern English Teacher

Websites and discussion lists

These two sites have short, informative articles by ELT specialists.

Teaching English
In addition to the course discussions forum on The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 Online
Edition, you can join other forums to exchange ideas and experiences with other teachers.

TKT practice and preparation materials

The Cambridge ESOL website tells you all about the TKT. Click
here: and follow the links.

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2 Reference

Make regular use of reference materials such as dictionaries and grammar books when you
prepare for your lessons. This will help you become familiar with their terms, approaches and
ideas, and get you ready for the TKT.
English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press 2004, has clear
and full explanations of grammar points that you could use with your students, as well as
The online dictionary gives a lot of clear, helpful information about words.
The TKT Glossary is a useful tool for both studying and revising. You can download it in PDF
format here.

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3 Record-keeping
It is a good idea to get into the habit of keeping your lesson plans and making notes on them
about what worked well and what you would do differently next time. Looking back at these
notes is a good way of reminding yourself of how much you have learned about language and
about teaching.

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4 Reflection

In the courses Discovery activities, we

encourage you to do your own classroom research. This will help you develop as a teacher and
prepare you for the TKT.
The stages of classroom research are:

Observation: look at what happens in your classroom and collect information (data).
There are lots of ways to do this, e.g. making notes about or recordings of lessons, giving
learners questionnaires or inviting a colleague to observe you.

Reflection: think about the data and what you can do to improve the things.
Remember you can write your reflections in your online Teacher Portfolio and share them
with other TKT trainees in the course forums.

Action: try out your plan in the classroom.

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