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Universidad Abierta para Adultos

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educacin

UNIT 6: Clothes
Abiel Enmanuel Jimnez
Registration Number: 15-4545
Section: 10

Elemanty English I
Facilitator: Melvin Paulino

Fantino, Prov. Snchez Ramrez

14 de June del 2016

Exercise 1. Page 29
Write the names of the clothes.
1. Shirt.
2. Pant.
3. Shoes.
4. Sweater.
5. Skirt.
6. Heels
7. Blouse.
Exercise 6. Page 32
Complete the sentences about yourself. Use like or dont like.
Example: I dont like red jackets.
1. I dont like brown suits.
2. I dont like purple pants.
3. I like black sweaters.
4. I like white shoes.
5. I like blue shirts / blouses.

Exercise 7. Page 32
Complete the sentence. Write the simple present tense of the verb.
1. My daughters want those dresses.
2. Susans friend doesnt like her skirt.
3. Michael and Steven dont have suits.

4. Do you have a jacket?

5. We need shoes for the party.
6. Does Anthony want this tie?
7. Does Ryan need large or extra large?
8. They dont have this blouse in white.
Exercise 8. Page 32
Look at the clothes. Write a question. Ask for the color or size in
parentheses. Then complete the short answer.
1. Do you have these shoes in black? No, we dont.
2. Do you have these pants in brown? Yes, I have.
3. Do you have these shirt in large? Yes, I have.
4. Do you have these skirts in small? No, we dont.
Exercise 9. Page 33
Write sentences about yourself. Uses have / dont have, want / dont want, or
need / dont need.
Example: expensive shoes: I dont need expensive shoes.
1. A gray suit: I dont have a gray suit.
2. New pants: I have new pants.
3. A red sweater: I want a red sweater.
4. A white shirt / blouse: I have a white shirt.
5. A long jacket: I dont want a long jacket.
Exercise 10. Page 33
Read about Elena and Marina.
Elena and Marina are looking for new clothes. Theyre at Fashionistas, a new
clothes store. They need clothes for work. Elena is a manager, and Marina is a

musician. Elenas suit is old, and she needs a new one. She wants new shoes, too.
Marina needs a black dress for a concert on Saturday.
Fashionistas has a black suit, a gray suit, a brown suit, and
size. She likes the gray suit. Fashionistas has a short dress
black. Marina wants the short dress. The long dress
Fashionistas doesnt have shoes. Elena says, Look! Theres
the street.

a red suit in Elenas

and a long dress in
is very expensive.
a shoe store across

Now read the answers. Then write questions. Use Why, What or Which.
1. A: Why Elena needs a new Suit?

B: Because her suit is old.

2. A: What Elena Wants?

B: A suit and shoes.

3. A: What Marina Needs for a concert on Saturday?

B: A black dress.

4. A: What suit fashionistas has in Elenas size?

B: The gray suit.

5. A: Which dress Marina wants ?

B: The short dress.

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