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Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello and welcome to, you and your child,

My name is Adriana Gutierrez and I am very excited to be your students teacher this
year! I am proud to be your students teacher and am committed to doing everything
within my power to make this year successful for all of us. There is great excitement
building as the new year begins.
This is my first year at this fantastic school and I look forward to a year filled with
unlimited learning experiences and fun times. I am originally from South Texas a small
town of Hebbronville and am so excited to be placed in Northside ISD. I earned my
Bachelors Degree in Education at University of Texas at San Antonio. I feel extremely
blessed to be here and to share this year with you and your student.
Your childs grades will be based on tests, projects, homework and seatwork.
Tests and projects count for 60%, while homework, participation and seatwork
count for 40%. Should your child have an unsatisfactory test grade (D or F),
the test must be corrected and signed by a parent and returned the
following school day.
Homework is assigned every day except Friday. Please be sure that your childs
homework is NEAT and COMPLETE. It is the students responsibility to have
completed their homework. Homework that is given is a review of what has been
taught in class. Please take a few minutes each night to check your students
progress. If an assignment is not completed, the student will have one additional
day to turn it in to receive partial credit. If the assignment is 2 or more days
late, no credit will be given.
If your student is absent, a list of assignments and books will be placed in the
make-up basket. If your child is absent one day, they will have one day to make it
up, if they are absent for 2 days, they will have 2 days to make it up, etc. When
your child returns to school, he/she should have a note for me explaining
their absence. Missed tests will be given the day of their return (unless other
arrangements have been made in advance).
Student papers will be sent home every other week. Please use this time to
review your childs work. If an assignment is missing or your child has received
an unsatisfactory test grade, he/she may make up on make-up days before/after
school within one week.

Behavior Policy
The following is a list of provisional rules for our classroom for the next school
year. I would greatly appreciate if you would take some time to go through these
rules with your student before he/she returns to school. I will be in contact again

about this matter during the first weeks of term with a set of the finalized rules
agreed between the class and myself.

Do to others as you would like done to you


Use your indoor voice


Raise your hand and wait to be called on


Respect fellow classmates and their belongings


Follow instructions given by the teacher

Our consequences are:


Verbal warning




Office Referral

PLEASE insure that your child arrives to school on time. It sets the tone for the entire
day. If your child is tardy, he/she will need to go to the office for a tardy slip before being
admitted to class. If the tardiness is excessive, the parent will be notified.
I want to thank you in advance for all your support. Together we will continue to
work toward success and high student achievement. I am very excited about the
year ahead, and look forward to having the privilege of teaching your child!

Adriana Gutierrez

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