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The problem that represent analyze the educational practices is because we need
watch all things we made, and think why, how, this under the pedagogical filter.
Many situations will be explained, allowing us show part of our life in the NORMAL
school, showing that the things are not so easy.
In this document will be shown actions that were made, also explain that although
the whole is studied theory can never overtake practice and practice without
foundation does not have great result, so it is necessary to us stop, in the practices
of student teachers performing, in order to validate the theories studied in
NORMAL school, in order to validate the theories studied in NORMAL school.
The ability to analyze educational practice allows us to improve our behavior as
future teachers. Then I will discuss my educational practice done in the
"elementary school Gral. Vicente Guerrero" city Ixtepec. This report examines the
way the plannings were performed will be shown, and how they were adjustments
made based on the learning and skills Relevant to the state.
And the location of the school in the context, diagnostics used to develop the
plannings and present to Identify students with BAP. An analysis of the practice
which will be described and explained the mistakes and successes achieved
during past these internships are displayed.

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