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Usually, water supply systems are designed as continuous water

supply systems. Due to inadequate funding, improper implementation








increased population, the rise in demand for water, distribution

systems are expanded without taking cognizance of the hydraulic
design. Our objective is to design a hydraulic model for the in-depth
analyses of the ground water supply and water distribution system
elements and their functionalities. This includes the rehabilitation of
the existing state of the current systems and for the planning of the
future expansions addressing the problem in terms demand and
population growth.

In the Municipality of Laak, no Barangay has water utility that

provides 24/7 continuous water supply to their consumer. With this
scenario, the researchers conceptualize an idea to calibrate the
existing water system into an improvised hydraulic model as a
representation of the actual water supply system to supply adequate,
safe and economical water. A Water supply arrangement that should
be capable of making adjustments in the daily operations to ensure
continuous water supply to improve service delivery. The proponents
aim to eradicate the drawbacks of intermittent supply. In non-supply

hours, partial vacuum are formed this induces suction and attract dirt
that causes contamination. Therefore large doses of chlorine are
needed as disinfectants which affect the health of the consumer.
People tend to collect as much water as they can in the supply
duration but often dump the stored water when they get their newer
and fresher installment. The main purpose of such action is to reduce
the consumption and leakage, but this practice can cause to consume
and waste more water that they normally would.

At present, there are tons of problems involving the intermittent

water supply throughout the world. In the Municipality of Laak alone,
no Barangay has water utility that provides 24/7 continuous water
supply to their consumer. Due to this dilemma, the researchers
conceptualize an idea to calibrate the existing water system into an
improvised hydraulic model as a representation of the actual water
supply system to supply adequate, safe and economical water. A Water
supply arrangement that should be capable of making adjustments in

the daily operations to ensure continuous water supply to improve

service delivery. This hydraulic model will be used to validate the
design of new of rehabilitated water system, they are also used to
verify the system capacity or to analyze the effect of modified
infrastructure within the context of the entire water distribution

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