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Adriana Gutierrez

July 15, 2016

Second Week of School

Grade Level: 3


Subject: Science

Title: Plants: Life Cycle and Part Functions

Duration: 5 days 45 minute
TEK: 3.1.3.A.3 Illustrate how plants and animals fo through predictable life
cycles that include birth, growth, development and death.
3.B.1.1.1 Identify and describe the functions of basic structures of animals
and plants (ex. Animals: skeleton, heart, lungs; plants: roots, stems, leaves)
Students will
Students will
Students will
Students will




describe how plants grow from seed to plant.

identify parts of a plant and their functions.
use technology to search for information.
use technology to present information.

Day 1

Tap into students prior knowledge by filling out the K part of the
KWL chart. Ask questions and investigate what they might already know.
Have student write down the vocabulary words that we will be learning
throughout the week:
Life cycle, grow, seed, stem, trunk, flower, leaves, roots, germination,
sunlight, minerals, plant, ground, cover, soil, tree, seedling.
Have a variety of seeds with the packaging labels covered and have the
students try to figure out what type of seed that it is. Have them situated at
different stations around the classroom.


Have the students get their journals and take out their KWL chart
and be ready to write under the W column for wants to learn. Once everyone
is seated begin with a brief review of the lesson from the day before. Once
that is done allow them a few minutes to fill out their KWL chart. When this
is complete then we will watch a video The Life Cycle of a Plant. Discuss
the video and for understanding I will have the students draw a picture of
what they believe is the life cycle of a plant in their journal. Each student will
get a sticky note and write one fact that they learned about plants and turn it


We will begin with review of prior days information. Have the

students look up the first 5 vocabulary words in the dictionary and write the
definition with a sentence as to what it means to them. Pair students up with
a partner and have them begin searching online for information about the
part of the plant that they are going to choose to present and have them
record the information in their journals. Have the students pick the part of
the plant and either draw it or print it out from the computer. I will have a
list of websites on the board to guide them to so great information. Towards
the last 15 minutes of class I will have them return to their seats and as a
whole group we will wrap up the lesson and share our new learning.
Homework: Students are to talk to their parents/guardian about the
importance of plants. Ask them about the different ways that people use
plants. Get ready to share answers tomorrow as a group.

Day 4

Begin day with a review of vocabulary words and of the

learnings from the prior days. Get students back into their partners pull out
their image of part of a plant that they chose and have them begin writing
their paper that they will be presenting at a later time. Monitor the
participation of the groups of students and help keep them on task. Walk
around the class to help and answer any questions they may have. Have
students take home their journals to study for test the next day to assess
their knowledge.


Begin class with a short review of Life Cycle of a Plant including

vocabulary words. Hand out the short test and have the students complete
it. Once all the students are finished then have the students draw numbers
based on the number of groups that were created. Begin the class

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