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Gross Anatomy

8/3/15; Muscles of the Back


What are the three major groups of the back muscles?


Where do the superficial muscles insert?


What are the FIVE superficial muscles?


What does the trapezius do?


What innervates the trapezius?


Where does the latissimus dorsi insert?


What does the latissimus dorsi do?


What innervates the latissimus dorsi?


What does the levator scapulae do?

10. What innervates the levator scapulae?

11. What do the rhomboids do?
12. What innervates the rhomboids?
13. Where do the intermediate muscles insert?
14. Why are intermediate muscles important in breathing?
15. What are the two intermediate muscles?
16. What is the serratus posterior superior deep to?
17. What does the serratus posterior superior muscle do?
18. What innervates the serratus posterior superior?
19. What is the serratus posterior inferior deep to?
20. What does the serratus posterior inferior muscle do?
21. What innervates the serratus posterior inferior?
Gross Anatomy:
8/5/15: Deep Muscles

What are the three groups of deep muscles, where are they found, and what do they support?


What are the superficial muscles of the deep muscles in the back?


What do the splenius capitis and cervicis do?


What do the splenius capitis and cervicis do?


What are the intermediate muscles of the deep muscles in the back?


What are the three columns of the erector spinae?


What are the subregions of the umscles of the erector spinae?


What do the erector spinae muscles do?


What innervates the erector spinae muscles?

10. What composes the deepest layer of the deep muscles of the back?

11. What are the three components of the transversospinalis muscle?

12. What are the three regional subdivions of the semispinalis?
13. Where are the multifidus and rotatores best developed?
14. Where are the intertransversarii located?
15. Where are the interspinales located?
16. Where are the intertransversarii and interspinales best developed?
17. Where are the levatores costarum located?
18. What are the boundaries of the suboccipital triangle?
19. What goes through the suboccipital triangle?
20. What are the four occipital muscles?
21. What innervates the sub occipital muscles?
22. Where is the origin, insertion, and action of the rectus capitis posterior major?
23. Where is the origin, insertion, and action of the rectus capitis posterior minor?
24. Where is the origin, insertion, and action of the obliquus capitis superior?
25. Where is the origin, insertion, and action of the obliquus capitis inferior?
26. What nerve crosses over the suboccipital region?
27. What two muscles does it go through?
28. What does it innervate?
Gross Anatomy:
8/5/15: Axial Skeleton; Vertebral Column

What are the two divisions of the skeleton and what do they encompass?


How many vertebrae are there? How many cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx?


How is the vertebral column flexible?


What does the typical vertebra consist of?


What opening does the spinal cord run through?


What are the seven processes of a vertebral arch?


What are the articular processes covered with and what types of joints do they form?


What goes through the intervertebral foramen?


What are the characteristics of a typical cervical vertebra?

10. What goes through the transverse foramen?

11. What is unique about C1 (atlas)?
12. What is unique about C2 (axis)?
13. What is unique about C7 (vertebra prominens)?
14. What movement does the atlanto-axis joint allow?
15. What are the characteristics of a typical thoracic vertebra?

16. What is unique about T11 and T12?

17. What are the characteristics of a typical lumbar vertebra?
18. Describe the sacrum.
19. Describe the coccyx.
20. What are the variations in cervical vertebrae?
21. What are the variations in lumbar vertebrae?
22. What are the variations in the sacrum?
23. What are the variations in the coccyx?
24. What are the different fractures of the vertebral column?

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