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Adriana Gutierrez

July 15, 2016

Formative and Summative Assessments

Formative Assessments:
For this assignment I will be using several forms of assessments.
For my first form of assessment I will be using the KWL chart. We
will begin with me asking basic questions of the students and
what they know about food chains. They will kind of have an idea
of what I am asking because as they walked into class the Lion
King song Circle of Life was playing. So I will ask questions and
the students will have to write them down in the K part of their
We then watched a video about food chains which will contain
vocabulary words that they will need to learn for the test. The
assessment from the test based on watching the video:
Level 3The student will determine one thing they learned
about food chains.
Level 2When given choices, the student will identify one
thing they learned about food chains.
Level 1The student will acknowledge the video.
Second form of formative assessment would be creating of their
food chain.
Last form of formative assessment is observation. I will be
observing and recording the students level of engagement,
academic and/or behavior.
First form of summative assessment that I will do will be the
presentations of their food chain projects. I want to observe their
presentation and their speech. I will give a participation grade.

Second form of summative assessment will be a test in which I

will test for understanding and completeness. It will be multiple
choice and for the students that require modifications I will
provide them accordingly.
Project will be used as evidence to support attainment of stated
learning objectives.

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