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BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (MANUAL) ‘Tomeat he requemants of Regulation 8-4 of INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGENENT ‘OF SHIPS BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004 ‘AND THE IMO RESOLUTION NEPC, 127159} (GUIDELINES FOR BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ‘OF BALLAST WATER MANAGENENT PLANS (Gt) APPROVED SEP 14 2015 NIPPON KAU K AL DUSTRIAL PARENT. THORCO-EOGOS ‘This plan should be kept available for inspection on rogues by a port tte controler or by a ort state quarantine ore INTRODUCTION 1 This Manual iwrten in oosordance with he equieant of Regulation BA sfthe Intratsenal Convention fr he Carl end Management of Ship Ballas Wate ‘and Sodiments 2004 the convention) andthe ssncted Guidlines 2 The purpose of tho Manual sto meet the reuiemens fr the control and management i's tll watr and sadn in oomranco with the guido for tho balst watar Management an {he Development ef Ballast Wate Management Plane renaton MEPC 12759) Guideline). [provides standard perational guides forthe planning ad management of ship ballast water spd sediments an dese ele proosure t b fallowe ‘This plan maybe naps on roqu yan authorize ethos. 4. Thi the ownersperators or mater reponsbiity to elt review the plan and eneue tha the Infomation oad herein in auras aed updated. ‘Note The Plan into be writen in the working language ofthe crew, ithe teat is notin Baga, French, or ‘Spanlah, Ue plan stoic tranalation nto one of hve angus. SHIP_ PARTICULARS Sip Name rnionco Locos suo Gen Goo Omer FRANBOLOGOSSA Mancer Pag Pa, | eat Rapy NN | ‘natin Clin sea | Cansifcation Society Serene emai a | Grose Tonnage nn0r | BO Nenber eas | Teh (08) 1th Tenth) am : fm 700m [Dat 1600 | Simei t = | (Selon ony mathe) | "=" - ta Rast Capcty comnzen aa Vane acs nt Se Hein Heit las Wer Cio Mangan OB RECORD OF CIRCULATION "This document to be vated o sips ul hat wil romani or Ballast Water Management, by he older fhe cope ‘Aor reading, the Boast Weter Managpent Plan it tb signe and Return to the Balt Water ‘Management fae Name Rank | Datedoined ‘Signature and dato RECORD OF AMENDMENT ‘When any changslamendent ix mde to chapter, new Tae of Content page sal ala be sot tater ‘wth the rlevant amended chapter. "The holder of th conto copy shall enter all amendments mad to this decument and rite euch nga in Un pa No) Date | Revised Part Revision Master of etal denciption | OE) SEE CONTENTS Section Title Page Tntrodution| __ 1 Ship Particulars 2 ‘Record of Circulation 3 Record of Amendments 4 Section 1 [Purpose 6 Section 2_| Plan/ Drawing of Ballast Systom 7 ‘Section | Description ofthe Ballast System 104 Section 4 | Ballast Water Sampling Points| 108 Section 5_| Operation ofthe Ballast Management System 109 Section 6 | Safty Procedures forthe Ship and Crow rr Section 7 | Operational or Safety Restrictions nT Section @ | Dosaiption af the Method) used on board for Ballast a ‘Water Management and Sodiment Control Section 9 | Procedures for the Disposal of Sediment 9) Section 10 | Mothods of Communication 120 Section 11 | Datos ofthe Ballast Water Management Officer ia Section 12 | Recording Requirement 12 Section 13 | Crew Training and Familiarization Ba Section 14 | Exemptions 126 APPENDICES Appendix: Plans Appendix: Summary forms of Ballast water exchange soquencos and Prin out foreach atep calculation results Appendix : Assessment Criteria for Sequential Method ‘and Definition of Sea State according to WMO Appendic4: Blank Forms Appendix: Listof Reference Documents Appendix: National or Local Quarantine Requirements forthe Control ‘And Management of Ships Ballast water and Sediments SECTION —1 PURPOSE ‘Ballast waters esontil to contri, st da tat or stresses of tho ship. oever,Hallst water may contain aquatic organisms ce pathogens, which if inteducdinto the sea inkling estuary in ath watercourse may erate hazards othe envionment, human health Property or ress impair bial diversity or interewit thr Legitimate wsescewh zc, ‘The eect moth of blast water management ake ino acount tho need ona hat Ballast Watsr Management prac used to comply wath thisConventon dono cna grestor harm thin hey prevent tote envionment, human health, property or recourse any State and the Say ofthe chip. Win eatinstd that at eat 7000 dient pais are being creed in ship lls tanks around the sword ‘Stulis cro cu in several munis inated that many species of baer, pans, end animal can uric in a vinble frm inthe ballast and Sediment case in chip, even ear journeys of sera ‘antl duration. Subsequent dachange of ble water or wediment into the water of Port States may Reet inthe xaishment of harmful aquatic erganiams and pothogns which may poe teats to indigenous Jnuman animal and Plant ifs andthe marine envrnment. ‘When ll factor ar favorable, an intrtund spc y survive to establish a repadactive population in ‘the hr emvronment it may even bsoome invasive, outcompoting native epedes and multiplying into est preportions. Altboughotbor main have bon denied eo being responsible for traning crgnions Hetneen ‘geographically separated water baie, blast water dcharge fom ship appears to Have ben among ‘the most prominent ‘As eeu IMO has developed guieins fr the devolpmont and implementation of «Balt Water “Management on botrd ship aiming to rset Goverment, appropriate authorities, ships master ‘purses, ovnor and prt autre, aswel other intrested parte, inthe preven mining ‘and ubimately liinatng the rk of inteucng haul aqustc argusme and pathoons from ship ‘elt water and Associated ediment wile prodecting shi ety. ood coed hep i erica tothe acne fa ound ballet wales management ogi. "The appointed ballast water management fice is respon fr ensuring the maintenance of ‘sypoprite corde and that als water management and Jor reste proves me fled ad ‘rom, "Tho function of ho Ballas Watar Management Plan to asst in complying with INO Guideline ae quarantine measure ital to minimise th risk of transplanting Harmful aqustic organisms ned pathogens: sips ballast wer and asad dient, wie minting ehip ee ‘A pt ofthis funtion the plan provide eration to por ast conte and ther thorn ies shout ship blast handling eysom, sampling pont and ballast water management yt, ‘The plan sould not be wed or regu as guide to balatng |ON-2_ PLAN / DRAWING OF THE BALLASI "The lowing plan, which rst in Append 1 strato the ballast watr stom arrangements and ship capabilites nd are to be used oasis the cow in understating and flowing tho Ballast Water ‘Management Pian 1. Gensel Arcungent. 2 Capacity plan with Deadweight Scale 5 Piping Diagram of Ballet Stem 4 Pumping Diagram of Balla Sym in Bio om 5. Schematic Diagram of Sounding pipe and Air asp Pe 6 Mantle Arvangoment for Ballast Tanks Tobe ince a flows: 1) Arrangement of BW7S, 2) FIRE & BALLAST SYSTEM 5) Amangementafsampling pins ‘9, Operation manual Dot TWIS Wie OG TTS ‘SW 'W € a0 ININSONVAAE seg INIOd ONTIGNYS (@ueNTaNn ‘orev GST SETS ‘ansonnoov NOIID3S 06-87 ANIOd S_I1dWVS “S'WM'8 4O NOLL 907 oe ADA KPH AF MINCE CERTIFICATE OF BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ead JAPAN Sie MO AM MPC TUE COREE P74 VER RNSRMTR LEOS PAM A7 LOMRRORREHEE LEAS. COBMI, LTEASN ENT ADRES PAPA OU COBB: “Thin in cvtfy thatthe Ballast Wetur Menagement Systeme Kstd blow hi buen examined ‘and tote in acoordunee with Uh requcemnts of the spiiations contained inthe Guidlines enttned in 40 roolation MIPC.1730). This eects i valid nly fox tho Ballast Wale ‘Management Syetam mero below. ADs Kittay Ar AOR ERN RA cite ‘Ballast Water Managemoot System exppliodby_._.... MIURA Ga, fi. mROET ‘Vaio typo snd model designation -. sand ipeorporeting” AD AMAR AT AON, RRR UROR HE Ballast Water Mnagemast Syrtom mamufactured by: Se APRENDIK ‘ocequipmentassambly drawing No, tOmMROMEE, HamaBERT A (Other equipment multe’ by ‘2 ejupmentfasembly drawing No sesome? ‘Treatment Rated Cepacity_.200_~.8000...s SOMMMOBLE, X94 MAEM YATAL LOIEMEMLCHARC ©, IRMMCSE RHRURONROF LE, REOMCMACE SI SBLHRMS © C, COMMBERDER TO RECESSRT URGE, AME OSERTS, MENTOR, SORMRORARE UC wrens. ‘Acony of this Cortfcae'should be curio om board a veel isd with thio Ballast Water ‘Mianegement Syatem sll ian A afnence od at profoel end copy ote! eeu dull bo valabl fr inposion on board the vol Ifthe Cortese a innued based on appeal by other Adninisration,rofaren to that Type Approval Cestgcato shall bo ssede, Limiting (Cenitions imposed ar dueibd in he appeadis ths document. ° ® Eee ‘Sigoed _ 7a ("tealiite SONODA Dizectoe,Inpecion and Monruomsnt Divi, Marine Buren Ministy of Land, Inastzutae, Tensgport snd Toit 2A 8A. 27_ RUE. Dated is: 2 ay of Mesh. 2014. ur air EOE = so on ES oe oo a teeth | AAidby seme oon) soon seaman flctenovaet | inguin ero ‘towesttetermm | dao tata cyst wT mts ey Sent tip Goin) essen) — (eos pee “car oo “ Dow ee roe ee ee Se Toot rm Tor m7 nae 2] mow fp a a | | ee Be SS ie om oe | Few stent) | Debating | 2139 250 as 7 as Ov antaiiay [Balen uss, a | ban] ime |e ee Sia 5 Gee ar a a Berl a 35 a ry mer Eo Ey ist a8 Bae ro) suisty est [comet za 3 7 os Gast rm = 2 reasanyoren [Om 3, a se astngns” [Gt or = a octeens [Csi mn 3s Ea i Tia oA ma aa ts) San oc BE ail erecta 72 mo ia or irosss08 Fire 16 ears oo a e8 BF ie Ra | Wine Din ll el Dpa i a atea6 | Scag Fa idee 2 | Tatnatn hed Bat Wa Waal Fn rer 14 30138) | Bre irene ag gee an [Repetto ‘hae [ors [aprenden TAO aa peroee | apres Bote SE ot 00 | Rape Mata teal a a | Barat [Gully mamget pn) wo ely te Fe | 3 Dene HE etQA ot opera ig pes Da [Lene ag iy beac Dori | Raper te See 3 ‘A CONDITIONS OF oxRETaATION ‘Dla ong iiig oon oe peti af ha BWIA lo, Saint De tan dn in ban we ” ys. Deperent ERE cata Merete Seer BER cet cons Yt States ‘Sonat uaa Miura o, Lat. Ship Maciary Department Sales Engineering Division ‘Ata: Mr Adio Yamais THoie-Cho, Matsa Ehime Japan 798.2696 ALTERNATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE ‘The Coast Goad ae completed ite eview ofthe Alternate Management ysem (AMS) ‘plato abated by Mira Co, Ld forthe Mira alla water eaeat ten (BWTS), ‘Fi ete grants AM aeoeptance in accordance withthe egrets of 3 CFR 1512026 for the Miura BWTS mols specified below, as (ype approved by the Japanese Minis of Land, Infarct, Teapot, aed Tous, andes deta in Mini's ype approval CTA) celia NO 11 aad on Meh 27, 2016 ‘The following Mira mols ar accpte for we as an AMS in US. waters “Model HK- 2006) with otment ated capacity (TRC) of 200 eabie tes hour (Gn: including explosion proof ued nom exponon poof types of his model. “Model HK- 3000) witha TRC of 300 mf eluding explosion poo nd no0-exploion roof types of hs model, Models HIC-400(5) HK 4000) with TRCS ngig from 40 eto 600 mf, Including explsion proof and no-explsion pron pes ofthese models, These lager ‘TRC models ee achieved by nslling mile HK.-200 () and HK-300() modes in pall ria sxe inode fo obi he deve total eainent capac up to 8 ‘uu low rato 6000 mh “The Miura BWTS is asgned he following AMS identftion number: AMS.2014-Miu- 001, ‘Const Gud acceptance af he Mara BWTS a an AMS doesnot cord or mply conformance toorcomplince with ae oter Fda, stats, or oa wae discharge effet limon ha ‘ay apply othe vested on which the AMS operas rhe regulatory regimes end locations ‘within which itopratn. The ovaer ad operatr of he vessel mus comply wit al speable Ins regulation, nd wats, including the Clean Water Ac and associated provisions of he ‘Subj: AMS ACCEPTANCE LETTER - MIURA 76 Noveber21,2014 ‘eset General Permit (VOP); he Feder assis, Fungi, and Rodetee Acc of 1972, tw amended (FIFRA); other Cast Gud sfty eplaions and equemens and oer ‘plicable avs nd reolatns 1m accordance with 33 CFR 151.2026 (05), AMS aplication required the submit of |ype approval application forthe BWTS. The ype wproval information submited wit he ‘AMS aplication doesnot have ny bexing onthe pe approval status ofthe BWTS, nor does (Coast Guar accepance of te Mira BWTS as an AMS inde hat he BWTS mis resulemeat for Cont Guard ype sro “The following condtions aply forthe operation ofthe Miura AMS in U.S. wates: |. The AMS manufactur mus comply with all the genera condas of etifcation stpaled Inthe ype aproval erica sued byte Misty of Land, Infstracte, ‘Tranaport and Tourism under auth ofthe government of lpa, a efonsced shove. Rewweation af type spproval bythe approving athoty wile a evocation ofthis AMS acepance Copies ofl ror requled under the stated condos of use ‘st be submited tthe Environment Standards Divison (OBS-3) a te flloving dress or em ‘COMMANDANT (C0-088.3) ‘Unite States Czst Gor lop 7508 2703 Masi Lather King. Ave SE Washington DC20583-7509 Terana72lamn mal: envionment sundarés@uscg:mil 2, Inslation and repo the AMS mute performed in aesoréance wih the smsnufactre's instructions and aproved by he lag administration os epesenaive. 3 Operation and maintentce must be conducted in acondance wit al spxifetons end [iiing condos sipasted onthe type approval cetficte and with he manufacturers ‘nsirvton, nlading ay intulons posed bythe envionment (or example, water ‘nity, temperature slaty, or oer pramtr) or vessel operations (or exape, ‘voyage duration, pampng ris, or other constant). The following specific onions omy ‘4. low rate: The Now rate allt water through he syste should not ecm he treatment nied capacity (TRC) imitios fr te inealed Mire modal, specified ‘on the ype approval eric. Isalled systems with eatment red caput of 40 to 600 ai ny be achieved by intalingmlple200 apd 300 Yar tale we trestmen it in pall cin sete, pert by and deeded in the type approval certfente in ore 6 avoid oveseating ofthe tes UV limps, ‘he mina flow ate through the UV raion chambers forall cofguaions of this BWTS is 10% ofthe eaten ted capacity ofthe instal sytem A lstorcalreerd of low ate is aval wa readouts fro he ool panel 2 9 20 ‘Sub: AMS ACCEPTANCE LETTER ~ MIURA 5160 ® November21,2014 Ditfereta pressure acres the filters This BWTS i quipped wit 920 ‘romete (Sn) mesh filer sytem tht is exgned to remove ora restr than ‘x eqal 050 amin sie, ‘The iter element is kept clean of debs by bola bckwath Mashing process anda high ress injection moze paying process, ‘Tre suction nee backwash leaning process performed contnupisly ding ‘lls water eatnect opeaions, yards of te diferetalpesur cos the filter elemeat. the dferensal pressure acos theft elem excoeds 60 KPa (0.6 barn alarm i atvated atthe cntel peel ad ths BWTS wil etomaticlly Shut down. Ta oder supplement tothe sation nol backwash proces fer ‘lemeat ceanag is dso ascomplshd bya bigh pressue injection sole praying process thar “las del fom the fl. This igh presi nectonnozle spray cess nommallactutes as pest evel of 20 kPa (0:2 but) peste lifferenti ‘rose fer elant. The opertoe may aut ls ijecton some station Seng upward tora of 40 KPa (0 bt) pressure differential eros the ie ‘erent in stuns where he Incoming tli Water continu high sediment oa, ‘A hist ened f Site presse ferent can be oid i edo fom ‘he eos pal, ‘WV intensity, transmittance, and dosage: The design UY dose forthe Mir [BWTS sated the jt’ s pein documentation i 30 milJals per sie ence (0 mica). The ype porcelain ble UV dee forthe Mitra BW of 105ml en’. The UV dose is “xcmined byte yt stra con nit ed wp UV ltnty ‘measures oma sesor Within tho UV rescton chamber. Operation a his [BWTS ata UV dos below 108 mien? wil sl In alas war trestan thats ‘notin socordance wih te efficacy ree specfied by he type approval etfs "The Mira BWTS dso to autos sus UV date wii the UW reaction chars in response fo changes in alist wate conditions or ow res. I ‘alas wate conditions (oc as very low tub) allow for areca in UV doe, the sytem asthe capably o automatically lower the UV ight intensity witha he reaction chnbes. Furtheqnore tis BWTS can effectively increase UV dose above 130 mem? dng pecods of ballast water conditions och as high tub that ‘ne unfevrble for UV Ugh ansmitace. “This BWTS employes non-chemical cleanin pce (CTP) apart the moves ‘in buildup om the quar UV lamp sleeves athe bepanig andthe end of each tallsting or de blasting Ueatment cycle, pe hou ntevas drag te estat cles, ad whenever UV lata deceseswila tha UV reaction chamber. The ‘tem is equipped with minimum flow ate (0% of TRC) and miaiour UV dose (Gos mem) alas and sth capability to atomataly nae BWTS shutdown ‘wheaever thes opening parameter fl blow permissible inks. Te Mia [BWTS wil ali lam an hea shutdown should te blast water eprint ‘UV reatdon chambers) exceed SO derees Cetgade, UV doe, UV intensity, nd ‘lat water flow at ales can be obiod vi ts resdout rom he contol panel. Sub {AMS ACCEPTANCELLETTER~ MIURA S160 [November 21,2014 A historical record documenting tha the sytem as teen operate within these een, ncn a ecord of ny elarm conn, sal be mace avalable for eview eabord, the ves ‘Becanse the Miura BWTS bas nt been adequstely ested in esha its sea an [ANS i limited othe test of marine and race ase with cia eligy ‘nit (PSU) concentration rest tha install o a US. ag vse, mst be shown ta che system al nstalaon comply ‘with or provide aneqivala! eve of ety to the requirements of 6 CFR Subchapter F (Marine Haginerng apd Subchapler J (lect! Hagienig) All lec ‘equipment locuted ihn hzzrdous areas must be explosion proto easly sae st ‘etd by an independent hoary ecogalzed by USCO per 46 CFR 1111087. ‘Use ofthe AMS i specified inh ip’ bllst water management lan (BW pie, required by 3 CPR (512080), The BW plan must ident te following: I the ‘lls water mangement pasties fo be used inthe evet te AMS canna be used, and (2 he pesonnel responsible forte eptation, matenance and repair the BWTS. ‘An upo-dte ecordo th operation, maitenace, ani repar f he BWTS must be ‘maiatined onboard te ship, ‘Any change in design, ats, manufacrig. or ltnded opens condos of {his BWTS witout por ntifeaon end acceptance by, the U.S. Cost Guard wll, automatically invalidate this AMS acceptance. Porto ay such change, he ‘manufacture of an AMS mst ody tu Command Oct, US. Coast Oused ‘Marie Safety Conte (MSC), athe allowing adress or ema (Commanding tice (SC) ‘Alt: Maine SefeyCexter US. Coat Gand Stop 410 £200 Won Bs, Si 0 fon VA 20855-7410 oot aweucean “The noifcation rms incude the flowing: (1) a deseo ofthe change te reason it Isrequited, and its inended advantages; an explanation of ay eet ofthe change on instalation, operation, msntnaee, repair reqireeats and @) an indication of| whether or not the ginal configuration ofthe BWTS wil be disoainud. {th insialled AMS dors ot operate propecy when tating bells water itnded for lscharge in US. wae the person decing the movement ofthe vessel must este ‘hat th problem i reported oh nearest Cost Guard Capa of he Pore (OOTP) ce Dist Commander as oon as prctable. The Cost Gut sallbe oti of ny treatment sytem or component alles, ineparable damage to components of the AMS, frequent process upsets or out-of Sounds operating coaditons, or oe uns ot processed condition th may reduce treatment tectveness. Th Vessel may a ‘Subj: AMS ACCEPTANCE LETTER - MURA 3160 November 21,2014 | cetingoiy on sutace may degrade effconcy of BWMS. 6.3 Safety Precautions in Pre-operation Inspection and Operating BWMS (€xcerpt from page 20-) (Observe folowing saety precautions fr pre-optaton inspection and operating BMS: 4\ WARNING Keep tammabe mate ame | They may ign and cause fire, resting in accident inohing death way rom contol panel and source pane. ‘Donat operate breaker of main power spel and equipmentin contol panel and source ane! wath wet hands, Falure to cbserve this instruction may cause electical shock to high voage, resuting in physica ijn or eat, rs i if False to secure overboard discharge ine may cause damage of equipment such as blast pump, q 4 AX CAUTION ‘Check tat al breaker and power swish on downstbear of main breaker returned of ven power source of main breaker in source panes cated, Man breaker may not be ‘tuned on when breaker or power suitch on downstream of main breakers tured on. Incase hat contol panels tumaden uh souve panels ued of, power unt recoprized io e ben an abnormal sate and ngs lam, ‘Do nat top bast pup during cooing operaton. Fer to obser this instruction may cause damage to UV reactor. Operate space clearing of ter element for sure ater stopping balasting A\ CAUTION Do not oad and escharge wate ince itis not reated due to bypass operation. Irate is osded or dscharged during bypass operation, ts unreted water. vee | Light UV arp while water passes in UV reactor Flue to obsere this instruction may cause damage to UV reatr. 66.4 Safety Precautions in Maintenance and Inspection (Excerpt from page 44-) Incarying out maintonance and inspection, obser folowing seey precautions: AX WARNING Do not touch damaged UV amp wit bare hands Lamp hasnt amount of mereury nse an that may arm Hunan body SEE | wash ands wth soap immediatly incase hat you touch wth bare hands Do not carryout any uninsructed operation Faure to observe his instruction may cause physica! ij. incase that numerical value i abnormal, sop operation mediately, and contact MIURA fica, Continuing operation with bral numedcal valve may cause physica inary or other @ wom check that operation stopped for sre Fre to observe this insructon may case physical jury or the serous accidents. In ase that BWM hasnt operated for more than 4 day, store ech wator fly nde of emus, Flue to observe his intructon may damage to BWM, Feature to secure oversea discharge line may cause damage of equipment suchas ballast EA | pune. a AX CAUTION Replace WV lamp evry $000 hous of operation ene ‘Do not touch surface of UV sensor and UV sensor prtect glass with emply hands or cotstaned work loves. ‘Geting cy on surface may cause matuncton of UV sensox ‘Do net touch surface of UV lap and protect tube" with empty Rands or o-salned wor goves. {Geting oy on surface may cause mattunction of UV amp. ‘UV lamp and protct tube may be damaged by aged deterioration. Replace part prompty in case that teat, oracks, othe robes are fund (Do nat ress [DEL] displaysin window. Pressing [DEL] deploys doote confimaton and records are deleted i you press (YES). Replace SO card every 2 years after commissioning est Pease use makes specified SD card or replacement, Faure o observe tis instruction may reultin incomplete caring of opraton records ad alarm recor Data stored in SD card should be store for at east year ae al0g Data forte ast 2yoare shoul be store in SO card. Oat for previous 3 years should be ‘sored xteraly les prepare persona computor store operation records of BINS, 6.5 Safety Precautions in Storage Work (Excerpt rom page 66~) In storage work observe flowing safety precautons: AX WARNING 8 ‘Do not peor instalation work and connection of ndeial qupment unas his species Flue to observe tis ngbuction may cause damage to BWM or physical uy. CIs eG Ud 1. UV Reactor A\ CAUTION Do not touch UV lamp" ae protet tube with emply hands ook staine work aves. ZiT | Geting oily on sutace may degrade efcency of BUMS. ¥ aeration by ClavaeR wre ieee —— Pic a= =F 2. Filter Unit OL cae 2 rol Oe reat 3. Control Panel ° q = o—_|+ ° we Ca 7 pan Acco a © [Ener soph ©. [ir [erg oer 2 | enposie sae [Ce [Pesan ar [or 4“ 4, Source Panel 2 ® @ -o ( © ® ® Ne Deserpon No Deseion © _[WViems” power source © [Reay © [rN | Wiper mats condenser © [Man breaker | Cont power source wanstomner [ro [suestate (© Magnet contactor (© | Corto power source breaker 8 COCR Weal teers) 4. System Diagram c [Number of UV react and tite unt may dite acco to the eapacyof BMS " 2. Structure 2.4 Filter Unit Crganism, that bigger than 60 micron, is removed by titer unt. Removed organism is discharged ‘rom vessel passing auto-beckwashing ne Back wath pump automatically caries cut high pressure clearing fe iter element using seawater around fier ele when pressure oss iter unt Ineeases. 2.2 UV Reactor” Organism, tats smaller han 50 meron and passed fit is trlze by UV iran. UV reactor has funcion of leaning UV protect tbe. operates atomically before and afi ihtng LV lame” to remove seciment and egsnism that adheres UV protect tube 3. Flow Chart at Each Step “Tere are 2 operations, ballasting and deballasting, They ae roughly vided it he ollowing steps. Ballasing (waters loaded Star Warming up ~Ballsing ~ Coating Debating (Water's discharged): Start Warmning-up — Debalsing Cooling ‘2.4 When Ballast Water Is Loaded (Ballasting) 34.1 At Stating (Sea to Sea) ‘Seawater is cischarged from vessel passing bypass ine fom sea chest t start of operation, ‘Confirm that seawater more than standart fow rat is pasing, (For 0 seconds) ae 8.12 Waming-up Operation Confirm that seawater cacrarged from vessel passing equipment frm sea chest, UV reactors cayng out warming-up operation, and fow ats more stable than standard ow ate (For bout 4 rinutes) 3.1.3 Balasing Sterlized seawater is supped to balst tank 8 34.4 Cooing Operation Insite cooing operation ocool UV reacoy” ater batasing (For about 5 minutes) ay metho OE 3.2 When Ballast Water is Discharged (Deballasting) 32.1 At Siang (Sea to Sea) ‘Sezwaterisischarged from vesel passing bypass le tom sea chest at start of operation. ‘Confirm that seawater more than standard flow rates pasing, (For 30 seconds) x pe a 8.22 Waming-up Operation ‘Conf tat seawateriscscnarged rom vessel passing equipment rom sea chest, UV reactor” is carying out warming-upcperton and fow a mare stable than standard ow ate. (For about “4 minus) Seawater doesn't pas iter in tis case 3.23 Debating Balt water is deballasted pasing UV reactor tom bala tank * “oF about § minutes) = one 10 cool UV reactor” after deballasting. (F wees ca petin a 0 4, Structure of Control Panel Display wary) ‘This sreen shows openiclose stat of valve, and various senso value. MAINTENANCE} Pressing [MAINTENANCE] in upper splays [MAINTENANCE] screen LUghtin time of UW ams", operation ine of UY power and fer can be checked on ti sree. Pressing Setting Vai] espays setings screen fr various seting values, Pressing «Manual Operation splays seen or manual operation Doni touch [Maker Maintenance, which is fr device sting by maker. [MAINTENANCE (Seting Vale Pressing [Sting Valu] n [MAINTENANCE] scroon splays this sroen Varcus sen values ar ston tis screen, ee Poets train vt quem [MAINTENANCE (Manual Operation) reasing [Manual Operation] in MAINTENANCE] screen plays tis seen. Each equipments operated analy on is seen ‘As for usage, refer to page 3810. Manual Oparatonin Chapter 4 [> Page 3810. Manual Operation” in Chapter 4 51 [paray resting [DATA] in upper et of [MAIN] seen eptays (DATA) screen, ‘Manual/Ato poration conston is checked on tis screen. Recor of ast operation spied in Screen while ts stopped. ‘Record of operation win last 2 years ar recorded in memory cad intl in touch pana = ie a fe = i on Eis, tS Seas 2h w ALARM Pressing CJALARM]in uppor-e of MAIN] screen cesays [ALARM] screen ‘Cccurenoes of alarm and notice are checked on tie soreen. Latest ts of at, tie and status canbe check on tis screen, ‘Alar recor within ast 2 yours are recorded in nemery ar installed in touch pane “ALAR TAG’ and alarm am ae played in red whl tis sung alarm. "ALARI TAG" and ofc item are espayedin yellow while tis iesung note | for operation of [80 Car] refer to page 50.7. Displaying Records of Operation and Alam in Chapter [> page 5971.7. Displaying Records of Operation and Alam” in Chapter 5, 82 ICHAPTER 4: INSPECTION AND OPERATION 4. Inspection before Operation 41.1 Inspection of Piping and Valve Confirm that piping it aranged according oa eaning, and opencose sae of valve ‘Sea chest va: Fully open Overearsescharge valve : Fully open 1.2 Inspection of Control Panel and Source ZX WARNING Keep farmable mettle away rom contol panel and source pane. “They may ignite and cause fre, resting in acidentisotng death y 5 ‘Do not operate breaker of main power supply and equipment in contol panel and source panel wth wet hands ai iy Fale to observe bis insructon may cause electical shock due to high veage, resulting In ysl injury or death, if A\CAUTION ‘Check that al breaker and power ath on dounsirean af man breaker are uned Of when power source of main breaker in source panels stvated, Man bresker may rot be tured ‘onwhen breaker or power swich on downstream of main breakers tured on Incase at contol panels tueton while cure panels ured of power uti recogrized beln an abrerma sate and ngs alam ‘Check that cont panel and source panel ae elected “Tum on min breaker 3 in source pares, power 1 fr UV lamp”, oer breakers and breaker 5 for conirl power order. Tum on breaker atte source panel is elected, * Conn tat flow ate display shows O when BWMS iin the operation sop state 2 2. Starting (Ballasting) A\ WARNING Faaure to seoue overboard icrarge ine may cause camage of equipment such a ballast pump. Operate manual va propery a) Check that runt pressure gauge valves open ) Press [Balaton operation screen, ar consent = (layed — on © — (Coton) (0oten) ©) Confem content on screen. Check that watercourse of Sea fo Seas secured, and press O[Confimaton} a 53 {9} Conaon of BWMS is changed vero warming-up operation (Flow choc + Water conduction = Ughting of UV ta) “Faw check : “FLOW CHECK” saved in stat dpa. (0otery = Water conduction: FLOW TO FILTER / REACTOR’ dsplayed in status dsl. (©o8en) (Coton) + Lohtng of UV lamp (opson) (p09) 55 ©) BALLAST WATER TREATING? is dsplayed in status splay afer warming-up operation, and ballast tank reaches a status for loading water, Fm watorloatng rut into tak by ballast conte o valve operation. (cotee) (cover) 3. Temporary Stop of Ballasting (open overboard discharge valve, lose ballast water injection valve, and discharge overboard ¢ BN opr wih Sea Sea eng enpry . Folow he roca 4 Stop (ling) Chsa 4nd tp BUMS went oped or verge 7 Pape 244 tp (Slaangy mcrae 56 4, Stop (Ballasting) —— ZA\WARNING (net top ballast pump curing cooling operaton Fale to observe this instution may cause damage to UV react” Operate space cleaning of ir element for sure ater stopping blasting '3) Press STOP] on operation seoon 'b) Confirm conten on sreen. Check that watercourse of Sea to Seals secured, and press @{Confmaten}. (cote) oy «) ‘SYSTEM COOLING’ is deplayed in stats dep operation. [ decal] ee es (coten) g aaa) 37 4) Its spayed on scren when blast pump can be stopped ater cooking operation, ‘Stop baat pump if here is no protien 2s 58 5. Starting (Deballasting) ZAX\WARNING Falure to seoire ovrterd discharge ine may cause damage of equipment suc as ballast, Eee | pur 2) Check hat ter unt pressure gauge valves ope. b) Press @[Debalast on operation screen ©) Conf content on screen, Check that watercourse of Seat Saas secured, and press OConfmaten}. 59 <4) Corton of BINNS is changed ver to warming operation. (Pow eneck = Water conducton = Lighting of UV lamp") Frow chock : FLOW CHECK” is played in tats deploy iter conduction FLOW TO FILTER /REACTOR' spayed in status slay. (cote) (ooter) LUphtng of UY lamp_:"UVLAMP LIGHTING" spayed in status aslay, {/'DEBALLAST WATER TREATING" Is cspayed in statu dspay ater waming-up operation, and bal ank reaches satus fr loading water, + Form water discharge route fom balls tank 6. Temporary Stop of Deballasting ‘Open sea chest vave, close halls tank valve and change over debiliat ne [BINMS is operating wth Sea to Sea route dung temporary sop. Flow the procedure in". Sop (Deballastng"in Chap 4 and stop XMS when tls stopped er longtime. [> Page 20°7. Stop (Osbatartng" in Chapter 4 28 6 7. Stop (Deballasting) A\ WARNING ‘Done stop bast pup during cooling operation Fal to obser this instruction may cause damage to WV reactor’ a) Press OISTOP] on operation screen, ) Confem content onscreen, Check thet watercourse of Sea to Seais secured, and press @{Confmaten}. (cote) (ooten) o—| "SYSTEM COOLING’ is cspayed in status play, and BWMS is changed over to cooing 4) tis dsplayes on soreen when att pump can be stopped ater cling operation. Conf content on sreen and stop bast pump, (ooten (onten) (ooten) (oven 0 62 69 8. Stripping (Option) 8.18tarting 2) Press O{Stipping on operation seen ®) Conf content onscreen. pen sea chest valve and overboard cscharge valve to ‘secure the watercourse of Sea to Sea operation Also, cose suction valve of educa. ‘Then press O{Confmation] button orm «The concton of BMS I changeover to warming-up operation (Flow eneckeswatecondcon= Lighting of UV ame) Flow check : FLOW CHEOK is dislayed inthe stats diay. 6 05 Lighting of UV lame: “UVLAMP LIGHTING" ela in the sats spay 4) Ris shown on sereen that ston valve of edule ean be opened, ‘Ate contring tis messa9e, open sucton valve of educa ‘The ow ate ac he amount of UV dose cannot be measured accurately whe suction vals. open Under the intuence of ir sucton. The fw rat, the amunto he UV dose andthe intonstyof UY Iuminaton ae displayed 2s “inthe stripping standard processing stale. 66 8.2 Stopping ‘Press. [Stop] button on sereen ) Confirm content on screen. Open sea chest valve and overboard discharge vale o secure the watercourse of Sea to Sea operation Als, close suction valve of ecucor. Then press {@{Confrmaton buten «) "SYSTEM COOLING’ Is dplayed in the status depay, andthe condton of SMS is changed covert coaing operation o 4) ig shown on screen that ballast pup can be stopped ater coalng operation, ‘top bast pum. [Benalast| ci ©) By preseng [Force stop] buon, BWM can be hated without stopping baat pump, ‘Maka sue thee no probe to clot al vaves before pressing [Yes] but, since al vaives| 2 closes ater pressing Ves] button es 26 9. Water Transfer between Ballast Tank (Option) Z\ WARNING ‘Do not oad and scharge water since ts not rested due to bypass operation. tt water is loaded or dschargd during bypass operation, itis ur 4) Press [Tank to Tan] on operation screen. oa 6 ) “Tankto Tank is dsplayed in stats cipay and BIMMSIs changed over to bypass operation. [rier ween} Leacttnesad 6) Open ballast tank valve for vanstering ballast water, ©) Starbatast pump. 1) After ballast water has transfered, stop ballast pump, 4) Close bats tank va, hy) Press OISTOP] on operation screen [BWMS closes valves and tops ee when detects tha fw rte lees than stand rate cy a 0 10. Manual Operation Manvel operations used when equipment needs to oprat separa in commisioning test ot inspection. [> Page 1874, Sructure of onto! Pane splay (MAINTENANCE (Manual Opertion In 10.4 Operation of Switching Valve Pressing status display (Cosalopen) of valve pays operation window of hat valve. Pressing "OPEN" or CLOSE” i window enables vave to ope o lose 8 n 410.2 Operation of Flow Control Valve Pressing ‘AUTO" or ‘MANUAL’ on seresnciplays mode selection window, 2nd enables mode [AUTO mode} From the ting when water route, passing ow conte vale is formed, hat means fit rievoutet ‘valve or dabalat valve is open, ow aos acustd ining at designe rate [MANUAL rose} ‘Pressing opening degree (chown wih enables seting of opening degree. C n 10.3 Operation of UV Reactor!” AXCAUTION Light Uv am” while vate passes in UV reactor Flue to obeeve this instruction may cause damage to UV reactor Pressing “UV uni dlsplays operation window of UV uni (Uv stato} LUV Lamp can be tured on or aft. [Seting UV dose) “Target dose of UV iraaten can bese under manual operation per site, Batch operation (! swing) of wiper can be operated, “0 8 10.4 Operation of Filter Pressing “Fit on scran delays operation window of ite, IHIPRESS. BACKWASH) High rescue backwashing can be sartd or stopped. (FuLTER] Fic element canbe rotate and stopp, “When iter element oats or high gressue backwashig is eletes to operate iter unt back washer net valve is automaticaly opened, “ ™ 41, Alarm List [BW equips ‘lar uncon, hat changes over equipment stopped state automaticaly, and nates" funtion, tat informs notice o be sete as soon as possible, bu does nt stop operating ‘equipment 1144 Informing Alarm and Notice Detected contents played on scrcn wih buzzer sound when BWNS detects alam orn, ao Pressing “CHECK” on infrmation window stops buzzer sound. Pressing thre again closes infomation window. Latest ms of ntrmed alarm and note canbe checked on ALAR screen, [DP Page 19° Stucture of Cont Pane! Dispiy [ALARM in Chapter. Informed alarm and notoe are reset when equipment retuns to ts normal sae of “STOP is pressed a 11.2 Alarm List 11.3 Notice List 6 6 6 ICHAPTER 5: MAINTENANCE INSPECTION 1. Maintenance Inspection 41.4 Lit of inspection items and Inspection Frequencies Z\ WARNING _ ‘Do not carryout any unnsructed operation Fr keeping Stay of SWS for long te and proverting trouble, cary out fllowing inspection ‘and cleaning pereseally, ‘Standard periods of perisical inspection and Gearing ae a lows. These are only @guide 1s they vary depending on operating conden (ari organism, beng too muda). caste amcnmmmrerens | a | 6 ata dene a ° Soy = © 4.2 Check of Filter Differential Pressure, Filter Pressure, Flow Rate and UV Irradiation \ WARNING Incase Wat numerical values abrormal, sap Operation medially, and conse MIURA oles Continuing apration with abnor numeral value may cause physical nur or oer serious aceidens Te. (Chock iter deena pressure, iter pressure, fow rato ad UV iradaton while BWM operating “4 ” 4) Faliow the precede in“. Inspection before Operation in Chapter and check ther while BWNS i operating. (> Page 20°1. inspection before Operation’ in Chapter 4 ») Check hat nested values of iter deren pressure and flow rate are standard value ‘Standard set value (operating vale) of {itr cterential pressure, tr pressure, and WV radiation Ballast Water Management System Dally Check List Date Time Place Signature Equgment tem Unk [essuetveion [Smaeaaatene [vodgment Flowmeter | Fowrate [im Tace7-120m [GOK [UNG UV reactor wrieaaion | miler 05-120 [OOK [ONG Fiat pee | KPa 02-40 Box [ENG Fite unit Fiterpress._| MPa 1s DOK [ENS Tret press. | MPa DOK [ENG Baisstpume [owietpress [Pa oie ‘Box [BNe Ballast Water Management System Maintenance Check List Dae [Time [Place __[Sinature_| Equipment | Contents of Work “ ning of UV Sensor”? ZA\ WARNING ‘Check at eparaton ie stppad or ure a, | Failure to obsowe tis instucon may cause physical jury er ther serous accidents Z\ CAUTION Te pa ih suf of UY sri ae WV sor Fe gas wi en ands ZA | orstnednrigivee Gating yon ertce ay cau ratrton of UV sna 28) Tum off treaker of conte panel and source pane b) Open UV reactor drain valve, and blow seawater in UV reactor. «) Remove UV sensor and UV senor protect aes Wipe of dit on surface of UV sane and UV sensor potatoes wih coh, ©) Cay outinctalatonin the reverse order to removal n 4.4 Space Cleaning of Filter Element {14.4 Manual Operation Mode ZX WARNING QQ crs crereri vert rs Falure to observe tis inructon may cause physical ij or other serious accidents 48) Open biw valve (V6), purge a vave (V8) and overboard discharge valve At 4 minutes, open ech wate fir inlet valve (V-14), rsh water vave (13) and space ‘leaning nozie cont vale (V2). ) Press (back wash pump part and [ON] on operation seen, [Ate pressing, back wash pump stars to operate and fosh water is shed nto fier unit 4) Press Qtr unt par, and [BACK FLUSH] on operation screen ‘Ate pressing, us cute ave (VS) opens and beck wash motor rotate, a ©) After 5 minutes, press Ofte unt part nd Not BACK FLUSH] on operation seen -Ator pressing flush out va (V5) closes aed back wash motor stops rotating. ‘) Press Oback wash pump part and [OFF] on operation seen. ‘Aer pressing, back wash pump stops operating 1) Close tesh water ter ret vale (V-14), Hesh water valve (V-18), space lering nazz cont, valve (V2) and purge valve (V8). 1) Close blow valve (V8) anc overboard ischarge vale. {142 Automatic Operation Mode (Option) (Chock that operations stopped for sure Fale to observe tis inructon may cause physica! jury or ther serious aiden ___ A WARNING @ 8) Open res water fier int vv (14), overosed eecharge vale and purge a root vale. 1b) Press OiFiter Wash] en operation screen, 22 4) "FILTER WASH (WASHING)" is csplayedin status display ater blowing fie unt, and start to ean element ©) Conti content on seren ater lenin element Fl ter unt wth esh water and ‘ress O|Confimation] on operation screen ae fling 1.5. Storage of Fresh Water {15.4 Manual Operation Mode ZX WARNING ‘hack hat operation sapped for ee In case that WIS hasnt operated for more than 4 days, lore fresh wate uly inside of sn | BUS. Fate to obser his instruction may damage to BWMS. o Fat to obser this instruction may cause phyeical ir oaer sais aceon £2) Carry out space clearing offer elrrent [D> Page 47*1.4 Space Clearing of Fiter Element in Chapt S ») Conte thatthe pressure inside of ter unit is 0. Incase hat ter is resiual pressure, open biw valve (V6) 10 rove resi pressure, ©) Open fesh water fier net valve (V6) and reshwater vave (V3), 1) Press. back wesh cule valve (V7) and [OPEN] on operation scren, ‘Ato rostngfesh waters poured int ter unt 51 2) Conf that the presse inside of iter nit and the resture ise of Kesh water iter unt ‘are the same. Aor contaton, press @back wash cute valve (V7) and [CLOSE] on eperaton {Close tresh water ter et valve (14) and resh water vavo(¥13), 35 4.52 Automatle Operation Mode (Option) ZAXWARNING Cac ileal ep Foxconn a ooo Bese pay. @Q | se tains cctovons & now tan dys oe fs wi iy rede ous Fonte cee hss oase BMS 2) Camry ou space cleaning of ite element [D> Page 471.4 Space Caring of iter Element in Chapt 5 ) Check hat he pressure inside of er unt io Incase hater is resiual pressure, open biow valve (V5) 0 rove resiual pressure Press blow valve (V8) and [OPEN] an cperatin screen. Conf tat here i no esa pressure, an press [CLOSE on operaten screen o cose iow vave (V8) 1] a || (aoe 3 86 ©) Open fresh water fir int va (V1). 9) Press Grech water vale (V-13) and [OPEN] on operation soon 1) Press @back washout vate (V7) and [OPEN] on operation screen, ‘Alor presang, fresh waters poured into far unit ‘Conte thatthe pressure inside oft urit and the pressure nso offesh wate iter unit are the same. After confimation, press @back wash out valve (V7) and [CLOSE] on operaton 1 Close fresh water inlet valve (V4), 55 a 4.8 Replacement of UV Lamp and Protect Tube A\WARNING & [eee reese wn ane LUV amp nasa sight amount of mercury inside an that may harm human body *S3'_| wash nands wih soap immedtely in case tht you touch it with bare hands 0 ene Fane to observe this insrucon may cause damage of equpment and physi iy. Z\ CAUTION Replace UV amp every £000 hours of operation ine ‘Do net touch surface of UV lari and protect tbe” With empty hands or stained wark sive. BA | cwtea aon surace cate atic of Wamp SEAR Uv tomp and protect tube may be damaged by aged deletion. Replace part prompt n case hat etaroraton, rack, ofthe problems a found 18) Tum off oreaker of conta panel and source pane b) Open UV react” bow vale and blow seawater in UV rear, 2) Remove i cover of both sides of UV reactor 8) Remove wing ofboth ends of UV amp fom terminal block, 20 ©) Remove cable gland, socket and aping, a ixbot ends of UV lam, i oder 8) Remove seal bracket of bath sides om tbe late J Seal bracket » a 1) Pulloutpretettube ttm tube pate toward wiper motor sie andremave Protect be 8 D_ Gan ern suze of Vt" and poet ibe wid dah Replace UV lap in cab al here is damage oF sbnomaly et used for 50D hous of pera ie 1) ntl pce ube, quar as packing and sal racket nthe reverse otro (6)=() 1) Tumentresker of control pane 1m) Chte UV react” ow abe. 1) pen bypase vate (1) by [Manel Operation) n[MANTENANCE] screen [D> Page 28°10. Marl Opera” in Chapter 4 ) Sixt baat ump ) Open cetatast wave (V4) and se bypass vahe (V1) By Manual Operton in (ANTENANCE sren and make wae pass tough UY react: Conn that ee is no water lake (D> Page 20°10, Manual Operator’ in Chater 4 Incase that here is water leakage fom UV reat, etghtn itt stop water leakage ©) Open bypass vale (V1) and close debalnt vate (V4) by [Manual Operation) in IMMAINTENANCE] seen. 1) Stop baast pump. 8) Close bypass valve (V1) by [Manual Operation in| MAINTENANCE] sree. 4) Turmoff treater of conto! pana 1) Install UV lam, spring, socket cable land and i cover of UY reactor in the reverse orto one. \¥)Tummon breaker of contol panel and source pan Ea 417 Displaying Records of Operation and Alarm A\ CAUTION A Do not press {DEL| displayed in window. LEX | presng (0&1 oaioye cle conten records are dtd you prose VES} Pressing [SD Card in ecard ereen splays records of operation an alarm stored in SO card 9) Press [SO Card) ‘Screen changes to he folowing soreen. Pressing QIDISP} dsplays folder, whic sores records, in 2 window. 59 92 b)- Select fete to confi, an press ODISP in window + Record te, which storedn folder, splayed. + Aer recor is tered in folder of “SAMPOT” and “SAMPOZ" (Operaton records stores in ode of "SAMOS" and “SAMPOA ©). Select few contim, and press JOI8P} h window ‘Contents offle ae delayed Rone tO na Teen «0 Sample of Alarm Record Ne * Fe name of operation cord and iam records sequential number staring fom “SA There a same fhe names, so pease cnt flerto recognize which records 4.8 Storage of Operation Record and SD Card Replacement Procedure A\CAUTION Replace SD card every 2 years ater commisscning test See ae ome : 93 8) Tu off reaker of convo panel b) Pullout $0 card which is inte behind touch pan. - ©) Copy a ata le tom SO car to personal compute fr storing records of BINS, using card reader et. Data canbe printed by personal comput. Tae Make new fold in personal computer for toring recs of BMS and name ita Gate of storage, Copy al data rom $0 cad into the new fl, Store used SD cad separately, - Ballast wate operation records folder: BALLAST DATA, Date of storage: October 26, 2013 gaara, | Sioar unis Install new SD card in touch pane. ‘®)Tuman brecke of conta! pane 2 95 2. Emergency Measures 2.1 Emergency Loading Incase that WMS dosen't operate due to matuncton ané should load water without using itr unit an LUV reactor” for safety operation of esse can operate emergency operation (bypass operation Incase tat Port State Cont! (PSC) scarred aut in po, load water aecordng fo intucton of PC's offer. 2.1.1 Procedure of Emergency Loading Operation (Bypass Operation) Z\ WARNING A Failure to secure overboard discharge ine may cause damage of equipment such as ballast pump, 12) Press status cp of bypats valve (V-1) on MAINTENACE (Manusl Operation) scren, (I> Page 36°10, Manual Operation” in Charter 4 6 b)_ Press [OPEN] which is csplayedin opration window t open bypass valve (V1) 12) Open soa chest valve and ballast tank vale, and tart baie pump, 2.2 Emergency Discharge In cate that BWWMS doesn’ operate due to maluncton and should discharge water without using UV ‘eto for safety operation of vess ican oprat emergency operation bypass operation, (ete) Incase that Pert State Contl (PSC) is cared outin pot charge water accoring to insbuctn of PSC’ ofr. 2.21 Procedure of mergeney Discharge Operation (Bypass Operation) ZXWARNING AA [Ferrer otzer cnet mayo coreg esa who bt ume, 2} Press status cspay of bypass valve (V1) on [MAINTENACE (Manus! Operation) screen b) Press [OPEN] whic is cplayedin operation window to open bypass vate (V1), 1) Open ballast ark valve on the ballast conto side and overboard scharge vale, and stat blast pump. 2.3 Records of Water Loading and Discharge in Emergencies In cae that bypass operation of BWM i cared aut racord te, me, place, sgnature, fow at and ‘eason as emergency measures Date Time Place [Sanatvre [Fowrate | Reason 3. Calibration of Sensor AX WARNING Do rotary out urinstrcted operation Fale to observe tis instruction may cause physical ijn. Ccary out parodia calibration for maintning safety operation fora long te and preventing rmatuncton of BWMS. Standard periods of calration areas flows. These are only a guce as they vary depending on ‘operating condition (marine organism, being oo muy) Senaornane | Petoa i press. sensor | 3 years ‘Calbraterusing water manometer UUveensor” | Daly | Confirm that ‘0”sinccated before operation. 5 yoars_| Replace itwih new one “emp. sensor | 1 year | Conf meas value wih the anbentemperalure Flowmeter | Daly | Confirm that's inceated before operation, years | Contim wing of eat ring CConfim adhesion of forcign substances and cortosion of electrode, rng ane eat rng, 7 era LOTS 4. Movement or Resale A\ WARNING 8 ‘Do not perm insalaton werk and conneston of inicerial equipment ules tis specie. Pa | Faure to cbsere his instruction may cause physi ry. Inesetin or reusing BWMS, procedure that is based on rls f each cassifcation must be taken. ‘contact MIURA ofices sinoa # must be checked that vessel equement does net affect normal operation of BMS, Isalaton werk or concton of ncdetalequiemant ha snot specified may cause physical injury four products re rsa, deliver nsuctn manuals and elated stats along vith producto new over, and inform us of resale (Ne nee to tansfer maintenance record tha is kept since twas placed in service) 2. Export \Wnen exporting products whose exports regutod under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. approval of the Japanese goverament for export must be csined, When MIURA products ere exported, pod and her use ae subject to many laws and regulation inthe destination county i ter is panto export MIURA products, contact MIURA offices. 0 98 %0 oats See isposal Procedure [BWMS must de sposed a incustal waste Dispose BWIMS property according tothe laws in the county where itt to be dispoted. For deta about recyeing of materia that is usedin his BWMS, contat MIURA oles Partculany, spose UV lamps” wth care accoring tothe lw inthe county where tis to be disposed sioco mercury is enclosed init o ee aCe 4. Description of Guarantee ‘Guarantee peri is ether offalloning, whichever comes fit “+ 12 months ae vessel is delvered, + 18 months ser equpmentis shipped EWS as trouble win hs guarantee pero, roubles repaired or pasar repaced for fee so that BMS functions 2 equred in agreement a ong a ithas ben instal and used property sccorng to intution manval, warning abel, ana oer instructions. “Troube win equipment her than MIURA rocuts thats sale on vessels not covered by this uarante. Deterioration of eonsumabie par snot covered by tus guararze unless itis abnermal deterioration In any of foloning ces, repair works charged even within guarantee pero (4) Failure oc damage that caused by wrong use, p00" maintenance, orimprope ep oF remodsing (2) Faire or rout due to natural asters suchas Fes, yphoons or unas oF ote external foto (@) Replacement of consumable pas (4) Other mates thats species inte agement i repaie works required outside Japan, rave expenses including acommodaton and transportation fees iso be charged. cannot be provide repair erves in counties where itis banned trav, If teres any question bout repair sence within or ater guarantee period, contact MIURA offes 2. Contact Information for Inquiries about Products and Instruction Manual Iryou have ay queston bout products that you puchased or about his insructon manval, contact MIURA offcos, (Conte ivormaton canbe found on back cover) 3. Sale of Instruction Manual you need inerucion manual for BMS, contact MIURA ofc. In that case lt us know voscel name, nationatyofvesee,vesel number, WMS number, anc ‘manual number on cover onstruction marl, 4, Sale of Parts you need parts hat are used with BWMS,contct MIURA ocos. Inthat case, let us know vessel name, nationally of vessel, vee! number, and BWMS number 6 MEMO 101 sevens iicaoaed Sd Taomirouteron Susan ane ene Ree Rema mmammorowncron — amma taanm erie aa NEES vonouuarouncesn. —jesteen mts nae Soe an NER, rommuarounceon. Sahni erage centers aa sananrone AiURAINUSTRIES SU2HOU) CO, LO. ‘SHANGHA BRANCH. SaP MACHINERY DMIGION Fors Bolang’ No nsong Ra. Chanonna Dat Shang chine ‘TE Gamat eae aus Fax (acetone 82 muRa NOUSTRIES (SUZHOU) Ca, Le ZHOUSHAN BRANCH, SHIP ACHINERY OMISION esr 202 Guang Jan She Dah N19 Cano 2a, Orgha Dat, aton Zhejiang 302, Cons {TEL woonto 20 6 ro 850 2268268 Noel casneng Bou, auton, Jang Set ‘Shag abiegr P Robe Tar fest worse Foc aber ents 2076 ‘2.DENMARK ‘SCANOAVIAN SOLER SERVICE AS a ogyoer 000 Foe (asa 10 S.GERMANY Tadao 2 30s semegcemesy Foe (oh 3 one 4KOREA Bone YANG ENGNEERNG ‘Ter teas sae e508 Foc Gazi 2 830 ‘Sen este 52, ene 4, Oong.tyeo, Yaz, Sacto Se earn 724 Fe Cage s0t 772 Mase ania, Prion ‘ervesaaioarie Foc ese a 00 ImURa SOUTHEAST ASA PTE.LTO, Shenae eee Tee eeseae tay ak ete 8 {Pandan aoe, Singapoe 12830, Tal (ser ake Foe eserreeret ‘Brenan Read Segepae S376 ‘al espouse Fe (sone 390 T.TAIWAN ‘hee nef Sao 2 esting Ry Bat, Taps 00a Tek caesar 190 aX amb 27329000 ‘eNaSi:Lane oe chung eR Ong Shan et esking Tata a (an) 2 Serena Fe (ae) 2 2araeta Mn YUNG MACHINERY LTD. 27 Shn Shi i, Yon Cher Dart Kaohlng, aon 2 aes Fe (Ses 358 S.THE NETHERLANDS Eimeraeao 02188 c,h TEL soos: sara Fax (ostcbt ens Iatenebetnde ie com FUN TRADING MARINE). Tatamoa ans Poe (nose seer OPERATION MANUAL BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM _HK_ Published by MIURA Co..LId. Ship machinery Dept. Jul 2013 ‘All rights reserved, Copyright © 2018 MIURA Co.,Ltd. No patt of this publication may not be reproduced, transmitted, distributed or ‘modified, in any form or by any means, without the writen permission ofthe publisher MIURA Co. Lt. Visit us at www and get the latest information and Service News! Printed in Japan 102 SECTION 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE BALLAST SYSTEM. TANK CAPACITIES Capac labo ‘Tonk Goneig Pumps availabl P&B / BALLAST PUMR, PT.(C)(FM.) aa1ss [peas pump DEEP TPS) 252.55 ® NO WBEO 148.85 " NO. WING TPIS) 230.08 ” No2WBT@S) 10.7 " Noa WBE) 129.21 » NOs WBTO a7.62 » No«WBTES) 183.20 » NOs WBC) 210.82 » NOsWERTO 260.67 » NOS WETS) 203.00 > No7 WBS) 174.45 a NO. HEEL.2S) 179.13, * NO2 HEBLT®) 221,90 a NO2 HEEL TS) 221.90 » NO.a HEELTO) 21478 # NOS HEELS) 24.74 fi NO« HEBL.T(P/S) 168.29 " PUMP CAPACITY PUMP, RATED CAPACITY. FIRE, BILGE & BALLAST PUMP 250 (90m x 15/ 65m FIRE & GS PUMP 250 (90m x 18 / 65m 104 we ee ae SS SE we foe. | SS [car | cor aim | Se aioe 2s a - Not/Applicable All Wor Ballet aks sty the minimum requirements for Vong, Souning, and Overow Pipes, ax stated below ‘Whore tanks ar fll hy pump prsrue the agree area of ho vets fr tanks to be at ast 125% of the efinctiv area af tho filing ne, exept that when overflows are ted the area of the orerow i wo beat least 200% oft reson the Sil ne se the vents ned noted the above minima es. In addition, the pump capacity and pressure head aro to be considered in tho ving of the vent and coreriows where high pasty or high head pumps are used, clusions demonstrating the adoquacy of thevent and redo arto be ulated, 108 ‘Ballast Treatment System Principal item 1) Name: HK ~ 300 2) Number : 1 3) Capacity : 300 m'/a 4) Pump : Fire & Bilge (250m /t), Fire & GS (260m /t) 5) Methods Used : Filter + UVLemp (Ballast) UVLamp (Debaliast) ‘Sediment Control and Methods [ ‘Dk ‘Bottom Mush | Weteret DEEP R&S) NOAWBRO NOAWBRPSS NOZWATPRS NOS WREPED NOsWanO NOAWRPES NOs Wares) NOSWETO NOS WATIPES NOTWRTO NOTWRTS) ‘Noa WINGTIPAS ‘NOAHEELTOPAS) NO HEELTIPAS) NOSHERLT@AS) NOAHERLTP AS) ‘Timo Required For Tho Flow Method ‘Balle Tse ‘Time for Hchangs Not Applicable WARNING: (Inco that Flow through Motho sein ud, tis mosary pir to this operation to pen the wate gh manbulel ofthe orespanding an (@tsrexmamended that only one panp shouldbe wed for bllatng and detllasting ‘cng lls tank, 107 SECTION 4 BALLAST WATER SAMPLING POINTS. “This section is confined to identifying ballast water and sediment sampling points ‘There i unk ‘expres roquost, and under the supervision, ofa quarantine officer. ly wo be any need for crewmembers to take samples except at the ‘The plans below indicate ballast water and sediment sampling and access points in 3 watar tank, go that crewnnembore can quickly assist quarantine officers ‘who wish to obtain ballast watar and sediment samples, Quarantine officers must be advised ofall eafety procedures tobe observed when ‘entering enclosed spaces. the bal |, SAMPLING POINTS [REFERECE DATA *X: LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION (+: FOREWARD, -:AFTWARD) *Y TRANSVERSE DIRECTION (+: STARBOARD, «: PORT) SAMPLING POINTS ACCESS FOR wo | TANKNAME ve] x | ¥ ree | sepiMent 1 | DEEP Teas) 150 | oz | +418 2[Norwar@ ——|r4s| 075] 265 a[Noawereas) [150] 020] 035 a[Nozwerras) |198| 098] +120 slNoswanres) | us| 036 | +152 e|Noswar@ 90 | 016] +138 zNoawanees) | | o9s| +192 s[voswarmes) | 66] 035] ruse SOUNDING | WATER TIGHT o|Noswax 90] 058] 092 pire MANHOLE, 1o[Noswanees) | oo| o35| nse u| Norwane) | o1a| 137 12 |NorWwER®) 2s| os] sos z2[Noawiner@as |192| 020| nse 1s|Noaneen. reas | na] -o2a| Hus us| Nozneet reas) | 90] -025| +152 1|Noonmen. reas | 67] -02a| ue we [Noaneet. reas) | «| 020] +1182 Oo SECTION-5 ‘THE, WATER: "The nesaty of prplanning ito nse ha al ety onieraticn a adromed in Seton @ an aren compliance with ala water eaten or arent options ‘Tiontment Seme ‘Ax equa in Hogltin Df th Convention, Ships condi Ballast Water Managenent in ‘scrordanon ith thie relation sbll acarge los Us 10vaheogansns pr cubic tr greater than ‘or equl 1 $0 micrometrein minimum dimension and ees than 10 viable organisms pe ililiter les than ‘0 micrometersin minimum dimension and greater han o equa to 10 misrometr in sium limon’ aed dacarge ofthe ndetar mites al nt aoe the specie concentrations dered in ‘he flowing pragrep. Incoutor mires aa human health tana al incu 1 Toxanenic rp aera and 0139) with es than 1 ony orming unit per 100 mailers dese than Io per ram (et weigh znoplantoncamploss 2 Bacherichia clas than 280 efi poe 100 lilies 8, Intetnal ere los han 10 fi per 10 mites, ‘A alee Water Manageent Sytin it any system which pros ballot wate such chat it meats ot ‘cued the Ballas Water Performance tava in Regulation D2 ofthe Convention ‘The Ballrt Waser Management System includ Ballat Water Testment Equipment, all execated (Conirl Bauer nd Sapling Fact, Dallas Water Treatment Equipment is equipment which mechanically, physically cml bcp prozac singularly orn embinatin, to remorse harmless o avoid te uptake or ditharpe Hlarmfl Aquatic Oris ane Patogens within Ballet Water and Sediments ‘Ballet Water Treatment Pquipment may be operate a the uptake ce dcharg of ballast water, during the ‘oyag, oat combination ofthe events Ballast water management systems natal on Bard sould aneurin ain o compan with dhe ‘enventian equirement, obo ype approved and eleva certiatzs tobe edly avaabie onboard ‘When sich astm i ited on boat chold be operated in accordance withthe astm desi etaria ap] manufactwos operatic and meintnanesneetios ns contained inte relevant bets, ‘When the ayetom enonntrs fre andor malfmtions, those ar to be rsd in de ballast reco tele "The working principe ofthe applied BWTS into be shown nthe peraton bot” ‘Tho necasity of peplanning ato ensure hat al ality consderatin as adssed in Seton 6 an 7 are in compane with bala exchange, blast water treatment of ther contol pons 1. Ballas Weter xchange Ballas water exchange in open water ae the need to i exchange shold be crefily eatined ana prepare in vanced, na sina manner tothe preparation of eargo plan fr lade voyage, nd with ‘ho same degree of thoroughness, ‘Tho Convention rouie tat veel hl cod blast water exchange "At lset 200m from the mere and alin wate at est 20 in dept i this iene possible ‘far rum the neret and a pal, ni inal eo lent 502m fm Se rare and te in water et 0 in pth + Inson areas designate ty the Pore Stats ‘All ral and/or national regulation shall taken into consideration as may specif other depths and ‘iene fom land A chip wil no be roquina to deviate rm tented page o ely the wage in oda czy with ‘any particular requirement tated above {In ation ifthe master decides reasonably that an exchang wad threat the sty stability ofthe ship, crow or te passenger Because of adverse wether, ship design cr srs, equipment fluro ey ‘thar extraordinary condition ho int roquzed to campy with above pareeaphs. ‘Thore aro threo methods of Ballast Wator xchange which havo boon evaluated and aceptd by the Organics ‘The three metho ve tho coquetial methods the ow through method and dun meth, ‘The flow-through meth andthe cilston method ar conidered ax” pump through” methods LL Soquntial Metin ‘The Sequanil Method” ia proces by which a ballast tan ieteded fo the crag of allt water ie {rst emptied and thon filed wth replacement ballast water to pchiow at eta 89% por ont vlumetic ‘ochange. In coch tank, all of the Yllst water hou be discharged unt auton of the pump i ot, end srr pumps or edutors shoul bo sed ifs. ‘hin nto avoid a pambl ination, where erga ae lei the atom part fee tank, theta is efile with new water which may allow reemergene of organisms. "Toe sequent method rogues arf planing an monitaring by Ue sip tl to mitigate ia tothe hip inept of: Tonga erengeh yams ‘tom forear lamang propeller emergence intact tabi sand ‘dg sty 10 ‘A detailed stp by sep operational desition of th ballast exchange sequence edie given in Sotion 8 ‘which shouldbe consulted pray, using ad afer he exchange in adit othe afety consideration in Section 6&7 ‘AL he ste Use ship stuf should be taking act hi positon in tlaton to the land, navigational ‘za, shipping density, caren and feast mentor, machinery performance end degree fre fins, sire prosaing wo the nat para p2 any factor ar sidered unvorable the lat exchange soul be xsperdd or halt. 412. Pow through Meth Por Retiees) Flow through Methad ina pres by which eplaceent ballast water pumped nto Balla tank intonded forthe caring let wor along water oom hag oefin or the arrangements nae st deus 96% por eent ohare eachnge of ballet wate. Pumping through three timo the volume ofeach ballast water ank wal hal be onde to meet the standard deserted above, ‘Pumping through les than theo time volume may be asp pried the chip can demonstrate that at least 95% percent vaumerc exchange eet. ‘The owthrough method la the dvntage tat it can be und in weather conditions which would be ‘margaal for woof tho squontial mothed, cnc theo i lo change to Th candion of tho ship and ie relay oy by hip tall However, the Flow-teough method introtue crsin other sks and prolame which may be cnsdered bie ning thie pode Refers to Seton 6," Safety procedures the ship andthe ce” ‘The diandvantage are that nt all tank are designed witha hed othe top ofthe oven, Moreover some tank configurations cn he ficult Bush Urogh five in price clr double ‘bcm span and pak tank ‘Thre ra danger of oer preeerzation of tanks an there can be an aocumulaton of water on dak, which ‘in aub zo texperatare condos ake the method iprecteal and dangerous far cr Icon pumps ad piping willespensnce a neat in wor od “Te ahov in nition tothe sft aspects adress in Sxin 6&7 shoal eaely cons ant Sales where apple ‘Where peak tanks are partial fled, che flow through method shoul be avoided uss any inadvertent ‘soosting of th dasgn paral filin levee wll no sit nhl ier ending moments and shar fos useing the perms ales, 18, Diluson Meth (Fer Rtn) Diluson method is a proses by whch replacement ballast water ified through the tp of th allat tank intended or dhe casings of ballast water with simultaneous docarg rom bottom a eam fw eae and ‘maintaining a constant lovin to tank though out te bast exchange operation to achive at as 08% peremnt velumeticexchange fllsst water ‘Paamping thr thre ier he vue of ach ballet water tank lly sl be considered omet the standard decribed above. Pumping through ss than threo teeth volume may be azeptad provided tho ‘up be demonstrat haat east 5 percent volunetricendhange met m ue {8 PrecationnryPrctios ‘Minis uptake harmful gust organians pathogens and sodimenta ‘When londing tllst. every ert should be made to avd the uptake of potently harefl aquatic orgie, pathogen and oedinent hat ny contain uch organs, "The upto llr water shold be minimized or whore pracsebl, sai in areas and uations ach aren identified hy the ar Stain cnn with aie relating ares with oulhea,infstations or known populations of aaflrguians and pathogens ‘ares with current phtoplanken boo (algal bom, sch sed ies) ear ssa cule oar dredging epertions ‘when til teri wn tobe the moe ti and ‘ree whae tidal fushingisown tobe por. In davkess when bation welling organisms may rie up in the water tum Inovery shallow water ce ‘where propellers may sr up aliments, i is necessary to tako anand decharge Illast ator in the came port tn fiat eae cargo ‘poration, ar shoul be taken to ave ceca chars ofall water that as bee akon tpinanother port. ‘Minimize departure and arrive bila quntites hu always within the Constraints of sabenangaton by Nonreleae or minima release of bella water Tmncave where ballast exchange oocer treatment option ar ot posse, hela water may bo tana in tanks or has, chal this not be psi the hi shoul only dishare the minima exential amount of ‘let water endance with Pot Sta contingency eaten. « Diaharg to espn faites epi faite or ballast water end or stimont are provided by @ Port State they should, whore appropite, be sz 113 he aly condeatons for BTS are shown in the poration menial” 1. Buchango et Son ‘The exchange of alt water in open sa has tobe distinguished hom ballast operation cared ot in ports cr abatred water, ‘Balla wate cpration tsa sth potential to bo mare hazarows than belt wate operations nied utinpor. ‘The ballast exchange sequnas deste in Soto 8 inate sequences forthe exchange of ball water ‘wing the method apple toi chip. A dessin should be mae tthe completion of cach sequence, taking secount fatrs suc othe ships position, weather forecast, machinary pecornanse, stabi, erenth, dogo of crew fate, bere preseng tothe nest sequen, Way fare azo considered unvorabl tho ballast exhango a decison should bo mado if exchang> operons shoul be uepended unt emutions become favorable cr hate, CContingoney produes for situations which may aft bllst water exchinge at a, incuding rosea | + | a 1.4 WELT. stop apo fro ec. stot ao ar | as asa ves] 085| 085] Gee] oor) -3.59| 068 OPELER ETON [ore aro] oe 1 cal | ase] ner] a | ibe WSTELAT 7 a |. to | 0-00.00 [ass] aa) ass 7 — fren) ee [ess [ane res 7 9o1T1h MME BLAS Ln BIOITIONGER — BNLAST LO, cNOHTON SH) aa oo | ed | PRY [a = RHE te sues ou 1 Be a ite — Saree Here — a Heeee at ‘LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CORVE In Still Mater (Sea Going) >> a. a a S osling Mle.) ut 5 se SUMMARY prem TET eT HE CT S30 aa oe | a ICT Me OR) | , SRR | — aad oz ee De Stasiuity eo aT rm ewes eC) 2 01714 NE = SRLS LOD cNOIIONIN) — BALAST LO CHOICE LLL ss) wer TAS TRS fuera te ae 8 ieee oe 2 He iB see ait re 150 151 STEP 1 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE In Still Water (Gea Going) >> —1 = « gear cea tm eee Few o 86 os mse sk muon en SUMMARY Tac Ce [Ta STRERaTR ewes | aE ICT, eRe U8) | ae SR FRE Co | Wat R92 re eee] aR sl STABILITY, 2 eae a ewes tats oo Teling Meletéer) 710 HE = ALS! 0B oHOITIOKIN — BLAS Lom cmDrTON SO aaa wo OT eer ae Toe ee ua 4 CO Iara = weet 1g) i ee : ee oe eecetit te : + 152 STEP 2 ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE, <& In Still Water (Sea Going) >> ein —— - ayn rere) aa SUNWARY peo |e DE GENO 530 Srasiuity eC Tar 7m EMTS cal 8) 2a ooling Arlee.) 01714 NE = LAST LOD ROTTEN) — ALAST LOD oHOLTONSH = oo) OT | Yah | a » ee een Eee i Baers = i s Eaes——T* ie ts Pasar cer fetta | feet Hapoel eee Sl ete 155 STEP 3 aN > g85 mato C OS ALON SF &F sUWNARY Sane] Tar et oom a erneneTe cea — aa | aH EEA | ae ‘Sera te] — arse ee rae te ee a feu east 33 moron WHE MLAS Loe RETOUR — BLAST LOE, oHOLTLON SR au oo | TT TRS TA (ae “algal ealael pe : : a - 8 8 o fe a Ene 5 atone —ta frre Tey ee a Pe To ae le in 187 STEP 4 (LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH. CURVE G In Still Water (Sea Going) >> os Aue 8 SUMMARY rey [Tin at OKs) Bae STRENGTH ace — w= | maT [Pr ets) |e TOIT oreo Se FRE C0 aes STABILITY ILC Ta IRD es) bit Wosling Pretax.) ComeTION MME = ALAS 10 oNOITONER) — BLAST LO CHOLTION Trew oo ATE |e | AS] a eae ee Here SRS ere Ears 7 ee Ee Sessa Ces = ee ponte a ee eure = Soe Biaers $ ue a eines ig + Oo ‘LOMGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE < In Still Nater (Sea Going) >> EF eae a gee 6 ous Se vee + ary uot a i SUMMARY -STABILITY_CURVE [aE —ce TT = ie NE CH sir STRENGTH | — TCT eee) [TR SA RREE | WSR Fee ey [ea STABILITY eal et La Heeling Angles) ron HE RLS Lp EBTTONGER — ALAST LO, oHOITIOND 10 Tey oo SEP a Oo JHBR BORE] oe parra—tey]—sar] [oe =n oe 181 ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE & In Still Nater (Sea Going) >> Tie eg ra 86 oS ALO SF sk ert) on SUMMARY RET — IF — eT JE) — Cn) ae TTRENATA So ral |— a wee U8) [RB SOR ARE C8 |W RL jeep ne STABILITY rea aca a fei eo i Tecling MaleCéos) 0714 NE = LAST 0 oNOITONSIN) —~ ELAS 0 cworTEN OD oo co] | UF | ul be a Le Se et eat ged le : = —Pe ah HEPae Ee $ SE merge fet oe 163 E0DEZ8 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE, In Still Mater (Sea Going) >> os Ls se aon a SUMMARY prc tet vem Ue SI CSOs | — aC eRe US) [IT f SOR RE | Tas RO rer ES) LR OD STABILITY, eu Tay oy [seo ear rey ze Tooling Aale(@oe) 2901T1oh MME NLA LH > ft mo = muse se, vetot | —— : ore ge 34 on SUMMARY STABILITY RYE. a baer ae — tn) STREW ca E19) 7 Be FE me ante [ened ew (nyt Heeling fel ee) OIT1ON WE: BKLAST 1010. cODITIOHD — BLAST LOW oworTIN Gm tree co | PY TVR | aT TS | ee Henrie kas c ae Hot TY Bor fiwrete Burr) ce) | a m Aum SUNMARY ERECT [Tae eT HEH CT St STRENGTH |wiceaose.— marr EC A RR ree 8S Stasiuity ea —Ca a Weoling tele.) eae eC) 2a moh HWE SRLS Lo NOITONIH — LAST LOK CHOON uA oo ET er er lve eae guree ae ite i Bate : o— : et oo : co a et — eee 173 (COND. NAME: BALLAST LOAD. CONDITION (60S) —> BALLAST LOAD. CONDITION 0S). STEP 12 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE < Im Still Mater (Sea Going) >> ON 8 a SUMMARY TST Te TC MT Oe ee STRERaTR COM — Way | Ser ome U8) WD 1 SORARE (Wo | Ww 6 mee) | STABILITY, ue —Tay a re tat 8) za Toling Pelotéoe.) CONDITION MAE + BALAST LAD CONDITION COR) —> BALLAST Loa, cMDLTIN EON) si a io) TH Ter War | eb eye 2 let aie a ate Boe lier . oe eeeere i States ima! tf thie 1” [LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE « In Still Water (Sea Going) >> erat = sunaey muon SUMMARY STABILITY RYE [EET] 1 O60 Un) ‘0 STRENGTR TON way | Te emt Us) | SARE CTH me] eR STABILITY aI —Tay aa EWS tals) Za Teing Male@oe) MOITION WME BALAST 04D CODITIONCOA) —+ BALLAST Lom. coITION(5) sist Li oo [TT TRF er eh rere aces abe : et e . eae = ite 7 Shoe : He 7 eure eal tg a ae eet sa i” LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE In Still Hater (Sea Going) >> 2 w geeeiigea al ¢ Fo. © Ho: Lo SF vera = sunny aun SUMMARY TREE Ta A oem) a STRENGTH COON — Way | Ba AA emt) | SBR C0 | WIT ren eee) a STABILITY aul — Tay Te Tooling Males.) c9prTON WME < LAT LOB caOITINNSOD ~ BLAST LOO. cHBrTIOND u lala oo RT TES Teer Hee — ee — ES HOBt terest | a- ‘2 fers ae [aE $ fer et TPT fern 1-0) erty ceT ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE <& In Still Mater (Sea Going) >> g Tooling Melee.) uot sk uot o SUMMARY SENT — Ce] — Ta eT Be Cn ea | STRENGTH COA |— a RTT MeO SERRE CO | WOR RT ME] SO sTastLiTy ena Ca =m ees ra COMDITION NE = ALIS LO. COBITIONEOD ~ BRLAST O10, COITIONN) Tre oo | ey | er TS cities ae ae cas i fermen poe Hr ae 0 suas row ‘STEP 16 LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE ‘eling Angle.) mum s¢ —— 8, muon en SUMMARY [sue Ta peer oem Co Se STRERATR CoN, — a | MIE) | OD SI FRE Cn | Wa FR ME Ca) | RO STABILITY, eo Car im remy ea C8 23 181 TIO WE: BALA 049 cITIOSHD —~ BALLAST LO0.oHDITIN UMA oo RT TRS TR Ta Tar es = Reco — fa ines] ara + ieisore a i FT cr Shear sit] $35 1 clea re} —a| ne 000 an 1 Ti] tee | Ta ae ear 8 serene, Son oa a ere een iar saree a orn on] ser or wee a ep reeee Teo ae te 3] fermi “pat — ase] tort—na a parraeg ter] [age te1} tar] [re ta) | 0 Sart 1|— ar (yp 2 fee ust aya] en] [asetayt} — fer —0 fata —] [ree te =] eas 102 STEP 17 ‘LOMGLTUDINAL STRENGTH QURVE In Still Water (Sea Going) >> EDDE2S ocing Aalo(@oe) ALO en SUMMARY. ToT Ce [Tar aT Jett sa CBO — Wal [ae aL wae 18 Te a fr 9 RE Co| at eae TTABILITY, ea 7a EUS eat) 1 1710 WE ALT 190 OwOITONGER — BALA LoD OHOITON SOD onEE wo TOT | UES | eb i ae Sara * atte fete Saas reer a a artis at ue erty at i rere ! a a Pane ‘STEP 18 doueZs LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE < In Still Mater (Gea Going) >> SUMMARY STABILITY cuRVE_ [Ever at DET S60 Co sa STRENGTH ao oe o Bets) |e BD e SEAR FBRECO_| we 08D mn cet Heeling Ares.) 185 morToW 1: LAST Llp cROITIN om) ~ BALAST Lon. BTN TTF on const aes] wour werse Te 2 9[ 1a Bs] ae ca Te H — 100 accu Ti permet ta oT 1 co fic E88 3] S05] SFT te] [ae oe 187 ‘STEP 19 anneas ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE, < In Still Mater (Sea Going) >> a C Fem b o = mu sf —— ae, year | acy me u SUNHARY STABILITY uve pore re pur oew C3) un TIREWGTH eee eat — ee a a Sat a eo ae STABILITY saat ze ean tae 25 Heine Pee) orTn MME: MLAS Lo OLTON GOH — LAST LOD cHOITIONSD LL woo | PTT MEY TR TS Tae a ee See setae eee es au 188 LOWGIUDINAL sReNSTH CURVE Going) >> «Instill veto exer pone * SUMMARY TERETE] Tae eat te aa pa nO Re oa SERRE (| Fa ees) staptuity a —Tar er ee) bata = ecg Melee.) WOTTON WE = ALAS LW, ROTTONSOD ~ BALAST LO. cOBTTON) 190 amie co re eb nr ows io] es noo re —t aH Cea Tae oo mE Eo ‘ear al seme TS ear | terrae ter | Paste} ta fre : fair me fase — ar 191 STEP 21 E0NEZS LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE In Still Water (Sea Going) >> eer sooner rere) oe SUMMARY STABILITY cuRvE [arose cy es ost ts coo — a aw] wate) |B a BOR ARE (| WR ee CS) [aR STABILITY awe Ta reutns e—T zi Tsing Pleas) 01710 WHE = BLLAST LOB ONDITONSER) — BLAST OND CHOON 182 arEe oo Te UE Te er = ee % sees eee Hee Heirs =a) te i 193 ‘STEP 22 Ho — Sabo se sooner ert) SUMMARY ERR Te BAT OER) Cn) STRENGTH BEN — Way aa A me U8) | SORE CMe | Wo seni ees) ee ue — Tay ra Heeling Maletoe) 901710 WHE + LAT LB OHOITIONID — BULA Lo cHorTON SOD ae oo RT] ORY | We TT f= Ht TOTAL | -2.31] -2na0n.22 | e.9s | roavao | 1002-15 Sart ates | er O 195 STEP 23 he <8) SIEa! Me ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE << In Still Mater (See Going) >> SUMMARY mee Te ET AEN) az STRENGTH a — ees | a wT aes) | BEATER (80 | wera ae “oR STABILITY TEC Tey co reat ea) za Hecing Peo) {OWOITION WHE = BLAST LOB CROLTIONEOD ~ BALAST LAD. cOHDTTONSD ULL co ST cl cil ioree he ih BSE EP PEEP FRE REERES pra 197 ‘STEP 24 ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH GURY < In Still Water (Sea Going) >> SUMMARY TEBE | Te BRET AW Ca) 530 STRENGTH aT Tr Sragiuity re Cay 7H eats eal 2 nai WHE = LAST caorTONGOD ~ BLAST Loo cma Tm oe a a er ret aoa ae aon feito at et a ierim ei{ ata oer EE $5] hs Bs [seme i389) 35 MS ——TeT pay Pe Cay PT TTT erred fetes | [ee cay mart mcr sae] fue] —— | Poor ta five ead free ted et ‘LOMGHTUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE & In Still Rater (Sea Going) >> SUNMARY pene [Tea DRT NEW CT or STRENGTH |e pore | aa IC MeO) a a ee es) Tae ae a Stasiuity Too —ar =H Realy eC 27 Toting Arlee.) OrTIO WHE SALAS LO} cOBTIONSON ~ BALAST 10. crTION anes col RTT Wee Te TST a Te [a cvs 01. i at o Fe a far oe as tar] — 09 201 ‘LONGLTUDINAL STRENGTH QURVE, & In Still Water (Sea Going) >> c rw a veto samc AaB — SUMMARY TEBE CET] —— Ta Dart see Sa face a — Me) |e ee eR FRE | — ete tsa StasiLity UL Te aa eu tats aat Teling foelGee) OTH HE: SALA 04. cTIONSI) ~ BALLAST Oo. crT1OH aed col Ter Ts | ar fase an or cvs 0 0 fiers Ta TERT! mast pour Burl) “Ce | 202 208 EF LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH CURVE, <& In Still Mater (Sea Going) >> © no Sue over ute SUNWARY STABILITLURYE Tae] ae er aK C=) ST RENGTR CBE — wa] —Be mE 18) © OREO a me Sy STABILITY rea ea Tay re ND tat) 2 led = |2/3)2|3| lela Heeling Mee) 204 APPENDIX 3 Assessment Criteria for Sequential Method and Definition of Sea State According to WM.O. 205, ASSESSMENT CRITETRIA FOR SEQUENTIAL METHOD LONGITUDINAL STRENGTH "Tho Longitudinal Stength ofthe ship should be cnsidore edoquata fin any eave the value of Bending Moments and Shots Fores do not exceed the permissible ones ‘Whon tis intended oil. empty or partially Hl Water Ballast Tanks during voyage, the Mastor should ensure chat tho above Longitudinal Strength limit willbe maintained a al times ‘STABILITY "Tho Stability ofthe ship is considered to be in compliance withthe requirement of IMO Bog. A749 (19) Ch. 81 ‘Whon tis intended til, empty or partially fl Water Ballast Tanks during a voyage, ‘the Master should ensuze that the required stability eraria willbe maintained a all ‘MINIMUM DRAUGHT FORWARD As stated in tho ship's approved Losding end Stability Infemation Boake, ™ Foge Deaught mast be not oe than (X) in onder to avoid slamming keep the forwaed visibility” Ths ‘fore =X For step /sequences where the Minimum Draught Fare isnot satisfied, it _scommended thatthe operation is cari ou in calm sas, ig nor som stato, unless an acoptabl sea stato have boon defined, ‘MINIMUM DRAUGHT AFT ‘The Minimum Draught Aft isthe draught atthe perpendicular, which ie necessary to obtain fll mmorsion ofthe propeller ropellrisfllyimmersed when Tat = Y =5.116 For stop / sequences whore propeller immersion isnot full, the Master i tobe ‘vig that all necessary precautions will have to taken daring these sequences 206 STATICHEEL ‘When itis intended wo fil, empty o partially ill Water Ballast Tanks during a ‘Voyage the Mater should ensure thatthe vse tranaverse ange of hel wll be ined blow one (1) degree a limes, For stp coquance whore the static hee eritrin eno atid, the Master ie ‘Advised thatthe eel angle wil bo increased during this te / sequen [BRIDGE VISIBILITY FORWARD. Bridge Visibility should comply with SOLAS 1974, Chapter V aafety of Navigation, ‘Regulation 22 Navigation bridge viability ‘Asan indication of bridge visibility, the view ofthe cea surface forward of the bow fom the conning position isto be not more than two ehip length or 500 m whichever les, ‘Max. bridge invisible length 263.82 m Where bridge visibility forward rtarion isnot stistied, the Master bide viability forward willbe reduced during thee sequences, eee gh ben predate le 1220 al oi omnes De 280 al japan De 180 al ornate feng pnt pnt koe 2 rats eps’ Hie Sl Parana i hired iach er hl tne seth iat a 207 _PLOPELLER IMMERSION Propeller immersion fr Ballast Condition is determined 38 fellows andi tobe at Teast Tat - OH PI x 100% > 50%, where Dp —~ Forthe Brample ‘Taft AN Draught Dp + 420 m (diameter of propellee) H+ 8,016 m (ehaft center height above baseline) For stops sequences where the propeller immersion criterion snot satisfied, the ‘Mater adviced that the prepelor wll nt be fully immersed ‘Spocil attention shouldbe drawn to the keeping of minimum draft at APat any conditions. The Master hast keep draught Wat AP eapablo fr tho operation of propel, ‘SLOSHING “The uso ofthe soquenial suethod wil eeu in partial illingofballae tanks or holds ‘Which, when contemplated fr son ging conditions, could pose a rick of significant Ladd to sloohing induce bythe ship motions. ‘Sloching studios indicated that the flowing eases should not pos a slashing ik * double bottom tanks * apse tanks of blk carro in the heavy ballast conditions For topside tanks of bulk carver in the normal / light ballast condition, skehing ‘mulation studies indicated et pata lings inthe range 70% 85% may result in Significant lads, which could excod the eapabilityof the sloped bulkhead structure. 1s ieonended that such operation i carved out up to mvert For ballast holds of bulk eneiers in the heavy ballast condition, sloshing simlation studios have indicated that partial Slings may result in signieant loads, whieh could coed the capably ofthe sloped bulkboad structures, Iti esommended that such ‘operation is ersod tin cal ea, Le, za oa state SLOSHING "Tho use ofthe sequential method will recut in patil filing o ballast tanks or holds Wihich, whon contemplated fr co ging conditions, could pose a vsk of significant ‘Loads due o sloshing induce bythe ship mations, ‘Sloching studios indicated that the following case shold not pogo a sloshing vsk double bottom tanks * topside tanks of bull ator in the heavy ballast conditions or topeide tanks of bull carrier in the normal / light ballast condition, sloshing ‘mulation studies indicated that pata lings in the range 70% - 95% mas result in Significant lads, which ould exood the capability ofthe eloped bulkhead stractre {tis recommended that euch operation i earrod out up to moderate se, For ballast olde of ble carirs inthe horvy ballast condition, slashing simulation ude have indicated chat partial lings may result in signiient loads, which could xced the capability of the eloped bulkhead ctrutures, Its recommended that auch operation i need out in calm 26, ie. nro sea eats, 208 DEFINITION OF SEA STATE ACCORDING TO WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANISATION ‘SEA STATE ACCORDING TO W.M.O SEASTATE | DESCRIPTION | RANGE OF SIGNIFICANT WAVE, cope RIGHT (METERS) © ‘Calin (glasy) © 1 ‘Calis (rippled) o- a 2 Soot (wavelet e105, 3 Slight 05 = 135) 4 Maderate 12s 28 6 Rough 25 40 é Very Rough 40-60 7 High 60-90) @ ‘ery High 20-140 ° Phenomenal Overt ‘he sanieant wave hight can be rncfemed naan heed wan lah we the ae es 209 210 APPENDIX 4 Blank Forms 1. RECORD OF CIRCULATION 2, RECORD OF AMENDMENT 8. Training Record for Ballast Water Management Manual 4. Ballast Water Reporting Form 5. Ballast Water Handling Log* (@) Record of ballast water management on board () Narrative record of events related to ballast water ‘management on board Note #: Ballast Wator Handling Logs herein attached are sample of effective forms as Ballast Water Record Book. Practical form of Ballast Water Record Book onboard to be exhibited in this appendix RECORD OF CIRCULATION (SAMPLE) ‘his document to bo circulated to ships ctff that will bo responsible for Ballast Water Management, by the holder of the op ‘After reading, che Ballast Water Management Plan it is toe signed and Returned to ‘he Ballast Water Menagement Offer Na Rank Date Joined Signature and date au 22 ‘RECORD OF AMENDMENT (SAMPLE) Whon any changolamendment is made to cheptor, anew Tubl of Content’ pa lao be ent together with the relevant amended chapter ‘ho holder of th controlled copy chall enter all amendments made to the doeument snd roiater auch changes in Uwe page hat! Revision No| Date | Revised Part detail | Signature a Master of Signature c 2a Name Signature Remarks RETAT | RNG | CRIT | SRT AT PROT | TRE | aN] RT| RT | TRO ae ied | “ava | es | + | surpn | wmama | “aiva [emeeoma| suyen | woved | —aiva | settee SDV HSL ASTI ounos wan LevTwve ma (@torbasuosn oun eS Und eA 0 pepo 29 O4) (GTA) WHOS ONLOASE UALVM LSVTIVE oO O “rae et mot pan ge 30 HER) "HOE RI WEB PBA NEY NO HE PEAS THT OM IN [HOIST REIIEeTIVE-FROMES “yo am cy Bano ome oe ee em FR REE | US L_-PESINDEVN ER, eN sand ez oy sn > Ye 9 eI HH PEN PEE UE AO HNN AL PHEEN ERL-ON (one sca woe = seem a9 pret) SHRIVCISVTIVI-=ROUDES ems ogannge ok Hod ws oe eR. aang IY ‘lan ay pen wstyanaty “aE TO EHO SAS IHD “emergent pee Bo 7-AGUN ERTL OTE ONL ASHORE) HP HABA oe MELE “HL ARO HOEY HAHA “el earn Aen 6 oe HES) AAPA siz CO O sain po YEE ey A i ED 20D HE) AOR EE RAO gH xan AED RO He NR NH OTS NO TEM UO SEF 2A ITE OR ‘sNousas peep on so pow meh ep ey, “seperate ape ems ee ne mn pss 2 eon aE pe. p wo Eo ane ru reese om Peony PO EUR PE bse Se (a nen ag oN ean oe “ee pov 2 sd good) tm ozo om YO NER GSPN ENG sytem pega ow mee ga PED ee oN PON Some SNe oe 2) ERS RH YEE “melo non oe np tat ueou ne Be td A IN NT oz ce O IT | Guay | — ea Ygns) | anainoo | sN6N00 Nauvoo sonotivoor | “Swan | Mune > ‘Sae8O3D Aas0y 0 vog aus pivoq uo yowsPeveu 0.0 39] Jo pIeDey (avs) SOTONMIGNVH BaLVM ISVTIVE ©) ¢ O aS ar ea ae 249 Buje soyo oy; Jo yes pue ergo oy ya perecued oq pnoys Anus Ye] ‘wos We Ruysny Yue) 40 "pop«p Buu jerowes _Weulpes &e yons “Jeoyj aunuezend e303 40 of Ya PE TUEWOREUEL 16.9 0} IUENOd aZe YY 5IUBNO B30Y f.000y “equi OW ‘nsiiou 30 wou, ‘us pivog uo yuowseueu own yee 0} eyes sU0N0 Jo pu0De4 anne oy (Tavs) DOT ONTIGNVH BaLWM LSV TIVE (9) oO VU 219 APPENDIX 5 List of Reference Documents ‘Resolution MEPC. 127 (63) ~ Guidelines for Ballast Water ‘Management and Development of Ballast Water ‘Management Plans. ‘Resolution MEPC. 124 (63 ) — Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange. IMO Assembly Resolution A.868 (20) Guidelines for the Control and management of ship’ ballast water to ‘Minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and APPENDIX 6 ‘National or Local Quarantine Requirement for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediment 20 zat SUMMARIES OF EXISTING NATIONAL, REGIONAL OR LOCAL QUARANTINE, [REQUIREMENTS FOR BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT Information shows 1. Country realty 2 Mestxing Authoty 2 Pore Acted 4 Shige Acted 5 aplentton| 6. Date of Sart 7. Methods Aceptable 8. Are unwanted aut orsrins or pathogens tod ? 8. Ao uptake corral metres specified? 10, West ampli equied 11, Wot reso aereged 12, Win procedare stb vdertaken en rout zeatman: or exchange i at uae 7 18. Wine procedures shouldbe undertaken alas ound to be unacceptable er ecu? 1, Porter iran. “Tis scton wl eed tobe regulary reviewed and updated, as information becomes valle, € [National Ballast Wator Requirements [With the prlterton of ain nd reoral alt water login around the wai is Increasingly fc fr owners and operator to keep up wh the stabishod and develoing Iegishtian. Since te bopnnng of INTERTANKO's ivovement with hie sue ln 1980, a eabase has bn apt on hie emering nd existing sao, Mach of thi inrmation went nto the oped ofthe Mal Ballast Water Manageme pa, bowover, ups of th infemation ace ‘ceri on dy to dy bai andthe oly way to Kop up wth the changes shrug the eis othe itermt. The databace prove abasic allow af what te. pinion equ the omar end 22 astro cy aut whe caling athe varius ntlons and regions with ition in lae furthermore, wien neon lent deta, ks and pints af contat ae git the intrest party to an frthe information onthe sald esto, Alternatively, more imation canbe obtained rom contacting INTERTANKO's Marine and Eviconant Seton dst Should there bea inconsistencies or instances of incre information inthe dabee thn las contact Tim Wik, Marine ané Environment Section tnwikinaBinetahocon Argentina, Buenos Aires Australia Canada © Vancouver Chile + Israel New Zealand United Kingdom, Orkney Islands USA. California © Great Lakes and Hudson River above the George Washington Bridge © Port of Oakland

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