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Issued by: QA

Eff. Date: 01-10-2014


Revision: A

Product Name:




Start Date:

Lot No.:

Due Date:

Job No.


Name of the manufacturing operation or QC inspection activity

Mfg QC
Use this space to provide pre-formatted fields, tables and checklists for recording all relevant information pertaining to this operation. For example, fields for
listing components or materials used and their lot/batch numbers (for traceability); process parameters (temperature, processing times, etc); configuration
data, etc. If needed, a block for an operation can take up a whole page.

Qty In:

Date In:

Qty Out:

Date Out:


Mfg QC
If this is a QC inspection operation identify it as such by checking the appropriate box in the upper-right corner of the block. You can include here short
checklists, and pre-formatted fields for recording measurements, etc. In short, a mini inspection report. If needed, an inspection block can take up a whole

Qty In:

Date In:

Qty Out:

Date Out:


Add as many of the operations/inspection blocks as you need to account for all distinct manufacturing processes and inspection points. It is normal for this form
to be several pages long.

Mfg QC
You can include here short checklists, and pre-formatted fields for recording measurements, etc. In short, a mini inspection report. There could also be some
fields for the final statistics, for example failure rates for specific failure codes (reasons).

Qty In:


Qty Released:

Released by:



Doc: QF-75-01-1

Revision: A

Pg. 2 of 2

This form is just a generic example. You will have to completely rework it to fit for your products and
operations. If you have a similar form, just check if it satisfies requirements for production planning and
production history record, and keep it.
You need to create a separate blank work order for each product or family of products, to accurately
represent the manufacturing processes and inspection activities that apply to this product.
Having everything in one form is only feasible for relatively simple products. When things get complex you
would normally need a special independent form for each operation and inspection, or you will have an
electronic system (computer software) to help you establish production and inspection records.
The advantage with keeping everything in one form is that, in addition to being a production history record,
the form is also a work order (e.g., the order that initiates and identifies a production run) and production
plan (it lists all production operations and their sequence).
Checkboxes are symbols from the Wingdings font. The unchecked box is character 168 and the checked box
is character 254. To change form unchecked to checked box:
Place the cursor directly in front of the box and double-click the mouse. This will bring up the
Symbol dialog box (you can also open this dialog box by selecting Symbol from the Insert menu),
Make sure that the selected font is Wingdings (it should be),
Type in the number 254 into the Character code field (or visually look for the checked box symbol
and select it), and
Click the Insert button and close the dialog box.
To change form checked to unchecked box, do the same but use the character number 168 instead.

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