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P- Obj 2, O-Obj. 1, 2; GPS S6E6b, SES6c, SEV4b, e; EL 1-7.

AM: What is energy? How do we use it?
1. Pre Concepts Test Computer Lab. Upon arrival, check in and go to Computer Lab -one of us in there to monitor/trouble shoot.
Teachers return to classroom when finished. When return to classroom brainstorm terms that describe What is energy? and
record on large poster sheets. What is energy? Brainstorm on large sticky notes; save for later comparison Pre-, Mid-, PostMaybe make a Wordle at beginning and later in the week to see how emphasis changes. 8:30 9:15 AM
2 and 3 9:15-9:30 AM
2. Introductions; Philosophy of workshop presentation; Brief explanation of assessment system.
3. Briefly call attention to notebooks and other items at their seat 3 ring binder, lab notebook, goggles,
name tags, IB4E sticker. Use permanent marker to label items.

Lab notebook is your diary for the

course. Keep notes, results from investigations, etc. in it. Can use it, with other resources to plan for your
own instruction.

4. Mystery Box For higher level thinking/problem solving; may need to postpone Mystery Box later probably Wed.
9:30 9:35 AM
9:35 9:45 AM
5. Check out NREL activity on What is energy? Add to above. Post chart paper with headings. (Put up Monday AM) Work on
during the day.

9:45-10:15 AM
6. How much energy to make a ? Visualization of complex energy demands; (Can use various items possibly Energy to
Obtain a Chicken Sandwich Now and on an 1840 GA Farm) Post and discuss how the energy to deliver the item in todays world
might be reduced.
#7 and #8 10:15-11:00 AM
Three groups at a time do and three do the energy activity, then swap. ~20 min each 40 min.
7. How much energy does it use? Watts Up Pro Meters and other meters that measure current use. H/o in notebook
8. How do people in the US, the South Atlantic Coastal Region, and in GA use energy? Question h/o & directions in notebook
* Energy Data Source: In notebook
** Energy Type Source: In notebook

Show and

New on Direct Current podcasts #1 background of Dept of Energy (Tell about for info only)
11:00-Noon #9, 10, and 11
9. Show the first of the Energy Literacy videos Energy is Everywhere (~ 6 min) 10.
10. Brief discussion of use of newly adopted GSE K12 standards and NGSS. Handout documents with NOTE about restricted use.
11. Set up gnomon. Observe at solar noon and throughout afternoon. Set up observation
12. Working lunch- collaboration among teachers (discuss your GA Trend article) and visit with afternoon speakers.
PM- Continuation of What is energy and how do we use it?
1:00 2:25 PM
13. Speaker: Dr. Judy Butler, UWG and GA EMC Sun Power Program. Energy Connections to Social Sciences - technology issues
and global energy consumption, population growth, sustainability.
2:30-4:00 PM
14. Speaker: Mr. Ben Young, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Georgia Trend. Georgias Sustainability Economy See information
below on GA Trend article links
15. Daily Wrap: Post-It add to energy ideas; Review energy types, energy use, impacts of energy production/use, as well as teaching
resources, lesson ideas, and adaptations to meet different needs. Assign Earths Energy Budget Assignments for Tuesday.
Resources to use/share - Great set of slides to show that already
involvement in alt energy shows 13 largest projects world wide. - Need to introduce teachers to this website. Has many resources for education intro info for different renewable sources

Links to Georgia Trend articles: (Consider sending before June 13. Possibly assign different individuals (not at same school) to read
one; on Day 1 group by article and briefly discuss prior to afternoon session with Ben Young.
Sustainable Georgia: Gaining Some Green
Theres a chance for the clean energy sector to reduce Georgias
$32-billion annual expense to import petroleum, natural gas and coal.

Sun Dancing
As Georgias solar capacity shoots skyward, a new state utility is proposed
The Energy Future Is Now
Renewable power sources, in Georgia, are no longer fighting for a seat
at the table. They are present and thriving, part of the mix that
includes fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Driving with the Sun
What is Georgia doing to address the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs)? In this day of increasing
attention to the use of renewable energy sources, is Georgia forging ahead with making use of
this type of vehicle cheaper, more convenient, etc.? - source of current data on all energy topics; also has Learn About Energy for educators with lessons for all topics
excellent resource Document that can be downloaded (I have a printed copy can use for
Perhaps no challenge facing the United States today is more dependent on personal conduct and public support than energy. The
simple act of pulling out of the driveway every morning has policy implications. Yet perhaps on no other issue is there so much work
yet to be done. In Public Agendas Energy Learning Curve report, conducted in association with Planet Forward, we attempt to
examine the publics attitudes, values and concerns about the tangle of policy challenges, business choices and personal habits that
come under the catch-all heading of energy. The blandness of the word energy hardly does justice to the challenge. Energy policy
represents a triple threat of challenges, each daunting in its own right: Economics, Oil Dependence, and Climate Change. Provides
information on the publics learning curve regarding these three topics.
The energy systems of the futurewhether they tap sunlight, store electricity, or make fuel from splitting water or reducing carbon
dioxidewill revolve around materials and chemical changes that convert energy from one form to another. Such materials will need
to be more functional than todays energy materials. To control chemical reactions or to convert a solar photon to an electron requires
coordination of multiple steps, each carried out by customized materials with designed nanoscale structures. Such advanced materials
are not found in nature; they must be designed and fabricated to exacting standards using principles revealed by basic science. A multidisciplinary course for teachers; we have access to use; username: ematuser pw: emat2014;
teachers can have access This is a website of the Vermont Energy Education Program. They offer the option to download their curricula (for
free). This is open to non-Vermont residents. National Renewable Energy Laboratory; data on a number of renewable sources; maps showing potential for use in
various parts of the US; Energy Education found under pull down menu Working with Us. Has a section on Renewable Energy
sources separate sections on each of major renewables; also lists energy programs for teachers, and for K-12 students The following

is the direct link to a page of listings for lesson plans, etc. See
Simulation of Non-renewable/renewable sources; Leaf Relay is good for energy transfer in living systems; See activities on biomass,
wind, biogas, etc. ; Some of these might be good ideas for the project source of info about a variety of clean/renewable energy sources; can estimate the impact of
the type of energy you use (based on your utility), can estimate the amount of CO2, etc. Several quizzes on different energy topics; Good for
general interest has some hard ?s and Useful on all days maps, quizzes, and more are appropriate each day

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