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January 1^, IR63

Dear Friends of First Christian;

Half of the month of the first of the twelve is past already. Eight days ago your
Christmas package arrived. Thanks so much for the pretty housecoat and blouse plus
the other necessities. Many of the girls here liked the housecoat and one asked me
where I had bought it, I think she wanted to get one like iti

Thanks also for the Christmas greetings from so many of you. I'm still getting an
occasional Christmas card. But most of all, you have my heartfelt thanks for pray
ing for my mother. It is a very strange thing that although I never heard for some
time that you were praying for her, yet X had confidence that you were and wrote
the same to her. For some time I thought she had been in the hospital for three
weeks and then found later that she was in the hospital for two weeks onlyl One of
my friends from home had written that the doctor told my mother that she would have
to stay in the hospital for a month or longer. So surely God did, hearj as we know

He does, even in sparing her life.

oome of you might be interested in knowing how she is coming along now that she is
home. She wrote last week and said that she is able to get in and out of bed aloneo
She pulls her walker up and gets in it by herself. The doctor does not want her
to walk on her broken limb for three months. Since her right foot was affected by
a previous stroke she has quite a time walking at all. She is on a 1000 calorie a

day diet so she should be quite thin by the time she starts
June is caring for her and doing everything she can to help
Now for some news of Barbados; The Enterprise evangelistic
ing very well considering the many problems. Approximately

walking. My sister
meetings are progress
eight have re-dedicated

their lives to Christ and three have confessed Kim for the first time. One of the

leaders left in charge of the Enterprise Church is seeking to bind the people xiith
laws made by man. He is a strong leader and others seem to be afraid of him. So
you can imagine the problems being created,

uast night a young preacher tackled the problem head on. No one came forward at
the end of his sermon but I believe he has given the Christians courage to speak
C'Ut whereas before they have been afraid. For every one Christian who has the
courage to speak his.convictions,-he-Will find many supporting him,- It-justtakes

that one to speak outl And so often that one is lacking!

All of the Churches will meet together Sunday, at Six Roads, (Jan. 20th), under
the big tent for all day services. Sunday night will mark the close of Evangelistic
meetings at Enterprise and the beginning of meetings at Six Roads. Please pray that

the problems will be cleared up and the congregations id.ll grow in might and in
His Spirit,

^he Gistin congregation is enjoying their new building. It was dedicated December
23rd. Already they have had over 90 in their worship services. They gave their
old building to the Six Roads congregation and it soon will be erected and ready
for use after the necessary repairs are made. All of the congregations in Barbados
growing and we can truly thank God that He has provided all of the necessary

elements that His Church might growj praying Christians both home and abroad,
health to do His Will, a people filled with the fruit of His Spirit and of course
the unsaved to win to Himl

I'm holding classes each evening at 6:30 before the services at Enterprise, They
f^.ave not been well attended due to opposition but I'm hoping attendance will in
crease this week.

The Bible School attendance at Grazettes jumped from 2^, Deceiiiber

JOth, to i+1, January 6th, I had planned on leaving Grazettes and working
another Bible School but just could not find a teacher for ir^y class and I did hate
'0 leave theral So I've decided to work with them for three more months. We are

considering a contest with the Church Village Bible School. The winners won't
give the losers a steak dinner though!

^hank you for remembering me on a special day before Christmas. It gave a boost
income and morale. This past Christmas season was not an especially happy
one due to the serious illness of my mother but it taught me once again how weak
we really are. We are born without being asked. We struggle to grow up through

stress and strain, I7e can have every earthly prop knocked from under us without
3^7 warning. We have life taken from us without our permission. From the begin

ning to end, God seems to be saying, "Be submissive to My VJill"! The moment we
deny God first place He is no longer our God but one of many of our gods. We are
to pray "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth!" This is surely the
easiest prayer to recite and the most difficult to live up toJ
bust close and take this to the mail box. Please continue to remember Bax'bados i'l
vour prayers. Also please continue to pray for my mother. I enjoy liearlng
you all and I will try and answer as soon as I can.
In Him,

Betty Fnabnit


Sometime, when you're feeling important,

Sometime, when your ego's in bloom,

Sometime, when you take it for granted

You're the best qualified in the room.

Sometime, when you feel that your going

Would leave an unfillable hole.

Just follow this simple instruction

And see how it humbles your soul.

Take a bucket and fill it with water,

Put your hand in it, up to the wrist;
Pull it out; and the hole that's remaining
Is a measure of how you'll be missed.

You may splash all you please when you enter.

You can stir up the water galore.
But stop, and you'll find in a minute.
That it looks quite the same,as before.

The moral in this quaint example

Is do just the best you can!

Be proud of

yourself, but remember.

There's no indispensable man,

Eleanor Melcher
-St- }(-

-X- -JC- ^


Jesus calls and gives a challenge,

Challange both to young and old;
Those who follow must be willing.
Faithful, strong and brave and bold.
Will you present your life for service?
Will you leave all and follow Him?

Will you go Tfjith Him through the garden.

Follow though the way be dim?

Up then you who have heard the challenge,

Gird yourself and follow on;
Give your life in loving service,
Work and pray and share the dawn,
Carlton C, Buck


Missionary to the Isle,

Box 193j

Bridgetown, Barbados,
West Indies

Tear Friends:

Many, inany, times thoughts have occurred to me that you might enjoy hearing
but it seems very difficult to get them written dom. But I guess you know that
I*tTi still in Barbados and that all is going well, "Thank you", all who have written
:ind who haven't received a reply.
Just a few moments ago I answered an invitation to a wedding to be held June
22nd in the new Oiatin Church Building, ^.upert Bishop from Barbados will be return
ing home from the Cincinnati Bible Seminary, Cinti,, Ohio, U.S.A. in June and he
and Crystal Leacock will be married soon after he returns. It will be the first

wedding in' the Oistin building and the first wedding in the Leacock family. Most
guests will be working hard from now until the wedding day on new outfits for no
one but an American would be seen in an old dress.

Next fall lupert will be returning to C.B.S, ; his bride to finish his
schooling. He is doing very well in college and making top grades in Greek and

The building at Six Roads is gradually getting in shape. Brother Scott,

Kenny Scott, Brother Denny, and Hr, Hinkson are doing most of the work. One day
they were in need of more hands so a few of us "ladies" went up and helped set up
the sides. The Church at Six Roads is undergoing an extremely difficult time due
to the leadership backsliding so please remember this congregation in your prayers.
Counseling has had little effect so prayer seems to be the only resource.
One never knows what's going to happen next and it's probably a j';Qod thing.
Tou would be surprised to learn what kind of a role a missionary is expected to
play. Lately I've noticed that settling feuds both in families and congregations
has been my lot. One of the favorite past times of Bajans is to quarrel, vOf course
this isn't limited to just Bajansl) One of the first things a foreigner has to
learn is that what "at home" may be true - may not be here. The back ground of the
people and status of women,of the two countries, differ so much. Women will take

far more punishment here than the women would ever think of receiving in the U.S.
Friday p.m.

Yesterday I was going to brag about the good behavior of the

children at Charnocks. But they behaved true to form,..terrible..,Cne little boy

even brought a stick for me to use in enforcing order. I think they x^ere all an
xious to see if I would actually use it. It was used to tap a head now and then

but nothing forceful. They have strict instructions concerning the next class.
It will be the last if they don't behave.
For some time I've been wanting to hold some more classes at Grazettes. Next

week we are going to try and have a class at 5'30 - 6:30 a.m. It's going to be
mighty interesting to see who are the early risers and who are the ones willing to
sacrifice an hour's sleep. It's also going to be interesting to see if I'm going
to be able to make it.

Last Monday the Scott's and I went to Bathsheba to inspect a bay house for
rent. It is necessary to rent them early - especially before the summer vacations

begin. We have one rented now next door to the large bay house we rented last yearn
It will be even better than last year's for it is all on one floor and has a long
drive way, hence more privacy. The rent is ,100.00 per month and must b.i rented for
not less than one month, A fe\j of the children have started a bank in anticipation
of camp but some only have a fex^ pennies saved. It is always a disappointing time
for those vrtio cannot afford the week's tuition. Camp will be held the f. rc two
weeks in August tlds year which x-^ill work out better for the children in sc-oo?..
Sat, night, March 30th, will be the Youth Rally of all hhe congregations.

It x-;ill be at Grazettes this time. Each of the different groups will put on a
skit depicting various mission fields. The Oistin group has chosen Russia, It
will be quite a field to interpret,
Sunday evening (3:30 p.m.) Church Village will hold their harvest feeti'val.
One of the young girl's from there, Normal Corbin, has been told by her father that
she can be baptized after the festival - that is, in April, She is thirteen but
her father told me the only reason he didn't want her to be baptized was oecause

he thought she was too young! Surely am glad that wac his only objecticuj
Must close now but before doing so, my deepest appreciation for
each month, I received a couple of Christmas cards on Jjarch 1st from Joli-,;m and
3 package of missionary papers, Joliet Christians, etc., from Lillian which she
^.ad mailed Dec, 7th. So don't be discouraged if you don't hear from me. I may
not have received your letterj
!'Iay God continue to bless you as you wori< together for His glory.
In Him,

Betty (Enabnit)


"Precious Memories"

Please reserve the evening of April 17th, 6:30 P.M#, to honor our
senior citizens. We will be reviewing precious memories of days gone by
through the medium of song, word and dress. All who have been asked to
be on the program are asked to come in old-fashioned dress, including
the children.

The various classes are to bring food as follows:

money for meat
money for meat

Loyal Men
Loyal Women
Loyal Daughters

potatoes (kitchen help)

Baraca. Philathea
Kum Dubl
Be One

Semper Fidelis
Hi Tri


sheet cakes (serving)

fruit salad (mixed or jello mold) (decorations)
money for meat
money for meat

Thosebringing food are asked to please bring it ready to be put on the

table if possible.

All attending, except the honored guests, please bring your own table servi: c
If there are any questions or any volunteers to help, please call

your class president or Margaret Sprenger rt 726-3155 We will need some

"clean-up" help after the banquet.

There will be a nursery for both toddlers and babies.

Sponsors are asked to be responsible for seeing that their guests

have a means of transportation to the church. Sponsors, please call
if you cannot do this.



April 8, 1963

You cannot pray the Lord's Prayer and

even once sav "I".

Dear Bro. Fish:

Thanks to you and to all for players,

cards and visits while I was in the
Ruth Gussman

pray the Lord's P-^ayer and

even once say "My".
You cannot pray the Lord's prayer and
not include another.

You cannot ask for daily bread., and not

~ innlude your brnther. ^
For others are included in each and

every plea.
And from the start to finish it never

once say.3 "Me",

^Author unknown.

The importance of Easter lies in the fact that Christ roce

triumphant!/ from the tomb. By accepting Christ, we, too,

have victory over death.
I am the rosurroction, and the life: he that belleveth in

me, though he were dead, yet shall he live" .John 11:25

Enabnit liJ rites

Dear Friends of Maple Lawn,

12th, 1963

This is a warm humid night in Barbados, In a few moments, I'll be leaving for serv
ices at Grazettes but thought I could send you a few lines before time to go.

Must, first of all, thank you for your gifts during the past months. They are ap
preciated so much, A few weeks ago I thought I might have to return home before the

anticipated time but the Lord heard and ^swered prayer as fie always does.

The Christians at Oistin have been holding 5:00 a.m. services every morning the past

week praying that Brother Scott would be able to leave British Guiana.

He left here

on April 17th expecting to be gone six days but the stay lengthened into 24- days due

to the general strike. The situation is very bad over there as the food is nearly
gone. Heard tonight that the British warship had left here in the night so perhaps
things will get better. Brother Scott was the last man on board the Nippon on Wed.
It arrived here Friday morning but they weren't allowed off board until 1 p,m. In
the meantime Helen was at the American Consul, trying to see if they could get a

message through. Evidently they were never able to because they never called back.

All Communications have been stopped in B.G, This is the most complete strike ever
held. The only -services operating are the electric and water, newspaper mid radio.
The latter two to keep the people informed.

Please pray that the Christians there

will be able to have the necessities of life. There will be more and more suffering
if the strike continues.

Yesterday the choir at Grazettes sang "How Great Thou Art7. We had only one prac
tice but they did very well although few in number.

Perhaps one of the first diff

erences one would note here between the song services of the two countries is the

number of songs aung.

Evening services begin at 7:30.

Occasionally the song serv

ice has ended at 8:45 and then the preacher begins. Some of our preachers never
preach less than one hour. So if you get a song leader that loves to sing and a
long winded preacher the same evening, you have a long service.
There is a difference too, in the prayers.

I have never timed them but some would

last,for perhaps fifteen minutes or more. All-kneel during prayer. Often much
scripture is quoted during prayer. Many-of the scriptures quoted are from the Old

No doubt one of the reasons for the lack of spiritual depth in any Christian is the

lack of study of the scriptures and the lack of prayer life. We know that there is
power in knowledge of the secular side of life. How much more POV/ER would bp felt

claiming to be followers of Christ knevr His word, believed it, and acted ijpon
itl^ "For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in POWER," I Cor, 4:20. It would

be interesting to know just how many times the Apostle Paul used that word POWER.

He truly vias filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit to be able to write so many
words of wisdom.

The "young people are getting very enthused as camp nears.

Those who attended the

last camp are the best publicity agents. We may be wondering where we T-ri.ll put them
all especially with all the extra faculty. Two girls from Gharnocks may be going for
the first time. Neither are members of the Church of Christ but have attended the
classes. If you could see the hovels many of these people live in you would under

stand what a novel and educational experience, in addition to the spiritual, takes
place in the young lives.

Lillian sends me the Maple Leaves occasionally and am happy to still recognize some

of the names. You are growing in numbers and also spiritually, I'm sure, under the

fine leadership. So happy to hear of the new congregation being started in DeNalb,
Between the three congregations in Jbliet, many more congregations can be started,
Grazettes won the Bible School contest with Church Village and C.V, sent down some
"biscuits" (cookies) as a treat to the Thinning group, Grazettes is anxious now to
challenge another group to a contest.

I-think \je had better start one soon for our

attendance dropped way down to 21 yesterday. The Sunday before we had 36. Atten
dance at the evening service last night was very good. A young man from Oistin who
was converted less than a year ago preached. He has much to learn but certainly
is sincere and earnest.

It's getting time for me to close now. May our x-jorks be always pleasing to Him
that we may have His blessing.

In His Service,
Betty Enabnit










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Jp xj


A certain family journeyed from one cjity to another and transferred membership

to the church near where the family lived and fell among cold, critical Christians,
who said, by their actions, "These new folks aren*t like us and will find it hard to_
be accepted in this congregation.
Then they stripped the members of the new family of their enthusiasm for the

Jburch, removed their self-confidence and robbed them of the Christian feU.owship in

the body of Christ, and departed leaving them lonely and disturbed.
In like manner, the church leaders also, when they saw the newly affiliated fam-

^Py, shook their heads and said within themselves, "they aren't going to be substantial

People they were moved with compassion and Christian love and began to bind up the

financial supporters of the church," But a certain family in the congregation came
v?here the new members were, and when they saw the wounds inflicted by unthoughtful

hurts, p6ur on understanding and synpathy, and they took the new members to their hum
ble hoftie and ministered to their broken spirit. The new family was talcen into the
inner fellowship of fellow believers in Christ. They felt needed and wanted.
- - Selected

Which of tViesQ showed Christian conoei'n and proved to be genuine friends? Go

thou and do likevriae,


Betty M, EnaLnit
Bridgetown, Barbados, V# !

Mrs Lillian milianson
ikSZ Sterlin<2 Avemie

Joliet, Illinois 60^32

Sninner Letter

written SeptenLer 16, 1963

Dear Friends,

Sunner is over for you and "^aclc to school days" are beginning for you once
nor, Sunner is not over for us but schools have begun* iChey have a six weeks
recess hero beginning during the latter part of July and ending the first week in

September* Our hot, hot, weather lasts through September and then it begins to cool
off at night but still gets up in the "80's" during the daytine. But the weather
here, even during the hottest season, does not get as hot as the weather at hone
during the sunner months.

Daily Vacation Bible Schools and camp were held during the vacation tine. The

College students from the States helped nalco these projects a success. Over 500
children attended the Bible Schools and ^9 canpors enrolled during the "two weeks of
camp held up at beautiful Bathsheba, Tlie children in the Bible schools gave offer
ings this year for the Gospel Broadcasting Mission. A total of $19.90 m was col
lected. Many of these children have relatives in England who arc able to listen to
the "Search the Scriptures" broadcast from Eadio Luxembourg.
Choir practice at Grazettes and Youth Meeting at Six Roads have been resumed.
Classes arc continuing at Sumnervale and Dodd's. Last Thursday night the dining hall
was used as a class room as the lights

were out in the

recreation room.

One whole

side of this is open making it nice and cool. As I was teaching the song, "Three
Hebrew Boys", a bee stung me on the arm. X hit some hi^er pitched notes than
intended. The sting didn't amount to much though. It did provide for some laughs!
Two of the boys at Dodd's have a grandmother in St. Michael's infirmary. This
is one of the largest as Bridgetown is located in St. Michael's parish. I visited
her a few weeks ago and returned last Saturday to hold class for the children there.
There are approximately 15O children living in the infirmary, 2/3 of them under the
age of three. Twelve niirses care for these 15O children but all are not on duty at
the same tine.

The moment I walked up the steps, the little ones surrounded me. Ihey grabbed

my right am (my left was loaded down with Bible, pictures, etc.) and wouldn't let
go. Others tried to reach my loft am. Two of the little girls insisted on winding
my watch. These children need personal attention and affection so badly.
The tinier ones were napping. Glancing into the large room, I could see from
30 to 50 children sleeping on one large bed. Every available inch of space was
tolcen. Most of the children were pantless but they all had on shirts.
The children were lined up by the one nurse on duty and the expedition to the
school began. Some of these children have physical or mental defects or both. One

of the older boys (about 8) carried another boy his sane size pift^ back for this
boy can't walk, but has to crawl.

The children

were excited for

this was

like an

excursion to them.

The little ones were hard to control during tho lesson. They did enjoy singing,
though, and I taught then sono new choruses. Next week three of the girls from the
Oistin congregation have promised to come and help ne. We will bo able to divide the
children into groups and they will get just a bit of the personal interest they need
so desperately. Unwanted children surely begin life with a handicap. Those children
are aJl shades of color. Some, no doubt, have at least one white parent. Some are
beautiful, some are homely, some are deformed, some arc physically perfect, some are
timid, some are brave, and some are naiighty, and some are good, but thoy all need to
bo loved and wanted.

My plans have changed somewhat as I will not be coming hone in October as was
once planned, but have decided to stay until tho end of April,If all goes as planned
I will return to Barbados. Thanlt you for yom: gifts, and for s'-our interest in the
work. Above all, thanic you for your prayers. Must close of you will never get this

In His Service,
Betty Enabnit



Mr - Mrs 0 E Atkins, Indianapolis, Indiana

Mrs, Ralph. Lang, Joliet, Illinois


Missionary Coimnittee, Mple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois


Mrs. Margaret Sanderson, Letroit, Illinois

Second Church of Christ, Danville, Illinois

Mrs. Clarence Good, Pontiac, Illinois
Mrs. William Prazier, Joliet, Illinois
Pirst Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Ruth Circle, San Bernardino, California
Church of Christ, Redwood Falls, Minnesota
Kum Join Us, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois






Kum Join Us, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet^ Illinois

Mrs. William Frazier, Joliet, Illinois
Mrs. Margaret Essex, Boise, Idaho
Missionary Committee, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Circle 5 Second Church of Christ, Danville, Illinois
Wedding Band Class, Leroy Christian Church, Leroy, Illinois
Special Gift, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Church of Christ, Redwood Falls, Minnesota
First Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Ruth Circle, Central Church of Christ, San Bernardino, California





Youth Group, Kenny Christian Church, Kenny, Illinois



Clear Lake Church of Christ, Clear Lake, Iowa

Missionary Committee, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Special Gift, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois


Mr lirs Clarence Good, Pontiac, Illinois

Circle 5, Second Church of Christ, Danville, Illinois


Ladies Aid, Church of Christ, Kenny, Illinois (Christian)

Women's Missionary Council, First Christian Church, Hugoton, Kansas



Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois

Kum Join Us Class, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois

Church of Christ, Redvfood Falls, Minnesota
First Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
WAG Women, Church of Christ, Union, Iowa






Don - Mary Fay, Ft. Dodge, Iowa

Mr Mrs Enos Matson, Ft. Dodge, Iowa


Missionary Committee, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois



Circle 5 Second Church of Christ, Danville, Illinois

Church of Christ, Clear Lake, Iowa
Wedding Band Class, Christian Church, Leroy, Illinois
Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
First Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Clear Lalce Church of Christ, Clear Lake, Iowa
Church of Christ, Redwood Falls, Minnesota
Wllla Watson, Sparta, New Jersey
Kum Join Us Class, Maple Lawn Christian Church, Joliet, Illinois
Income for May August, I963
Balance on Hand, May 1, 19^3

, 114.95



(Service Charges, $3-^3; Insurance, $60l6; Salaa:y for May - August, 1963,

$600.00; Bookstore, Joplin, Mo. $20*00; Mission Services for paper, $4.52)
lotal Dishursements

Balance on Hand, September 1, 1963





The Christian Mission, Vol. 7, No. 11 November, 1S63

Page 11


Life is a continuing process that never

stops and moves on whether we want it to or

not. Yet it is so gradual we cannot see it move

but know that it is taking place. We are mind
ful of the fact that our bodies, as well as all
around us, is ever changing and does not re
main the same.
So it is with the work of the Lord. The

years come and go and they turn into centuries

and millineiums and still the work goes on.
Each day sees some task either started or com

pleted for the Master, yet so gradual is the

work done that we wonder if we are doing any
thing at all. However, as we labor, we seek
to be faithful, knowing our labor will not be in
vain. If only a handful of souls are able to
enter that eternal city, our efforts will be
worthwhile and we will see the fruit of our

During the past month one revival was com

pleted, two weeks of youth camps held at Bathsheba on the east coast, and the revival at
Enterprise was held during the last two weeks.
Attendances at all the services were good and
it is a joy to preach to filled pews and full
houses. Though our victories have been few,
we do rejoice in the fact that a man and wife
have united with the church at Enterprise and
two young men have been added to two of the
other churches, v/e pray that in time, these
may lead many others to the Lord and thus ex
tend the benefits of the meetings.
We held the older week of youth camp first
this year as we had to change the younger week
because it conflicted with the Vacation Bible
school schedule. All of our V33 were held

at the same time this year, with three in the

morning (two helpers in each one) and three

There were 20 campers the first week of

camp and 26 the second week. So we had 46
this year as compared with 35 last year and
23 the first year.
The camps were very profitable and cer
tainly enjoyed by all. It is a big task on our
kitchen help as it means work from daylight
till dark, but is worth it to know of the good
we are accomplishing. For me, it meant
a lot of trips into town and bujdng and hauling
but I did er^joy the few moments when we could
relax and view the beautiful scenery on the
east coast, I was vesper speaker the first
week. V\/e held open-air services and invited
the public. By using the loud speaker we
were able to cover a large area in spite of
the roaring of the sea and the wind. I enjoyed
being with the older group and having them
take part in the services. The girls occupied
the house we had rented. This also served

as the dining area. Classes were held on the

large verandahs or out under the trees. The
tent served as boys dorm. All in all, it was
a busy but profitable two weeks, and we are

now looking forward to next year and the in

creased attendance that will result.

v7e must

look for bigger facilities and find more beds

as we were taxed to the limit this year.
The comments of Ann Clarke after her

first year at camp, "It was as near heaven

as I have ever been". Her guardian said
later, "you will not have to do any advertising
in Charnocks next year as she has already
started to recruit others to go."
With the summer workers leaving us, we
are back to our own resources. The revival

at Enterprise has been completed and we are

now in a tent revival in the Fairview district.

in the afternoon. Made a full schedule for all

Please remember us in your prayers, intelrest

the workers, but it worked out better than

and support,

trying to scatter them; especially with some

schools not out until July 26 and our summer
workers having to leave on August 26. In all,
nearly 500 children attended the various VBS
in the six congregations. The highest atten
dance was won by Church Village with Peggy
Gulp and Lois 3cott, 133 on the closing day.

Bill and Helen Scott

Box 193

Bridgetown, Barbados, V7est Indies

Page 12

The Christian Mission, Vol. 7, No. 11 November, 1963


This month we finish our busiest season of

the year and look forward to the next several

months as an opportunity to catch up on our
regular chores and start cultivating all the
seed that has been planted during these sum
mer months. Of course, we anticipate some
heartaches and some victories. On the whole

our summer has been very successful. Our

hands were tied by various circumstances as
we looked toward Andros, and yet, even here,
we made some significant strides forward.
Our work is to some extent seasonal and this

is our good season, but still we enjoy seeing

our building bursting at the seams. We have
seen several new teenage young people become
active in their attendance, and we are reques
ting prayers as we pray and labor that souls
will be won. They, too, need the victory that
comes through Christ.
This month we received a new filmstrip
series sent to us by the church in Milledgeville, Georgia. 'We have received word that
a class in Springfield, Illinois is purchasing
another series for us and we are thrilled and

thankful for both of these gestures of interest,

Vi/e want to thank all who are helping us to
pay for our many and varied activities. "We
were able to visit one new island, revisit
Andros, increase our summer crew to six,
expand of VB3 facilities and niunerous other

things that should help in winning souls.

After a year and a half of planning and
praying we have finally been able to preach to
the people of Andros. On July 31 Ed opencer
and the two young men who were here to help
us this summer left Nassau on the mailboat.

The remainder of that week they got acquain

ted with the people of Lowe Sound and arranged
to conduct a series of services the following
week. The people were cordial and attended
these meetings very well. On August 12 the
two young men returned to Nassau and Ed
Spencer began a week of services in the set

surgery I spent from August 13-17 in the

hospital. This meant Ed had to return to
Nassau to carry on the activities here.
Of course, it is going to be impossible
to be on Andros and in Nassau both. Through
these series of services we are contacting
people and arranging correspondence Bible
studies. From now on we hope to make fre
quent trips to renew previous contacts and
meet new people and visit more settlements.

There are about seven or eight settlements

on Northern Andros that we can reach in this

v\'e have discovered that a motor scooter

will be needed before long. The airstrip on

Andros is a cucumber patch located seven
miles from the nearest settlement. Other

transportation is far too expensive to use

over any period of time. More will be heard
from Amdros in the months to come, v7e are

so thankful that our prayers have been and

are being answered.
We had a successful Vacation Bible School.

Last year we had three teachers, this year

we had five. The average last year at Grantstown was 77 with a high day of 98. This year
they averaged 96.8 with a high day of 120,
In die Grove last year our average was 80

and a high day of 91. This year our average

was 86 and a high day of 102. It seems our
biggest problem here in the islands is not how
big can we get, but how can we keep from
getting too many til we can handle them.
Incidentally these summer Bible schools
have a lasting impression on the people. VVe
often run into young adults who attended the
Bible schools back in the early days of the
work. Vi'e are renewing contacts made ten
years ago.

This year our Bible school offerings are

being sent to Bupyung Orphanage in Korea
through missionary Gorden Patten.

tlement of Conch Sound. In the meantime I

was busy with our VB3 and conducting the

services of both congregations here and both
of our hospital works. Due to some minor

James sind Sarah Redmon

Box 1674

Nassau, Bahamas


The CHRISTIAN MISSION, VOL. VI, NO, 12. December 1962

Page 13


Gage family.

The Osbornes had made contact

with Charles Leacock, a native minister who had

come to the same belief as the Church of Christ

after leaving a denominational church. He mini

stered to two small congregations on the southern
coast of the island. One of these was destroyed
in 1955 by a hurricane and the congregation scat
tered. Bro, Leacock passed away about this time,
and the workwas without leadership for a while.
The Gages started work in the Silver Sands area
which is today the Enterprise Church of Christ.
The Lewis Smith family came in Oct. 1957

but remained only nine months before returning

home. Bill and Helen Scott came in May, 1958

and are still with the work. The Gage family went
home on furlough in March 1959 and returned in

Aug. 1960, remained two years before going home

in June, 1962.

During the years, six congregations have been

formed with preaching points in other places;
Betty Enabnit

some of which have been closed up due to various

problems and lack of workers. At present there

are approximately 300 active members in these
the Caribbean, 1200 miles SE of Miami, Florida. six congregations. During 10 months of 1962,
The island is 14miles wide and 21 miles long with there have been nearly 50 additions to the chur
Island: Barbados is the easternmost island of

230,000 people, 95% of them of the negro race.

The only city of any size is Bridgetown, the capi


In 1960, five Bible college students assisted

tal. English is the spoken language. The island intheworkand three buildings, each costing about
istropicaland the temperature is warm all year. $1000, were erected. Eleven revivals were held
Sugar cane is the principle crop with begetables then vrith 118 additions, the highest number in any
such as eddoes, yams, Indian corn, tomatoes, year. The building at Enterprise was erected in
beans, cabbage, carrots, etc. Tropical fruits 1961 and we are now in the process of erecting
such as breadfruits, coconuts, bananas, limes another for the church at Oistin. The building at

and avocadoes abound. ^Fish and pork are the Oistin now will be moved to Six Roads and all of
main meats of the people while beef (from New the churches will then have buildings.
Tracy Wilhoit, who was here in the summer
Zealand) is also available.
came back in Nov. 1961 with his wife.
Religion: There are 132 different groups re

gistered with the government, butonly a few have They remained only nine months before going back
more than one congregation. The Church of Eng to the States.
Betty Enabnit hasbeen on the field ayear and
land (Anglican) is the "state" church and the
in the youth and Bible school work, as
majority of the people are "nominal" members.
Amongthe others who are prominentin the island well as assisting in various other phases of the
are; Brethren, Roman Catholic, Pilgrim Holi work. Preacher training classes are conducted
ness, Nazarenes, New Testament Church of God, for five months each year, and then dismissed
Church of God, Methodist, Seventh Day Adventist, during revival time in June, July, and August.

and Salvation Army.

A tent, seating 200, is used for our revival work.

One belief, Spiritualists Baptists, believe in Generally atleast ten are held each year along with
visions, spirits, revelations, and teachthat mar DVBS in each church and two weeks of summer
riage is wrong. Needless to say, in an island youth camps. A typical months activities among

where only 1 in 5 are legally married and 70% of the churches have from 72 to 98 services. Bro.
the children are illegitimate,he appeals to many. Scott has preached 143 times in the last 153 days,
But his main interest is in the money, andaslong besides other activities.
as the people will give, he will go on having vi
sions and revelations.

Church of Christ work: Work began in Bar

bados in the fall of 1953 when the VemonOsbomes HOW THE BIBLE HELPS

The Bible is not a help in mission work! It

foundation, the walls, and the roof of all
went back to the States for treatment, and re
turned to the Island in 1956 along with the Bill true missionary work. The missionary is the
came to the island. Because of ill health they

The CHRISTIAN MISSION, VOL. VI, NO. 12, December 1962

help for the missionary brings the unbeliever to

a knowledge of the Saviour by the use of the Word


of God.


My Bible is a gift received from fellow wor

Page 14

Prayer for the workers, the work, and the

Increased support of the work, both living link

kers and one which I appreciate very much. It

and service links.

Ancient World, etc. Animals, plants, grains,

musical instruments, are all listed. Strength

dishes, tableware, kitchen utensils, beds, stoves

Purchasing a camp site and the erection of

contains a Bible encyclopedia and "Master Art"
illustrations, A synopsis of each of the Old and buildings.
Books for a lending library among the chur
New Testaments is given. The most commonly
asked questions are listed and answered in the
Filmstrips and a filmstrip projector, public
back of the Bible. A geographical index to the
Bible is given with sixteen maps of Palestine, the address system, camp equipment such as plastic
refrigerator, water cooler, tables, etc.

Bibles, song books(new and used Great Songs

and guidance scriptures for"whenyou are afraid",
"when you are worried", "when you are discour of the Church).
More workers willing to labor for the Lord
aged", etc. are recorded.
The Bible itself is marked with a seal sajdng and His Kingdom among these needy and neglected
it is genuine leather. It has overlapping leather people.
binding and gold edges lining each of it's pages.

Holding the Bible to the light, I notice a pecu

liar thing. The Bible is still edged with gold ex

cept for one small section. Is it the section giving
the encyclopedia or the maps or the questions to
be answered? No, As I open my Bible I see itis
the entire book of Matthew which has lost its gilt.

Why is this? Because this is the book which has

been studied over the over in each of the daily
classes in the various children's groups. Mat
thew is the book which has lost some of its pages

in every Bible loaned to the children.

"And that from a child thou hast known the


Bill and Helen Scott

Betty Enabnit
Box 193

Bridgetown, Barbados
West Indies

Forwarding agent:
(For Scotts)
Bob and Lorene Whitton

Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee

Sugar Creek Heights

wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ

R.R. 4, Box 43C

Jesus." HTirn, 3:15

Greenfield, Indiana


Future plans call for strengthening the exis

ting churches, establishing new ones in other
areas of the island, locating a camp site, train

ing classes for youth and Bible school leaders,

classes for preachers, and entering some of the
neighboring islands as quickly as possible.

(For Betty Enabnit)

Mrs. Lillian Williamson

1462 Sterling
Joliet, Illinois



Betty M. Enabnit

Mrs. Lillian Williamson

Box 193

1462 Sterling Avenue

Bridgetown, Barbados, W.I,

Joliet, Illinois, U.S.A.


Written in December I963

Dear Friends,

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the
glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth," John 1:14.
The Christmas season is here once more; the time when all Christians should
cel^rate the Birthday of our Lord.

This surely has been an eventful year, climaxing (at the present time) with the
death^of President Kennedy. He was literally worshiped by the mar^ undertrodden
of this world. The reason? He identified himself with them in his aim to allow
.equal opportunity for all. Regardless of what is revealed as to the reason for
this killing, the Bajans vjill still believe he was killed because of racial

hatrqd. Every issue of news here in Barbados contains some article concerning
the racial issue and even now nearly every issue contains a picture of the late

America is considered the land of opportunity by so many. She is looked t as a

haven of happiness ty so many nations, but most Americans don't fully realize'
this. If they did, they would surely guard their freedoms guaranteed by the
constitution more closely. The foundation of all freedoms is the opportunity
to read God's Word and know the Truth which sets men Free. If and when God's

Word is compromised, deleted, added onto, or just plain hidden, then woe upon
woe can be expected to follow.

So many of the Bajans have been anxious to go to the States and have suggested
that I take them when I return. Joan, one of the girls at Summervale, is one
of these. But she has been getting worried over all the troubles. So she began
to question me. Our conversation went something like this:
Joan: "Sister Betty, what state are you from?"
Betty; "Iowa."

Joan: "Do they like colored people where you are from?"
Betty: "Well, I don't think they know if they like them or not because
there aren't any colored people in the area I'm from."

Joan; "But who does the work?" (It's hard for colored people to imagine.
white people getting their hands dirty .')

Betty: "The people do their own work." (I had to laugh at this. The Iowa
farmers would be mighty shocked to have someone do their work for

Joan: "Do you like colored people?"

Betty: "Well, I wouldn't be in Barbados if I didn't J "

Joan: "I'd like to go to the States if they were all like you i" Then she
said thoughtfully: "Sometimes I almost wish God didn't make me

This seemed so sad to me.

And I'm sure it seems sad to all who realize our

Maker draws no distinction but rather has said: "But he that doeth wrong shall
receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons."
Col. 3:25.

Classes at Fairview have been held three afternoons a week since Oct. l6th.

Because of the limited space in the house where they are held, no emphasis has
been placed on numbers. One hundred and four names now appear on my roll, I'm
glad they don't all attend on the same day. Usually there are less than half that

number. As it is, they have been getting more unruly and I've threatened to stop
the classes. But on the whole, I believe these children are better behaved than
most,or I'm getting used to the confusion.

Services are also held in this rented house at Fairview on Tuesd^ and Thursday
nights and on Sunday p.m. at 5!00, All of these services are well attended,
the majority being children. Some adults stand outside or stay on the porch
where it is dark. Very few have the courage to come in. Many of them want t
take a stand for Christ, but cannot because they are living in adultery f.r
fornication. These circumstances can be changed, but it takes great courage and
faith. Sometimes the new Christian's life may even be threatened. This is one
of the reasons it is so important to teach the children while young. The more

children hearing the Word of God and the more receiving good Christian literature
to satisfy their inquiring minds, the fewer delinquents.
Some of you who receive this newsletter may be wondering about sending literature.
The Sunday Fix is loved by the children and is ideal for the poor readers of
which there are many. Since postage is so high, perhaps some would like to order
a number of Sunday Fix directly from the David C. Cook Publishing Co., 850 N. Grove
Ave., Elgin, Illinois and have them send them to the field. I do not know how
much extra one would have to pay for foreign postage. Other literature needs are
quarterlies for all ages, unused workbooks, and Sunday School papers for all
groups^ We prefer Standard material. We are using Favorite Hymns ^o. 2 at

Fairview, but need more copies. If someone has some used copies they don't need,
we would be glad to have them.

All of these supplies can be marked; "Literature"

or "Books" and come for cheaper rates.

The congregations are practicing for their Christmas programs. Church Village
wants me to help them with their music. We are planning for a short program at
Fairview in the afternoon. Some of the congregations have lots of talent and
should be going ahead independent of outside assistance. But so mary will not
plfice confidence in their own leaders. This is absolutely one of the biggest
hindrances to the work. One of the younger preachers said to me, "I can say the
same thing that the missionaries say; for I'm reading from the same BIBLE, and
they will listen to them but not to me i '* And he was right. So there is more

than training to be considered in this problem of leadership. They must be

accepted by their own people when trained.

Our Bible School attendance at Church Village is dropping as Christmas draws

near in spite of our contest we are holding with the Oistin congregation. Some
may not have enough good clothing or they may be busy working on Sunday,
preparing for the holidays. Whatever the real reason is, mary of our regular
ones are coming spasmodically or not at all.

During the past year some of you have been very faithful in writing to me, faith
ful in sending gifts for this work to my Forwarding Agent and faithful in praying
for this field and the workers. Although I may not be able to thank you individu
ally, yet I do think of you and am grateful for your concern and thoughtfulness.
Please continue to pray above all, for this the greatest POWER of all.
Have a Happy Christmas I
In Christ,
Betty M, Enabnit

- v

Mrs, Lillian Williamson


Forwarding Agent for Betty Enabnit

1^62 Sterling Avenue

Joliet, Illinois 60^32


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