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Addiction - HE101


Addiction- Persistent Compulsive dependence on a substance or

Excessive use of a substance or a behaviour.
Preoccupation with addiction- Interference.
Desire and/or unsuccessful attempts to control.
Continuous- Despite Problems.
Physiological and psychological dependence
Addictive behaviour to avoid withdrawal.
Physiology of addiction.
Mood altering changes in brain.
Endorphins- Neurotransmitters.
Tolerance-Need to progressively take larger doses to produce the same
desired effect.
Withdrawal- Symptoms experienced when substance or behaviour is
Addictive process- Nurturing through avoidance.
Defining Addiction-Signs
Craving, Compulsion
Loss of Control
Negative Consequences
Diagnosis Traditionally based on:
Presence of withdrawal symptoms
Negative consequences
Addictive Behaviour
Habits out of control, resulting in a negative impact on a persons
Shopping, eating, gambling, sex, television and the internet.
Addictive exercise- Intimacy, nurturance, self-esteem, and selfcompetency.
Alienation of friends and family.
Injuries from overdoing it.
Craving for more.
Muscle Dysmorphia

AKA Bigarexia
Preoccupation with becoming larger and larger and more muscular.

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