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NURS 440

Self-Assessment of Nursing Standards

ANA Standard (Look)

Standard 7: Ethics

Standard 8: Education

Activities that Helped you

Meet the Standard (Analyze)
This standard means that the
The clinical setting has really
nurse maintains a professional
given me a chance to help meet
and therapeutic relationship
this standard. It gives me a
with the patient. The nurse does chance to offer nonbiased care
not discriminate against the
to a variety of patients. For
patient based on the nurses
others it could be easy to judge
personal beliefs. The nurse
someone based on their past if
reports any illegal, incompetent they were a drug user or an
or impaired practice. The nurse alcoholic. I have had a patient
maintains patients
that was a know IV drug user.
confidentiality. I was not
She had endocarditis as a
surprised as to what this
result. I did not treat her any
standard meant. We always talk differently because of her drug
about being ethical within
use. I learned to put feelings
nursing. To achieve this
aside and treat my patients all
standard, I need to be
the same. In this class, I feel
knowledgeable about my
that all the work we do can
patient and the care they are
meet this standard. It is
receiving. I need to be skillful important to remain ethical in
in providing quality care and
regards to doing honest work.
have an unbiased attitude.
In my mental health class, we
talked about that we are
mandated reporters for child
abuse and I feel that learning
that helps meet this standard.
The nurse participates in
I work to meet this standard
Brief Description (Elaborate)

Plan to Meet Standard(Revise)

I feel that after reading this
standard I can keep working to
incorporate this into my
nursing practice. The nursing
program here at Ferris has done
a great job emphasizing ethical
care. Once I get the opportunity
to be a RN, I will make sure
that I report any illegal,
incompetent or impaired
nursing practice because I want
to make sure that all the
patients are receiving the best

Being in nursing school really

educational activities related to

the clinical setting so the nurse
can stay up to date with skills.
The nurse is knowledgeable
what experiences to maintain a
rounded nursing education. The
nurse shares knowledge gained
from the experiences with
fellow co-workers. I feel that
this standard can be closely
related to the EBP and research
study. A nurse must be willing
to learn in order to achieve this
standard. I would have to be
knowledgeable about what
experiences would benefit me
to expand my education. I
would have to use my skill set
in order to obtain that education
while having a positive
purposeful attitude.

everyday. As student nurse, I

am still learning about different
conditions and different
treatments. Personally, I am in
contact with my professors if I
have any questions about new
material. Rather than blowing
off something I may not
understand I actively ask for a
different explanation. My first
semester, I was checked off on
all of my nursing skills. The
clinical setting is a great place
to work on this standard
because I get the chance to
work with a variety of patients
to enhance my knowledge. I get
to perform nursing skills and
critical thinking which help
meet this standard. Also, this
semester I have attended 3
different CEU opportunities
with my clinical group. I am on
an orthopedic floor this clinical
rotation so one of the CEUs, I
learned about osteoporosis. The
presenter talked about ways to
help prevent it such as vitamin
D and calcium. I also learned
that if you have a spontaneous
fracture that means you have

helps me meet this standard

because I am constantly
surrounded by various forms of
education. I can work to meet
this standard everyday by
involving myself in different
situations in the clinical setting.
At times it can be intimidating
to work with a patient who has
a condition you have never
seen before, but this is a chance
for me to grow my education as
a nursing student. Once I
become a nurse, I will have to
take CEUs, which will help me
enhance my knowledge. It will
be important to look for ways
to learn as a nurse and look for
ways to share my knowledge
with my peers.

Standard 9: EBP and Research

Standard 10: Quality of


osteoporosis. The other two

CEUs were about strokes. I
learned about different ways to
communicate with someone
who has aphasia. It was a great
learning opportunity. All of my
classes, including this one, help
enhance my nursing
The nurse uses EBP in practice. I have met this standard by the
This will help the nurse and
amount of research I have done
patient. The nurse shares any
in my nursing school career.
knowledge he or she may have For clinical this semester, we
obtained from research
had to do research about
completed. I would have to
pressure ulcers and I used an
have the knowledge of where to EBP article to show proper
go to gain insight about current ways to prevent HAPUs. Also,
practices. I would have to use
in mental health this semester
my nursing skills to incorporate we had to review an EBP
the changes needed. I would
article relating a mental health
have to make sure to have an
issue and share that information
open attitude about the possible with the class. In this class, we
change EBP can bring about.
look up EBP articles almost
Sometimes this can be
every week for our online
unwelcomed by nurses, but by
discussion posts. In the clinical
having a welcoming attitude it
setting, we see the nurses using
can help me take better care of EBP with their care. This helps
my patients.
us learn the standard as nursing
The nurse looks for ways to
When I am in the clinical
enhance the patient experience. setting I always look for ways

I feel that I have a good grasp

on EBP and research right now.
However, I can see that this
may be difficult in the future
after nursing school. As a
future RN, it can be difficult to
stay up to date with the new
procedures and new research.
This is when we will have to
heavily rely on other nurses and
nurse managers to keep us
providing the best EBP care. I
can work to meet this standard
by subscribing to EBP
magazines or finding a website
that provides research and
updates for current nurses. I
will have to make sure I have a
positive attitude towards new
I find that I do give quality to
my patient because I want them

The nurse monitors the quality

and effectiveness of the care
that the patient is receiving.
The nurse works with
management to incorporate
positive change for better
patient outcomes. I was not
surprised that this was a
standard because it is important
to give quality care to patients.
I would need to be
knowledgeable about what is
expected of me on my unit. I
would use my nursing skills to
ensure safe interactions with
my patients. I would also use
communication skills in order
to ensure safe quality care. I
would need a collaborative
attitude because to meet this
standard you have to work with
other people. Also, a purposeful
attitude in order to give proper

Standard 11: Communication

The nurse effectively

to enhance the patients

experience. I had a patient last
summer who was very bored
because he said he had nothing
to do or watch. I asked him if
there was anything good on TV
and he said his TV has not been
working since he was admitted.
I then spoke with my nurse and
we contacted someone to fix
this issue. Even though it was
not a medical correction, it did
improve his stay and he was
very thankful. I listen to
concerns or questions the
patient may have. It can be a
simple change that can increase
the quality of care for a patient.
The floor I am working on now
is working hard to achieve high
patient satisfaction ratings and I
feel that quality of care plays a
crucial role. In this class, we
have our OSP assignment and I
feel that we are working to
provide quality services to a
population. We talk about ways
to make our patients lives a
little easier in every class I
have taken at Ferris.
The clinical setting provides

to have a good experience. I

listen to patient feedback and
also feedback from my clinical
instructor. In the future, I plan
to review the standards and
policies of the hospital I am
working at to ensure that I am
meeting the standards. I can
work with my nurse manager to
see what the goals of the floor
are with patient care.

There are always ways to

communicates with the patient,

fellow peers, physicians and
other interdisciplinary teams.
The nurse is able to get the
point across and make sure that
the party receiving understands.
The nurse accepts feedback
about his or her method of
communication. I need to have
the knowledge about various
communication styles. Also, I
need to have knowledge about
how to talk to certain groups of
people such as patients and
physicians. I need to have the
skill to understand if the person
receiving the information
understands what I am saying. I
need to keep a professional
attitude when communicating
with various parties. Also,
having an empathic attitude
when speaking with patients
and families.

the best opportunity to work on

my communication skills in
order to meet this standard.
When I am talking with a
patient I make sure to explain
everything in terms that they
can understand. I also make
sure that I explain what I am
giving them or what I am going
to do to them. It is important to
have effective communication
with my peers, instructor,
nurse, and other parties
involved in my patients care.
Before I give any medications
to my patient, I explain what
they are and give them the
chance to ask any questions.
One time I was hanging my
patients Vancomycin and they
did not understand why they
were on it. I told them that it
was a prophylactic measure
because their WBC was
increasing. The patient
understood. I already discussed
this previously with my nurse
because I wanted to know why
they were getting that
medication. In all of my
nursing classes we work on

improve communication. I can

look for the way that my
patient best communicates.
Also, looking at nonverbal
communication can be helpful
when assessing a patient. I will
need to make sure that I am
willing to receive feedback on
my communication. This is a
very important standard when it
comes to nursing and I need to
make sure that I am talking
with everyone who is
consulting on my patient. This
way I can always be informed
on what is going on, and this
will help me have answers for
my patients questions.

Standard 12: Leadership

being an effective
communicator whether it be in
discussions or in class
presentations. With the online
discussions, it is important to
write clear thoughts so that the
peer reading can form a proper
The nurse leads by example.
This class is a perfect example
The nurse does not need to be
to meet this standard. We look
in a leadership position in
at different leadership styles
order to do this. By doing the
and we learn how to
work, and helping fellow
incorporate them in our care.
colleagues this can be met. The The OSP project this semester
nurse works to resolve conflicts has us working in groups. It
on the floor. The nurse sets up
forces us to have a leader in
helpful guidelines for other
delegating work in order to get
staff. The nurse maintains
our assignment done in time.
accountability for his or her
This role alternates between
own actions. I was not
group members. In the clinical
surprised by this standard
setting our nurses work to lead
because as a nurse it is
by example for us as students.
important to be able to lead
Also, in the clinical we get to
others around you. For
see the charge nurse and nurse
example, if a new nurse is on
manager lead the floor nurses.
the floor just helping him or her This semester in clinical we
out would demonstrate
have the chance to be a charge
leadership. I would need to be
nurse. This lets us meet this
knowledgeable about different
standard by leading our peers.
ways to lead others. It would
We arrive to clinical an hour
important to have effective
early and we make assignments

I feel that I have a good grasp

on leadership because I have
been involved in sports. I was a
senior captain this year. I have
worked out conflicts between
teammates and have
collaborated with my coach on
other issues. In regards to
nursing, we are still learning
and that can make it hard to
lead. In the future, I will make
sure I lead by example when I
am working. I will work to
maintain accountability for my

communication skills. A nonjudgmental attitude and selfconfidence would also be


Standard 13: Collaboration

The nurse must work with other

health care providers in order to
provide the best care to the
patient. The nurse would be
involved in meetings regarding
her patient in order to advocate
for them. The nurse is team
player and works with other
providers to achieve the same
goal. I was not surprised that
this was a standard because as a
nurse you have to work with
health care providers to manage
the care of your patient. Also,
on the floor you are put into
teams in order to get all of
the patient care taken care of. I
would have to have the
knowledge of how to work with
others. An important skill
would be able to be a team
player and have effective

for our peers. Throughout the

day, we walk around and ask
our peers if there is anything
we can help them with. Also, if
we find our peers are not doing
anything and call lights are
going off we encourage them to
answer those lights to help the
floor keep running smoothly.
In this class we have to
collaborate on a few our
assignments. We have our
nurse manager paper and our
OSP project. In the clinical
setting I have to collaborate
with my nurse, my tech, peers,
and other health care
professionals that are working
on my patients case. I attend
the care management meetings.
During one of the meetings, I
was able to give input about the
familys plans with discharge if
it was a discharge to home that
they wanted or if they wanted
discharge to facility. I was bale
to help my nurse because I
worked with the patient the
previous and spoke with the
family. I feel that nursing
school really helps us meet this

I can work on this standard

every time I am in clinical. I
always am collaborating with
my nurse because she is the one
I am working with most of my
day. In the future, I will need
to work closely with the
physician overseeing my
patient. The physician will
listen to my concerns or any
important findings that I make.
I also will have to work with
whoever is consulting on the
case such as care management,
PT/OT, respiratory, wound
care, etc

Standard 14: Professional

Practice Evaluation

Standard 15: Resource


communication skills. I would

need to have a selfless and
cooperative attitude.
The nurse accepts feedback
related to his or her own
practice. The nurse provides
care that is individualized to
each patient. The nurse
evaluates their actions on a
daily basis. The nurse also
provides feedback to other
peers as necessary. I was not
surprised that this was a
nursing standard because it is
important to evaluate your
work on a day-to-day basis. It
would be important to know the
actions you are taking in order
to evaluate yourself. The skills
used would be able to look
inside to see where
improvements can be made. A
nurse would need to have a
critique and change attitude.

The nurse makes sure that the

patients are only using the
resources necessary in order to
prevent over spending. The

standard because of all the

various projects we collaborate
with our peers.
In the class, we you always
give us feedback on our
assignments. I feel that it
important to receive this
feedback so that we can
evaluate ourselves as students.
The clinical setting is a perfect
place to meet this standard. We
do weekly self-evaluations to
see how we think we did. It
keeps us aware of our actions.
It is important to be able to
identify where improvements
need to be made. I noticed that
it would take me awhile to get
all my charting done. I worked
hard to change this in the
following weeks. We also
receive feedback from the
nursing staff. For example, if
we did the injection properly.
Our clinical instructors are
there as well to help us evaluate
our performances.
I learned more about this
standard this semester during
clinical. We met with the nurse
manager and she talked about

Sometimes it can be hard to

evaluate yourself because you
may think you are doing a great
job, but there is always room
for improvement. I am always
looking for ways to cause less
pain or discomfort for my
patients. In the future I plan to
meet this standard by accepting
feedback from my peers. This
will let me evaluate my patient

I plan to meet this standard by

being aware of the resources
my patient does and does not
need. I used the example of

Standard 16: Environmental


nurse seeks the resources

needed in order effectively take
care of their patient. I can see
why this is part of the nursing
standards even though I would
have not thought of it myself. It
would be important to know
which resources are needed for
your patient. Also, to be aware
of what you are supplying your
patient because some of the
amenities could cost them more
in the long run. The nurse
should have an advocate
attitude when addressing the
resources needs to take the best
care of their patient. The nurse
should use their nursing skill
set and communication skills to
get what the patient needs.
The nurse does not create extra
waste that will strain the
environment. The nurse
properly disposes of waste and
hazardous materials. The nurse
works to promote
environmental health in the
community. I was not
surprised that this was a
nursing standard because it is
important to take care of the

orange sticker items. This

meant that the patient had to be
charged for an item. I learned
that you want to make sure
youre not giving your patient
extra resources that will cost
them. However, you want to
make sure they are getting the
resources they need. This can
be a tricky standard to meet and
I feel that I am still learning on
how to effectively meet this

orange sticker items, and I will

need to make sure that I am
charging my patient for those
items. I will need to make sure
that they really need them
before I give them to the

I learned about environmental

health in my community health
class last semester. We talked
about community outreach
programs to ensure the proper
disposal of hazardous
materials. Also, in the clinical
setting I always make sure that
I am disposing of the materials
the correct way. For example,
sharps in the sharps container. I

This is standard I will need to

work on. It is important to be
environmentally conscious
when you are working. I plan
on complying with disposal
policies for certain material we
use. This can be hard to think
about when you are focused on
your patient but it is still
important. I can work to set a
good example for other staff by

environment with whatever you

are doing. I need to be
knowledgeable about where to
dispose of waste. Also, I would
need to be conscious of my
actions in order to provoke
change in community. I would
need to skills to properly
dispose of it and I would need a
green thinking attitude.

find that something nurses like

to walk into ISO rooms with
anything on to just check in
with their patient. I set a
standard for myself and I
always would follow the proper
precautions because I did not
want to tract whatever
organism out of the room and
into the hospital environment.
In this class I feel like the OSP
project can help meet this
standard because you want to
make sure that your business is
not causing extra harm to the

abiding by the rules.

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