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FOnline: Reloaded: Vault Dwellers Edition (Season 3)

Journal of the Officer

2250. April. 22:34. Officer logging daily duties then
signing out. Stop. Personal log. Ciras birthday is
tomorrow. Stop. Please remind me never to forget about
her again. My mind has been wandering off more than
usual, and I am always cold.
2250. April. 12:54. The air is getting stale. Overseer
requested new filters installed on the vents. However, for
some reason we are running low. Robobrain, and Thomas
will have to improvise in the near future. We are not
prepared for shortage. It is odd, how our resources keep
dwindling. Stop. Officer logging daily duties. Overseer, is
our vault dying?
2251. January. 06:00. Im having nightmares, and I can
barely breath. Thomas says its the dust in the air, but I
dont know if thats a good enough answer. Is my home
dying? I cant remember the last time I was really happy.
I havent had a decent meal in weeks, and I completely
forgot Ciras birthday again. We havent spoken in a few
days either. Officer logging daily duties. Personal log.
What is out there?
2251. March. 14:45. Thomas is dead. The Overseer had
me shoot him until he was dead. I fear that if this goes on
I won't have any friends left. What is going on down here?
How long can we keep this place up? Officer logging daily
duties. Personal log. I miss you, Thomas.
2252. March. 04:40. Logging computal security breach.
This morning our systems were affected by some sort of

glitch. A list of passwords and logins were suddenly sent

off to the surface... Somewhere. The mainframe was
unable to trace the recipient, but it was sent to the United
States. Impossible. Unless there is life on the surface...

2252. March. 23:09. Logging possible surface hazard.

After midnight there was a loud banging sound coming
from the other end of the surface doors. Security was
unable to determine the cause of the disturbance. If there
is life out there will it be friendly?
2253. September. 00:04. Logging status update. Vault
future facing catastrophic eventual destruction.
Resources and materials are depleting at an alarming
rate. Vault is unable to sustain daily agriculture or food
production. Highly recommend begin exploring surface.
2254. January. 00:00. Doomsday. Our vault doors opened
on their own today at exactly midnight. It is the same day
that our resources completely ran out, and most of our
equipment stopped working. All this of course is
supposed to be impossible! Our systems were meant to
last forever! We had a completely self-sustaining system
here! Nothing was supposed to go wrong! And now
they're sending us out in droves!! The overseer is sending
me out next! In less than a few hours Ill be cast out of
my vault, and thrown into the god forsaken wasteland!
Officer signing out.

This will be my last entry. God help us all. Cira! I'm so

sorry! I've always been a horrible friend! I'm so sorry!
Please god! Be good to her! Please! She's so innocent!
She doesn't deserve to be thrown out to the wolves!
It is 2254. The world as we know it ended on October 23rd, 2077. It has been 177 years since the
fall of man, and the destruction of the Golden Age. The Great Resource War of 2052 made sure
of that. Within months, the world began to die. All the progress we made weltered away into the
dust. Voices began to cry out, and were quickly silenced. Shortly before the bombs swept our
people away, the rich, and most privileged of all began their relocation into massive underground
vaults. Some willingly stayed behind, hoping that they could prevent the massive destruction that
was surely coming. I am one of those people. My name is Charles Ringhold, and I, created the
F.E.V. But thats another story, a story on its own.
What matters today, is who you are. Who you will become. Your family wanted the best for their
generation, so they hid away in one of the few remaining vaults. Down the line, your bloodline
turned into something different. Within years of living underground, with massive amounts of
other families, small communities began to appear. Small families from old, forgotten
generations blended with other small families, eventually creating a generation of its own.
Although your true last name is long forgotten, you have become something more than just a
name. You are a vault dweller. Destined to walk in the same shoes as all the other vault dwellers
that came before you.
But somewhere along the line we all lose sight of who we are supposed to become. While others
choose to follow the path of the wretched, broken fool. With these great steel vault doors
opening, one must wonder Just who in the hell will you become? A hero? Or a new darkness
to walk the Earth?

The events of Fallout 1 and 2 have already taken place. The original Vault Dweller is a known
hero throughout California. His legacy lives on in stories, songs, whatever. Everybody knows the
story of the Vault Dweller, and the ballad of the hero. However, the Chosen One played a pretty
insignificant role in the long run. Being a neutral, generic tribal he merely saved his people, and
destroyed the Oil Rig. The Enclave was barely affected by his actions, but the original history
continues. They will eventually lose a territorial battle with NCR, and move towards the Capital
Wasteland. None the less, the Chosen One took the people of V13 and returned to rebuild

Arroyo. His story is over. Long live the legacy of the Vault Dweller, and his child. The Chosen
One did have a child himself, but he isnt born yet. Our timeline starts with the ending of Fallout
2. So its 10-12 years behind the official timeline.

Van Buren is happening as we speak, some things have already happened, but some things
havent happened yet. These are very insignificant, but it will explain how some Van Buren
content was thrown into Reloaded. Trent Burham for an example. He should be far in the East
being mayor of his own town, unfortunately he hasnt convinced Tandi yet. The Prisoner (Van
Buren hero) isnt an actual hero, hes an asshole. Hes causing a massive genocide in the East,
and will eventually detonate several nuclear warheads and destroy most of whats in between all
the Fallout Games (again). The relevancy of all this, is simply the fact that Van Buren characters,
enemies, etc, have been forced to relocated to the West, towards NCRs California. This is how
Ceasars Legion will come to be, and Joshua Graham coming to California, instead of Van
Buren. Most of this wont be in game, but its there somewhere between the lines. We are trying
to bring as much official lore into the game. And we want the events of Reloaded to be canon,
and fit into that damn 2254 timeline slot.

With the destruction of the Master, the Enclave, and all those evil groups the Fallout 1 + 2
characters destroyed, California is ripe pickings for the NCR, and the other left over factions to
duke it out. This explains how Reloaded is more of an MMO, than a story driven roleplaying
game. Its a sequel to our saved games. Thousands of nobodies too weak, or unequipped to deal
with professional armies have now begun starting their own armies, and factions. Its another
Resource War, and Territorial Battle. Every city, faction, etc has already made their own friends
and enemies. The future of California is already in the timeline, but this will explain how things
became that way. Its simply an idea of the NCR winning more, and more support from the
locals, having the better gear, ideology, etc.
In the long run, your actions will just result in the NCR having more reasons to take everything
over by force. It ends up being a lot easier for them after the countless number of vault dwellers
that randomly picked sides, and helped weakened everyone else. Hence why a professional,
powerful army like the Enclave got wiped out. Vault dwellers thought that they were a good
source for weapons and armor via ambushes. Enclave had to spread out, left a tactical opening,
etc. Exact same idea with the Brotherhood, except the locals saw the NCR actually helping
people, so they supported the NCR, and helped kick out the BoS.
The main story behind Reloaded, and 2254 is how the future of Fallout came to be. How did
California make such a huge impact on the rest of the country? How did the NCR become so
powerful? Why is it that several years later theres a massive war between Ceasars Legion, and
the NCR army? Playing the game should slowly uncover these reasons, so that when the player
revisits Fallout 3, or New Vegas they can relate their activities from Reloaded into reality. There
is a huge void in the story between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3.

Character Development:
Players will experience being a vault dweller in first person, during a time when being a vault
dweller was supposed to mean being a hero. They will be torn between old world views, vault
culture, an outdated twist on the American Dream, and what the world expects of them.
Depending on how you play the quests, you will evolve into numerous different types of people,
good or bad. The whole theme is What is a Hero? there is much conflict between Man vs
Self and Man vs Environment.
Its supposed to explore the world in a gritty and more personal way. Not in such a way that the
player will feel sad, but in a way that makes the player examine what it means to be good, bad,
right, or wrong. As they progress throughout the wasteland, different towns will make you feel
different ways. The Hub for example represents justice, in a black or white way. But concludes it
as grey. A neutral thing that requires both good and bad to fully maintain. The players character
will always have its own perception of things, and never fully be able to make up its mind. But it
will reflect on your actions, as if it were his/her own. There will never be a bad answer, just
morally darker things that will affect your psychology.
Your character is not happy about the legacy of the Vault Dweller, and will comment in very
contradictory ways. You are torn between what your feel, and what youre supposed to feel. At
times the character will rebel against being a hero, or express anxiety during certain
conversations. Some things will set your character off, and represent how your character is
learning new emotions, or losing his humanity. The amount of stress your character is going
through is beyond our comprehension. Just put yourself in their shoes. You grew up sheltered, in
a peaceful, friendly vault, full of people you knew and trusted. For reasons that were beyond
anyones control, the doors opened and forced everyone outside. One of the first things you
encounter after leaving the vault is mutated creatures, sociopathic strangers, etc, things that just
want to kill you for the simple sake of killing you.
All of this traumatizes your character, not only are they supposed to be the last bastion of hope
for humanity, everybody wants to kill them. Even their own fellow vault dwellers try to kill them
for no reason. Its a vicious, brutal game of survival and murder. Your best friend can simply turn
on you at any moment and rob you blind. Its too much for you to handle, and sometimes you
will break down, stare out into space, or fall into a corner and weep. You didnt ask for any of
this, your damn vault just opened, and they told you to go survive out there. You dont even
know how you should feel, and the whole world wants you to help them with every little thing.
Youve barely made it outside for five minutes, and youre in some Landers Point Vault Camp
being told to do this, help her, blah blah. Whos to say you cant just forget about the reality of

the situation, and drown yourself in a bottle of Rotgut? A few quests will solely present your
emotions, while others will show how youve changed, or adapted throughout your experiences.

Eventually, your character will accept their fate, and ultimately die a nobody. His, or her legacy
will become confused with that of the original Vault Dweller, and everything you do will become
attributed to the Dweller. History isnt fair, but seeing as you arent just any vault dweller, you
stand as the symbol of everything the Vault Dweller ever meant to anyone. Its a delusional
representation of the consequences of having great heroes. Like in real life, we are constantly
reminded of the heroes of the past, and the stories have been so twisted and turned that some
people just seem like super heroes, or saints. When all they did in reality, was accidently drink
too much whiskey and invent electricity. Whoops. But history doesnt have to know that.
The people will see your character as the next modern day Vault Dweller, and expect you to be
just like him, no matter what. Your character will be very reluctant to tell people he is an actual
vault dweller, since he will know how the normies would react. OMG! Youre a hero, arent
you?! Can you go punch God in the face for me? Please? Ill give you a couple caps. As the
character progresses more up North, we want the world to feel different. People wont just see
you as a hero, theyll see you as an arrogant menace trying to force people into his/her way of
life. The way of the Vault Dweller, blah blah. Some people will be just as sick of the legacy as
you are, and will react violently toward you just for being from a vault. With great good, comes a
great consequence, a great evil. Rebels against the universe, and never-do-wells. Vipers for an
example dont give a fuck about the legacy, and think that the world needs to stay destroyed.
There must be a huge system of evil quests, and opportunities to do absolute wrong. Just like the
NPCs around you, some of them might not care for being good, or being little heroes. There
must be an obvious clash between Good vs Evil where your character has to choose a side.
Decisions made during quests should come back to haunt you later. Sparing a suspect instead of
killing them should create a problem in another city. Making X quest much harder because now
they have the support of your new anti-hero. With every major decision the player makes,
something new should appear in the world to make you pay for your decision. Punching your
cousin Felix in the Noob Camp for example should severe your ties with him, making him refuse
to help you during your re-visit to the vault.
In the end, after all is said and done. Whether or not you made the right decisions, you will know
what it means to be a hero, and why you chose your own path. Because you will never be like the
Vault Dweller. He was one-of-a-kind. Youre just a wastelander, born at the wrong time.

Storyline + Current Events

2238: Eagle Rock is never discovered. Trent Burham grows older, and angrier.
2238: Redding Gold Rush happens! People scramble to get their weapons, and claim a piece of
the new found fortune. Thousands die, lose their fortunes, or become mediocre millionaires.
Those who prosper during the rush end up getting into politics, forming their own powerful
factions. NCR claims most of the resources left over by force.
2242: Harold remains in Gecko. Thanks to the improvements on the Power Plant his mutation
doesnt get any worse for quite some time.
2242: Redding is going nowhere due to the ongoing Gold Rush.
2242: Broken Hills still has plenty of Uranium Left. San Francisco and the Communists begin to
take interest. Marcus decides to stay behind, and continue serving as Mayor.
2242: The Deathclaw can never die. A few survivors make a nest in the ruins of L.A and spawn a
new generation.
2246: The NCR-Enclave war never happens. Enclave remains, but weakened.
2248: President Tandi falls ill, but thanks to the combined efforts of Doctor Jubilee and Doctor
Henry she survives. Joanna Tibbett & Wendell Peterson compete for presidency.
2253: Thanks to Tandis strong leadership the NCR doesnt go exploring the Mojave Desert, and
instead focuses their time on conquering California. Joanna Tibbett & Wendell Peterson continue
to compete for presidency.
2254: A small number of caravans, and people, begin to go missing around Junktown.
Darkwaters son begins to worry.
2254: Several young women begin to disappear around the NCR. Some are found mutilated,
while others vanish without a trace.
2254: A new wave of strangers from the East appear across the Californian wastes. The amount
of sex crimes reported to police begin to rise. The citizens of NCR are getting worried.
2254: A veteran detective in the Hub is murdered. His wife is blamed for the crime.
2254: Trent Burham arrives in Junktown to try to raise enough money to bribe the NCR

2254: Charles Ringhold, lone survivor of the Great War, and creator of the F.E.V takes control of
Necropolis. He begins to repair Vault-12, and starts to work on a cure for the F.E.V. Sadly, his
dementia takes over, and he is unable to formulate enough thought to continue.
2254: San Francisco and the Communist regime begin their plans to annex Necropolis, and
rebuild it into the new Chinese Capital. Ban Chao creates a Uranium Processor, and is able to out
produce Broken Hills, they just cant mine the ore themselves.
2254: The attempted assassination of President Tandi is foiled by the NCR police. Detective
Missy Gallows leads the investigation.
2254: One of the last remaining civilian vaults in California opens its doors. Vault-24. Its
experiment was to open up shortly after the Enclave managed to conquer California. Unleashing
a huge wave of pure pre-war American Dream loving Americans. Re-establishing a new age, and
repopulating the broken pieces of the last generation that tried. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of
Vault-24 came into a world with too many masters, and are now a by-product of a failed
experiment. The Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, NCR, Vault City, etc, all compete to gain the
approval of this new pre-war generation.
2258: James & Catherine have a baby. The Lone Wanderer is born. Some speculate that James &
Catherine both came from a vault. Some say that it was Vault-24. Is the player in Reloaded James
or Catherine? Either way they die in Fallout 3.
2258: President Tandi dies, and Reloaded ends. NCR completely conquers California. All other
factions are assimilated or move on.


Fallout 1 had an interesting Karma system. Depending on what you did you were able to gain
certain advantages here and there. NPCs were easier to persuade, and all in all people were more
likely to agree with you. Karma will play a more traditional role in Reloaded. It will represent
how well youre playing the hero, or the villain. Quests that are ultimately about doing good
things will not be available to a player that has too low Karma. They will be forced to stick to
quests that either involve being evil, selfish, or redeeming yourself.
Low Karma players can still be able to do trade related quests, faction content, and explore
towns. But the dialog options to access certain good quests will not be available. Instead they
will be forced to say the more ignorant things. Why would a -100 Karma character care about
helping a little girl? Or improving a town? They are only motivated by wealth, or power, so
unless the NPC mentions money they wont be interested. This means that some conversations
will be impossible for your character, since some of them require your character to actually care
before being offered money.

This doesnt mean that you shouldnt necessarily play as an evil character. It simply means that
there will be many more consequences to your actions. If you commit dubious acts in the South
side of the world, the surrounding cities will hear about it and your reputation with them will
suffer as well. Random encounter guards from protected cities will attack you if your Karma, and
reputation gets too low. This is much easier to happen if you do bad things.
However, on the bright side, the more rewarding quests, and dialog options will be centered
towards low Karma players. For example, killing kids for Father Confessor is a great way to
level your character, and make a small amount of caps at the same time. You just destroy your
soul while doing it. Your Rep and Karma will be so low by the time youre done with it that
nobody will want to talk to you. Eventually there will be great things waiting for players that
were either really good, or really bad, or managed to stay somewhere in between.
On a final note, the Karma system is designed to be very balanced. You can gain Karma by
wasting thousands of caps, or doing mindless fetch quests. No matter how low your Karma gets
you can always redeem yourself. With that said you can play as a completely neutral character if
you perform both good and bad things. You example, lets say that, killing children for Father
Confessor gets you a penalty of -25 Karma. You could first finish a dozen high Karma quests,
then finish it off with a trip to Father Confessor. Youll break even, and end up not gaining or
losing any Karma. However reputation is permanent, your actions will never be forgotten
Unless you spend lots of money of course!
The ultimate goal here is to create two mini-campaigns available to either High Karma or Low
Karma players. On top of the main campaign, we want to offer Karma based campaigns as well.
This will allow the player to experience the game as either a full blown hero character, or vicious
vault renegade!

Towns + Quests + Game Changes (300+ new dialog files!)

HQ Electronic Parts + HQ Fibers

Available at numerous Vendors

o Rondo: 2k per unit
o Skeeter: 1k per unit
o Zack: 2k per unit
o Balthas: 1k per unit
o Valery: 2k per unit

Tool Vendors

Rick Carpenter changed to a generic tool vendor

o Can be found in Hub, Junktown, and Boneyard

Brahmin Now Drop 6 Meat

Many Cooldowns Removed or Lowered to 1 hour

Religious War

8 Religions are now Fighting for Control of the Wasteland

o Renewal Church in Gecko
o Christianity Church in Reno
o Hubology Church in San Fran
o Followers of the Apocalypse Church in Library
o Children of the Cathedral Church in Cathedral
o Dharma Church in NCR
o The Mormons Church in the Den
o The Reavers Church in Vault City
Join or Quit a Religion at any time (-500 Faith Points)
o Perform repeatable high level Combat Job (+250 Faith Points)
o Complete Laser Pistol + SEC Bulk Order (+10 Faith Points per Bundle)
o Raise World Score Board for your Religion
o Most Popular Religion gives the LEAST Rewards
o Most Hated Religion gives the BEST Rewards
Only 4 Possible Combat Locations
o Might Encounter Players of the Opposite Faction
o PvE can become forced PvP
Earn Faith Points
o Earn FP for each mission completed within your faction
o Turn in your FP for items and epic rewards!
o Take Faction Specific Enemy Territory to gain +50 Faith Points!

Random Quest Encounters

Chance to find 5 possible Quest Encounters (repeatable)

o Old Winter Blues
o Talking Plants
o The Broken Well
o Dead Cows
o Forsaken Caravan

My First Tent/ Storyline Quest

A Tent in the Wasteland is now available at Level 2

o Once completed you will have to opportunity to continue the story, or go your
own way. (Killing/Attacking the NPCs will forfeit the quests)
o Ask about the Hub within Landers Point to discover a tourist quest!
o Earn XP and Caps by exploring the Hub!

The Ridgecrest Hotel + The Desert Oasis + The Abandoned Gas Station +
Many More!

Some encounter NPCs will give you the location of your own private dungeon. Lasts 12
hours, and can be played in either RT or TB combat. Repeatable, and co-op friendly.
o Contains over 30+ enemies + 1 Big Gun Boss(s)
o 9+ Loot Containers
o Very Hard Difficulty

Fonline Noire: Police Quest

Experience the dark, film noire style, psychological tale of a freshly released vault
dweller coming of age in a violent, crime filled, and desolate world that threw the good in
man away. Can both your body, and mind survive the journey? Or will the job simply get
to you, and kill whatevers left of your own humanity. High Karma mini-campaign!
o Epic cinematic chain quest, with unforgiving combat and highly fulfilling
o Your choices matter!
o Several unlockable endings that can either cut your story short, or continue it
o The true tale of a hero stuck inside a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

The Puppet Man

Who is the Puppet Man?
o Defeat all 13 legendary enemies to find out!
o Collect puppets
o ???
Several Map Changes!
A few of the major towns have had their maps modified to include new buildings, npcs,
quests, locations, etc. An example of this is the Hub. The bottom left, and top right side of
the town are now available for visit. This includes a newly working Hospital with quests,
and a new Church with quests.

The Hubs Priest will now hold a sermon every Sunday at Noon inside of his Church.
Please make sure you all attend Sunday mass.
Couriers will now be running around the wasteland delivering packages to vendors, and
some major NPCs.
Please stop throwing your trash on the streets. With the rising population rates across the
wasteland it is getting more, and more difficult to maintain the cleanliness of the cities.

Landers Point

New starting location! After exiting the vault players will have the choice of either
visiting Landers Point, or skipping it.
o Allows you to level up a bit in peace! Easily get to level 3!
o Includes over a dozen fetch quests, and its own storyline quest!
o Dozens of goofy, traumatized characters to interact with!
o Safe mining! Low level hunting grounds for resource gathering and gecko fightin
o Public location where you can interact with fellow vault dwellers, and make
friends early! Dying respawns you inside the camp! Leave whenever you want!
o Experience the early narration, and character development before you get exposed
to the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic America!
o Receive bonus starting items for every quest you complete! Unlock them all to get
the best possible head start!

Maida Buckner and Gecko Hides

Cool down removed from Maidas gecko job, she is one of the more premium gecko pelt
buyers now, while the Hub offers a much safer trade route. Players can make a quick
buck selling gecko hides (silver, golden, fire) to NPCs in Klamath and the Hub.

Independent Caravan Jobs

Several NPCs around the Hub, L.A, and NCR will now offer the player jobs to either
deliver Caravan Boxes, or escort them to the nearest town. Mix and match them up to
make the most of your time.

Bulk Order Quests

Similar to Ultima Online, players can now find different NPCs and accept repeatable
Bulk Order Quests. Bring large quantities of specific items to specific NPCs for money,
caps, and rare chances at special items! Always think twice before using that dismantle

Kali Kalune, a famous trader is also available inside the Hub. She will provide the player
with quest-like bulk order jobs at a higher cap reward. Includes specific bonuses as well.
Is not repeatable after completion.

Professional Dismantling now Available!

Arent really good with your hands? Let the L.A scavengers do it! Trade weapons and
armour in for guaranteed resources! Stop by Adytum today!

Containers for Sale!

Tired of having to craft your own furniture? Well, worry no more! The new L.A
carpenters can take care of all your furniture needs! For a hefty price, of course!

Become a Farmer!
Ever wanted to own your own Farm? Well, now you can! The mayor of Modoc is now
selling out plots of land! Spend your hours watching the people you hired cultivate your
land, and tend to the tedious but highly rewarding needs of your very own Farm! Watch it
generate permanent income! Rates are based on exactly how hard you work! Invite your
friends! Give out maps or even grant ownership! Become Farmers together!

Cops n Robbers
Many quest actions in game will now directly affect the law and order inside of Redding.
At level 24 players will be able to complete bounties for either the police, or lawless
gangs around Redding. Each mini faction will be fighting for control and power across
the city.
Interact with a new community based tug of war style bounty engine whose strength and
weaknesses are determined by the communitys actions.
Kill the opposing forces soldiers AKA mini-bosses one at a time either by force, or
tactical genius.
Maintain your factions Health, or lose your bonuses!

Gain free weaponry based on your factions strength and popularity!

Sabotage the enemys weapons!
One of the highest paying bounty jobs available, but with an interactive,
micromanagement twist!


The Casinos in game now feature a few gambling options. Blackjack, Russian Roulette,
Pool, and numerous other games are now available for playing. Each casino has its own
unique variation of a coin toss type game called either: Risk, Lust, Greed, or Envy.
Winnings are determined by which casino you are visiting. Reno has the best payouts,
and Hub has the worse.
Prostitution, heavy drug use, gambling, and pornography are now popular vices in the
wasteland. Theyre also 100% legal! So enjoy something wicked today!

The Bartertown Barters Guild

Now located in Barter Ground. Players may join the guild for 10k caps and reap the
benefits of being a member. Every Bulk Order job completed (with restrictions) grant you
score within the guild. Every 12 points you can redeem a free random blueprint!

New Quests! (WARNING: Many are hidden, and must be discovered on your
own! *Some rewards might not be accurate)
Landers Point

Greet Captain Stone 50xp

Solve the Water Issue 800 xp
Learn Gecko Skinning 500 xp
Help the injured Hunter 850 xp + 6% Outdoors
Numerous Fetch Quests
o Bring Alec a Leather Jacket 600 xp
o Bring Samantha 5 Golden Gecko pelts 600 xp
o Bring Tom 2 Rope 250 xp
o Repair the Cyberdog 300 xp + 6% Science
o Bring Ed a Sledgehammer 300 xp
o Cure Jessica 500 xp + 5% Poison Resistance
o Fix Jimmys legs 250 xp + 3% Doctor
o Bring Kid 5 Fruit 200 xp
o Bring Albert a Knife 400 xp + 6% Repair
o Bring Lawrence some cards 250 xp
o Bring Rebecca 2 Full Water Bags 350 xp
o Bring Simon 3 Axes 300 xp
o Bring Stanley a bottle of Rotgut 325 xp
o Bring Thunder Jo lots of ammo 550 xp
o Bring Farmer a random item 250 xp

The Hub

Solve the murder of Hopes husband

o Bring Lighter
o Final 1000 xp + 500 caps + 35 hub rep 25 Criminal rep + 44 Magnum + LA +
1 Rotgut + 2 Smokes + 1 Karma
Win a game of wits for an old man
o Disarm a Bomb via Dialog Puzzle
o Pass perception check (5) gain .44 Magnum
o If you fail quest 500 xp
o If you succeed, but are ignorant 1250 xp + Leather Arm
o If you succeed, and are polite 1500 xp +LA+10mm SMG +2 Stims+10 hub rep
Join a Gang and rob the Stockmans Association
o Bring 200 caps 200 xp + LJacket
o Recruit 4 Gangers 1000 xp + 400 caps
o Bribe Hub Police 1200 caps 1000 xp + MArmor
o Bring 7x Assorted Weapons+Ammo 750 xp
o Rob Warehouse Puzzle: Fail: 1000 xp + 1200 caps
o RWP: Barely Succeed: 1200 xp + 1600 caps
o RWP: Neutral: 1300 xp + 1800 caps
o RWP: Positive: 1500 xp + 2000 caps
o RWP: Great: 2000 xp + 2400 caps
o -1 Karma
Find a little girls drunken father 700 xp + 10 rep + 1 Karma
o You get a drink of your choice, or smokes for finding the dad
o You can get a Gamma here
Help the FLC collect debts 50 xp + 50 caps -12 hub rep
o Random Tough civilian spawns, random locations, kill it
o Repeatable -1 Karma
Help a young woman become a Viper 700xp + Docs Bag + FA Kit
o Bring her 1x Mauser, 50x rounds, LJacket + LHelm + 2 Stims
o +1 Karma
Bring a man a shotgun to kill his dog 300 xp + Leather A. Helmet Mk2.
o Or bypass with 60% speech check. Gain 50x SShells instead of quest.
o Can give Rad-Away instead if you pass intel or doc check (6, 50)
o +1 Karma
Collect bounties for the Hub Police 100 xp + 100 caps - -24 hub crim rep
o Random Low-Boss spawns, random location, kill it.
o Repeatable +1 Karma
Become a Postman, and deliver letters 150/500/700 xp+caps depending
o Travel from Hub to Random City
o Deliver letter to Random NPC
o Reward is based on distance

o There are 3 tiers: Low, Med, High

o Repeatable +1 Karma
Help the Hub Chef make a better soup +1 Karma
o At level 12+ you can do a large fetch quest
o 4000 xp + 600 caps
o If your Charisma is higher than 3, you gain +2 to Max HP
Deliver water crates for the Water Merchants
o Deliver a crate one at a time, or all at once
o Requires High Strength to perform
o Or a car/cart/Brahmin/etc
o Travel to San Fran, Den, and Broken Hills
o Pays 1000 caps + 3000 xp + Random Low Reward
o +15 Water Merchant Rep + Hub Rep +1 Karma
o Must have positive rep with the Water Merchants to repeat quest
o If you lose a crate, claim one from the Crate Unloading Job in that town
Collect the local threat report for the Far Go Traders
o Travel to Junktown, Boneyard, and Library
o Collect report from Lex, Dyer, and Nicole
o 1200 xp + 1000 caps + 12 Hub + FarGo rep +1 Karma
Fulfill Bulk Order Deeds for the Foundry
o Sell 8x Alloys 500 xp + 300 caps
o Sell 8x Elec Parts 500 xp + 400 caps
o Sell 8x Steel Clubs 500 xp 400 caps
o Sell 8x Metal Parts 500 xp 200 caps
o Receive Bulk Order Reward Low+Foundry
o Can lower your HP via dialog for Sadists
o Might need Nerf
o Repeatable
Vera Lieun collects Lighters 50 xp + 50 caps per Lighter
o Repeatable
Help a local find a Gamma Gulp Beer 150 xp + Cheesy Poofs +1 Karma
o If youre rude you cant do the quest
Help a man break into the Thieves Guild 300 xp
o Trade set of Lockpicks for choice of level item/weapon/armor
o If youre a cop from the Hope quest, totally kill him
Father Confessor wants you to murder some kids 100 xp + 100 caps - -10 Karma
o 12+ children spawn at random location
o Repeatable
Play Russian Roulette at the Bunker Bar
o New Gambling Feature
o Double your money, or Die
Several Caravan Guards need a few things +1 Karma
o Generic Fetch quests

o Chained together
o Rewards lead to other guards
Deputy Kelly needs you to kill rats 350 xp 250 caps
o Large group of Mutated Rats/ Pigrats appear at random location
o Repeatable +1 Karma
o 1 hour cooldown
Sell Drugs in the Hub 200 xp + 120-160 caps per Dose
o Various Gangers will always buy drugs
o Jet, Buffout, Mentats, Psycho
o Might need Nerf
Sell Gecko pelts in the Hub
o Sell 1 or 12 of Silver, Gecko, Fire pelts


Junktown Brewery Chain Quest

o Bring 30x Wood + 500 xp
o Bring 80x Fruit + 500 xp
o Bring 1x HQ Alloy + 500 xp
o Players get various amounts of alcohol as a reward
o 8x Beers, 5x Booze, 5x Gamma, 4x Rotgut
o Assault Rifle + 120 5mm AP + 1 Karma
o You can give the husband a Super Tool Kit
o 500 xp + Needler Pistol + Mag Laser Pistol + Cigs + Blow up Doll
o Can talk to the son, either gain or lose Karma.
o Can give him 1x Cigs + 1x Lighter for 500 xp and -3 Karma
Junktown Blackmail
o If you have less than 25 Karma you can do an evil mission
o Confront a cheating wife one of three ways
o A) Screw over both
2000 xp + 2000 caps 25 Karma -500 JT rep 100 Hub + Rangers rep
o B) Tell Truth
1200 xp + 500 caps + Cattle Prod + Club + 1 Karma -50 JT rep
o C) Go along with the Blackmail
1250 xp + 1000 caps + -10 Karma -250 JT rep -50 Hub rep
The Lonely Man
o Give Cats Paw mag
o +1 Karma + 150 xp
Scout Captain Lex
o Repeatable Combat Job
o Kill 15+ Mutated Molerats/ Pig Rats
o Kill 15+ Vipers
o 750 xp + 500 caps + 1 Karma + 18 JT rep

Junktowns Family Doctor

o If you have 50+ Doctor can do Chain Quest + New Job
o Need to have 1x Doctors Bag + 1x First Aid Kit on you all times
o Examine first child -> 1000 xp + 1 Karma +30 JT rep
o Second child -> 1000 xp + 1 Karma + 30 JT rep
o Third child -> 1500 xp + 1 Karma + 50 JT rep
o Once complete you can come back every 72 hours and gain
o 2000 xp + 1 Karma + 38 JT rep
Grishams Story
o Buy a drunk in the bar near entrance a beer, and listen to him
o 150 xp + 1 Karma + 50 JT rep
Crafting Hall Musicians
o Theres 3 NPCs in the crafting area
o One needs a Wrench -> to play percussion
o One needs a Tool -> to play rhythm
o One needs a Gamma -> to sing
o Together they make an easter egg if you think about it
Viper Bulk Order
o Bring in generic raider gear for caps + xp + random item
o 6x Mausers, 6x Leather Jackets, 6x Leather Caps, or 100x Mauser rounds
o 500 xp + 100 caps for pistols
o 625 xp + 225 caps for LJackets
o 472 xp + 72 caps for Helmets
o 500 xp + 100 caps for 9mm
o Bulk Order Reward Low
Walking Dead
o Kill an army of 30+ ghouls -> repeatable
o 3000 xp + 1000 caps + 1 Karma + 32 JT rep 18 necro
o Bulk Order Reward Junk
Hat Seller
o Sell Bulk Order Helmets
o 8x Leather Caps, Helmets, Metal Masks, Combat Helmets
o Progressive reward
o 500 xp 500 xp 600 xp 750 xp for combat helmets
o 300, 400, 500, 600 caps
o BOReward Low / Junk for higher tier items
Killians Night Terror
o Investigate around town
o Find out whats causing problems
o Go to Klamath, Collect 50x Meat
o Kill Deathclaw boss
o 1500 xp + 2000 caps +1 Karma + 100 JT rep + Super Sledge
Scavenger Job

o Junktown mine will hire you as a scavenger

o Repeatable. Bring one at a time.
o 50x Wood, 15x Junk, 30x Xander + Broc, 6x Elec Parts, 60x Fibers, 80x Fruit
o 3500 xp + 2000 caps + BOReward Junk +1 Karma
o Positive rep +9 with LA HUB JT NCR REGS SCGRS FREET
Trent Burham
o Repeatable slave job
o Sell 10x raw Ore or Minerals
o 25 caps for Ore 30 caps for Minerals + 50 xp
o Adds points to his world tracker
o Will do something with it eventually -> Community Quest
Drinking Contest
o Costs 10x Rotgut to gamble with a Mutant
o Must pass 3 stages at 40% success rate each time
o You win a BOReward Hub
Old Woman
o Talk to the old woman -> 175 xp
Scared Drunk
o If doing the Deathclaw quest
o Buy him a beer -> +1 Karma + 175xp
Poor Labourer
o Bring him a shovel -> 250 xp + 1 Karma + 30 JT rep
Dying Son
o Bring 1x Antidote -> 225 xp + 1 Karma + 50 JT rep
Heavy Smoker
o Bring 24x Smokes -> 500 xp + 1200 caps + 1 Karma
Ford Crystler
o Hires you to go talk to the Hub
o Return + 300 xp + 300 caps + 1 Karma + 50 JT + Hub rep
o Unlocks Bulk Order Junk for weapons Low for resources
o Bring 6x 10mm Pistol 500 xp 500 caps
o 6x Eagle 500 xp 500 caps
o 6x 44 Magnum 500 xp 500 caps
o 6x Leather Armor 500 xp 500 caps
o 35x Metal Parts 500 xp 500 caps
o 50x Gunpowder 500 xp 500 caps
o 50x Junk 500 xp 300 caps
o 50x Wood 500 xp 125 caps
Sun Kill Moon
o Go kill a Boss after level 12
o 1250 xp + 2500 caps + 1 Karma + 50 rep all towns
o +2 Wakazashi Blades
Vault Renegade

o Go kill a Boss after level 12

o 3000 xp + 3000 caps + 1 Karma + 12 Rangers rep
o 14mm Pistol + 10mm Smg + 6 Stims
Murder a Family
o Evil quest, must have less than 25 Karma
o 3000 xp + 3000 caps + Flamer + Iguana 25 Karma 300 Rep for all

L.A + Boneyard

Dogs of La
o Buffed reward
o 200x of random ammo, or 2x random rocket
o 2 Hour Cooldown
o Added BOReward Low
Faction War
o Nicole can recruit you into the Followers
o Gain repeatable end game combat job
o New bulk order -> Bring Laser Pistols or SEC
o World Tracker for score
o More to come
Boneyard Bulk Order for the Vipers
o Sell 8x Knives 500 xp 300 caps
o Sell 8x Combat Knives 500 xp 500 caps
o Sell 8x Brass Nucks 450 xp 450 caps
o Sell 8x Spiked Nucks 500 xp 700 caps
o Sell 24x Molotovs 200 xp + 50 caps
o Pass intel (7) + speech check (50)-> 400 xp + 1 Karma
o Bulk Order Reward Low
Museum of Natural Achievement
o Once youve hit 1000 kills in any critter type
o Return for a Trophy + 10,000 xp
Leather Jacket Bulk Order
o Sell 24x Leather Jackets -> 2500 xp + 1146 caps + BOReward Junk
o Pay her 1000 caps if you pass a speech check (80)
o Disables her but gets you 1000 xp + 1 Karma + 100 trader rep
Floater Army
o Repeatable -> Kill 30-40 Mean Floaters + Centaurs -> 2 hour cooldown
o 3000 xp 3000 caps + BOReward Hub+Junk +1 Karma +7 La rep


High Tier Bulk Order

o Sell 6x MA MK2, Adv Flamer, M60, MiniGun, Laz Rifle, SStims, RLaunchers,
Snipers, or CA

o 1500 xp + caps to 3000 xp + caps

o Must be level 12+
Condoms for Reno Bulk Order
o Sell 12x Red or Green Condom
o 300 xp + 231 caps
NCR Police Quest
o After completing the Hubs Police Quest you can become a Detective in NCR
o Complete 4 cases from 4 different Detectives. Unlock Full CA suit.
o Solve NCR Sex Trade -> 3000 xp + 2000 caps + CA Helmet + Rep/Karma
o Save a Little Girls life -> 3000 xp + 2000 caps + AR xt Mag/ 120x + Rep/Karma
o Stop a Serial Killer -> 3000 xp + 2000 caps + CA/ 3x SStims + Rep/Karma
o Stop the Assassination of Tandi -> 3000 xp + 2000 caps + 14mm Pistol/120x +
Shades+ Rep/Karma +(Random depending on Outcome)
o This quest has multiple outcomes -> Good, Bad, and Neutral
o Good/Neutral endings Unlock a new Job
o Bad = You Murder President Tandi yourself
o Killing the President ends the story, grants you 10k xp, and massive Karma/Rep
loss. You can return to Tibbett and murder her as well for another 5k. No items.
Join the Dharmanian Religion
o Part of the Religious War
o Same Features as the others
Help Doctor Henry
o Henry hires you to talk to Doc Jubilee
o 100 xp + your choice of medical item
o Stimpak, Radaway, Caps, or Karma + double XP
Dorothys Bulk Order
o Sell 8x Motion Sensors, or Geiger Counters
o 800 xp + 500 caps + BORJunk
Dozen Fetch Quests by Petrolz
o 500 to 1000 xp + Karma/ Rep Reward
True Love
o Deliver a love letter to Dorothy
o 200 xp + Your choice of item + Karma/Rep
o Weapon, armor, tool, medical stuff
Merks Bounties
o Kill a mini Boss
o 500 xp + 1000 caps
o If you have the Neutral Ending to the Police Quest you unlock a new bounty job
o Kill random mini boss -> 1000 xp + 500 caps + Karma/Rep + Club
Donate Junk to Ratch
o 75x Junk = +1 Karma + 400 xp
o Good way to grind Karma and make up for your mistakes
Champion Spawn

o Kill a Big Boss every 18 hours

o 5000 xp + 1000 caps + Bulk Order Reward Junk Hub Low
Easter Egg Quest for Styles
o Bring 1x Radio + Multi tool for 500 xp
Bring Stimpaks to Seymour
o 100x Stimpaks for Seymour
o 3000 xp + 14mm Pistol
Bathroom Troubles
o Bring a man some Radaway
o 350 xp + Random Items
Kill President Tandi for Tibbett
o Tibbett will pay you 1 million caps to kill President Tandi
o Massive Karma/ Rep Loss
Sell Jet to Vortis Bulk Order
o Vortis buy 12x Jet for 750 xp + 1200 caps + BOR Low

San Francisco

DarkWeeks Quests
o Quest for Uranium
o Work with Ban Chao and set up two trade routes in Broken Hills and Necropolis
o Unlocks 2 new Uranium Vendors
o Unlocks San Fran Necropolis Take Over Chain Quest
Bai Ling Bulk Order (Unlockable)
o Deliver 20x HQ Alloys or 40x Elec Parts
o 3k xp + 1.5k caps BOR Hub for HQ Alloys
o 2k xp + 1k caps BOR Hub for Elec Parts
Donnie Yen
o Trade a Fuel Cel Controller
o 1k xp + caps + BOR Junk + Low
Felix Malard Bulk Order
o Sell 6x Ripper, MA, MA Helmet, or Power Fist
o 3k xp + caps + BOR Low + Hub
o Must be Level 12+
The Forest Adventure
o Solve impossible dialog puzzle
o Must be level 20+
o 6000 xp + BOR Hub + Junk
Hu Jintao Bulk Order (Unlockable)
o Sell 500x Flamer MK2 ammo
o 1000x Small Energy Cels
o 1k xp + 1k caps + BOR Junk

o Kill a boss
o Must be Level 12+
o 5k xp + 5k caps + BOR Junk + Super Cattle Prod + 2 Plasma Grenade + 50 MFC
San Marino
o Kill a group of mini bosses
o Repeatable. Must be Level 12+
o 4k xp + 2.5k caps +Karma + BOR Hub
Ming-Na Bulk Order (Unlockable)
o 40x HQ Metal Parts or 40x HQ Gunpowder
o 4k xp + 2k caps + BOR Junk
Hubology Religion
o Part of the Religious Wars
o Same Features as others


Bring some Nuka Cola to the Jazz Man

o 34x Nuka Cola for 4k xp + Super Sledge, Toolkit, Cattle prod, Stimpak +
Talk to Thrane
o 1000 xp
Buy Uranium from Ringhold
o If Unlocked

Broken Hills

Learn how to Hit Harder from Francis

o Bring him 10x Green Condoms + 10x Rubber Dolls
o Gain 4500xp +4 Melee Damage
o Must be Level 32+ Unarmed >124 STR >8

New Reno

Father Tulleys Blessing

o Bring him 10x of each Alcohol + 3x TV Dinners
o Receive +2 Max HP, +3 Laser Resist 3k xp
o Must be Level 29+ Speech >99 Intel >6
Christian Religion
o Part of the Religious Wars
o Same Features as others


Purchase a Player Farm from Jo

o 300k unlocks a new private location

o Plant crops, Raise Brahmin, perform fetch quests, etc

o Generate Income every 1 hour based on your profits
o Turn 1000 Farm Dollars into 500 xp, or 250 caps
o Use Farm Dollars to unlock new features for your Farm!
o Works with a Hit Point system, if your Farm dies costs 30k to repair
Faction Farmer has been improved.
o Cooldown reduced to 1 hour per action

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