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Student Name: ___________________________

ID #: ______________

English 1-2 Course Syllabus

Instructor: Rachel Mabey
Class Website:

Course Title: English 1-2

Grade: 9th
Room: 601

Welcome to Ninth Grade English at Everett Alvarez High School! I am looking forward to having a
great year reading, writing, thinking, discussing, and sharing ideas with each one of you.
Course Description
This course introduces students to analysis of literature by combining reading, writing, speaking, and listening
using oral and written English language conventions to prepare students for higher level English courses and
testing. Through essay writing, creative projects, and formal speeches, students will develop their use of the
writing process. Students will read texts from various genres including poetry, novel, non-fiction, and drama.
II. Major Units
Each quarter during the school year will cover a different genre of reading and writing. The four units that we
will be covering are as follows.
- Quarter 1: Reading- Short Stories; Writing- Literary Analysis, Informative, and Explanatory
- Quarter 2: Reading- Poetry; Writing- Informative and Explanatory
- Quarter 3: Reading- Plays; Writing- Argumentative
- Quarter 4: Reading- Greek Poetry; Writing- Argumentative
The texts we will be covering are:
- Of Mice and Men (possibly)
- Various short stories from McDougal Littell textbook
- The Odyssey

- Poetry Unit
- Romeo and Juliet

III. Grading
It is possible to succeed in my class if you apply yourself. I will do everything in my power to ensure your
succeed, but ultimately you are responsible for your own success. If you are concerned about your assignments,
be sure to regularly check the Home Access Center (you will find a link on the class website).
The grade for this class will be based on four categories:
- Writing Assignments (includes essays and benchmarks)
- Performance (Includes AR and presentations)
- Exams (includes tests, quizzes, and final exams)
- Classwork (includes most homework/classwork assignments)
Final letter grades will be assigned as follows:
- A
100 - 90%
- B
89 - 80%
- C
79 - 70%
- D
69 - 60%
- F
59 - 0%
Citizenship Grades will be assigned based on attendance (tardies and absences), assignment completion, and
classroom behavior. To receive an O students must have no tardies, only excused absences, and must have all
work turned in on time. A student automatically receives a U if they are tardy five times. A student can also
receive a U by demonstrating poor work ethic, which is done by not earning a passing grade.
- O
- S

Student Name: ___________________________

ID #: ______________

- U
*Receiving a U may exclude a student from school athletics and
I do allow students to make up failed formative assessments. The only tests that cannot be retaken are final/unit
exams. Students will be informed ahead of time if the test cannot be retaken.
IV. Recommended Materials
Please bring the following to class every day:
- Blue or black ink pen
- Pencil and eraser
- Highlighter
- Binder paper (loose leaf or in a notebook, must be able to tear out of notebook)
- Textbook/Novel (when necessary)
You will need a binder for this class with 4 dividers. You will need this by Monday August 8th!
V. Rules and Expectations
- All rules and policies outlined in the Everett Alvarez Student Handbook are
also in effect.
- Personal Electronics: We will occasionally use electronic devices in class.
Students will be clearly notified when it is an appropriate time to use personal electronic devices.
If a phone or other device is being used at an inappropriate time, students will be given a
warning and the device may be confiscated.
- Academic Language: As this is a formal English class, it is essential that we all
practice formal, academic English during class time. This means that, during class and in all
assignments for this class, there is no place for text speak, or informal, casual slang. This
applies to both spoken and written language. The only exception for this rule is when studying or
writing modern poetry. Please use your words carefully and artfully, always use complete
sentences, and speak like the intelligent young adults I know you are.
- There will be NO gum or food in class! Any student caught with gum or food
will be asked to throw it out and may receive further consequences if the behavior continues.
*Note- severity of behavior or history of non-compliance may result in a higher level of action taken.
1st Offence: Verbal Warning
2nd Offence: Detention
3rd Offence: Call home
4th Offence: Referral
VI. Student Guidelines:
- Homework
- Homework will be given at least three times a week and will be due the following
class period, unless otherwise stated.
- Students are responsible for reading at least 20 minutes per night in their AR
- Please remember that your job right now is to be a student. You should remain
professional in your work which means your work should look clean and nice. If I cannot read
your handwriting I cannot give you a grade!
- Late work
- Unless there is a prior agreement with the teacher, all assignments are expected to
be turned in on time. For every day the assignment is late, it will automatically be dropped by
10% of its original worth. According to the Education Code, a student has one day to make up

Student Name: ___________________________

ID #: ______________

for missed work for every day absent. When a student returns from an excused absence, a student
is expected to request missing work from the teacher at an appropriate time.
Missed assignments
- If you miss an assignment, please speak to me about it after class, before or after
school, or at lunch. When I am starting or in the middle of class is not the time to say you
werent here. It is your responsibility to get missing work.
- Students are expected to participate in class in a productive and polite manner. I
will not tolerate rude or disrespectful comments to anyone in the classroom.
- Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to work.
- There are four major essays each year. Failure to turn in an essay will result in an
Incomplete for the quarter or semester until the essay is completed. Incomplete grades
automatically become an F after two weeks.
- Students will be participating in several group projects and presentations.
Students are expected to give 100% of their effort into these projects and will be graded on their
effort and professionalism during these presentations.
Written Assignments
- All written assignments are subject to the plagiarism and cheating guidelines
provided in the student handbook.

VII. Tardy Policy:

In accordance with the school wide tardy policy, students who are not in the classroom when the final class bell
rings will be marked tardy. An unexcused tardy will result in the student losing the 5 possible participation
points for that day. Five tardies during a grading period will result in a U for citizenship.
VIII. In-Class Interventions Provided:
- If you are having trouble with any of the material that we cover please let me know so that we
can set up a time to go over it one-on-one. I am always available before and after school and most days
at lunch to go over assignments and answer any questions you might have.
- If you continue to have trouble keeping up study hall and tutoring sessions will be offered after

Please remember, I dont give Fs and I dont give As. You earn your grade. It is entirely up to you. Please dont
hesitate to come to me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am here to help you!

Student Name: ___________________________

ID #: ______________

X. Signature: This page is due on Monday, August 10.

I _______________________________, the parent/guardian of _______________________________, have
read and understood the syllabus for English 1-2 and the policies regarding late work, behavior, and grades. I
am aware of the responsibilities my student will have this year in English and am also aware of the
consequences my student will face should he/she engage in academically dishonest behavior.


I _______________________________ have read and understood the syllabus for English 1-2 and the policies
regarding late work, behavior, and grades. I am aware of the responsibilities I will have this year in English and
am also aware of the consequences I will face should I engage in academically dishonest behavior.


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