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Human being is one of Gods greatest creation.

He created us as top of all of

his creation in this world. We have the greatest knowledge among other living
creatures, and we have the power to sustain and develop what did God gave us. We
are once part of his paradise but through the sin, we are punished and we began to
find our new home. Using the knowledge that God gave us, human began to
develop and create a new environment. We started to build our own shelters so that
we can protect ourselves in any means of danger from our surrounding. And then
people began to multiply and grow and build a community from different areas and
location. And to support the basic needs of a human being, we started to work from
the area where greatest opportunities can be achieve. We began to enhance a place
and make it a center of the transactions and different kind of businesses or what we
call now the downtown or city.
We are all part of a community small or even a large one. We all have the
right to socialize to each other to have a better group formation. We are joining to a
group because we believe that we have the same perspectives in life. There is an
old saying that, birds with same feather, flocks together. This is the reason why
there are lots of different groups in a community because each individual have their
own differences and they will go with someone they have something in common. I
cannot say that my beliefs are the same with other beliefs. We have our own minds
that give us enough interpretation on how we react on a given situation or
Urban places are created through urbanization. It is a human settlement with
high population density. But do you think that we have only one perspective on how
see an urban area? If a person from rural area wants to go to an urban place like a
city and he ask What would a city look like? or What is an urban area look like?
Someone will say that, it is full of struggles, a noisy environment or a place that is
full of different kinds of crimes. You cannot easily say that this statement is wrong.
We cannot deny it because it is the other face of the city. But then again if you ask
somebody with same question given, they can be having two different answers.
Someone also sees the city a place with full of opportunities. If you were a
hardworking person, you can easily and surely find any kind of job that is suitable
for you here in the city. It is a perfect place to start a business, different varieties of
cars and other vehicles. There is presence of countless busy people and you can
notice that more than half of them are well educated. The gigantic buildings and
most of them are really remarkable and amazing. Different works of Architecture

and Engineering, the place where latest technologies are given. And of course the
different color of light that makes the environment clear and enhances its beauty
when the night pass by. We must accept the truth that the image of the city has
different faces and it depends on how you see it.
You cannot just agree to what did the other people said about the city unless you
experience it and you really have been part of it. It really depends on you, on how
you really appreciate the image of the city. Learn it and try to experience it yourself
and then you can give your opinion and ideas on what is a city, or what is the real
image of the city.
This is how the city interprets by most of the people living in the area. But









Psychologist and others, they can site other description of a city. For example, they
see or interpret an urban area as the construction of the space on vast scale, the
forms and public areas, and the most important, the perception of the people living
in the city. This may be deep but this how they think of it. They have different ideas
that represent a city. They are not just a wandering people but can say that they are
really keen observers. They analyze and studied on the different concepts of the
space before they finally go to the idea on what is the image of a city or what is an
urban area.
Designing and creating a structure is not only the role of architecture. We are
not just providing a design that will make our client and users satisfied but it is more
on how we will going to make their lives comfortable. There are more about being
an Architect. They go through a lot of hardships before they come up to what could
be the best solution on the problem. But aside from studying on a kind of structure
they are going to make, they also become a psychologist/sociologist themselves. It
is really important to know what is the importance of this two before you give your
solution. Studying human behavior and how the society or the environment reacts
makes an architect more efficient. It is an incredible valuable work to understand
how people perceive, inhabit and move around in the urban landscape. It shows
that urban space is not just composed of its physical characteristics but equally by
representations in mental aspects.
I concluded that there are more about an urban area. It is not only on its
physical but more on mental aspects. And if we were going to study it, then it will
lead us to an original and vital method for the evaluation of the urban formation. It
will also show the potential value as a guide for the building and rebuilding of the

cities. And as an Architecture student, I will be more aware on planning. I learned

that a citys form really meant a lot on the people living there. Studying sociology
and psychology becomes our guide on how we will going to provide the dwellers
their suitable environment. If you were a city planner, you must really be an
effective and good one because it is in your hands on how you can make the citys
image more vivid and memorable to the city dweller. To appreciate the others what
did you make, you must respect their culture. You cannot just impose them or give
what do you want, but make something what do they need.








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